20 research outputs found

    Ekstraksi Logis Forensik Mobile pada Aplikasi E-Commerce Android

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    Pesatnya perkembangan aplikasi android, terutama aplikasi di bidang e-commerce dan transaksi jual beli online yang populer di Indonesia, memaksa pengguna untuk memberikan izin untuk menggunakan fitur dan layanan aplikasi selama pemasangan dan pasca pemasangan. Kurangnya pemahaman pengguna akan resiko dari izin akses yang diminta oleh aplikasi sebelum atau setelah melakukan instalasi menjadikan celah pada keamanan data pengguna untuk mengakses fitur pada perangkat smartphone seperti kamera, media penyimpanan, kontak, akun dan fitur lainnya. Logical Extraction Method menjadi metode yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan data aplikasi dengan mengakusisi seluruh data file sistem pada smartphone menggunakan bantuan tools MOBILedit Forensic, TWRP (Team Win Recovery Project), dan Aplikasi Migrate. Akusisi data dari masing-masing aplikasi akan diambil Android Package File (APK) yang digunakan untuk proses analisis secara statis dengan menggunakan Tools Forensic MobSF (Mobile Security Framework). Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang dilakukan pada tiga aplikasi teratas e-commerce terdapat 51 izin akses dan dari tiga aplikasi e-commerce terpopuler di Indonesia dengan tingkat keamanan paling berbahaya dengan 49 izin akses, 7 izin akses normal dan 1 izin akses tanda tangan. Aplikasi lazada terdapat 21 izin akses berbahaya yang tidak diketahui pengguna sedangkan aplikasi Tokopedia terdapat 4 izin akses berbahaya yang tidak diketahui pengguna dan aplikasi Blibli.com terdapat 1 izin akses berbahaya yang tidak diketahui pengguna. Berdasarkan temuan celah keamanan dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi e-commerce yang digunakan oleh penggunanya memungkinkan pula disisipi sebuah malware atau virus sejenis yang berpeluang dalam penggambilan data pribadi penggunanya. The rapid development of android applications, especially applications in the field of e-commerce and online buying and selling transactions that are popular in Indonesia, force users to give permission to use the features and services of the application during installation and post-installation. Lack of user understanding of the risk of access permissions requested by the application before or after installation creates a gap in the user's data security to access features on smartphone devices such as cameras, storage media, contacts, accounts, and other features. Logical Extraction Method is a method used to obtain application data by acquiring all system file data on smartphones using the help of MOBILedit Forensic tools, TWRP (Team Win Recovery Project), and Migrate Applications. Data acquisition from each application will be taken by Android Package File (APK) which is used for the static analysis process using Tools Forensic MobSF (Mobile Security Framework). Based on the results of an analysis conducted on the top three e-commerce applications there are 51 access permits and of the three most popular e-commerce applications in Indonesia with the most dangerous level of security with 49 access permits, 7 normal access permits, and 1 signature access permit. The Lazada application has 21 dangerous access permits that the user does not know while the Tokopedia application has 4 dangerous access permits that the user does not know and the Blibli.com application has 1 dangerous access permit that the user does not know about. Based on the findings of a security hole, it can be concluded that the e-commerce application used by its users also allows the insertion of a malware or virus that has the opportunity to capture the user's personal data

    Effective Secure Data Agreement Approach-based cloud storage for a healthcare organization

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    In recent days, there has been a significant development in the field of computers as they need to handle the vast resource using cloud computing and performing various cloud services. The cloud helps to manage the resource dynamically based on the user demand and is transmitted to multiple users in healthcare organizations. Mainly the cloud helps to reduce the performance cost and enhance data scalability & flexibility. The main challenges faced by the existing technologies integrated with the cloud need to be solved in managing the data and the problem of data heterogeneity. As the above challenges, mitigation makes the services more data stable should the healthcare organization identify the malware. Developed countries are utilizing the services through the cloud as it needs more security. In this work, a secure data agreement approach is proposed as it is associated with feature extraction with cloud computing for healthcare to examine and enhance the user parties to make effective decisions. The proposed method classifies into two components. The first component deals with the modified data formulation algorithm, used to identify the relationship among variables, i.e., data correlation, and validate the data using trained data. It helps to achieve data reduction and data scale development. In the second component, Feature selection is used to validate the model using subset selection to determine the model fitness based on the data. It is necessary to have more samples of different Android applications to examine the framework using factors like data correctness and the F-measure. As feature selection is a concern, this study focuses on Chi-square, gain ratio, information gain, logistic regression analysis, OneR, and PCA

