22 research outputs found

    Choice of device to view video lectures: an analysis of two independent cohorts of first-year university students

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    Video lectures and mobile learning devices have become prominent, but little is known about device choices for watching video lectures. The setting for this study, a university that provided perpetual access to personal computers and free tablet devices to all first-year students, provided a unique opportunity to study device choice in a setting where both tablets and personal computers were perpetually available. Weekly video lectures on a first-year module were made from October to April in two independent cohorts of students. YouTube analytics were used to record data on device usage for video lecture views. Tablets were initially used for almost 70% of views. However, tablet usage declined throughout the academic year, and tablets were overtaken by personal computers as the preferred device in the second half of the academic year. Findings suggest that an initial preference for using tablets to view video lectures lasts only a few months

    Efektivitas Bahan Ajar Audio Visual MYOB dalam Pembelajaran Praktika Komputer Akuntansi

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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji coba secara terbatas efektivitas bahan ajar audio visual MYOB dalam pembelajaran Praktika Komputer Akuntansi yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian Tahap I. Target luaran berupa hasil ujicoba lapangan skala kecil dan revisi produk bahan ajar audio visual MYOB, yang dibutuhkan untuk persiapan produk akhir pada penelitian Tahap III. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan disain penelitian One-Shot Case Study dan Intact-Group Comparison. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar audio visual MYOB efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran Praktika Komputer Akuntansi dengan tercapainya KKM minimal atau sama dengan 75, walaupun tidak terdapat perbedaan ketuntasan belajar MYOB antara kelompok mahasiswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran Praktik Komputer Akuntansi yang menggunakan Bahan Ajar Audio Visual dan Bahan Ajar Modul cetak.Abstract:This research is aimed to limitedly examine the effectiveness of MYOB audio visual teaching material in Computerized Accounting Practicum which is developed in Phase I. The outcome target is the small-scale try out results and the revision of MYOB audio visual teaching material which are required for  the research in Phase III. This research used experimental methodology with One-Shot Case Study and Intact-Group Comparison research designs. Based on the research result, it can be concluded that MYOB audio visual teaching material is effective in Computerized Accounting Practicum learning with the level of Minimum Mastery Criteria reaches greater than or equal to 75. However, there is no difference in MYOB learning mastery between the group of students who have Computerized Accounting learning with audio visual teaching material and the ones who have printed modul material

    Evaluation of the development process and effects of a foot care program with educational tools for nurses and care workers as in-home service providers

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    Objective: Nurses and care workers who provide in-home services play important roles in assessing and providing care for older people who lack foot self-care abilities. We aimed to evaluate the development process and effects of a foot care program with educational tools for nurses and care workers as in-home service providers. This is a process evaluation with a descriptive mixed-methods study of quantitative and qualitative data conducted from July to October 2019 in Japan.Results: Foot care education tools were developed to address the issues faced by participants with various work patterns and insufficient foot care education in Japan. The contents of these tools were discussed by a panel and reviewed by experts. Three outcomes were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson's correlation. Changes in foot care practice scores were significantly correlated with performance scores. The evaluations of five of the eight field nurses suggested that excess information was included in the foot care booklet. Overall, 29 nurses and care workers showed higher than average evaluation scores [3.8-4.1 (standard deviation, 0.62-0.91)] for the motion pictures and PowerPoint presentation. A program according to this conceptual framework must be established and periodically evaluated for refinement. Trial Registration The trial registration number for the University Hospital Medical Information Network is UMIN000036307. Registration Date-2019/07/25.</p

    OpenFING: A Project based on a Digital Library of Recorded Courses

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    The OpenFING Project is an initiative by students for students, based on the creation and use of a digital video library of higher education courses, where students record video from standard lectures. The project attempts to address issues such as overcrowded lecture halls and students who work full time and thus cannot attend normal lectures. Today OpenFING seeks its consolidation along with an undergraduate introductory course on audiovisual and multimedia production. The project must be considered as a basis on which professors and students can develop teaching and learning innovations respectively, including different computer tools to support teaching and learning. In this article we describe the current status of OpenFING, six years after its creation; we describe the first study of how students and teachers perceive the initiative; and we conclude suggesting further developments

    Student production of pencasting e-learning videos: what drives engagement?

