146 research outputs found

    Radio resource allocation algorithms for multicast OFDM systems

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorVideo services have become highly demanded in mobile networks leading to an unprecedented traffic growth. It is expected that traffic from wireless and mobile devices will account for nearly 70 percent of total IP traffic by the year 2020, and the video services will account for nearly 75 percent of mobile data traffic by 2022. Multicast transmission is one of the key enablers towards a more spectral and energy efficient distribution of multimedia content in current and envisaged mobile networks. It is worth noting that multicast is a mechanism that efficiently delivers the same content to many users, not only focusing on video broadcasting, but also distributing many other media, such as software updates, weather forecast or breaking news. Although multicast services are available in Long Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) networks, new improvements are needed in some areas to handle the demands expected in the near future. Resource allocation techniques for multicast services are one of the main challenging issues, since it is required the development of novel schemes to meet the demands of their evolution towards the next generation. Most multicast techniques adopt rather conservative strategies that select a very robust modulation and coding scheme (MCS), whose characteristics are determined by the propagation conditions experienced by the worst user in the group in order to ensure that all users in a multicast group are able to correctly decode the received data. Obviously, this robustness comes at the prize of a low spectral efficiency. This thesis presents an exhaustive study of broadcast/multicast technology for current mobile networks, especially focusing on the scheduling and resource allocation (SRA) strategies to maximize the potential benefits that multicast transmissions imply on the spectral efficiency. Based on that issue, some contributions have been made to the state of the art in the radio resource management (RRM) for current and beyond mobile multicast services. • In the frame of LTE/LTE-A, the evolved multimedia broadcast and multicast service (eMBMS) shares the physical layer resources with the unicast transmission mode (at least up to Release 12). Consequently, the time allocation to multicast transmission is limited to a maximum of a 60 percent, and the remaining subframes (at least 40 percent) are reserved for unicast transmissions. With the aim of achieving the maximum aggregated data rate (ADR) among the multicast users, we have implemented several innovative SRA schemes that combine the allocation of multicast and unicast resources in the LTE/LTE-A frame, guaranteeing the prescribed quality of service (QoS) requirements for every user. • In the specific context of wideband communication systems, the selection of the multicast MCS has often relied on the use of wideband channel quality indicators (CQIs), providing rather imprecise information regarding the potential capacity of the multicast channel. Only recently has the per-subband CQI been used to improve the spectral efficiency of the system without compromising the link robustness. We have proposed novel subband CQI-based multicast SRA strategies that, relying on the selection of more spectrally efficient transmission modes, lead to increased data rates while still being able to fulfill prescribed QoS metrics. • Mobile broadcast/multicast video services require effective and low complexity SRA strategies. We have proposed an SRA strategy based on multicast subgrouping and the scalable video coding (SVC) technique for multicast video delivery. This scheme focuses on reducing the search space of solutions and optimizes the ADR. The results in terms of ADR, spectral efficiency, and fairness among multicast users, along with the low complexity of the algorithm, show that this new scheme is adequate for real systems. These contributions are intended to serve as a reference that motivate ongoing and future investigation in the challenging field of RRM for broadcast/ multicast services in next generation mobile networks.La demanda de servicios de vídeo en las redes móviles ha sufrido un incremento exponencial en los últimos años, lo que a su vez ha desembocado en un aumento sin precedentes del tráfico de datos. Se espera que antes del año 2020, el trafico debido a dispositivos móviles alcance cerca del 70 por ciento del tráfico