14 research outputs found

    The Effect of Disease-induced Mortality on Structural Network Properties

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    As the understanding of the importance of social contact networks in the spread of infectious diseases has increased, so has the interest in understanding the feedback process of the disease altering the social network. While many studies have explored the influence of individual epidemiological parameters and/or underlying network topologies on the resulting disease dynamics, we here provide a systematic overview of the interactions between these two influences on population-level disease outcomes. We show that the sensitivity of the population-level disease outcomes to the combination of epidemiological parameters that describe the disease are critically dependent on the topological structure of the population's contact network. We introduce a new metric for assessing disease-driven structural damage to a network as a population-level outcome. Lastly, we discuss how the expected individual-level disease burden is influenced by the complete suite of epidemiological characteristics for the circulating disease and the ongoing process of network compromise. Our results have broad implications for prediction and mitigation of outbreaks in both natural and human populations.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    A generative model for protein contact networks

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    In this paper we present a generative model for protein contact networks. The soundness of the proposed model is investigated by focusing primarily on mesoscopic properties elaborated from the spectra of the graph Laplacian. To complement the analysis, we study also classical topological descriptors, such as statistics of the shortest paths and the important feature of modularity. Our experiments show that the proposed model results in a considerable improvement with respect to two suitably chosen generative mechanisms, mimicking with better approximation real protein contact networks in terms of diffusion properties elaborated from the Laplacian spectra. However, as well as the other considered models, it does not reproduce with sufficient accuracy the shortest paths structure. To compensate this drawback, we designed a second step involving a targeted edge reconfiguration process. The ensemble of reconfigured networks denotes improvements that are statistically significant. As a byproduct of our study, we demonstrate that modularity, a well-known property of proteins, does not entirely explain the actual network architecture characterizing protein contact networks. In fact, we conclude that modularity, intended as a quantification of an underlying community structure, should be considered as an emergent property of the structural organization of proteins. Interestingly, such a property is suitably optimized in protein contact networks together with the feature of path efficiency.Comment: 18 pages, 67 reference

    Disassortativity in Biological and Supply Chain Networks

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    Network science has allowed researchers to model complex real world systems as networks in order to identify non trivial topological patterns. Degree correlations (or assortativity) is one such non trivial topological property, which indicates the extent to which nodes with similar degrees tend to pair up with each other. Biological networks have long been known to display anti-degree correlations (disassortativity), where highly connected nodes tend to avoid linking with each other. However, the mechanism underlying this structural organisation remain not well understood. Recent work has suggested that in some instances, disassortativity can be observed merely as a model artefact due to simple network representations not allowing multiple link formations between the node pairs. This phenomena is known as structural disassortativity. In this paper, we analyse datasets from two distinct classes of networks, namely; man made supply chain networks and naturally occurring biological networks. We examine whether the observed disassortativity in these networks are structurally induced or owing to some external process. Degree preserving randomisation is used to generate an ensemble of null models for each network. Comparison of the degree correlation profiles of each network, against that of their degree preserving randomised counterparts reveal whether the observed disassortativity in each network is of structural nature or not. We find that in all biological networks, the observed disassortativity is of structural nature, meaning their disassortative nature can be fully explained by their respective degree distributions, without attribution to any underlying mechanism which drives the system towards disassortativity. However, in supply chain networks, we find one case where disassortativity is structurally induced and in other cases where it is mechanistically driven. We conclude by emphasizing on ruling out structural disassortativity in future research, prior to investigating mechanisms underlying disassortativity in networks

    Exposing Fake Images with Forensic Similarity Graphs

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    We propose new image forgery detection and localization algorithms by recasting these problems as graph-based community detection problems. To do this, we introduce a novel abstract, graph-based representation of an image, which we call the Forensic Similarity Graph, that captures key forensic relationships among regions in the image. In this representation, small image patches are represented by graph vertices with edges assigned according to the forensic similarity between patches. Localized tampering introduces unique structure into this graph, which aligns with a concept called ``community structure'' in graph-theory literature. In the Forensic Similarity Graph, communities correspond to the tampered and unaltered regions in the image. As a result, forgery detection is performed by identifying whether multiple communities exist, and forgery localization is performed by partitioning these communities. We present two community detection techniques, adapted from literature, to detect and localize image forgeries. We experimentally show that our proposed community detection methods outperform existing state-of-the-art forgery detection and localization methods, which do not capture such community structure.Comment: 16 pages, under review at IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processin