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    This research paper shares innovative practice on a final year undergraduate module at a British university in which students create e-learning videos about key theories and concepts within their disciplinary field, Communication and Media. It analyses two student videos published on a class YouTube channel - one of them the most popular video on the channel, driving thirty times as many subscribers as the other - to develop understanding of factors affecting engagement. The videos use pencasting, an animation technique which has been shown to improve engagement, to visually represent and explain educational concepts and theories. This paper sets out current thinking on video as an educational tool, student video production, and the characteristics of engaging video content. Next, the module and assessment design are shared, together with an outline of teaching to support the pencasting production element. In conclusion, educators are encouraged to consider designing assessments in which students produce e-learning videos about key concepts and theories within their field of study, and five practical suggestions are offered for creators (both students and faculty) to improve engagement (1) create videos with a high proportion of visual representation, focusing on smooth, continuous flow approaches such as pencasting; (2) provide practical value through clear and simple explanation; (3) consider viewer emotional responses to the video; (4) create thumbnails that articulate the visual representation approach employed; and (5) employ an extensive range of tags to improve performance in search results

    An Educational Project Based on a Digital Library of Filmed Courses

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    In this chapter we describe the experience developed around OpenFING, a project based on a digital library of filmed courses. We highlight OpenFING as an initiative of students for students that has obtained the support of the Engineering School of Universidad de la República (Uruguay). Currently, OpenFING seeks its consolidation along with an undergraduate course of initiation to audiovisual and multimedia production. The project aims to be an engine to develop educational innovations and different computer tools to support teaching and learning. The objective is to transform OpenFING into an effective collaborative and interactive open learning platform. From the evidence collected by this work, we can conclude that OpenFING is perceived by students and some teachers as an appropriate resource complementary to learning

    Video use in lecture classes: Current practices, student perceptions and preferences

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    Purpose: Despite the expansion of e-learning, higher education still involves live lectures, which students often see as “boring”. Lecture classes can be made more engaging and effective by including videos. However, empirical research is yet to report on current video use in lectures, or on student perceptions of and preferences for videos. The purpose of this paper is to fill that knowledge gap. Design/methodology/approach: A two-stage mixed-method study used focus groups to gain a rich understanding of student’s video experiences, preferences and the types of videos they are shown. These understandings were utilised in a detailed on-line survey questionnaire, which was completed by a diverse sample of 773 university students, who responded about their recent in-class video experiences. Findings: Students report that about 87 per cent of lecture classes included one or more videos. This paper reports on instructor practices, develops a video typology and reports on students’ preferred frequency, type of video, video source, video length and existing vs preferred video integration methods. Practical implications: The results provide useful information for educational administrators. Recommendations are made for effective use of videos in lectures by instructors. Originality/value: This is the first qualitative and survey research investigating current practice and student perceptions of video use during lecture classes. The authors also conduct the first survey with a broad sample across universities and academic disciplines using the unit of analysis of videos seen per course last week. Typologies of sources of videos, instructional functions, video facilitation techniques and types of videos used during lectures are proposed and then measured

    Patrones de uso de vídeos didácticos: un estudio cuantitativo en estudiantes universitarios

