810 research outputs found

    Out-of-order vector architectures

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    Register renaming and out-of-order instruction issue are now commonly used in superscalar processors. These techniques can also be used to significant advantage in vector processors, as this paper shows. Performance is improved and available memory bandwidth is used more effectively. Using a trace driven simulation we compare a conventional vector implementation, based on the Convex C3400, with an out-of-order, register renaming, vector implementation. When the number of physical registers is above 12, out-of-order execution coupled with register renaming provides a speedup of 1.24-1.72 for realistic memory latencies. Out-of-order techniques also tolerate main memory latencies of 100 cycles with a performance degradation less than 6%. The mechanisms used for register renaming and out-of-order issue can be used to support precise interrupts-generally a difficult problem in vector machines. When precise interrupts are implemented, there is typically less than a 10% degradation in performance. A new technique based on register renaming is targeted at dynamically eliminating spill code; this technique is shown to provide an extra speedup ranging between 1.10 and 1.20 while reducing total memory traffic by an average of 15-20%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version


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    The country that first controls and dominates emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing will have the power to re-shape the world to their benefit. The US federal government has historically been the source of breakthroughs in technology and science, but Silicon Valley now controls much of the technology development needed for future defense and weapons systems. Driven by profit, the private sector has been more open to dealing new technologies to foreign adversaries while the US national security apparatus has a vested interest in ensuring powerful new technologies remain unattainable to countries that may wish harm to the United States. This paper recommends changes to export laws to specifically address the quick pace of sensitive technological development in the private sector, and it advocates for new statutory authority to seize technology through eminent domain as a last resort

    Overview on Solvers for Linear Equations

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    A differentiated proposal of three dimension i/o performance characterization model focusing on storage environments

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    The I/O bottleneck remains a central issue in high-performance environments. Cloud computing, high-performance computing (HPC) and big data environments share many underneath difficulties to deliver data at a desirable time rate requested by high-performance applications. This increases the possibility of creating bottlenecks throughout the application feeding process by bottom hardware devices located in the storage system layer. In the last years, many researchers have been proposed solutions to improve the I/O architecture considering different approaches. Some of them take advantage of hardware devices while others focus on a sophisticated software approach. However, due to the complexity of dealing with high-performance environments, creating solutions to improve I/O performance in both software and hardware is challenging and gives researchers many opportunities. Classifying these improvements in different dimensions allows researchers to understand how these improvements have been built over the years and how it progresses. In addition, it also allows future efforts to be directed to research topics that have developed at a lower rate, balancing the general development process. This research present a three-dimension characterization model for classifying research works on I/O performance improvements for large scale storage computing facilities. This classification model can also be used as a guideline framework to summarize researches providing an overview of the actual scenario. We also used the proposed model to perform a systematic literature mapping that covered ten years of research on I/O performance improvements in storage environments. This study classified hundreds of distinct researches identifying which were the hardware, software, and storage systems that received more attention over the years, which were the most researches proposals elements and where these elements were evaluated. In order to justify the importance of this model and the development of solutions that targets I/O performance improvements, we evaluated a subset of these improvements using a a real and complete experimentation environment, the Grid5000. Analysis over different scenarios using a synthetic I/O benchmark demonstrates how the throughput and latency parameters behaves when performing different I/O operations using distinct storage technologies and approaches.O gargalo de E/S continua sendo um problema central em ambientes de alto desempenho. Os ambientes de computação em nuvem, computação de alto desempenho (HPC) e big data compartilham muitas dificuldades para fornecer dados em uma taxa de tempo desejável solicitada por aplicações de alto desempenho. Isso aumenta a possibilidade de criar gargalos em todo o processo de alimentação de aplicativos pelos dispositivos de hardware inferiores localizados na camada do sistema de armazenamento. Nos últimos anos, muitos pesquisadores propuseram soluções para melhorar a arquitetura de E/S considerando diferentes abordagens. Alguns deles aproveitam os dispositivos de hardware, enquanto outros se concentram em uma abordagem sofisticada de software. No entanto, devido à complexidade de lidar com ambientes de alto desempenho, criar soluções para melhorar o desempenho de E/S em software e hardware é um desafio e oferece aos pesquisadores muitas oportunidades. A classificação dessas melhorias em diferentes dimensões permite que os pesquisadores entendam como essas melhorias foram construídas ao longo dos anos e como elas progridem. Além disso, também permite que futuros esforços sejam direcionados para tópicos de pesquisa que se desenvolveram em menor proporção, equilibrando o processo geral de desenvolvimento. Esta pesquisa apresenta um modelo de caracterização tridimensional para classificar trabalhos de pesquisa sobre melhorias de desempenho de E/S para instalações de computação de armazenamento em larga escala. Esse modelo de classificação também pode ser usado como uma estrutura de diretrizes para resumir as pesquisas, fornecendo uma visão geral do cenário real. Também usamos o modelo proposto para realizar um mapeamento sistemático da literatura que abrangeu dez anos de pesquisa sobre melhorias no desempenho de E/S em ambientes de armazenamento. Este estudo classificou centenas de pesquisas distintas, identificando quais eram os dispositivos de hardware, software e sistemas de armazenamento que receberam mais atenção ao longo dos anos, quais foram os elementos de proposta mais pesquisados e onde esses elementos foram avaliados. Para justificar a importância desse modelo e o desenvolvimento de soluções que visam melhorias no desempenho de E/S, avaliamos um subconjunto dessas melhorias usando um ambiente de experimentação real e completo, o Grid5000. Análises em cenários diferentes usando um benchmark de E/S sintética demonstra como os parâmetros de vazão e latência se comportam ao executar diferentes operações de E/S usando tecnologias e abordagens distintas de armazenamento