IP total, mientras que se prevé que los servicios de vídeo sean prácticamente el 75 por ciento del tráfico de datos en las redes móviles hacia el 2022. Las transmisiones multicast son una de las tecnologías clave para conseguir una distribución más eficiente, tanto espectral como energéticamente, del contenido multimedia en las redes móviles actuales y futuras. Merece la pena reseñar que el multicast es un mecanismo de entrega del mismo contenido a muchos usuarios, que no se enfoca exclusivamente en la distribución de vídeo, sino que también permite la distribución de otros muchos contenidos, como actualizaciones software, información meteorológica o noticias de última hora. A pesar de que los servicios multicast ya se encuentran disponibles en las redes Long Term Evolution (LTE) y LTE-Advanced (LTE-A), la mejora en algunos ámbitos resulta necesaria para manejar las demandas que se prevén a corto plazo. Las técnicas de asignación de recursos para los servicios multicast suponen uno de los mayores desafíos, ya que es necesario el desarrollo de nuevos esquemas que nos permitan acometer las exigencias que supone su evolución hacia la próxima generación. La mayor parte de las técnicas multicast adoptan estrategias conservadoras, seleccionando esquemas de modulación y codificación (MCS) impuestos por las condiciones de propagación que experimenta el usuario del grupo con peor canal, para así asegurar que todos los usuarios pertenecientes al grupo multicast sean capaces de decodificar correctamente los datos recibidos. Como resulta obvio, la utilización de esquemas tan robustos conlleva el precio de sufrir una baja eficiencia espectral. Esta tesis presenta un exhaustivo estudio de la tecnología broadcast/ multicast para las redes móviles actuales, que se centra especialmente en las estrategias de asignación de recursos (SRA), cuyo objetivo es maximizar los beneficios que la utilización de transmisiones multicast potencialmente implica en términos de eficiencia espectral. A partir de dicho estudio, hemos realizado varias contribuciones al estado del arte en el ámbito de la gestión de recursos radio (RRM) para los servicios multicast, aplicables en las redes móviles actuales y futuras. • En el marco de LTE/LTE-A, el eMBMS comparte los recursos de la capa física con las transmisiones unicast (al menos hasta la revisión 12). Por lo tanto, la disponibilidad temporal de las transmisiones multicast está limitada a un máximo del 60 por ciento, reservándose las subtramas restantes (al menos el 40 por ciento) para las transmisiones unicast. Con el objetivo de alcanzar la máxima tasa total de datos (ADR) entre los usuarios multicast, hemos implementado varios esquemas innovadores de SRA que combinan la asignación de los recursos multicast y unicast de la trama LTE/LTE-A, garantizando los requisitos de QoS a cada usuario. • En los sistemas de comunicaciones de banda ancha, la selección del MCS para transmisiones multicast se basa habitualmente en la utilización de CQIs de banda ancha, lo que proporciona información bastante imprecisa acerca de la capacidad potencial del canal multicast. Recientemente se ha empezado a utilizar el CQI por subbanda para mejorar la eficiencia espectral del sistema sin comprometer la robustez de los enlaces. Hemos propuesto nuevas estrategias para SRA multicast basadas en el CQI por subbanda que, basándose en la selección de los modos de transmisión con mayor eficiencia espectral, conducen a mejores tasas de datos, a la vez que permiten cumplir los requisitos de QoS. • Los servicios móviles de vídeo broadcast/multicast precisan estrategias eficientes de SRA con baja complejidad. Hemos propuesto una estrategia de SRA basada en subgrupos multicast y la técnica de codificación de vídeo escalable (SVC) para la difusión de vídeo multicast, la cual se centra en reducir el espacio de búsqueda de soluciones y optimizar el ADR. Los resultados obtenidos en términos de ADR, eficiencia espectral y equidad entre los usuarios multicast, junto con la baja complejidad del algoritmo, ponen de manifiesto que el esquema propuesto es adecuado para su implantación en sistemas reales. Estas contribuciones pretenden servir de referencia que motive la investigación actual y futura en el interesante ámbito de RRM para los servicios broadcast/multicast en las redes móviles de próxima generación.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Multimedia y ComunicacionesPresidente: Atilio Manuel Da Silva Gameiro.- Secretario: Víctor Pedro Gil Jiménez.- Vocal: María de Diego Antó

