45 research outputs found

    Age, ability, and awareness in implicit and explicit second language learning

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    Age, ability, and awareness in implicit and explicit second language learnin


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    В настоящее время существует социальный спрос на высокий уровень владения английским. Изучение предметов через английский становится все более распространённым явлением и реализуется через учебные программы начального, среднего и высшего профессионального образования с использованием CLIL технологии. По мере расширения понимания передовой практики эффективного преподавания и изучения языков, произойдут качественные изменения в классах. Это окажет положительное влияние на преподавание английского языка и внедрение CLIL технологии. Нашему обществу необходимы люди, которые свободно говорят на иностранных языках. Как известно, они обладают лучшей памятью, более гибкими умственными и когнитивными способностями. Двуязычие стимулирует работу мозга, что препятствует процессам старения и позволяет оставаться в когнитивной безопасности в более поздние годы

    The Effects of Pedagogical Conditions on Second Language Acquisition

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    Practical Applications for Corpora: The Role of Research-based Linguistics in Literacy & Education for the Tibetan Language

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    Corpus Linguistics and NLP have many obvious applications for researchers, academics, and other specialists; what should not be overlooked, however, is their role in improving the mundane, everyday interactions between people and language, be they a reader of a newspaper; a child with a storybook; or a student in a classroom. The language analyses that these linguistic tools provide have an important part to play in the feedback loop between authors, journalists, and pedagogists on the one hand and their audiences and students on the other. While these sorts of research-based resources have already made splashes in majority languages like English, their ripples have yet to spill over into the smaller language markets. Within this paper we outline the ways in which corpus linguistics may inform Tibetan language literacy and education in both L1 & L2 contexts, while drawing from our own research into issues of readability and the development of a modern pedagogy for instruction in the Tibetan alphabet based on frequency data

    Squib: processamento em L2 apresenta ativação neural semelhante à da L1 após meses de ausência de exposição à língua

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    Este estudo de ERP com uma língua artificial examinou as consequências neurais e comportamentais de um período substancial de ausência de exposição a uma L2, um cenário comum na aprendizagem de L2. O objetivo foi examinar a neurocognição da gramática de uma segunda língua (L2) na idade adulta após um período de vários meses de ausência de exposição à língua-alvo. Em particular, buscou-se verificar em que medida essa ausência acarretaria perdas na proficiência e/ou neurocognição de forma diferente que acarretam em L1. Os resultados mostram que, após a obtenção de níveis relativamente altos de proficiência na L2, vários meses de ausência de exposição à língua não necessariamente levam a uma diminuição nos níveis de desempenho. Ao invés disso, a proficiência pode não somente ser mantida como até mesmo pode ocorrer um aumento no processamento neural da sintaxe semelhante ao que ocorre na língua materna

    Minority languages in Europe: Problems of Albanian as the second official language in North Macedonia

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    This study aimed at analyzing the status of Albanian as the second official language in North Macedonia, by firstly giving an overview of the language policy in the European Union (EU), its approach to multilingualism, stressing out the idea that a similar multilingual policy can be used as a model by other European countries. The study analysed the current situation regarding the use and application of the Albanian language in North Macedonia, by analyzing the law on languages and some issues regarding Albanian as the language of instruction. Qualitative methods were used for the aims of this study. The data was collected through document analysis for analyzing how the EU deals with multilingual issues; identify arising issues due to the use of Albanian as the second official language in North Macedonia and through semi-structured interviews with Albanian teachers from various schools to investigate their perceptions of the status of Albanian and about problems they face in their work routine. Teachers were posed five interview questions. After evaluating the data, some important issues were identified such as the need for further improvement to the law on languages, the need for opening more Albanian schools, and the need for continuous training for teachers