    Android App Security -A Survey

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    Compartmentation policies for Android apps:A combinatorial optimization approach

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    Some smartphone platforms such as Android have a distinctive message passing system that allows for sophisticated interactions among app components, both within and across app boundaries. This gives rise to various security and privacy risks, including not only intentional collusion attacks via permission re-delegation but also inadvertent disclosure of information and service misuse through confused deputy attacks. In this paper, we revisit the perils of app coexistence in the same platform and propose a risk mitigation mechanism based on segregating apps into isolated groups following classical security compartmentation principles. Compartments can be implemented using lightweight approaches such as Inter-Component Communication (ICC) firewalling or through virtualization, effectively fencing off each group of apps. We then leverage recent works on quantified risk metrics for Android apps to couch compartmentation as a combinatorial optimization problem akin to the classical bin packing or knapsack problems. We study a number of simple yet effective numerical optimization heuristics, showing that very good compartmentation solutions can be obtained for the problem sizes expected in current’s mobile environments

    Behavioral Model For Live Detection of Apps Based Attack

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    Smartphones with the platforms of applications are gaining extensive attention and popularity. The enormous use of different applications has paved the way to numerous security threats. The threats are in the form of attacks such as permission control attacks, phishing attacks, spyware attacks, botnets, malware attacks, privacy leakage attacks. Moreover, other vulnerabilities include invalid authorization of apps, compromise on the confidentiality of data, invalid access control. In this paper, an application-based attack modeling and attack detection is proposed. Due to A novel attack vulnerability is identified based on the app execution on the smartphone. The attack modeling involves an end-user vulnerable application to initiate an attack. The vulnerable application is installed at the background end on the smartphone with hidden visibility from the end-user. Thereby, accessing the confidential information. The detection model involves the proposed technique of an Application-based Behavioral Model Analysis (ABMA) scheme to address the attack model. The model incorporates application-based comparative parameter analysis to perform the process of intrusion detection. The ABMA is estimated by using the parameters of power, battery level, and the data usage. Based on the source internet accessibility, the analysis is performed using three different configurations as, WiFi, mobile data, and the combination of the two. The simulation results verify and demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed model

    A Hybrid Approach for Android Malware Detection and Family Classification

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    With the increase in the popularity of mobile devices, malicious applications targeting Android platform have greatly increased. Malware is coded so prudently that it has become very complicated to identify. The increase in the large amount of malware every day has made the manual approaches inadequate for detecting the malware. Nowadays, a new malware is characterized by sophisticated and complex obfuscation techniques. Thus, the static malware analysis alone is not enough for detecting it. However, dynamic malware analysis is appropriate to tackle evasion techniques but incapable to investigate all the execution paths and also it is very time consuming. So, for better detection and classification of Android malware, we propose a hybrid approach which integrates the features obtained after performing static and dynamic malware analysis. This approach tackles the problem of analyzing, detecting and classifying the Android malware in a more efficient manner. In this paper, we have used a robust set of features from static and dynamic malware analysis for creating two datasets i.e. binary and multiclass (family) classification datasets. These are made publically available on GitHub and Kaggle with the aim to help researchers and anti-malware tool creators for enhancing or developing new techniques and tools for detecting and classifying Android malware. Various machine learning algorithms are employed to detect and classify malware using the features extracted after performing static and dynamic malware analysis. The experimental outcomes indicate that hybrid approach enhances the accuracy of detection and classification of Android malware as compared to the case when static and dynamic features are considered alone