    5G New Radio for Terrestrial Broadcast: A Forward-Looking Approach for NR-MBMS

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    "© 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works."[EN] 3GPP LTE eMBMS release (Rel-) 14, also referred to as further evolved multimedia broadcast multicast service (FeMBMS) or enhanced TV (EnTV), is the first mobile broadband technology standard to incorporate a transmission mode designed to deliver terrestrial broadcast services from conventional high power high tower (HPHT) broadcast infrastructure. With respect to the physical layer, the main improvements in FeMBMS are the support of larger inter-site distance for single frequency networks (SFNs) and the ability to allocate 100% of a carrier's resources to the broadcast payload, with self-contained signaling in the downlink. From the system architecture perspective, a receive-only mode enables free-to-air (FTA) reception with no need for an uplink or SIM card, thus receiving content without user equipment registration with a network. These functionalities are only available in the LTE advanced pro specifications as 5G new radio (NR), standardized in 3GPP from Rel-15, has so far focused entirely on unicast. This paper outlines a physical layer design for NR-MBMS, a system derived, with minor modifications, from the 5G-NR specifications, and suitable for the transmission of linear TV and radio services in either single-cell or SFN operation. This paper evaluates the NR-MBMS proposition and compares it to LTE-based FeMBMS in terms of flexibility, performance, capacity, and coverage.This work was supported in part by the European Commission through the 5G-PPP Project 5G-Xcast (H2020-ICT-2016-2 call) under Grant 761498.Gimenez, JJ.; Carcel, JL.; Fuentes, M.; Garro, E.; Elliott, S.; Vargas, D.; Menzel, C.... (2019). 5G New Radio for Terrestrial Broadcast: A Forward-Looking Approach for NR-MBMS. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 65(2):356-368. https://doi.org/10.1109/TBC.2019.291211735636865

    Broadcasting in LTE-Advanced networks using multihop D2D communications

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    In an LTE-Advanced network, network-controlled Device-to-Device (D2D) communications can be combined in a multihop fashion to distribute broadcasts over user-defined (and possibly large) areas, with small latencies and occupying few resources. Such a service may be exploited for several purposes, (e.g. Internet of Things, Vehicular communications). Engineering a multihop D2D-based broadcast service requires working at both the application level on the User Equipment (UE) and at the resource-allocation level within the eNodeBs. This paper describes the necessary modifications at both the UE and the eNodeB, what the main issues are, and how to solve them efficiently. We evaluate the performance of the above service using system-level simulations, and demonstrate its advantages over standard broadcasting techniques

    Models and Methods for Network Selection and Balancing in Heterogeneous Scenarios

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    The outbreak of 5G technologies for wireless communications can be considered a response to the need for widespread coverage, in terms of connectivity and bandwidth, to guarantee broadband services, such as streaming or on-demand programs offered by the main television networks or new generation services based on augmented and virtual reality (AR / VR). The purpose of the study conducted for this thesis aims to solve two of the main problems that will occur with the outbreak of 5G, that is, the search for the best possible connectivity, in order to offer users the resources necessary to take advantage of the new generation services, and multicast as required by the eMBMS. The aim of the thesis is the search for innovative algorithms that will allow to obtain the best connectivity to offer users the resources necessary to use the 5G services in a heterogeneous scenario. Study UF that allows you to improve the search for the best candidate network and to achieve a balance that allows you to avoid congestion of the chosen networks. To achieve these two important focuses, I conducted a study on the main mathematical methods that made it possible to select the network based on QoS parameters based on the type of traffic made by users. A further goal was to improve the computational computation performance they present. Furthermore, I carried out a study in order to obtain an innovative algorithm that would allow the management of multicast. The algorithm that has been implemented responds to the needs present in the eMBMS, in realistic scenarios

    Evaluating the effectiveness of Cooperative/Coordinated Multipoint (CoMP) LTE feature in uplink and downlink transmissions

