100 research outputs found

    Exploiting i–vector posterior covariances for short–duration language recognition

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    Linear models in i-vector space have shown to be an effective solution not only for speaker identification, but also for language recogniton. The i-vector extraction process, however, is affected by several factors, such as noise level, the acoustic content of the utterance and the duration of the spoken segments. These factors influence both the i-vector estimate and its uncertainty, represented by the i-vector posterior covariance matrix. Modeling of i-vector uncertainty with Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis has shown to be effective for short-duration speaker identification. This paper extends the approach to language recognition, analyzing the effects of i-vector covariances on a state-of-the-art Gaussian classifier, and proposes an effective solution for the reduction of the average detection cost (Cavg) for short segments

    Reviewing the connection between speech and obstructive sleep apnea

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    The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12938-016-0138-5Background: Sleep apnea (OSA) is a common sleep disorder characterized by recurring breathing pauses during sleep caused by a blockage of the upper airway (UA). The altered UA structure or function in OSA speakers has led to hypothesize the automatic analysis of speech for OSA assessment. In this paper we critically review several approaches using speech analysis and machine learning techniques for OSA detection, and discuss the limitations that can arise when using machine learning techniques for diagnostic applications. Methods: A large speech database including 426 male Spanish speakers suspected to suffer OSA and derived to a sleep disorders unit was used to study the clinical validity of several proposals using machine learning techniques to predict the apnea–hypopnea index (AHI) or classify individuals according to their OSA severity. AHI describes the severity of patients’ condition. We first evaluate AHI prediction using state-of-theart speaker recognition technologies: speech spectral information is modelled using supervectors or i-vectors techniques, and AHI is predicted through support vector regression (SVR). Using the same database we then critically review several OSA classification approaches previously proposed. The influence and possible interference of other clinical variables or characteristics available for our OSA population: age, height, weight, body mass index, and cervical perimeter, are also studied. Results: The poor results obtained when estimating AHI using supervectors or i-vectors followed by SVR contrast with the positive results reported by previous research. This fact prompted us to a careful review of these approaches, also testing some reported results over our database. Several methodological limitations and deficiencies were detected that may have led to overoptimistic results. Conclusion: The methodological deficiencies observed after critically reviewing previous research can be relevant examples of potential pitfalls when using machine learning techniques for diagnostic applications. We have found two common limitations that can explain the likelihood of false discovery in previous research: (1) the use of prediction models derived from sources, such as speech, which are also correlated with other patient characteristics (age, height, sex,…) that act as confounding factors; and (2) overfitting of feature selection and validation methods when working with a high number of variables compared to the number of cases. We hope this study could not only be a useful example of relevant issues when using machine learning for medical diagnosis, but it will also help in guiding further research on the connection between speech and OSA.Authors thank to Sonia Martinez Diaz for her effort in collecting the OSA database that is used in this study. This research was partly supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain and the European Union (FEDER) under project "CMC-V2", TEC2012-37585-C02


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    Automatic speaker recognition in uncontrolled environments is a very challenging task due to channel distortions, additive noise and reverberation. To address these issues, this thesis studies probabilistic latent variable models of short-term spectral information that leverage large amounts of data to achieve robustness in challenging conditions. Current speaker recognition systems represent an entire speech utterance as a single point in a high-dimensional space. This representation is known as "supervector". This thesis starts by analyzing the properties of this representation. A novel visualization procedure of supervectors is presented by which qualitative insight about the information being captured is obtained. We then propose the use of an overcomplete dictionary to explicitly decompose a supervector into a speaker-specific component and an undesired variability component. An algorithm to learn the dictionary from a large collection of data is discussed and analyzed. A subset of the entries of the dictionary is learned to represent speaker-specific information and another subset to represent distortions. After encoding the supervector as a linear combination of the dictionary entries, the undesired variability is removed by discarding the contribution of the distortion components. This paradigm is closely related to the previously proposed paradigm of Joint Factor Analysis modeling of supervectors. We establish a connection between the two approaches and show how our proposed method provides improvements in terms of computation and recognition accuracy. An alternative way to handle undesired variability in supervector representations is to first project them into a lower dimensional space and then to model them in the reduced subspace. This low-dimensional projection is known as "i-vector". Unfortunately, i-vectors exhibit non-Gaussian behavior, and direct statistical modeling requires the use of heavy-tailed distributions for optimal performance. These approaches lack closed-form solutions, and therefore are hard to analyze. Moreover, they do not scale well to large datasets. Instead of directly modeling i-vectors, we propose to first apply a non-linear transformation and then use a linear-Gaussian model. We present two alternative transformations and show experimentally that the transformed i-vectors can be optimally modeled by a simple linear-Gaussian model (factor analysis). We evaluate our method on a benchmark dataset with a large amount of channel variability and show that the results compare favorably against the competitors. Also, our approach has closed-form solutions and scales gracefully to large datasets. Finally, a multi-classifier architecture trained on a multicondition fashion is proposed to address the problem of speaker recognition in the presence of additive noise. A large number of experiments are conducted to analyze the proposed architecture and to obtain guidelines for optimal performance in noisy environments. Overall, it is shown that multicondition training of multi-classifier architectures not only produces great robustness in the anticipated conditions, but also generalizes well to unseen conditions

