10 research outputs found

    Organization of data exchange through the modbus network between the SIMATIC S7 PLC and field devices

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    © 2017 IEEE. The method is suggested to establish master-slave communication between the Siemens PLC and field devices based on the Modbus protocol for process control systems. The data exchange between the PLC and current node in the network is organized by using the session data blocks. Creating the request package and unpacking the response from the slave device are carried out by the two respective functions made with the SCL language help in the Step 7 system. At the implementation of this method, the storing of the network and nodes characteristics as well as the data obtained from the network are implemented in additional data blocks of the network level which are the shared memory for the entire control system. This ensures their availability for both the PLC software and the visualization software. The using of the shared memory provides an ability to design a PLC program for data exchange through a network and for process control carried independently of each other which considerably simplifies the development of the process control system software

    Development of SCADA Dynamic Application Design

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has changed major habits in learning patterns. Before the pandemic, almost all learning activities took place face-to-face. Especially vocational education, where competence or expertise is an absolute achievement that must be achieved. Learning patterns where practical learning reaches 60% of students must obtain practical learning directly. During the pandemic, direct learning activities cannot be carried out in full. This will have an impact on student competence. Solution is needed to solve it. One of them is how students can practice virtually. This article does not discuss the extent of competence achieved by a student through online practice. The focus of this article is to discuss how practical devices can be controlled remotely by designing a virtual system on the platform and running it in real time or known as dynamic application. And technicians or PLP will still supervise the operation of equipment in the laboratory. The device will be built using the MODBUS communication protocol

    Active compliance control strategies for multifingered robot hand

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    Safety issues have to be enhanced when the robot hand is grasping objects of different shapes, sizes and stiffness. The inability to control the grasping force and finger stiffness can lead to unsafe grasping environment. Although many researches have been conducted to resolve the grasping issues, particularly for the object with different shape, size and stiffness, the grasping control still requires further improvement. Hence, the primary aim of this work is to assess and improve the safety of the robot hand. One of the methods that allows a safe grasping is by employing an active compliance control via the force and impedance control. The implementation of force control considers the proportional–integral–derivative (PID) controller. Meanwhile, the implementation of impedance control employs the integral slidingmode controller (ISMC) and adaptive controller. A series of experiments and simulations is used to demonstrate the fundamental principles of robot grasping. Objects with different shape, size and stiffness are tested using a 3-Finger Adaptive Robot Gripper. The work introduces the Modbus remote terminal unit [RTU] protocol, a low-cost force sensor and the Arduino IO Package for a real-time hardware setup. It is found that, the results of the force control via PID controller are feasible to maintain the grasped object at certain positions, depending on the desired grasping force (i.e., 1N and 8N). Meanwhile, the implementation of impedance control via ISMC and adaptive controller yields multiple stiffness levels for the robot fingers and able to reduce collision between the fingers and the object. However, it was found that the adaptive controller produces better impedance control results as compared to the ISMC, with a 33% efficiency improvement. This work lays important foundations for long-term related research, particularly in the field of active compliance control that can be beneficial to human–robot interaction (HRI)

    Diseño de un prototipo de sistema de control para la supervisión de iluminación en baja tensión en túneles usando protocolos de comunicación industrial.

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    El presente proyecto tuvo como objetivo general implementar un sistema de supervisión para iluminación en túneles, realizado en una maqueta a escala. Se recabó información relevante que ayudó a determinar y diseñar el sistema requerido, cumpliendo con los parámetros de funcionamiento. Para la implementación del sistema de control y supervisión, fue necesaria la utilización de circuitos captadores de luz, dispositivos de control y conexiones de comunicación interna que integran todo el sistema de la red permitiendo controlarlo y manejarlo a través de una de una interfaz. Es necesario una buena ubicación de los sensores, captando así la luz que envía al sistema; para una mejor presentación el cableado y los dispositivos se concentran en un tablero de control desarrollado para identificar todos los elementos que intervienen en él, el sistema de supervisión funciona en tiempo real utilizando datos analógicos que son ingresados y procesados por los dispositivos de control permitiendo visualizar estos cambios en la interfaz gráfica desarrollada, obteniendo una eficiencia del 100% en la trasmisión, se concluye que la implementación de un sistema de este tipo ayuda a mejorar la supervisión de iluminación en el interior de los túneles, y de implementarlo en un túnel real este ayudaría al personal de mantenimiento resguardando la seguridad de los transeúntes.The general objective of this project was to implement a monitoring system for tunnel lighting, made on a scale model. Relevant information was collected that helping to determine and design the required system, complying with the operating parameters. For the implementation of the control and supervision system, it was necessary to use light harvesting circuits, control devices, and internal communication connections integrating the entire network system allowing it to be controlled and managed through an interface. A good location of the sensors is necessary, capturing the light and sending to the system; wiring and devices are concentrated in a control dashboard for better presentation developed to identify all the elements involved in it, the monitoring system operates in real-time using analog data that are entered and processed by the control devices allowing to visualize these changes in the graphical interface developed, obtaining efficiency in the transmission of 100%, it is concluded the system implementation helps to improve the monitoring system inside the tunnels, and if it is implemented in a real tunnel, it will help to the maintenance personnel protecting the safety of passersby

    Communication in microgrids and virtual power plants

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    One of the cornerstones of the steady operation of microgrids and virtual power plants as building blocks for smart grid is the communication system, which is the main objective for evaluation and research in this thesis. The given project investigates the most widespread communication protocols along with IEC 61850 standard for substations automation applied in smart grids. Based on the presented analysis for communication technologies and protocols the appropriate communication solution for the laboratory microgrid at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway (Campus Narvik) is suggested and implemente

    Extensiones al protocolo Modbus en el ámbito de los sistemas de control de edificios

