17 research outputs found

    An inspection system for pharmaceutical glass tubes

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    Abstract: Syringes, vials and carpules for pharmaceutical products are usually made of borosilicate glass. Such containers are made by glass converting companies starting from single glass tubes. These glass containers can suffer from inclusions, air bubbles, stones, scratches and others issues, that can cause subsequent problems like product contamination with glass particulate or cracks in the glass. In recent years, more than 100 million units of drugs packaged in vials or syringes have been withdrawn from the market. As a consequence pharmaceutical companies are demanding an increased delivery of high quality products to manufacturers of glass containers and therefore of glass tubes. An automatic, vision based, quality inspection system can be devoted to perform such task, but specific process features requires the introduction of ad-hoc solutions: in the production lines tubes significantly vibrate and rotate, and the cylindrical surface of the tube needs to be inspected at 360 degrees. This paper presents the design, the development and the experimental evaluation of a vision system to control the quality of glass tubes, highlighting the specific solutions developed to manage vibrations and rotations, obtaining a 360 degree inspection. The system has been designed and tested in a real facility, and proved effective in identifying defects and impurities in the order of tens of microns

    A dynamic execution time estimation model to save energy in heterogeneous multicores running periodic tasks

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    this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Future Generation Computer Systems. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 56 (2016). DOI 10.1016/j.future.2015.06.011.Nowadays, real-time embedded applications have to cope with an increasing demand of functionalities, which require increasing processing capabilities. With this aim real-time systems are being implemented on top of high-performance multicore processors that run multithreaded periodic workloads by allocating threads to individual cores. In addition, to improve both performance and energy savings, the industry is introducing new multicore designs such as ARM’s big.LITTLE that include heterogeneous cores in the same package. A key issue to improve energy savings in multicore embedded real-time systems and reduce the number of deadline misses is to accurately estimate the execution time of the tasks considering the supported processor frequencies. Two main aspects make this estimation difficult. First, the running threads compete among them for shared resources. Second, almost all current microprocessors implement Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) regulators to dynamically adjust the voltage/frequency at run-time according to the workload behavior. Existing execution time estimation models rely on off-line analysis or on the assumption that the task execution time scales linearly with the processor frequency, which can bring important deviations since the memory system uses a different power supply. In contrast, this paper proposes the Processor–Memory (Proc–Mem) model, which dynamically predicts the distinct task execution times depending on the implemented processor frequencies. A power-aware EDF (Earliest Deadline First)-based scheduler using the Proc–Mem approach has been evaluated and compared against the same scheduler using a typical Constant Memory Access Time model, namely CMAT. Results on a heterogeneous multicore processor show that the average deviation of Proc–Mem is only by 5.55% with respect to the actual measured execution time, while the average deviation of the CMAT model is 36.42%. These results turn in important energy savings, by 18% on average and up to 31% in some mixes, in comparison to CMAT for a similar number of deadline misses. © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) and by FEDER funds under Grant TIN2012-38341-004-01, and by the Intel Early Career Faculty Honor Program Award.Sahuquillo Borrás, J.; Hassan Mohamed, H.; Petit Martí, SV.; March Cabrelles, JL.; Duato Marín, JF. (2016). A dynamic execution time estimation model to save energy in heterogeneous multicores running periodic tasks. Future Generation Computer Systems. 56:211-219. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2015.06.011S2112195

    NOC-Out: Microarchitecting a Scale-Out Processor

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    Scale-out server workloads benefit from many-core processor organizations that enable high throughput thanks to abundant request-level parallelism. A key characteristic of these workloads is the large instruction footprint that exceeds the capacity of private caches. While a shared last-level cache (LLC) can capture the instruction working set, it necessitates a low-latency interconnect fabric to minimize the core stall time on instruction fetches serviced by the LLC. Many-core processors with a mesh interconnect sacrifice performance on scale-out workloads due to NOC-induced delays. Low diameter topologies can overcome the performance limitations of meshes through rich inter-node connectivity, but at a high area expense. To address the drawbacks of existing designs, this work introduces NOC-Out – a many-core processor organization that affords low LLC access delays at a small area cost. NOC-Out is tuned to accommodate the bilateral core-to-cache access pattern, characterized by minimal coherence activity and lack of inter-core communication, that is dominant in scale-out workloads. Optimizing for the bilateral access pattern, NOC-Out segregates cores and LLC banks into distinct network regions and reduces costly network connectivity by eliminating the majority of inter-core links. NOC-Out further simplifies the interconnect through the use of low-complexity tree based topologies. A detailed evaluation targeting a 64-core CMP and a set of scale-out workloads reveals that NOC-Out improves system performance by 17% and reduces network area by 28% over a tiled mesh-based design. Compared to a design with a richly-connected flattened butterfly topology, NOC-Out reduces network area by 9x while matching the performance