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    Shannon demonstrated that the channel capacity depends of the ratio of the received signal power to interference plus noise power (SINR). Inter-cell interference caused by neighbouring base stations (BSs) has been identified as one of the most severe problem towards the deployment of LTE technology as it can significantly deteriorate the performance of cellside User Equipment (UE). However, because of regulatory and radiation restrictions as well as operational costs, signal power may only be increased only up to a certain limit to reduce the interference. The other common radio propagation impairment is multipath. Multipath refers to a scenario where multiple copies of a signal propagate to a receiver using different paths. The paths can be created due to signal reflection, scattering and diffraction. As will be discussed later the effects of multipath contribute little to intercell interference because multipath characteristics such as delay spread are compensated for using cyclic prefixes. In this work, we will limit our scope to interference as it has been identified as the main cause of performance degradation for cell edge users due to the full frequency reuse technique used in LTE. To mitigate interference 3GPP devised options of increasing the capacity in LTEAdvanced Release 12 which include the use of spectral aggregation, employing Multiple Input and Multiple Output (MIMO) Antenna techniques, deploying more base stations and micro and femto cells, increasing the degree of sectorisation and Coordinated Multipoint (CoMP). We are primarily interested in evaluating performance improvements introduced when uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) coordinated/cooperative multipoint (CoMP) is enabled in LTE Advanced Release 12 as a way of reducing interference among sites. The CoMP option of reducing interference does not require deployment of new equipment compared to the other options mentioned above hence network deployment costs are minimal. CoMP in theory is known to reduce interference especially for cell edge users and therefore improves network fairness. With CoMP, multiple points coordinate with each other such that transmission of signals to and from other points do not incur serious interference or the interference can even be exploited as a meaningful signal. In September 2011 work on specifications for CoMP support was started in 3GPP LTEAdvanced as one of the core features in LTE-Advanced Release 11 to improve cell edge user throughput as well as the average network throughput. We set to do field measurements in the evaluation of the effectiveness of CoMP in LTE. 3GPP LTE Release 12 was used and cell edge users' performance was the focus. The network operates in 2330 - 2350 MHz band (Channel 40). From the field measurements, it was demonstrated that the CoMP (Scenario 2) feature indeed effective in improving service quality/user experience/fairness for cell edge users. CoMP inherently improves network capacity. A seven (7) percent throughput was noticed

