1,382 research outputs found

    Image operator learning coupled with CNN classification and its application to staff line removal

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    Many image transformations can be modeled by image operators that are characterized by pixel-wise local functions defined on a finite support window. In image operator learning, these functions are estimated from training data using machine learning techniques. Input size is usually a critical issue when using learning algorithms, and it limits the size of practicable windows. We propose the use of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to overcome this limitation. The problem of removing staff-lines in music score images is chosen to evaluate the effects of window and convolutional mask sizes on the learned image operator performance. Results show that the CNN based solution outperforms previous ones obtained using conventional learning algorithms or heuristic algorithms, indicating the potential of CNNs as base classifiers in image operator learning. The implementations will be made available on the TRIOSlib project site.Comment: To appear in ICDAR 201

    AI2D-RST : A multimodal corpus of 1000 primary school science diagrams

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    This article introduces AI2D-RST, a multimodal corpus of 1000 English-language diagrams that represent topics in primary school natural sciences, such as food webs, life cycles, moon phases and human physiology. The corpus is based on the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence Diagrams (AI2D) dataset, a collection of diagrams with crowdsourced descriptions, which was originally developed to support research on automatic diagram understanding and visual question answering. Building on the segmentation of diagram layouts in AI2D, the AI2D-RST corpus presents a new multi-layer annotation schema that provides a rich description of their multimodal structure. Annotated by trained experts, the layers describe (1) the grouping of diagram elements into perceptual units, (2) the connections set up by diagrammatic elements such as arrows and lines, and (3) the discourse relations between diagram elements, which are described using Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST). Each annotation layer in AI2D-RST is represented using a graph. The corpus is freely available for research and teaching.Peer reviewe

    Research of future furniture design : exploring trends and aesthetics in futurism

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    Conceptual furniture that appear in many movies can be a great source of inspiration. Unique artifacts are intended to create a sense of place within the physical and psychological context of the movie. Many science-fiction movies upgrade and expand perspectives to feature the technical nature of the background. Inside those films, intriguing furniture play a huge role to create the space and such different furniture designs. Imagining the specific characteristics of the designs that seem as though they belong in outer space, how do they contribute to the overall environment? Current furniture design spans a wide range of genres, and many recent movie films describe many new spaces with existing furniture. These designs illustrate a completely different environment, especially in science-fiction films that take place in outer space. The current technological trends affect the ongoing development of furniture design, and this thesis explores recent, past, and current trends to imagine a potential trend in the furniture industry. Therefore, my design research will find elements that explain future design and feature a body of work examining the next future furniture trends. I will develop a design process that integrates new technologies and making of furniture pieces

    Digital production management of the pagelaran Ketoprak Mataram program in RRI Yogyakarta during Covid-19 pandemic

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    This research was motivated by the important role of digital content production management at the Ketoprak Mataram RRI Programa 4 Yogyakarta event and how to implement health protocols during the pandemic. This paper aims to find out how to manage digital content production for the Mataram Ketoprak Show program and the application of health protocols during the production of the RRI Program 4 Yogyakarta Ketoprak Mataram Show program during the pandemic. The method used is a case study method while data collection techniques are carried out by in-depth interviews, observation, documentation, and archival recordings. The results showed that during the production process due to the pandemic, RRI Programa 4 Yogyakarta employees had succeeded in designing new strategies and concepts to continue to hold the Mataram Ketoprak Performance. They use the media in the form of Live Streaming via the YouTube platform @RRIJOGJAOFFICIAL. The production management model that is applied to the intended digital content can go through several stages, namely pre-production, production, and post-production. In addition, good health protocols have also been implemented properly to minimize the spread of COVID-19 virus transmission at all stages carried out during the production process. at the Ketoprak Mataram Program RRI Program 4 Yogyakarta has been implemented and implemented well, as well as the implementation of health protocols according to the standards that have been set during the pandemic

    Understanding the Characteristics of Successful Projects and Post-Campaign Activities in a Crowdfunding Platform

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    Online crowdfunding platforms provide project creators with new opportunities for seeking funds from people in the world. But reaching a fund-raising goal or making a project successful is always a challenge. Besides, little is known about post-campaign activities of project creators and backers. To fill the gap, in this research, we are interested in understanding (i) the characteristics of successful projects, (ii) how project creators reacted when their projects failed, and (iii) what post-campaign activities creators and backers made. To achieve our research objectives, first, we analyzed successful projects and failed projects on Kickstarter, the most popular crowdfunding platform. Then we clustered successful projects by their evolutionary patterns in terms of pledged money toward understanding what efforts project creators should make in order to make a project successful and get more pledged money. We also analyzed what activities project creators and backers made during a post-campaign period by building topic models from comments associated with the projects

    Constructing the Mangaverse : narrative patterns in Marvel’s appropriation of manga products

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    It´s well known that the major global comic producers are Japan and U.S. There are not so many countries where this medium has achieved this importance not only as high-quality producers but also as powerful creators of contents. In fact, there is also a long history of mutual influence between media and their narratives within these countries. Sequential Language -that in Japan mainly corresponds to manga medium-, has been influenced by other western serial media, especially TV and comic. This may be particularly the case of manga beginnings as well as other related media such as kamishibai (Nash, 2009) and e-monogatari (Holmberg, 2011). In its constant search of new themes, Japanese manga industries have invaded some fields that were exclusive of American market many years ago. On the second half of the last century, the popularity of comic-book characters motivated the adaptation of their stories to manga medium (Jiro Kuwata´s Batman, Ryoichi Ikegami´s Spiderman...). The creation of these products is the next logical step following the transnationalization of capital between Japanese and American industries. We refer to the transnationalization of narrative elements, which are gradually forming a shared international scale image, very similar to that defined as ‘Global Cultural’ (During, 1997)
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