92 research outputs found

    Exploring Second Life® for online role-playing training

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    Exploring second life as a learning environment for computer programming

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    Computer programming can be challenging for beginners because of the need to understand abstract programming concepts. In this paper, we study the use of the Second Life (SL) virtual world for learning computer programming concepts. We conduct an empirical study for learning computer programming in SL by addressing affordances of SL for experiential problem-based learning pedagogies. We present preliminary findings, the promises and the limitations of Second Life as an environment for learning computer programming

    Visualisation of semantic architectural information within a game engine environment

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    Because of the importance of graphics and information within the domain of architecture, engineering and construction (AEC), an appropriate combination of visualisation technology and information management technology is of utter importance in the development of appropriately supporting design and construction applications. We therefore started an investigation of two of the newest developments in these domains, namely game engine technology and semantic web technology. This paper documents part of this research, containing a review and comparison of the most prominent game engines and documenting our architectural semantic web. A short test-case illustrates how both can be combined to enhance information visualisation for architectural design and construction

    Exploring Second Life for Effective English as a Foreign Language and Culture Learning(Special Issue Dedicated to Professor TAKENAKA Teruo)

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    Learning a foreign language and culture successfully requires a process that does not feel artificial. If teachers can incorporate authentic materials and provide the opportunity for students to communicate directly with speakers of a foreign culture, learning can feel like a real and meaningful experience. However, learning English in classrooms and campuses in Japan is a process that often remains foreign and therefore far-reaching and possibly unattainable until one has the opportunity to go abroad. Affordances of the internet and real-time communication tools, however, can help bridge the gap to learning a foreign language and culture, as well as bring a sense of immediacy and relevancy to learning without having to leave the country. Live multi-user social sites such as Second Life allow a participant to explore and communicate in the target language and culture with users from around the world. In addition to being able to practice English reading, writing, listening and speaking, learners are exposed to cultural concepts and artifacts in the form of an animated simulation of real life. This virtual reality space allows for not only passive exposure to language forms and cultural mannerisms, but encourages learners to be active and creative in using their own knowledge and skills in a collaborative manner to learn, acquire and share new information. This is ideal for preparation to go abroad in real life on one\u27s own. The following paper will discuss how Second Life can be effective in increasing learners\u27 fluency in the English language and how the site, although a simulation of reality, can provide useful cultural information through visual and social interaction. It will also discuss how the site, in addition to traditional forms of literacy, can also help to improve learners\u27 digital literacy and general computing skills in the target language. Gaining mobility in a virtual environment such as Second Life may be a suitable and effective learning program for young adults because it can be entertaining, engaging and motivating on a personal level

    Business simulation "Virtual hotel" as a method of facilitating profeesional language acquisition in hospitality higher education curriculum

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    The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the need to introduce innovative pedagogical technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language to future specialists in the hospitality industry. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the computer business simulation “Virtual Hotel” in teaching the discipline “Foreign language in the field of professional communication”. The method of this study, along with the general scientific, is the modeling of the educational process, focused on the development of linguistic, socio-cultural and professional competences in the course of teaching a foreign language to future specialists in the hospitality industry.Актуальность выбранной темы обусловлена необходимостью внедрения инновационных педагогических технологий в процесс обучения иностранному языку будущих специалистов индустрии гостеприимства. Целью данного исследование является оценка эффективности компьютерной бизнес-симуляции "Virtual Hotel" в преподавании дисциплины "Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации"

    Learning in a different life: Pre-service education students using an online virtual world

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    Second Life is an online virtual world that is three dimensional and uses rich graphics to allow the user to be engaged in this environment. There has been a significant increase in people using this virtual world and of those conducting research in it in the recent past. This research study analyses a project where pre-service education students accessed Second Life as part of a fourth year elective course. The students had not used this virtual world prior to being introduced to it in class. They completed a problem based learning experience in Second Life that allowed the students to explore the virtual world as well as develop an activity that could be taught to a high school class. This study used case study methodology within a qualitative research framework. Although it was only a small pilot study, results suggest that the students learned how to navigate around Second Life and were open to this new technology. Half the students reported that they would use this technology or similar technologies in the future

    Volume 45, Number 29: March 12, 2008

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    Volume 45, Number 30: March 19, 2008

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    Immersive Virtual Worlds in Educational Practice: Introducing Educators to Second Life

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    This paper reports outcomes of the second iteration of a longitudinal action research study on the affordances of Second Life for enriched online teaching and learning. Introduction to Second for Educators was a professional development opportunity offered to graduate students, faculty, and administrators as a distance course in spring 2009. Participants’ wiki reflections and exit questionnaires were analyzed to determine the effectiveness of a constructivist instructional design using guided discovery within a supportive Community of Inquiry [CoI]. Results indicate that the constructivist design ensures a level of facilitation requisite to successfully scaffolding novices’ experiential learning inworld. The CoI model is well supported in the data, with some deficits in cognitive presence. Challenges persist in the areas of technology and time. Action items for the Fall 2009 iteration include increasing activities to maximize SL affordances for building, problem solving, and peer collaboration, and adjusting measurement tools for improved future data analysis