    Policy-Based Radio Resource Management in Multicast OFDMA Systems

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    Η ασύρματηφασματική αποδοτικότητα είναι ένας, όλο και περισσότερο, σημαντικός παράγοντας εξαιτίας της ταχείας ανάπτυξης των ασύρματων υπηρεσιών ευρείας ζώνης. Η σχεδίαση ενός συστήματος με πολλά φέροντα, όπως είναι ένα σύστημα OFDMA,επιτρέπει στα συστήματα να έχουν υψηλή χωρητικότητα για να ικανοποιήσουν τις απαιτήσεις των υπηρεσιών ευρείας ζώνης.Αυτή η αυξημένη χωρητικότητα των συστημάτων μπορεί να βελτιστοποιηθεί περαιτέρω εκμεταλλευόμενοι καλύτερα τα χαρακτηριστικά των ασύρματων καναλιών. Ηθεμελιώδηςιδέα ενός σχήματος κατανομής πόρων είναι η αποτελεσματική κατανομή των διαθέσιμων ασύρματων πόρων, όπως είναι οι υποφορείς και η ισχύς εκπομπής, μεταξύ των χρηστών του συστήματος. Σχετικά με τα προβλήματα της κατανομής πόρων σε ασύρματα συστήματα τηλεπικοινωνιών βασισμένα στην τεχνική OFDMA, η περισσότερη έρευνα επικεντρώνεται στην αναζήτηση πολιτικών ανάθεσης υποφορέων και ισχύος. Οι διαθέσιμες τεχνικές της βιβλιογραφίας δεν μπορούν να εφαρμοστούν όπως είναι σε συστήματα πολυεκπομπής. Επιπλέον, οι υπάρχουσες τεχνικές δεν μπορούν να εφαρμοστούν αμετάβλητες σε πραγματικά συστήματα στα οποία υπάρχει μεγάλος αριθμός OFDMυποφορέων, καθώς η υπολογιστική πολυπλοκότητα είναι πολύ μεγάλη. Ο βασικός στόχος της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η πρόταση ικανών μηχανισμών κατανομής των διαθέσιμων υποφορέων σε ασύρματα συστήματα πολυεκπομπής χρησιμοποιώντας την τεχνολογία OFDMA. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, σχετικά με τα συστήματα πολυεκπομπής, θεωρούμε ότι τόσο ο σταθμός βάσης όσο και κάθε χρήστης είναι εφοδιασμένοι με μοναδική κεραία και η μονάδα κατανομής δεν είναι ο υποφορέας, όπως στα συμβατικά συστήματα OFDMA, αλλά μία ομάδα γειτονικώνυποφορέων, η οποία ονομάζεται τεμάχιο, με σκοπό τη μείωση της μεγάλης υπολογιστικής πολυπλοκότητας. Ένας αποτελεσματικός αλγόριθμος προτείνεται του οποίου ο στόχος είναι η μεγιστοποίηση του συνολικού ρυθμού μετάδοσης δεδομένων με περιορισμούς στη συνολική διαθέσιμη ισχύ, στο BERανά τεμάχιο και στους αναλογικούς περιορισμούς μεταξύ των ρυθμών μετάδοσης δεδομένων των ομάδων χρηστών. Η προσομοίωση και η ανάλυση της πολυπλοκότητας που παρουσιάζονται, υποστηρίζουν τα πλεονεκτήματα της κατανομής πόρων σε συστήματα πολυεκπομπήςOFDMA τα οποία βασίζονται σε κατανομή τεμαχίων και έχουν ως στόχος την εξασφάλιση της αναλογικότητας μεταξύ των ρυθμών μετάδοσης δεδομένων των ομάδων χρηστών.Wireless spectral efficiency is increasingly important due to the rapid growth of demand for high data rate wideband wireless services. The design of a multi-carrier system, such as an OFDMA system, enables high system capacity suited for these wideband wireless services. This system capacity can be further optimized with a resource allocation scheme by exploiting the characteristics of the wireless fading channels. The fundamental idea of a resource allocation scheme is to efficiently distribute the available wireless resources, such as the subcarriers and transmission power, among all admitted users in the system. Regarding the problems of resource allocation in OFDMA-based wireless communicationsystems, much of the research effort mainly focuses on finding efficient power controland subcarrier assignment policies. With systems employing multicast transmission,the available schemes in literature are not always applicable. Moreover, the existing approachesare particularly inaccessible in practical systems in which there are a large numberof OFDM subcarriers being utilized, as the required computational burden is prohibitivelyhigh. The ultimate goal of this Thesis is therefore to propose affordable mechanisms toflexibly and effectively share out the available resources in multicast wireless systems deployingOFDMA technology. Specifically, according to multicast system, it is assumed thatboth the BS and each user are equipped witha single antenna and the allocation unit is not the subcarrier,as in conventional OFDMA systems, but a set of contiguoussubcarriers, which is called chunk, in order to alleviate the heavy computational burden. An efficient algorithmis proposed whose aim is to maximize the total throughput subject to constraints on totalavailable power,BER over a chunk, and proportional data rates constraints among multicast groups. Simulation and complexity analysis are provided to support thebenefits of chunk-based resource allocation to multicast OFDMA systems with targeting proportional data rates among multicast groups

    Performance Evaluation of LTE and LTE advanced standards for next generation mobile networks

