1,202 research outputs found

    A fault-tolerant last level cache for CMPs operating at ultra-low voltage

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    Voltage scaling to values near the threshold voltage is a promising technique to hold off the many-core power wall. However, as voltage decreases, some SRAM cells are unable to operate reliably and show a behavior consistent with a hard fault. Block disabling is a micro-architectural technique that allows low-voltage operation by deactivating faulty cache entries, at the expense of reducing the effective cache capacity. In the case of the last-level cache, this capacity reduction leads to an increase in off-chip memory accesses, diminishing the overall energy benefit of reducing the voltage supply. In this work, we exploit the reuse locality and the intrinsic redundancy of multi-level inclusive hierarchies to enhance the performance of block disabling with negligible cost. The proposed fault-aware last-level cache management policy maps critical blocks, those not present in private caches and with a higher probability of being reused, to active cache entries. Our evaluation shows that this fault-aware management results in up to 37.3% and 54.2% fewer misses per kilo instruction (MPKI) than block disabling for multiprogrammed and parallel workloads, respectively. This translates to performance enhancements of up to 13% and 34.6% for multiprogrammed and parallel workloads, respectively.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    An Experimental Study of Reduced-Voltage Operation in Modern FPGAs for Neural Network Acceleration

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    We empirically evaluate an undervolting technique, i.e., underscaling the circuit supply voltage below the nominal level, to improve the power-efficiency of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) accelerators mapped to Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Undervolting below a safe voltage level can lead to timing faults due to excessive circuit latency increase. We evaluate the reliability-power trade-off for such accelerators. Specifically, we experimentally study the reduced-voltage operation of multiple components of real FPGAs, characterize the corresponding reliability behavior of CNN accelerators, propose techniques to minimize the drawbacks of reduced-voltage operation, and combine undervolting with architectural CNN optimization techniques, i.e., quantization and pruning. We investigate the effect of environmental temperature on the reliability-power trade-off of such accelerators. We perform experiments on three identical samples of modern Xilinx ZCU102 FPGA platforms with five state-of-the-art image classification CNN benchmarks. This approach allows us to study the effects of our undervolting technique for both software and hardware variability. We achieve more than 3X power-efficiency (GOPs/W) gain via undervolting. 2.6X of this gain is the result of eliminating the voltage guardband region, i.e., the safe voltage region below the nominal level that is set by FPGA vendor to ensure correct functionality in worst-case environmental and circuit conditions. 43% of the power-efficiency gain is due to further undervolting below the guardband, which comes at the cost of accuracy loss in the CNN accelerator. We evaluate an effective frequency underscaling technique that prevents this accuracy loss, and find that it reduces the power-efficiency gain from 43% to 25%.Comment: To appear at the DSN 2020 conferenc

    Toward Reliable, Secure, and Energy-Efficient Multi-Core System Design

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    Computer hardware researchers have perennially focussed on improving the performance of computers while stipulating the energy consumption under a strict budget. While several innovations over the years have led to high performance and energy efficient computers, more challenges have also emerged as a fallout. For example, smaller transistor devices in modern multi-core systems are afflicted with several reliability and security concerns, which were inconceivable even a decade ago. Tackling these bottlenecks happens to negatively impact the power and performance of the computers. This dissertation explores novel techniques to gracefully solve some of the pressing challenges of the modern computer design. Specifically, the proposed techniques improve the reliability of on-chip communication fabric under a high power supply noise, increase the energy-efficiency of low-power graphics processing units, and demonstrate an unprecedented security loophole of the low-power computing paradigm through rigorous hardware-based experiments

    Compilation Optimizations to Enhance Resilience of Big Data Programs and Quantum Processors

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    Modern computers can experience a variety of transient errors due to the surrounding environment, known as soft faults. Although the frequency of these faults is low enough to not be noticeable on personal computers, they become a considerable concern during large-scale distributed computations or systems in more vulnerable environments like satellites. These faults occur as a bit flip of some value in a register, operation, or memory during execution. They surface as either program crashes, hangs, or silent data corruption (SDC), each of which can waste time, money, and resources. Hardware methods, such as shielding or error correcting memory (ECM), exist, though they can be difficult to implement, expensive, and may be limited to only protecting against errors in specific locations. Researchers have been exploring software detection and correction methods as an alternative, commonly trading either overhead in execution time or memory usage to protect against faults. Quantum computers, a relatively recent advancement in computing technology, experience similar errors on a much more severe scale. The errors are more frequent, costly, and difficult to detect and correct. Error correction algorithms like Shor’s code promise to completely remove errors, but they cannot be implemented on current noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) systems due to the low number of available qubits. Until the physical systems become large enough to support error correction, researchers instead have been studying other methods to reduce and compensate for errors. In this work, we present two methods for improving the resilience of classical processes, both single- and multi-threaded. We then introduce quantum computing and compare the nature of errors and correction methods to previous classical methods. We further discuss two designs for improving compilation of quantum circuits. One method, focused on quantum neural networks (QNNs), takes advantage of partial compilation to avoid recompiling the entire circuit each time. The other method is a new approach to compiling quantum circuits using graph neural networks (GNNs) to improve the resilience of quantum circuits and increase fidelity. By using GNNs with reinforcement learning, we can train a compiler to provide improved qubit allocation that improves the success rate of quantum circuits

