32 research outputs found

    Manager Onboarding to Improve Retention, Knowledge, and Confidence to Lead

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    Objective: The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on manager onboarding best practices and their impact on turnover intention, knowledge, and confidence to lead teams in primary healthcare settings. Background: Primary care onboarding is often insufficient due to competing operational priorities, time constraints, lack of mentorship, and cost. With primary care increasingly the setting for affordable, coordinated, end-to-end patient care, primary care managers must be well-prepared to lead the care team. Methods: A review of the literature identified best onboarding practices associated with job satisfaction and turnover, reduced time to proficiency, increased knowledge, and confidence to lead. Findings: Appropriate onboarding can shorten the new manager’s time to proficiency, increase job satisfaction, and reduce turnover. Content-specific to onboarding managers in the primary care setting was not found. Conclusion: Strong connections exist between structured onboarding practices and improved job satisfaction, retention, and performance. Empirical research is needed to validate best practices and their impact on outcomes, specifically, role-specific onboarding for managers in primary care


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    The objective of this research is to determine the variables associated with turnover intention. I presented a literature study and as a result of this process, 23 articles are included and then examined the bibliographical references to check the validity of the inquiry. I identify several variables that affect turnover intention and affected by it. Keywords:  turnover intention; literature revie

    Onboarding som praksis – en litteraturstudie

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    Master i Human Resource Management - Nord universitet 202

    Influence of Working from Home Culture on the Effectiveness of Virtual Onboarding of New Employees

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    The COVID-19 pandemic remains a global disaster with extraordinary consequences for corporations and their people. The stresses of working from home during a pandemic are heightened for newbies entering new occupations and organizations. To address the issues concerning the rapid adoption of virtual onboarding in employment relations and human resource management practices, the paper seeks to determine whether there is a positive relationship between online orientation and training and holistic support with virtual onboarding in the context of multinational companies operating in Bangladesh. A cross-sectional survey of 110 individuals of diverse profiles from various multinational companies (MNCs) in Bangladesh is undertaken using Google Forms. The data was analyzed using SPSS 26.0. It was discovered that online orientation, online training, and holistic support play an important part in carrying out a successful virtual onboarding process for newcomers working from home. It was also found that having a strong relationship with peers, and senior coworkers is a key aspect of obtaining the assistance that new employees require in the workplace as they start. It is expected that the managers in the MNCs may regain workers' trust by strengthening their virtual or onboarding operations as a whole. The frameworks offered can guide managers in better responding to employees' needs. The successful use of virtual onboarding among the MNCs in Bangladesh is a little-explored research domain. The study findings address the gap by highlighting its effectiveness and encouraging the implication of virtual onboarding of the employees working from home in the MNCs. The study does not rule out the potential of other factors influencing virtual onboarding effectiveness, nor focus on any particular professional groups. The online survey makes it difficult to provide information on the sample's representativeness. Further research and inquiry are required to confirm the findings

    Manager Onboarding to Improve Knowledge and Confidence to Lead

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    Background: Primary care (PC) is increasingly the setting for affordable, coordinated, end-to-end patient care, with PC managers in charge of organizational performance. While PC managers are central to high-functioning teams, they often receive inadequate onboarding. Local Problem: Primary care onboarding competes with other operational priorities and faces time constraints, lack of mentorship, and cost. Context: At an integrated healthcare system, a need was identified to develop structured, role-specific onboarding for newly hired PC managers to improve knowledge and confidence to lead. Interventions: Bauer’s Four Cs framework for onboarding guided the development of a manager onboarding program for 12 new PC managers. Content drew on best practices from the literature and was informed by the knowledge gap discovered through a needs assessment. Outcome Measures: Knowledge, confidence to lead, and intent to stay were chosen to assess the impact of onboarding on the competencies of new PC managers to be successful in their roles. The metrics were percent change from pre- to post-implementation. Data to evaluate outcomes were obtained from the pre- and post-intervention surveys. Results: Confidence to lead increased 13% (t(21) = 2.33, p = .03); knowledge increased 29% ((t(21) = 2.94, p = .01). Intent to stay in the role did not show a significant increase. Conclusions: Evidence from the literature and the project results suggest strong connections between structured onboarding practices for new managers and preparedness to lead high-functioning teams. Empirical research is needed to examine the implications of onboarding relative to hire date on intent to stay in the role

    Artificial Socialization? How Artificial Intelligence Applications Can Shape A New Era of Employee Onboarding Practices

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    Onboarding has always emphasized personal contact with new employees. Excellent onboarding can, for instance, extend an employee's stay, and improve loyalty. Even in a physical setting, the onboarding process is demanding for the newcomer and the onboarding organization. However, COVID-19 has made this process even more challenging by forcing a rapid shift from offline to online organizational onboarding practices. Organizations are adopting new technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), to support work processes during the pandemic, which could shape a new era of work practices. However, it has not been studied how AI applications can or should support onboarding. Therefore, our research conducts a literature review on current onboarding practices and uses expert interviews to evaluate AI's potential and pitfalls for each action. We contribute to the literature by presenting a holistic state-of-the-art picture of onboarding practices and evaluating potential application areas of AI in the onboarding process