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    Nel corso della trattazione sono analizzati gli standard 3GPP LTE e LTE-Advanced per la prossima generazione delle reti mobili cellulari. L'algoritmo OptiMOS, che può essere impiegato dalla Stazione Base per servire in modo efficiente connessioni VoIP, è descritto nel capitolo [8]. L’algoritmo di link scheduling Relay, finalizzato a ottimizzare le reti LTE avanzate in presenza di nodi relay è descritto nel capitolo [9]. Questo lavoro è stato presentato in adempimento parziale dei requisiti per la Laurea di Dottore di Ricerca in Ingegneria dell'Informazione presso l'ufficio informazioni Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Università degli Studi di Pisa, Italia

    Scalable and rate adaptive wireless multimedia multicast

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    The methods that are described in this work enable highly efficient audio-visual streaming over wireless digital communication systems to an arbitrary number of receivers. In the focus of this thesis is thus point-to-multipoint transmission at constrained end-to-end delay. A fundamental difference as compared to point-to-point connections between exactly two communicating sending and receiving stations is in conveying information about successful or unsuccessful packet reception at the receiver side. The information to be transmitted is available at the sender, whereas the information about successful reception is only available to the receiver. Therefore, feedback about reception from the receiver to the sender is necessary. This information may be used for simple packet repetition in case of error, or adaptation of the bit rate of transmission to the momentary bit rate capacity of the channel, or both. This work focuses on the single transmission (including retransmissions) of data from one source to multiple destinations at the same time. A comparison with multi-receiver sequentially redundant transmission systems (simulcast MIMO) is made. With respect to feedback, this work considers time division multiple access systems, in which a single channel is used for data transmission and feedback. Therefore, the amount of time that can be spent for transmitting feedback is limited. An increase in time used for feedback transmissions from potentially many receivers results in a decrease in residual time which is usable for data transmission. This has direct impact on data throughput and hence, the quality of service. In the literature, an approach to reduce feedback overhead which is based on simultaneous feedback exists. In the scope of this work, simultaneous feedback implies equal carrier frequency, bandwidth and signal shape, in this case orthogonal frequency-division multiplex signals, during the event of the herein termed feedback aggregation in time. For this scheme, a constant amount of time is spent for feedback, independent of the number of receivers giving feedback about reception. Therefore, also data throughput remains independent of the number of receivers. This property of audio-visual digital transmission is taken for granted for statically configured, single purpose systems, such as terrestrial television. In the scope of this work are, however, multi-user and multi-purpose digital communication networks. Wireless LANs are a well-known example and are covered in detail herein. In suchlike systems, it is of great importance to remain independent of the number of receivers, as otherwise the service of ubiquitous digital connectivity is at the risk of being degraded. In this regard, the thesis at hand elaborates at what bit rates audio-visual transmission to multiple receivers may take place in conjunction with feedback aggregation. It is shown that the scheme achieves a multi-user throughput gain when used in conjunction with adaptivity of the bit rate to the channel. An assumption is the use of an ideal overlay packet erasure correcting code in this case. Furthermore, for delay constrained transmission, such as in so-called live television, throughput bit rates are examined. Applications have to be tolerant to a certain level of residual error in case of delay constrained transmission. Improvement of the rate adaptation algorithm is shown to increase throughput while