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    En este trabajo se analiza el protocolo MODBUS, en el contexto de los sistemas de control de edificios y se proponen una serie de extensiones, para su mejora, que pretenden aumentar la interoperabilidad del protocolo y facilitar y automatizar los procesos de configuración de la red

    Exploiting Modbus protocol in wired and wireless multilevel communication architecture

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    This paper proposes an architectural improvement for the Modbus RTU protocol to integrate equipments in industrial automation networks, employing hybrid communication with wired Modbus RTU and wireless IEEE 802.15.4. These environments have different electromagnetic interferences, requiring protocols with noise immunity to varied equipments such as motors and generators. Modbus RTU is a simple and robust master-slave protocol that accepts the integration of a master with up to 247 slaves into a bus topology. In addition, the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol emerged recently as a wireless solution to industrial environments since it allows electromagnetic spectrum evaluation, and the choice of avoiding communications in noise frequencies and decreasing the error rate between packets. The proposed hybrid communication protocol increases control and topological limits imposed by Modbus RTU by enabling a wired/wireless tree-bus topology and master multiplexing. Moreover, the academy-industry cooperation resulted in features implemented in a gateway, whose efficiency is evaluated with practical experiments in different topologies.</p

    Exploiting Modbus protocol in wired and wireless multilevel communication architecture

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    This paper proposes an architectural improvement for the Modbus RTU protocol to integrate equipments in industrial automation networks, employing hybrid communication with wired Modbus RTU and wireless IEEE 802.15.4. These environments have different electromagnetic interferences, requiring protocols with noise immunity to varied equipments such as motors and generators. Modbus RTU is a simple and robust master-slave protocol that accepts the integration of a master with up to 247 slaves into a bus topology. In addition, the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol emerged recently as a wireless solution to industrial environments since it allows electromagnetic spectrum evaluation, and the choice of avoiding communications in noise frequencies and decreasing the error rate between packets. The proposed hybrid communication protocol increases control and topological limits imposed by Modbus RTU by enabling a wired/wireless tree-bus topology and master multiplexing. Moreover, the academy-industry cooperation resulted in features implemented in a gateway, whose efficiency is evaluated with practical experiments in different topologies.</p

    Implementación de un módulo didáctico basado en comunicación industrial utilizando Modbus RTU y TCP/IP para el monitoreo y control de un motor trifásico.

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    El presente trabajo de titulación Implementación de un módulo didáctico basado en comunicación industrial utilizando Modbus RTU y TCP/IP para el monitoreo y control de un motor trifásico se centra en la implementación de un módulo didáctico que permita a los estudiantes de la carrera de Electrónica y Automatización de la Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena aprender y practicar con los protocolos de comunicación Modbus RTU y TCP/IP, además de abordar la problemática de incompatibilidad de dispositivos de diferentes marcas que dificultan la integración de equipos. Este trabajo demuestra cómo el uso de redes industriales basadas en el protocolo Modbus ofrece una solución eficiente y estandarizada para la interoperabilidad de equipos de distintas marcas. El proyecto incluye una revisión de los conceptos teóricos de automatización y redes industriales antes de seleccionar y configurar los dispositivos necesarios para el sistema. Los componentes principales incluyen un controlador lógico programable, un convertidor Modbus RTU-TCP/IP, un HMI, un variador de frecuencia, un medidor de parámetros eléctricos y software especializado para la programación y el monitoreo. Se detallan los pasos necesarios para configurar la red de comunicación, programar el sistema y garantizar su correcto funcionamiento. Los resultados demuestran que el módulo didáctico es efectivo para el propósito educativo, permitiendo a los estudiantes monitorear y controlar un motor trifásico mediante una interfaz HMI, ajustando parámetros como velocidad y dirección de giro. Las pruebas de comunicación en la red Modbus TCP/IP mostraron una transferencia confiable de datos entre dispositivos. En la red Modbus RTU con Modbus Poll, se validó la precisión en la transmisión y recepción de datos a través del convertidor IFD9506. La red industrial demostró alta estabilidad, con pruebas exitosas de control del variador SINEE EM730, proporcionando respuestas rápidas al accionar el motor. El sistema de monitoreo de variables eléctricas fue eficaz en la observación y registro en tiempo real, facilitando el análisis. Este trabajo resalta la importancia en la formación de ingenieros al aplicar teorías en la automatización y redes industriales, concluyendo con recomendaciones para futuras mejoras y expansiones del sistema

    Integração M2M de sistemas embebidos em gestão de activos industriais

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    Tese de doutoramento em Física (Pré-Bolonha), Especialidade de Física Tecnológica, apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de CoimbraEsta dissertação apresenta um estudo de um modelo para o exercício da gestão de activos industriais, baseado na integração de sistemas embebidos de medida e controlo com módulos de comunicação sem fios de baixo consumo, num quadro de comunicações Máquina-a-Máquina (M2M), e subsequentes realizações para aplicações industriais diversas . São aqui apresentados e discutidos os aspectos que caracterizam sistemas de informação locais e remotos, para aplicações industriais de manutenção preditiva de activos, segurança de pessoas e activos, e optimização da produção. São apresentados sistemas realizados para cenários e aplicações industriais com características bem distintas: subestações da rede eléctrica, perímetros de processo químico, e minas subterrâneas. É aqui demonstrado que os sistemas embebidos têm capacidade para conduzir aplicações simples de disgnóstico e reduzir o volume de dados desde a origem, sem perder a qualidade da informação, constituindo-se assim como agentes de suporte à decisão, em tempo útil. O trabalho conclui também que uma autonomia energética necessária à viabilidade dos sistemas é conseguida com a simplificação da sua programação, com o exacto dimensionamento da sua memória interna, e com a correcta selecção da frequência de operação