    The telework pet scale: Development and psychometric properties

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    This study intended to develop and validate the Telework Pet Scale (TPS). This measure aims to evaluate relevant aspects of the e-working experience related to the human-animal bond. We conducted four studies. First, we conducted a study to develop the scale, then we conducted another one to explore its factorial structure (N=359). A third study served to analyze its internal validity and reliability (N=290). A fourth study analyzed the criterion validity of the TPS, by exploring its correlations with measures of health, affect, satisfaction, and performance (N= 320 teleworkers). The findings revealed that the 8-item scale accounted for a unique factor and that it is a reliable measure. Moreover, the results also showed that the scale was significantly related to measures of health, affect, satisfaction, and performance. The cross-sectional nature of the four studies is a limitation. The TPS completes a gap in the research by providing a measure that may support organizations to evaluate and support teleworkers’ needs and their subsequent satisfaction while teleworking. This research gives a step forward in the knowledge about telework and pet-owners perceived experience of it.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Key Elements For A Successful Employee Onboarding Program

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    This capstone focuses on examining key elements of employee-onboarding success in organizations. From the literature, the author extracted three crucial factors contributing to effective onboarding models, Relationship-Building, Organizational Support, and Communication, and proposed a hypothesis: These three key elements are contributing to onboarding success. Then, the author identified four outstanding employee onboarding models from Netflix, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google, by using the criteria from several human resource specialized websites. In the analysis, the author examined the three elements in the four onboarding models and found out that all the factors contributed to employee onboarding success individually and collectively. Furthermore, the author proposed that “People” is a core value of a successful employee onboarding process for organizations. This paper strongly suggests that it would be worth pursuing with a larger study to examine the three elements and extract more factors

    Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater: Comments on "Recent Developments in PLS"

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    Evermann and Rönkkö aim to present an overview of recent advances in PLS, and while some advances are described with several useful recommendations, we argue that their article does not fully deliver on its promise. In this response, we argue that their position presents an unbalanced view, ignores several methodological advances by IS scholars. We note that several recommendations are so stringent that implementing that there are philosophical and practical differences that are insufficiently taken into account. Further, several studies that highlight the shortcomings of PLS seem to be based on specially designed cases that are not necessarily representative of typical use of PLS. In our response, we call for a more balanced debate that takes into consideration different perspectives and that studies of the performance of PLS are conducted fairly. While we do not disagree with E&R’s recommendations, the implementation of those is challenged by a lack of tool support, and we observe that besides scholars using PLS, editors and reviewers also have a responsibility to be cognizant of methodological advances. We commend E&R for their efforts in studying the limitations of PLS which have spurred several methodological advances, but also caution that we should not ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater,” by discarding PLS for its known limitations

    Incorporation of soft skills in selection processes for strategic staff 4.0 in Colombia

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    Este artículo busca, integrar de manera sinérgica en un proceso de selección, la importancia de las habilidades blandas como herramientas fundamentales para el desarrollo de cualquier trabajo en una compañía actual, y otros aspectos que se deben evaluar en un proceso de selección de personal; por otro lado busca de manera estratégica, integrar el concepto que actualmente esta en boga; los profesionales 4.0, que buscan integrar la tecnología en todos los procesos empresariales actuales, busca tener la tecnología como un aliado estratégico y no como un problema; agilizando así los procedimientos, sin dejar de lado la importancia de entender la organización como un ser complejo, donde son los seres humanos los que hacen de esta, una realidad, son la fuente de su conocimiento, razón de ser y forman la cultura. Dentro de los propósitos específicos, esta integrar nuevos componentes al proceso de selección, con el fin de evaluar si en la organización se está realizandolos de manera correcta; impactar el personal contratado por la compañía logrando disminuir la rotación, lo cual tiene ventajas económicas y de clima frente a la organización; lograr mejorar la cultura organizacional sólida y robusta; retener el personal; complementar la selección de personal, con un proceso de Onboarding y no solo tener un plan integral de formación en el cargo. El valor agregado rádica en integrar las habilidades blandas, e incorporar el componente de los profesionales 4.0, capaces de integrar la tecnología en los proceso de la organización para seleccionar de manera óptima el personal.Portada, Resumen, Introducción, Materiales y métodos, Resultados, Conclusiones y ReferenciasThe article seeks to integrate, synergistically in a selection process, the importance of soft skills as fundamental tools for the development of any job in a current company, and other aspects that experts must be evaluated in a personnel selection process; on the other hand, it seeks strategically, how integrate the concept that is currently in vogue; the 4.0 professionals, who seek to integrate technology into all current business processes, seeks to have technology as a strategic ally and not as a problem; speeding up the procedures, without neglecting the importance of understanding the organization as a complex being, where it is humans that make this a reality, they are the source of their knowledge, the core and form the organizational culture. The specific purposes, look for integrate new components into the selection process, in order to know whether the organization is performing them correctly; impact the personnel hired by the company managing to reduce turnover, which has economic and organizational climate advantages; achieve a robust and solid organizational culture; retain the staff; complement the selection of personnel, with an onboarding process and not only have a integral training plan in work position. The radical added value it is integrating soft skills, and incorporating the component of 4.0 professionals, able to integrate technology into the organization's processes to select staff in the best way