12 research outputs found

    Study of Relationship between Behavioral Characteristics and Demographic of Customers and Their Expected Advantages in Smart Cellphone Market

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    The aim of the present research is to study relationship between behavioral characteristics and demographic of customers and their expected advantages in smart cellphone market. The period of investigation is 2015 and its locations are cellphone stores and software and hardware repair shops in Bandar Abbas. So, 270 samples selected for analysis using questionnaire by two-phase sampling. Questionnaire contents validity studied, improved and finally confirmed by marketing and management professors in PHD degree, questionnaire reliability obtained using 0.879 Chronbach Alpha. One-way variance analysis test, Chi-squar independence Kruskal Wallis used to analyze behavioral and demographic characteristics. 15 factors selected as customer’s expected advantages include: phone vitals, longevity and durability of the phone, phone operation system, price, security, auxiliary facilities, quality, software feature, phone connectivity, memory, ease of use, the ability to capture and view photos and videos, after-sales service and processor 3 parts of market identified by cluster analysis implementation on extracted factors each part has its own characteristics. Clusters are different based on variables such as material status, employment status number and income of family members, education, loyalty and consumption; but there was not any difference between clusters in terms of sex and age. Keywords: customers’ expected advantages smart cellphones, behavioral characteristics, demographic characteristic

    Le trading algorithmique

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    The algorithmic trading comes from digitalisation of the processing of trading assets on financial markets. Since 1980 the computerization of the stock market offers real time processing of financial information. This technological revolution has offered processes and mathematic methods to identify best return on transactions. Current research relates to autonomous transaction systems programmed in certain periods and some algorithms. This offers return opportunities where traders can not intervene. There are about thirty algorithms to assist the traders, the best known are the VWAP, the TWAP, TVOL. The algorithms offer the latest strategies and decision-making are the subject of much research. These advances in modeling decision-making autonomous agent can envisage a rich future for these technologies, the players already in use for more than 30% of their trading.marché électronique;algorithme de trading;agent autonome;VWAP;TVOL;Arbitrage:marché financier; passage d'ordre automatisés

    Predicting Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) and Hearing Deterioration Index (HDI) in Malaysian Industrial Workers using GDAM Algorithm

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    Noise is a form of a pollutant that is terrorizing the occupational health experts for many decades due to its adverse side-effects on the workers in the industry. Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) handicap is one out of many health hazards caused due to excessive exposure to high frequency noise emitted from the machines. A number of studies have been carried-out to find the significant factors involved in causing NIHL in industrial workers using Artificial Neural Networks. Despite providing useful information on hearing loss, these studies have neglected some important factors.  Therefore, the current study is using age, work-duration, and maximum and minimum noise exposure as the main factors involved in the hearing loss. Gradient Descent with Adaptive Momentum (GDAM) algorithm is proposed to predict the NIHL in workers. The results show 98.21% average accuracy between the actual and the predicted datasets and the MSE for both ears is 2.10x10-3. Hearing threshold shift found in the selected workers was greater than 25 dB, which means hearing impairment has occurred. Also, Hearing Deterioration Index (HDI) is found to be quite high for different sound pressure levels such as maximum exposure (dB) and average exposure (dB) but is reported normal for minimum exposure (dB) for all workers. 

    Data-driven Fault Diagnosis of Power Transformers using Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA)

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    A power transformer is a critical piece of equipment in a power plant for distributing electricity, and it experiences thermal and electrical stresses during operation. Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) remains one of the most effective techniques to monitor the health of oil-filled transformers. Some traditional approaches for interpreting DGAs have been introduced. Occasionally, such approaches leave the state of the transformer uncategorized. This study proposed data-driven approaches for a fault diagnosis system based on DGA data using support vector machine (SVM). SVM is known for its robustness, good generalization capability, and unique global optimum solutions, particularly when data is limited. Backpropagation neural networks (BPNN) and extreme learning machine-radial basis function (ELM-RBF), a recent Neural Networks (NN)-based method with extremely fast computation time, were compared to SVM. An advanced technique to overcome the imbalanced data and synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE) was proposed to investigate the effect on classifier performance. The model was trained and tested using IEC TC 10 databases and transformer DGA monitoring data of a thermal power plant in Jakarta. The results indicated that SVM displayed the best performance compared to ELM-RBF and BPNN. It demonstrated extremely high accuracy, while still maintaining fast computation time for all stages in the proposed multistage fault diagnosis system

    Port competitiveness in North East Asia : an integrated fuzzy approach to expert evaluations