    An OS-Based Alternative to Full Hardware Coherence on Tiled Chip-Multiprocessors

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    Institute for Computing Systems ArchitectureThe interconnect mechanisms (shared bus or crossbar) used in current chip-multiprocessors (CMPs) are expected to become a bottleneck that prevents these architectures from scaling to a larger number of cores. Tiled CMPs offer better scalability by integrating relatively simple cores with a lightweight point-to-point interconnect. However, such interconnects make snooping impractical and, thus, require alternative solutions to cache coherence. This thesis proposes a novel, cost-effective hardware mechanism to support shared-memory parallel applications that forgoes hardware maintained cache coherence. The proposed mech- anism is based on the key ideas that mapping of lines to physical caches is done at the page level with OS support and that hardware supports remote cache accesses. It allows only some controlled migration and replication of data and provides a sufficient degree of flexibility in the mapping through an extra level of indirection between virtual pages and physical tiles. The proposed tiled CMP architecture is evaluated on the SPLASH-2 scientific benchmarks and ALPBench multimedia benchmarks against one with private caches and a distributed direc- tory cache coherence mechanism. Experimental results show that the performance degradation is as little as 0%, and 16% on average, compared to the cache coherent architecture across all benchmarks for 16 and 32 processors

    Shared Frontend for Manycore Server Processors

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    Instruction-supplymechanisms, namely the branch predictors and instruction prefetchers, exploit recurring control flow in an application to predict the applicationâs future control flow and provide the core with a useful instruction stream to execute in a timely manner. Consequently, instruction-supplymechanisms aggressively incorporate control-flow condition, target, and instruction cache access information (i.e., control-flow metadata) to improve performance. Despite their high accuracy, thus performance benefits, these predictors lead to major silicon provisioning due to their metadata storage overhead. The storage overhead is further aggravated by the increasing core counts and more complex software stacks leading to major metadata redundancy: (i) across cores as the metadata of cores running a given server workload significantly overlap, (ii) within a core as the control-flowmetadata maintained by disparate instruction-supplymechanisms overlap significantly. In this thesis, we identify the sources of redundancy in the instruction-supply metadata and provide mechanisms to share metadata across cores and unify metadata for disparate instruction-supply mechanisms. First, homogeneous server workloads running on many cores allow for metadata sharing across cores, as each core executes the same types of requests and exhibits the same control flow. Second, the control-flow metadata maintained by individual instruction-supply mechanisms, despite being at different granularities (i.e., instruction vs. instruction block), overlap significantly, allowing for unifying their metadata. Building on these two observations, we eliminate the storage overhead stemming from metadata redundancy inmanycore server processors through a specialized shared frontend, which enables sharing metadata across cores and unifying metadata within a core without sacrificing the performance benefits provided by private and disparate instruction-supply mechanisms

    Parallel and Distributed Computing

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    The 14 chapters presented in this book cover a wide variety of representative works ranging from hardware design to application development. Particularly, the topics that are addressed are programmable and reconfigurable devices and systems, dependability of GPUs (General Purpose Units), network topologies, cache coherence protocols, resource allocation, scheduling algorithms, peertopeer networks, largescale network simulation, and parallel routines and algorithms. In this way, the articles included in this book constitute an excellent reference for engineers and researchers who have particular interests in each of these topics in parallel and distributed computing

    An architecture to integrate IEC 61131-3 systems in an IEC 61499 distributed solution

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    The IEC 61499 standard has been developed to allow the modeling and design of distributed control systems, providing advanced concepts of software engineering (such as abstraction and encapsulation) to the world of control engineering. The introduction of this standard in already existing control environments poses challenges, since programs written using the widespread IEC 61131-3 programming standard cannot be directly executed in a fully IEC 61499 environment without reengineering effort. In order to solve this problem, this paper presents an architecture to integrate modules of the two standards, allowing the exploitation of the benefits of both. The proposed architecture is based on the coexistence of control software of the two standards. Modules written in one standard interact with some particular interfaces that encapsulate functionalities and information to be exchanged with the other standard. In particular, the architecture permits to utilize available run-times without modification, it allows the reuse of software modules, and it utilizes existing features of the standards. A methodology to integrate IEC 61131-3 modules in an IEC 61499 distributed solution based on such architecture is also developed, and it is described via a case study to prove feasibility and benefits. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed solution does not add substantial load or delays to the system when compared to an IEC 61131-3 based solution. By acting on task period, it can achieve performances similar to an IEC 61499 solution

