3,474 research outputs found

    Reading in the mobile era

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    Mobile technology can advance literacy and learning in underserved communities around the world. Summary Millions of people do not read for one reason: they do not have access to text. But today mobile phones and cellular networks are transforming a scarce resource into an abundant one. Drawing on the analysis of over 4,000 surveys collected in seven developing countries and corresponding qualitative interviews, this report paints the most detailed picture to date of who reads books and stories on mobile devices and why. The findings illuminate, for the first time, the habits, beliefs and profiles of mobile readers. This information points to strategies to expand mobile reading and, by extension, the educational, social and economic benefits associated with increased reading. Mobile technology can advance literacy and learning in underserved communities around the world. This report shows how

    Mobiles for Reading: A Landscape Research Review

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    This landscape review takes the broad domain of new information and communications technologies (ICTs) for education, and focuses on the fast-evolving sub-domain of mobiles for reading, or M4R. The \u27mobiles\u27 in this review primarily refer to mobile technologies— ICTs that are portable, typically battery powered, and may be connected to cellular networks and/or the Internet. The term \u27reading\u27 refers to the joint abilities of understanding and producing written language, for children, youth and adults. This review of M4R focuses primarily on the use of mobile ICTs designed to help children learn to read, practice reading (reading to learn), and acquire a broader range of learning skills that support a literate society

    The Digitalisation of African Agriculture Report 2018-2019

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    An inclusive, digitally-enabled agricultural transformation could help achieve meaningful livelihood improvements for Africa’s smallholder farmers and pastoralists. It could drive greater engagement in agriculture from women and youth and create employment opportunities along the value chain. At CTA we staked a claim on this power of digitalisation to more systematically transform agriculture early on. Digitalisation, focusing on not individual ICTs but the application of these technologies to entire value chains, is a theme that cuts across all of our work. In youth entrepreneurship, we are fostering a new breed of young ICT ‘agripreneurs’. In climate-smart agriculture multiple projects provide information that can help towards building resilience for smallholder farmers. And in women empowerment we are supporting digital platforms to drive greater inclusion for women entrepreneurs in agricultural value chains

    African languages, and information communication technologies and development

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    This study aims to comprehend the intersections between African languages and information communication technologies (ICTs) and African development and the ensuing opportunities and gaps. First, it presents the theoretical model underpinning this article. Second, it analyzes some initiatives aimed at addressing social and economic hardships whilst strengthening the African indigenous languages. Third, it points out the shortcomings in using ICTs devices to mainstream the African languages into development programs. In conclusion, we argue that the African languages and the ICTs should be in the heart of development policies in Afric

    Leveraging Technology-Mediated Adult and Distance Learning for Economic Growth in Africa#

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    Following the rudiments of contextual analysis, and based on theoretical and philosophical analyses, this paper explores how technology mediated adult and distance learning might contribute to the economic growth of Africa, all things remaining equal. It proceeds from the perspective of analysing the related contextual situations of selected countries in Africa through the brief review of Africa's technology readiness, and posited that the possible gains that could be made from the application of adult and distance learning are tacitly located in somewhat perfect management of systems and sub-systems in education and the economy. Based on this analysis, it was proposed that whatever might be the state of Internet and technology readiness Africa has achieved, the successful creation of the nexus for economic growth is circumscribed unless the continent's political stability is assured now and in the future

    Can New Modes of Digital Learning Help Resolve the Teacher Crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa?

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    Sub-Saharan Africa, more than any other part of the world, is experiencing a crisis in finding sufficiently qualified teachers to meet the needs of expanding school systems. The professional development support provided to serving teachers is also inadequate in most countries. The most recent data on learner outcomes has revealed a worrying picture of significant under-achievement across the region. This paper argues that the teacher education and training structures of the last century will never be able to meet urgent contemporary needs. Given population growth, especially among the young, large-scale expansion of the teaching force and the associated teacher education systems will be the norm through to the middle years of the century and beyond. In this context the paper argues for a significant policy shift to expand quality teacher education and professional support at scale through a more school-based and digitally supported network model of provision. Examples of current digital programmes within the region are considered as well as the new technologies that are emerging with relevance to teacher education. The paper suggests a three-phase process through which national governments might move in making the necessary changes in policy and practice


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    Many of the research approaches to smartphones actually regard them as more or less transparent points of access to other kinds of communication experiences. That is, rather than considering the smartphone as something in itself, the researchers look at how individuals use the smartphone for their communicative purposes, whether these be talking, surfing the web, using on-line data access for off-site data sources, downloading or uploading materials, or any kind of interaction with social media. They focus not so much on the smartphone itself but on the activities that people engage in with their smartphones

    Towards gender equality: gender aware it

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    This dissertation focus around the issues of technological development and gender inequality in sub-Saharan Africa. It departs from a general analysis on the tech situation in SSA and focus on policy analysis using an analytical framework where the subjects of information technology and gender inequality come into dialogue. In these terms, it problematizes limited access and unequal distribution of opportunities in technological markets for women, strikingly strong in this region. Outlining the main socio-economic and cultural determinants for this type of situation, this dissertations intends to provide a link to Senegal's case. Jiggen Tech initiative launched in Senegal address the complex inequality issues quite comprehensively and offer a valuable example for other alike states to adopt the mechanisms developed through the variety of projects closely analyzed in the thesis. Finally, the dissertation summarizes and critically assesses the positive effects of these initiatives on gender inequality issue.Esta dissertação foca-se no desenvolvimento tecnológico e desigualdade de género na África subsariana. Parte de uma análise geral sobre a situação da tecnologia nesta região e de uma análise das políticas, usando um quadro analítico onde as tecnologias de informação e a desigualdade de género dialogam. Nestes termos, problematiza o acesso limitado e desigual distribuição de oportunidades aos mercados de tecnologia por parte das mulheres, particularmente vincados no continente. Analisando os grandes determinantes socioeconómicos e culturais, esta dissertação faz a ponte para o caso do Senegal através do estudo da iniciativa Jiggen Tech, lançada precisamente para dar resposta à complexidade das desigualdades. Jiggen Tech fornece um exemplo relevante para outros Estados e sublinha a possível adopção de mecanismos desenvolvidos nos diversos projetos analisados nesta dissertação. Finalmente, a dissertação sumariza e avalia criticamente os impactos positicos destas iniciativas relativas à questão da desigualdade de género


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    Abstract Community Movement for Healthy Living (GERMAS) is a government program that promotes healthy living in Indonesia. This study seeks to investigate the perspective of primary care health professionals on the development of GERMAS tools in order to facilitate the transformation of health services. The research utilized a qualitative design and Rapid Assessment Procedures approach, collecting data through focus group discussions in Sleman Regency in 2023. Futher we analyze GERMAS activities, strengths and weaknesses, instrument development, and challenges. Result showed that according to health worker perspectives the implementation of Germas is crucial for improving public health in communities. However, barriers include limited funding, uneven distribution of efforts, and lack of role models. Digital literacy is needed to address these issues, including knowledge, disease history, prevention, and access to consultations with health providers. This literacy should be accessible, easy to understand, and small in size to avoid consuming large storage device data. So we conclude that health provider need a comprehensive GERMAS tool to support and controlling the implementation of GERMAS to increase health prevention and promotion