    Exploiting Natural On-chip Redundancy for Energy Efficient Memory and Computing

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    Power density is currently the primary design constraint across most computing segments and the main performance limiting factor. For years, industry has kept power density constant, while increasing frequency, lowering transistors supply (Vdd) and threshold (Vth) voltages. However, Vth scaling has stopped because leakage current is exponentially related to it. Transistor count and integration density keep doubling every process generation (Moore’s Law), but the power budget caps the amount of hardware that can be active at the same time, leading to dark silicon. With each new generation, there are more resources available, but we cannot fully exploit their performance potential. In the last years, different research trends have explored how to cope with dark silicon and unlock the energy efficiency of the chips, including Near-Threshold voltage Computing (NTC) and approximate computing. NTC aggressively lowers Vdd to values near Vth. This allows a substantial reduction in power, as dynamic power scales quadratically with supply voltage. The resultant power reduction could be used to activate more chip resources and potentially achieve performance improvements. Unfortunately, Vdd scaling is limited by the tight functionality margins of on-chip SRAM transistors. When scaling Vdd down to values near-threshold, manufacture-induced parameter variations affect the functionality of SRAM cells, which eventually become not reliable. A large amount of emerging applications, on the other hand, features an intrinsic error-resilience property, tolerating a certain amount of noise. In this context, approximate computing takes advantage of this observation and exploits the gap between the level of accuracy required by the application and the level of accuracy given by the computation, providing that reducing the accuracy translates into an energy gain. However, deciding which instructions and data and which techniques are best suited for approximation still poses a major challenge. This dissertation contributes in these two directions. First, it proposes a new approach to mitigate the impact of SRAM failures due to parameter variation for effective operation at ultra-low voltages. We identify two levels of natural on-chip redundancy: cache level and content level. The first arises because of the replication of blocks in multi-level cache hierarchies. We exploit this redundancy with a cache management policy that allocates blocks to entries taking into account the nature of the cache entry and the use pattern of the block. This policy obtains performance improvements between 2% and 34%, with respect to block disabling, a technique with similar complexity, incurring no additional storage overhead. The latter (content level redundancy) arises because of the redundancy of data in real world applications. We exploit this redundancy compressing cache blocks to fit them in partially functional cache entries. At the cost of a slight overhead increase, we can obtain performance within 2% of that obtained when the cache is built with fault-free cells, even if more than 90% of the cache entries have at least a faulty cell. Then, we analyze how the intrinsic noise tolerance of emerging applications can be exploited to design an approximate Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). Exploiting the ISA redundancy, we explore a set of techniques to approximate the execution of instructions across a set of emerging applications, pointing out the potential of reducing the complexity of the ISA, and the trade-offs of the approach. In a proof-of-concept implementation, the ISA is shrunk in two dimensions: Breadth (i.e., simplifying instructions) and Depth (i.e., dropping instructions). This proof-of-concept shows that energy can be reduced on average 20.6% at around 14.9% accuracy loss

    Impact of Transient Faults on Timing Behavior and Mitigation with Near-Zero WCET Overhead

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    As time-critical systems require timing guarantees, Worst-Case Execution Times (WCET) have to be employed. However, WCET estimation methods usually assume fault-free hardware. If proper actions are not taken, such fault-free WCET approaches become unsafe, when faults impact the hardware during execution. The majority of approaches, dealing with hardware faults, address the impact of faults on the functional behavior of an application, i.e., denial of service and binary correctness. Few approaches address the impact of faults on the application timing behavior, i.e., time to finish the application, and target faults occurring in memories. However, as the transistor size in modern technologies is significantly reduced, faults in cores cannot be considered negligible anymore. This work shows that faults not only affect the functional behavior, but they can have a significant impact on the timing behavior of applications. To expose the overall impact of faults, we enhance vulnerability analysis to include not only functional, but also timing correctness, and show that faults impact WCET estimations. As common techniques to deal with faults, such as watchdog timers and re-execution, have large timing overhead for error detection and correction, we propose a mechanism with near-zero and bounded timing overhead. A RISC-V core is used as a case study. The obtained results show that faults can lead up to almost 700% increase in the maximum observed execution time between fault-free and faulty execution without protection, affecting the WCET estimations. On the contrary, the proposed mechanism is able to restore fault-free WCET estimations with a bounded overhead of 2 execution cycles

    Exploiting Application Behaviors for Resilient Static Random Access Memory Arrays in the Near-Threshold Computing Regime

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    Near-Threshold Computing embodies an intriguing choice for mobile processors due to the promise of superior energy efficiency, extending the battery life of these devices while reducing the peak power draw. However, process, voltage, and temperature variations cause a significantly high failure rate of Level One cache cells in the near-threshold regime a stark contrast to designs in the super-threshold regime, where fault sites are rare. This thesis work shows that faulty cells in the near-threshold regime are highly clustered in certain regions of the cache. In addition, popular mobile benchmarks are studied to investigate the impact of run-time workloads on timing faults manifestation. A technique to mitigate the run-time faults is proposed. This scheme maps frequently used data to healthy cache regions by exploiting the application cache behaviors. The results show up to 78% gain in performance over two other state-of-the-art techniques
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