    Improved i-Vector Representation for Speaker Diarization

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    This paper proposes using a previously well-trained deep neural network (DNN) to enhance the i-vector representation used for speaker diarization. In effect, we replace the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) typically used to train a Universal Background Model (UBM), with a DNN that has been trained using a different large scale dataset. To train the T-matrix we use a supervised UBM obtained from the DNN using filterbank input features to calculate the posterior information, and then MFCC features to train the UBM instead of a traditional unsupervised UBM derived from single features. Next we jointly use DNN and MFCC features to calculate the zeroth and first order Baum-Welch statistics for training an extractor from which we obtain the i-vector. The system will be shown to achieve a significant improvement on the NIST 2008 speaker recognition evaluation (SRE) telephone data task compared to state-of-the-art approaches

    Multi-talker Speech Separation with Utterance-level Permutation Invariant Training of Deep Recurrent Neural Networks

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    In this paper we propose the utterance-level Permutation Invariant Training (uPIT) technique. uPIT is a practically applicable, end-to-end, deep learning based solution for speaker independent multi-talker speech separation. Specifically, uPIT extends the recently proposed Permutation Invariant Training (PIT) technique with an utterance-level cost function, hence eliminating the need for solving an additional permutation problem during inference, which is otherwise required by frame-level PIT. We achieve this using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) that, during training, minimize the utterance-level separation error, hence forcing separated frames belonging to the same speaker to be aligned to the same output stream. In practice, this allows RNNs, trained with uPIT, to separate multi-talker mixed speech without any prior knowledge of signal duration, number of speakers, speaker identity or gender. We evaluated uPIT on the WSJ0 and Danish two- and three-talker mixed-speech separation tasks and found that uPIT outperforms techniques based on Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) and Computational Auditory Scene Analysis (CASA), and compares favorably with Deep Clustering (DPCL) and the Deep Attractor Network (DANet). Furthermore, we found that models trained with uPIT generalize well to unseen speakers and languages. Finally, we found that a single model, trained with uPIT, can handle both two-speaker, and three-speaker speech mixtures

    Evaluating automatic speaker recognition systems: an overview of the nist speaker recognition evaluations (1996-2014)

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    2014 CSIC. Manuscripts published in this Journal are the property of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, and quoting this source is a requirement for any partial or full reproduction.Automatic Speaker Recognition systems show interesting properties, such as speed of processing or repeatability of results, in contrast to speaker recognition by humans. But they will be usable just if they are reliable. Testability, or the ability to extensively evaluate the goodness of the speaker detector decisions, becomes then critical. In the last 20 years, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has organized, providing the proper speech data and evaluation protocols, a series of text-independent Speaker Recognition Evaluations (SRE). Those evaluations have become not just a periodical benchmark test, but also a meeting point of a collaborative community of scientists that have been deeply involved in the cycle of evaluations, allowing tremendous progress in a specially complex task where the speaker information is spread across different information levels (acoustic, prosodic, linguistic…) and is strongly affected by speaker intrinsic and extrinsic variability factors. In this paper, we outline how the evaluations progressively challenged the technology including new speaking conditions and sources of variability, and how the scientific community gave answers to those demands. Finally, NIST SREs will be shown to be not free of inconveniences, and future challenges to speaker recognition assessment will also be discussed
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