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    [ES] Este trabajo estudia la percepción, por parte de los alumnos de estudios de Grado, de la disponibilidad de vídeos complementarios a la enseñanza en el aula, así como el momento de visualización de los mismos, con el objetivo de identificar su patrón de uso y utilidad percibida, un paso inicial hacia futuras intervenciones de flip-teaching. El análisis se ha realizado en tres grupos, uno del grado de Administración de Empresas, y dos del doble grado de Administración de Empresas y Derecho, durante el curso 2018-19, en una asignatura de tipo cuantitativo (Modelos Cuantitativos), cuyo contenido es necesario para otras asignaturas posteriores, entre ellas la de Dirección Operaciones, del tercer año del grado. El patrón de uso de los vídeos, que han recibido un total de 7281 visualizaciones, ha sido analizado mediante la metodología Box-Jenkins, ajustando un modelo tipo ARIMA e identificando los atípicos de la serie. Los resultados apuntan a que los alumnos perciben como útiles estos vídeos, aunque más como una herramienta de ayuda en la preparación de exámenes que como un instrumento para repasar los contenidos a medida que se han ido impartiendo.Todos los autores han participado en la idea, diseño del estudio, recogida y/o análisis e interpretación de los datos, en la redacción de la versión inicial del artículo así coo en la revisión crítica de su contenido intelectual[EN] This paper analyzes the perception, on the part of Grade students, of the availability of videos complementary to classroom teaching, as well as the moment of visualization of the same, with the aim of identifying their use pattern and perceived usefulness, an initial step towards future flip-teaching interventions. The analysis has been carried out in three groups, one of the Business Administration degree, and two of the double degree of Business Administration and Law, during the academic year 2018-19, in a quantitative subject (Quantitative Models), the content of which is necessary for subsequent subjects, including Operations Management, in the third year of the grade. The use pattern of the videos, which received a total of 7281 views, was analysed using the Box-Jenkins methodology, adjusting an ARIMA model and identifying the atypical values in the series. The results indicate that the students perceive these videos as useful, although more as a tool to help in the preparation of exams than as an instrument to review the contents.All authors have participated in the idea, study design, collection and/or analysis and interpretation of the data, in the draft of the paper and in the critical review of their intellectual contentArroyo-Barrigüete, JL.; López-Sánchez, JI.; Minguela-Rata, B.; Rodriguez-Duarte, A. (2019). Use patterns of educational videos: a quantitative study among university students. WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management. 10(2):1-19. https://doi.org/10.4995/wpom.v10i2.1262511910

    Persian ITAs and Speech Comprehensibility: Using CAPT for Pronunciation Improvement

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    Abstract It has been shown in the past that International Teaching Assistants (ITAs) struggle with phonological and communication issues in the classroom (Pickering, 1999; 2001). This issue leads to misunderstandings between ITAs and undergraduate students, frustrating them both as well as the parents of the students and the departments. However, studies have shown that with the right training, ITAs can focus on suprasegmental features, improving their speech comprehensibility and intelligibility (Gorusch, 2011). This study investigates the effect of Computer Assisted Pronunciation Teaching (CAPT) via tutorial videos and visual feedback on the improvement of ITAs’ speech comprehensibility. Across 5 US universities, 60 Persian ITAs, a video group (n=20), a visual feedback group(n=21), and a control group (n=19), completed an oral production pretest and recorded five diagnostic sentences plus spontaneous speech files. Over the next six weeks, all groups received in-person non-CAPT instruction, but the video group received and watched extra eight tutorial videos designed to target suprasegmental features and the feedback group was exposed to Praat visual feedback. Participants were also paired with a pronunciation tutor who provided instruction and feedback once a week. A perception posttest was administered, and the same 5 sentences with the spontaneous talk were once again recorded. The pre-and post-treatment sentences were then rated by 169 undergraduate students for comprehensibility. The findings of this study provide a greater understanding of how explicit instruction of pronunciation through CAPT can improve the speech comprehensibility of ITAs. The number of international people in academic and professional contexts is rising, it is necessary to guide them through appropriate instruction to improve their communication quality. The results of this study suggest that even short intervention programs that include targeted in-person tutoring, tutorial videos, and visual feedback may improve ITAs’ communications. Results also imply the need for pronunciation support for ITAs in their respective academic institutions