    Network-based analysis reveals differences in plant assembly between the native and the invaded ranges

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    Associated with the introduction of alien species in a new area, interactions with other native species within the recipient community occur, reshaping the original community and resulting in a unique assemblage. Yet, the differences in community assemblage between native and invaded ranges remain unclear. Mediterranean grasslands provide an excellent scenario to study community assembly following transcontinental naturalisation of plant species. Here, we compared the community resemblance of plant communities in Mediterranean grasslands from both the native (Spain) and invaded (Chile) ranges. We used a novel approach, based on network analysis applied to co-occurrence analysis in plant communities, allowing us to study the co-existence of native and alien species in central Chile. This useful methodology is presented as a step forward in invasion ecology studies and conservation strategies. We found that community structure differed between the native and the invaded range, with alien species displaying a higher number of connections and, therefore, acting as keystones to sustain the structure within the invaded community. Alien species acting like keystones within the Chilean grassland communities might exacerbate the threat posed by biological invasions for the native biodiversity assets. Controlling the spread of the alien species identified here as keystones should help managing potential invasion in surrounding areas. Network analyses is a free, easy-to-implement and straightforward visual tool that can be widely used to reveal shifts in native communities and elucidate the role of multiple invaders into communitie

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    A Comparative Study of Cluster Detection Algorithms in Protein–Protein Interaction for Drug Target Discovery and Drug Repurposing

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    The interactions between drugs and their target proteins induce altered expression of genes involved in complex intracellular networks. The properties of these functional network modules are critical for the identification of drug targets, for drug repurposing, and for understanding the underlying mode of action of the drug. The topological modules generated by a computational approach are defined as functional clusters. However, the functions inferred for these topological modules extracted from a large-scale molecular interaction network, such as a protein–protein interaction (PPI) network, could differ depending on different cluster detection algorithms. Moreover, the dynamic gene expression profiles among tissues or cell types causes differential functional interaction patterns between the molecular components. Thus, the connections in the PPI network should be modified by the transcriptomic landscape of specific cell lines before producing topological clusters. Here, we systematically investigated the clusters of a cell-based PPI network by using four cluster detection algorithms. We subsequently compared the performance of these algorithms for target gene prediction, which integrates gene perturbation data with the cell-based PPI network using two drug target prioritization methods, shortest path and diffusion correlation. In addition, we validated the proportion of perturbed genes in clusters by finding candidate anti-breast cancer drugs and confirming our predictions using literature evidence and cases in the ClinicalTrials.gov. Our results indicate that the Walktrap (CW) clustering algorithm achieved the best performance overall in our comparative study

    Quantum and Classical Multilevel Algorithms for (Hyper)Graphs

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    Combinatorial optimization problems on (hyper)graphs are ubiquitous in science and industry. Because many of these problems are NP-hard, development of sophisticated heuristics is of utmost importance for practical problems. In recent years, the emergence of Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers has opened up the opportunity to dramaticaly speedup combinatorial optimization. However, the adoption of NISQ devices is impeded by their severe limitations, both in terms of the number of qubits, as well as in their quality. NISQ devices are widely expected to have no more than hundreds to thousands of qubits with very limited error-correction, imposing a strict limit on the size and the structure of the problems that can be tackled directly. A natural solution to this issue is hybrid quantum-classical algorithms that combine a NISQ device with a classical machine with the goal of capturing “the best of both worlds”. Being motivated by lack of high quality optimization solvers for hypergraph partitioning, in this thesis, we begin by discussing classical multilevel approaches for this problem. We present a novel relaxation-based vertex similarity measure termed algebraic distance for hypergraphs and the coarsening schemes based on it. Extending the multilevel method to include quantum optimization routines, we present Quantum Local Search (QLS) – a hybrid iterative improvement approach that is inspired by the classical local search approaches. Next, we introduce the Multilevel Quantum Local Search (ML-QLS) that incorporates the quantum-enhanced iterative improvement scheme introduced in QLS within the multilevel framework, as well as several techniques to further understand and improve the effectiveness of Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm used throughout our work