residual error rates are decreased. Finally, with a consumer hardware prototype for digital live-TV re-distribution in the local wireless network, most of the mechanisms as described herein can be demonstrated.Die in vorliegender Arbeit aufgezeigten Methoden der paketbasierten drahtlosen digitalen Kommunikation ermöglichen es, Fernsehinhalte, aber auch audio-visuelle Datenströme im Allgemeinen, bei hoher Effizienz an beliebig große Gruppen von Empfängern zu verteilen. Im Fokus dieser Arbeit steht damit die Punkt- zu Mehrpunktübertragung bei begrenzter Ende-zu-Ende Verzögerung. Ein grundlegender Unterschied zur Punkt-zu-Punkt Verbindung zwischen genau zwei miteinander kommunizierenden Sender- und Empfängerstationen liegt in der Übermittlung der Information über erfolgreichen oder nicht erfolgreichen Paketempfang auf Seite der Empfänger. Da die zu übertragende Information am Sender vorliegt, die Information über den Erfolg der Übertragung jedoch ausschließlich beim jeweiligen Empfänger, muss eine Erfolgsmeldung auf dem Rückweg von Empfänger zu Sender erfolgen. Diese Information wird dann zum Beispiel zur einfachen Paketwiederholung im nicht erfolgreichen Fall genutzt, oder aber um die Übertragungsrate an die Kapazität des Kanals anzupassen, oder beides. Grundsätzlich beschäftigt sich diese Arbeit mit der einmaligen, gleichzeitigen Übertragung von Information (einschließlich Wiederholungen) an mehrere Empfänger, wobei ein Vergleich zu an mehrere Empfänger sequentiell redundant übertragenden Systemen (Simulcast MIMO) angestellt wird. In dieser Arbeit ist die Betrachtung bezüglich eines Rückkanals auf Zeitduplexsysteme beschränkt. In diesen Systemen wird der Kanal für Hin- und Rückweg zeitlich orthogonalisiert. Damit steht für die Übermittlung der Erfolgsmeldung eine beschränkte Zeitdauer zur Verfügung. Je mehr an Kanalzugriffszeit für die Erfolgsmeldungen der potentiell vielen Empfänger verbraucht wird, desto geringer wird die Restzeit, in der dann entsprechend weniger audio-visuelle Nutzdaten übertragbar sind, was sich direkt auf die Dienstqualität auswirkt. Ein in der Literatur weniger ausführlich betrachteter Ansatz ist die gleichzeitige Übertragung von Rückmeldungen mehrerer Teilnehmer auf gleicher Frequenz und bei identischer Bandbreite, sowie unter Nutzung gleichartiger Signale (hier: orthogonale Frequenzmultiplexsignalformung). Das Schema wird in dieser Arbeit daher als zeitliche Aggregation von Rückmeldungen, engl. feedback aggregation, bezeichnet. Dabei wird, unabhängig von der Anzahl der Empfänger, eine konstante Zeitdauer für Rückmeldungen genutzt, womit auch der Datendurchsatz durch zusätzliche Empfänger nicht notwendigerweise sinkt. Diese Eigenschaft ist aus statisch konfigurierten und für einen einzigen Zweck konzipierten Systemen, wie z. B. der terrestrischen Fernsehübertragung, bekannt. In dieser Arbeit werden im Gegensatz dazu jedoch am Beispiel von WLAN Mehrzweck- und Mehrbenutzersysteme betrachtet. Es handelt sich in derartigen Systemen zur digitalen Datenübertragung dabei um einen entscheidenden Vorteil, unabhängig von der Empfängeranzahl zu bleiben, da es sonst unweigerlich zu Einschränkungen in der Güte der angebotenen Dienstleistung der allgegenwärtigen digitalen Vernetzung kommen muss. Vorliegende Arbeit zeigt in diesem Zusammenhang auf, welche Datenraten unter Benutzung von feedback aggregation in der Verteilung an mehrere Empfänger und in verschiedenen Szenarien zu erreichen sind. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass das Schema im Zusammenspiel mit einer Adaption der Datenrate an den Übertragungskanal inhärent einen Datenratengewinn durch Mehrbenutzerempfang zu erzielen vermag, wenn ein überlagerter idealer Paketauslöschungsschutz-Code angenommen wird. Des weiteren wird bei der Übertragung mit zeitlich begrenzter Ausführungsdauer, z. B. dem sogenannten Live-Fernsehen, aufgezeigt, wie sich die erreichbare Datenrate reduziert und welche Restfehlertoleranz an die Übertragung gestellt werden muss. Hierbei wird ebenso aufgezeigt, wie sich durch Verbesserung der Ratenadaption erstere erhöhen und zweitere verringern lässt. An einem auf handelsüblichen Computer-Systemen realisiertem Prototypen zur Live-Fernsehübertragung können die hierin beschriebenen Mechanismen zu großen Teilen gezeigt werden