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    Large-Scale simulations of plastic neural networks on neuromorphic hardware

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    SpiNNaker is a digital, neuromorphic architecture designed for simulating large-scale spiking neural networks at speeds close to biological real-time. Rather than using bespoke analog or digital hardware, the basic computational unit of a SpiNNaker system is a general-purpose ARM processor, allowing it to be programmed to simulate a wide variety of neuron and synapse models. This flexibility is particularly valuable in the study of biological plasticity phenomena. A recently proposed learning rule based on the Bayesian Confidence Propagation Neural Network (BCPNN) paradigm offers a generic framework for modeling the interaction of different plasticity mechanisms using spiking neurons. However, it can be computationally expensive to simulate large networks with BCPNN learning since it requires multiple state variables for each synapse, each of which needs to be updated every simulation time-step. We discuss the trade-offs in efficiency and accuracy involved in developing an event-based BCPNN implementation for SpiNNaker based on an analytical solution to the BCPNN equations, and detail the steps taken to fit this within the limited computational and memory resources of the SpiNNaker architecture. We demonstrate this learning rule by learning temporal sequences of neural activity within a recurrent attractor network which we simulate at scales of up to 2.0 × 104 neurons and 5.1 × 107 plastic synapses: the largest plastic neural network ever to be simulated on neuromorphic hardware. We also run a comparable simulation on a Cray XC-30 supercomputer system and find that, if it is to match the run-time of our SpiNNaker simulation, the super computer system uses approximately 45× more power. This suggests that cheaper, more power efficient neuromorphic systems are becoming useful discovery tools in the study of plasticity in large-scale brain models

    GenArchBench: Porting and Optimizing a Genomics Benchmark Suite to Arm-based HPC Processors

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    Arm usage has substantially grown in the High-Performance Computing (HPC) community. Japanese supercomputer Fugaku, powered by Arm-based A64FX processors, held the top position on the Top500 list between June 2020 and June 2022, currently sitting in the second position. The recently released 7th generation of Amazon EC2 instances for compute-intensive workloads (C7g) is also powered by Arm Graviton3 processors. Projects like European Mont-Blanc and U.S. DOE/NNSA Astra are further examples of Arm irruption in HPC. In parallel, over the last decade, the rapid improvement of genomic sequencing technologies and the exponential growth of sequencing data has placed a significant bottleneck on the computational side. While the majority of genomics applications have been thoroughly tested and optimized for x86 systems, just a few are prepared to perform efficiently on Arm machines, let alone exploit the advantages of the newly introduced Scalable Vector Extensions (SVE). This thesis presents GenArchBench, the first genome analysis benchmark suite targeting Arm architectures. We have selected a set of computationally demanding kernels from the most widely used tools in genome data analysis and ported them to Arm-based A64FX and Graviton3 processors. The porting features the usage of the novel Arm SVE instructions, algorithmic and code optimizations, and the exploitation of Arm-optimized libraries. All in all, the GenArch benchmark suite comprises 13 multi-core kernels from critical stages of widely-used genome analysis pipelines, including base-calling, read mapping, variant calling, and genome assembly. Moreover, our benchmark suite includes different input data sets per kernel (small and large), each with a corresponding regression test to verify the correctness of each execution automatically. In this work, we present the optimizations implemented in each kernel and a detailed performance evaluation and comparison of their performance on four different architectures (i.e., A64FX, Graviton3, Intel Xeon Platinum, and AMD EPYC). Additionally, as proof of the impact of this work, we study the performance improvement in a production-ready genomics pipeline using the GenArchBench optimized kernels