    Міжпредметні зв’язки як основа іншомовної мовленнєвої діяльності

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    Мета: визначити роль інтеграції та виявити особливості міжпредметних зв’язків дисципліни «Англійська мова» та інших дисциплін освітньої програми середньої школи, їх класифікації та визначити вплив цього процесу на навчання іншомовної мовленнєвої діяльності. Актуальність теми зумовлена спрямуванням сучасної методики викладання іноземної мови на різнобічне дослідження інтегративних процесів в освіті та науці, які сприяють становленню Нової української школи. Міжпредметні зв’язки є ефективним дидактичним принципом та дієвим стимулом, який сприяє закріпленню отриманих знань з навчальних дисциплін іноземною мовою, а також сприяє використанню їх в контексті реальних життєвих ситуацій. Теоретичне значення: можливість використання теоретичної та практичної частини для подальшого дослідження в галузі методики викладання іноземної мови та педагогіки в цілому.Цель: определить роль интеграции и выявить особенности межпредметных связей дисциплины «Английский язык» и других дисциплин образовательной программы средней школы, их классификации и определить влияния этого процесса на обучение иноязычной речевой деятельности. Актуальность темы обусловлена направленностью современной методики преподавания иностранного языка на разностороннее исследование интегративных процессов в образовании и науке, которые способствуют становлению Новой украинской школы. Межпредметные связи являются эффективным дидактическим принципом и действенным стимулом, который способствует закреплению полученных знаний по учебным дисциплинам на иностранном языке, а также способствует использованию их в контексте реальных жизненных ситуаций. Теоретическое значение: возможность использования теоретической и практической части для дальнейшего исследования в области методики преподавания иностранного языка и педагогики в целом.Goal: to determine the role of integration and identify the peculiarities of intersubject links among English and other academic subjects in the educational program of secondary school, their classification and impact of this process on foreign speech activity. The relevance of the problem depends on the focus of modern foreign language teaching methodology on a comprehensive study of integrative processes in education and science, which contribute to the formation of the New Ukrainian School. Intersubject links is an effective stimulus that helps to consolidate the acquired knowledge of academic subjects in a foreign language, as well as promotes their use in the context of real life situations. Theoretical meaning: using the theoretical and practical parts of the study for further research in the field of foreign language teaching methodology and pedagogy in general

    The role of Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) as sensitive measures in L2 vocabulary acquisition research

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    Neurocognitive measures have only scarcely been used in second language (L2) vocabulary research. Traditionally, L2 vocabulary knowledge has been gauged by using off-line measures that allow for conscious thinking and attentional control. Yet, it has been argued that more research is warranted on the role of measures that have the sensitivity to tap into on-line lexical processing. Recording Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) may be an effective technique in order to refine our understanding of L2 vocabulary knowledge. In the current article, we provide a comprehensive review of the relevant literature in order to examine the extent to which ERP research may be valuable to L2 vocabulary research. This review focuses on the potential of ERPs to address the multifaceted nature of vocabulary knowledge. It also examines the role of ERPs to elucidate the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying the incremental nature of L2 vocabulary learning. Finally, this paper discusses the extent to which ERPs might contribute to understanding factors that affect L2 vocabulary learning

    Beyond paradigm : The ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of classroom research

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    This article reviews studies in second language classroom research from a cross-theoretic perspective, arguing that the classroom holds the potential for bringing together researchers from opposing theoretical orientations. It shows how generative and general cognitive approaches share a view of language that implicates both implicit and explicit knowledge, and that holds a bias towards implicit knowledge. Arguing that it is implicit knowledge that should be the object of research, it proposes that classroom research would benefit from incorporating insights from a generative understanding of language. Specifically, there is a need for a more nuanced view of the complexity of language in terms of linguistic domain, and the interaction between those domains. Generative second language acquisition research that shows developmental differences in terms of both linguistic domain and interface is reviewed. The core argument is a call for more attention to the ‘what’ of language development in classroom research and, by implication, teaching practice. As such, the language classroom is seen to offer potential for research that goes beyond paradigm to address both the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of language development