    High-Performance and Low-Power Magnetic Material Memory Based Cache Design

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    Magnetic memory technologies are very promising candidates to be universal memory due to its good scalability, zero standby power and radiation hardness. Having a cell area much smaller than SRAM, magnetic memory can be used to construct much larger cache with the same die footprint, leading to siginficant improvement of overall system performance and power consumption especially in this multi-core era. However, magnetic memories have their own drawbacks such as slow write, read disturbance and scaling limitation, making its usage as caches challenging. This dissertation comprehensively studied these two most popular magnetic memory technologies. Design exploration and optimization for the cache design from different design layers including the memory devices, peripheral circuit, memory array structure and micro-architecture are presented. By leveraging device features, two major micro-architectures -multi-retention cache hierarchy and process-variation-aware cache are presented to improve the write performance of STT-RAM. The enhancement in write performance results in the degradation of read operations, in terms of both speed and data reliability. This dissertation also presents an architecture to resolve STT-RAM read disturbance issue. Furthermore, the scaling of STT-RAM is hindered due to the required size of switching transistor. To break the cell area limitation of STT-RAM, racetrack memory is studied to achieve an even higher memory density and better performance and lower energy consumption. With dedicated elaboration, racetrack memory based cache design can achieve a siginificant area reduction and energy saving when compared to optimized STT-RAM

    Rethinking Cache Hierarchy And Interconnect Design For Next-Generation Gpus

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    To match the increasing computational demands of GPGPU applications and to improve peak compute throughput, the core counts in GPUs have been increasing with every generation. However, the famous memory wall is a major performance determinant in GPUs. In other words, in most cases, peak throughput in GPUs is ultimately dictated by memory bandwidth. Therefore, to serve the memory demands of thousands of concurrently executing threads, GPUs are equipped with several sources of bandwidth such as on-chip private/shared caching resources and off-chip high bandwidth memories. However, the existing sources of bandwidth are often not sufficient for achieving optimal GPU performance. Therefore, it is important to conserve and improve memory bandwidth utilization. To achieve the aforementioned goal, this dissertation focuses on improving on-chip cache bandwidth by managing cache line (data) replication across L1 caches via rethinking the cache hierarchy and the interconnect design. Such data replication stems from the private nature of the L1 caches and inter-core locality. Specifically, each GPU core can independently request and store a given cache line (in its local L1 cache) while being oblivious to the previous requests of other cores. This dissertation treats inter-core locality (i.e., data replication) as a double-edged sword, and proposes the following. First, this dissertation shows that efficient inter-core communication can exploit data replication across the L1 caches to unlock an additional potential source of on-chip bandwidth, which we call as remote-core bandwidth. We propose to efficiently coordinate the data movement across GPU cores to exploit this remote-core bandwidth by investigating: a) which data is replicated across cores, b) which cores have the replicated data, and c) how to fetch the replicated data as soon as possible. Second, this dissertation shows that if data replication is eliminated (or reduced), then the L1 caches can effectively cache more data, leading to higher hit rates and more on-chip bandwidth. We propose designing a shared L1 cache organization, which restricts each core to cache only a unique slice of the address range, eliminating data replication. We develop lightweight mechanisms to: a) reduce the inter-core communication overheads and b) to identify applications that prefer the private L1 organization and hence execute them accordingly. Third, to improve the performance, area, and energy efficiency of the shared L1 organization, this dissertation proposes DC-L1 (DeCoupled-L1) cache, an L1 cache separated from the GPU core. We show how the decoupled nature of the DC-L1 caches provides an opportunity to aggregate the L1 caches, and enables low-overhead efficient data placement designs. These optimizations reduce data replication across the L1s and increase their bandwidth utilization. Altogether, this dissertation develops several innovative techniques to improve the efficiency of the GPU on-chip memory system, which are necessary to address the memory wall problem. The future work will explore other designs and techniques to improve on-chip bandwidth utilization by considering other bandwidth sources (e.g., scratchpad and L2 cache)

    Towards Optimal Application Mapping for Energy-Efficient Many-Core Platforms

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    Siirretty Doriast