563 research outputs found

    How do Individuals Interpret Multiple Conceptual Models? A Theory of Combined Ontological Completeness and Overlap

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    When analyzing or designing information systems, users often work with multiple conceptual models because each model articulates a different, partial aspect of a real-world domain. However, the available research in this area has largely studied the use of single modeling artifacts only. We develop a new theory about interpreting multiple conceptual models that details propositions for evaluating how individuals select, understand, and perceive the usefulness of multiple conceptual models. We detail implications of our theory development for empirical research on conceptual modeling. We also outline practical contributions for the design of conceptual models and for choosing models for systems analysis and design tasks. Finally, to stimulate research that builds on our theory, we illustrate procedures for enacting our theory and discuss a range of empirically relevant boundary condition

    New models and patterns for traceability

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    Includes bibliographical references.Traceability is a critical software engineering practice that manages activities across the product development lifecycle. It is the discipline of getting an entire organisation to work together to build better quality products. Traceability is also about relationships between traceability items, the management of change and requires good communication between personnel on matters that impact the system in any way. At the start of the 21st Century it is evident that there was a proliferation in new traceability research promoting techniques from a number of emerging research communities. However, some researchers still report that there are still many problems, in particular the lack of empirical data from small, medium and large organisations. In this study we address this shortcoming by performing two empirical studies. Firstly, we carry out a four year case study investigating traceability in a large multinational that develops complex enterprise systems. Ericsson's is a world leader in the development of large telecom's systems and is renowned for their mature development processes, tools and highly skilled staff. We examine the state of the art at Ericsson and the factors that influence traceability, paying particular attention to how these factors change during the study and the impact that these changes have on the traceability practices. Secondly, we execute an industrial survey across nineteen corporations to further our understanding of traceability in small and medium sized organisations. Using this empirical data as the major design inputs, we design and test a Traceability Framework consisting of three solution components namely, a TRAceability Model (TRAM), a TRAceability Process (TRAP) and Traceability Patterns. The TRAceability Model (TRAM) consists of semantic models, designed using a layered approach, with each layer presenting traceability semantics from different user perspectives. The TRAceability Process (TRAP) consists of process models also utilising a layered approach but in this case capturing process elements that can be used in the creation of a traceability process in a variety of different contexts. At the lowest layer the models represent the actual traceability situation in a project at Ericsson. While patterns are a widely accepted method for describing best practices and recurring problems in many aspects of software development, they have not been applied to the field of traceability. Structural patterns emerged from the semantic and process models. Furthermore, we utilise a pre-defined pattern template for formalising the findings of the empirical data and communicating the outcomes to different users. The three components together promote better communication, reusability and understandability of traceability concepts and practices

    Algoritmos de layout automático para una herramienta multi-vistas de modelado ontológico

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    La presente investigación se desarrolla mediante el trabajo de docentes investigadores de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue (UNCo) y de la Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS), en el contexto de proyectos de investigación financiados por las universidades indicadas. La complejidad inherente a los modelos conceptuales y a las ontologías requiren mantener la legibilidad de dichos modelos. Para cubrir esta necesidad y, teniendo en cuenta el tamaño de los diagramas en términos de sus primitivas gráficas, algoritmos efectivos y eficientes de layout deben ser desarrollados para garantizar la usabilidad de las herramientas. El objetivo de esta línea de investigación es analizar, diseñar e implementar algoritmos de layout en una herramienta gráfica Web. Para esto, se profundizará en técnicas y heurísticas de visualización basadas en la teoría de Crossing Number y sus variantes, aplicado a los lenguajes EER, UML y ORM 2.Eje: Ingeniería en Sistemas Software.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Decision support for choice of security solution: the Aspect-Oriented Risk Driven Development (AORDD)framework

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    In security assessment and management there is no single correct solution to the identified security problems or challenges. Instead there are only choices and tradeoffs. The main reason for this is that modern information systems and security critical information systems in particular must perform at the contracted or expected security level, make effective use of available resources and meet end-users' expectations. Balancing these needs while also fulfilling development, project and financial perspectives, such as budget and TTM constraints, mean that decision makers have to evaluate alternative security solutions.\ud \ud This work describes parts of an approach that supports decision makers in choosing one or a set of security solutions among alternatives. The approach is called the Aspect-Oriented Risk Driven Development (AORDD) framework, combines Aspect-Oriented Modeling (AOM) and Risk Driven Development (RDD) techniques and consists of the seven components: (1) An iterative AORDD process. (2) Security solution aspect repository. (3) Estimation repository to store experience from estimation of security risks and security solution variables involved in security solution decisions. (4) RDD annotation rules for security risk and security solution variable estimation. (5) The AORDD security solution trade-off analysis and trade-o¤ tool BBN topology. (6) Rule set for how to transfer RDD information from the annotated UML diagrams into the trad-off tool BBN topology. (7) Trust-based information aggregation schema to aggregate disparate information in the trade-o¤ tool BBN topology. This work focuses on components 5 and 7, which are the two core components in the AORDD framework

    Algoritmos de layout automático para una herramienta multi-vistas de modelado ontológico

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    La presente investigación se desarrolla mediante el trabajo de docentes investigadores de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue (UNCo) y de la Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS), en el contexto de proyectos de investigación financiados por las universidades indicadas. La complejidad inherente a los modelos conceptuales y a las ontologías requiren mantener la legibilidad de dichos modelos. Para cubrir esta necesidad y, teniendo en cuenta el tamaño de los diagramas en términos de sus primitivas gráficas, algoritmos efectivos y eficientes de layout deben ser desarrollados para garantizar la usabilidad de las herramientas. El objetivo de esta línea de investigación es analizar, diseñar e implementar algoritmos de layout en una herramienta gráfica Web. Para esto, se profundizará en técnicas y heurísticas de visualización basadas en la teoría de Crossing Number y sus variantes, aplicado a los lenguajes EER, UML y ORM 2

    Analysen zur studentischen Wahl von Modellierungswerkzeugen in einer elektronischen Distanz-Prüfung

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    Modellierungsaufgaben sind ein typischer Bestandteil der Informatik-Lehre. Je nach Kontext ist den Studierenden dabei eine freie Wahl der Mittel erlaubt oder ein bestimmtes Werkzeug zur Lösung der Aufgaben vorgeschrieben. Wahrend ersteres von den Studierenden die Fähigkeit zur Wahl eines geeigneten Werkzeugs erfordert und dementsprechend anspruchsvoll sein kann, kann letzteres insbesondere im Prüfungskontext eine unerwünschte Erschwernis darstellen. Anhand einer elektronischen Distanz-Prüfung aus dem Wintersemester 2020/21 untersucht dieser Beitrag, wie sich Studierende bei freier Auswahl in einer Prüfung entscheiden und wie zufrieden sie mit dieser Wahl sind. Aus den Ergebnissen lassen sich Erkenntnisse ableiten, die bei der Entwicklung von Modellierungswerkzeugen berücksichtigt werden sollten. (DIPF/Orig.