    Significant Permission Identification for Android Malware Detection

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    A recent report indicates that a newly developed malicious app for Android is introduced every 11 seconds. To combat this alarming rate of malware creation, we need a scalable malware detection approach that is effective and efficient. In this thesis, we introduce SigPID, a malware detection system based on permission analysis to cope with the rapid increase in the number of Android malware. Instead of analyzing all 135 Android permissions, our approach applies 3-level pruning by mining the permission data to identify only significant permissions that can be effective in distinguishing benign and malicious apps. Based on the identified significant permissions, SigPID utilizes classification algorithms to classify different families of malware and benign apps. Our evaluation finds that only 25% of permissions (34 out of 135 permissions) are significant. We then compare the performance of our approach, using only 25% of all permissions, against a baseline approach that analyzes all permissions. The results indicate that when Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used as the classifier, we can achieve over 90% of precision, recall, accuracy, and F-measure, which are about the same as those produced by the baseline approach. We also show that SigPID is effective when used with 67 other commonly used supervised learning approaches. We find that 55 out of 67 algorithms can achieve F-measure of at least 85%, while the average running time can be reduced by 85.6\% compared with the baseline approach. When we compare the detection effectiveness of SigPID to those of other approaches, SigPID can detect 96.54% of malware in the data set while other approaches detect 3.99% to 96.41%. Advisers: Witawas Srisa-an, Qiben Ya

    Machine Learning Techniques for Malware Detection with Challenges and Future Directions

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    In the recent times Cybersecurity is the hot research topic because of its sensitivity. Especially at the times of digital world where everything is now transformed into digital medium. All the critical transactions are being carried out online with internet applications. Malware is an important issue which has the capability of stealing the privacy and funds from an ordinary person who is doing sensitive transactions through his mobile device. Researchers in the current time are striving to develop efficient techniques to detect these kinds of attacks. Not only individuals are getting offended even the governments are getting effected by these kinds of attacks and losing big amount of funds. In this work various Artificial intelligent and machine learning techniques are discussed which were implements for the detection of malware. Traditional machine learning techniques like Decision tree, K-Nearest Neighbor and Support vector machine and further to advanced machine learning techniques like Artificial neural network and convolution neural network are discussed. Among the discussed techniques, the work got the highest accuracy is 99% followed by 98.422%, 97.3% and 96% where the authors have implemented package-level API calls as feature, followed by advanced classification technique. Also, dataset details are discussed and listed which were used for the experimentation of malware detection, among the many dataset DREBIN had the most significant number of samples with 123453 Benign samples and 5560 Malware samples. Finally, open challenges are listed, and the future directions are highlighted which would encourage a new researcher to adopt this field of research and solve these open challenges with the help of future direction details provided in this paper. The paper is concluded with the limitation and conclusion sectio

    Cyber-threat detection system using a hybrid approach of transfer learning and multi-model image representation

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    Currently, Android apps are easily targeted by malicious network traffic because of their constant network access. These threats have the potential to steal vital information and disrupt the commerce, social system, and banking markets. In this paper, we present a malware detection system based on word2vec-based transfer learning and multi-model image representation. The proposed method combines the textual and texture features of network traffic to leverage the advantages of both types. Initially, the transfer learning method is used to extract trained vocab from network traffic. Then, the malware-to-image algorithm visualizes network bytes for visual analysis of data traffic. Next, the texture features are extracted from malware images using a combination of scale-invariant feature transforms (SIFTs) and oriented fast and rotated brief transforms (ORBs). Moreover, a convolutional neural network (CNN) is designed to extract deep features from a set of trained vocab and texture features. Finally, an ensemble model is designed to classify and detect malware based on the combination of textual and texture features. The proposed method is tested using two standard datasets, CIC-AAGM2017 and CICMalDroid 2020, which comprise a total of 10.2K malware and 3.2K benign samples. Furthermore, an explainable AI experiment is performed to interpret the proposed approach