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    Despite the fact that the Northeast Asia (NEA) region, which had four of the top five and 20 of the top 30 container ports in the world in 2003, can be regarded as holding a central position in liner shipping and the handling of container cargo volumes, very little research has been done into the evaluation of its port competitiveness (EPC). For this reason, the EPC in NEA can be regarded as a problematic and urgent issue to be solved, and worthy of academic attention. From this aspect, this research set out to attempt to address the above issue by means of utilizing expert knowledge. However, the EPC contains problems of complex multipleattributes and multiple-hierarchies (CMAMH). In addition, difficulties concerning certain characteristics of evaluation such as complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity are also involved. To deal with such problems, in this research, the employment of integrated fuzzy evaluation (IFE) as a methodology was decided upon. As a result of the adaptation of the methodology, certain indications from this research to the theory and practice for container ports have emerged and are clearly identifiable. With regard to theory, this study has contributed to theoretical development significantly in four ways. First, the factors and taxonomy of port competitiveness for the container ports in NEA have been provided for the first time. Second, this is the first integrated approach for the EPC in NEA, the most competitive area in the world. Third, this research was also the first to attempt extracting critical weak points and/or influential factors affecting current port competitiveness. Finally, the adoption of IFE made it possible for the first time to uncover the interactive relationships between the competing container ports. In terms of practice, this research has also provided certain contributions of utmost importance. First of all, the study has provided a suggestion for the most recent port ranking in respect of port competitiveness. Moreover, changes in competitiveness power, which are dynamically and interactively affected by the relationship between the ports, have been successfully estimated and suggested. Thus, such changes in the competitiveness in NEA can now be easily forecasted by port actors

    Myynnin ennustaminen IT-alan Pk-yrityksissä

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    Myynnin ennustamisella on yrityksen kannalta oleellinen rooli ja sen harjoittaminen on tärkeää. Myyntiennustetta voidaan käyttää useisiin eri tarkoituksiin ja se voidaan laatia usealla tavalla eri menetelmiä hyödyntäen eri aikaväleille ja tasoille. Ennusteiden tarkkuudet ovat myös erilaisia ja tarkkuuteen vaikuttaa useat eri asiat. Tarkkuuden on oleellista olla riittävää. On olemassa myös liuta erilaisia ohjelmia ja järjestelmiä myynnin ennustamiseen. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, minkälainen myynnin ennustamisen tila IT-alan Pk-yrityksissä on. Tutkielmassa pyritään selvittämään, minkälaisia myynnin ennustamiskäytäntöjä IT-alan Pk-yrityksissä on ja miten tutkittavien yritysten myynnin ennustamistoiminta vertautuu kirjallisuudesta saatuun kuvaan myynnin ennustamisesta. Tutkielman alussa on teoriaosuus, joka on kirjallisuuskatsaus myynnin ennustamisesta. Lisäksi tutkielmaan kuuluu tutkimus, joka suoritetaan kvalitatiivisena. Tiedonkeruumenetelmänä toimii haastattelu. Tutkimukseen osallistui kaikkiaan kolme IT-alan Pk-yritystä; mikroyritys, pieni yritys ja keskisuuri yritys. Tutkimuksesta selvisi, että yrityksissä ennustetaan myyntiä melko aktiivisesti ja systemaattisesti. Tutkimuksesta löytyi niin eroja kuin yhtäläisyyksiäkin valittujen yritysten toiminnan ja kirjallisuudesta saadun kuvan välillä. Tutkimuksen yritykset eivät käytä juurikaan kvantitatiivisia menetelmiä ennustamiseen, vaan luottavat pääasiassa kvalitatiivisiin menetelmiin. Yrityksillä on käytössään myös ohjelmistoja tai järjestelmiä, joita voidaan hyödyntää myynnin ennustamisessa. Kaksi kolmesta haastateltavasta yrityksestä käyttää ohjelmistoista löytyvää myyntiputkeksi kutsuttua työkalua ennustamiseen. Tärkeimpiä käyttötarkoituksia ennusteille on resursointi ja henkilöstön tarpeen arviointi. Yritykset pyrkivät ennusteissaan riittävään tarkkuuteen, joka on yritysten välillä vaihteleva. Yritysten myynnin ennustamistoiminta on hyvällä tasolla ja yritysten tahtotila on kehittää sitä tulevaisuudessakin.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Advanced Logistic Models for Waste Management

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    Smyslem a účelem předkládané disertační práce je připravit dopravní technicko-ekonomické modely, které budou schopny odhadnout dopravní cenu pro vybrané scénáře. Cílem je dokázat hodnotit komplexní dopravní řetězce v odpadovém hospodářství s využitím různého typu dopravy (silniční, železniční) a se zohledněním různého typu odpadu. Klíčové pro tvorbu technicko-ekonomických modelů je identifikace vstupních parametrů, které mají vliv na konečnou cenu dopravy. Současně je nutné korektně identifikovat zpracovatelská zařízení, která budou součástí komplexních dopravních řetězců. Celkové výstupy budou prezentovány ve formě případové studie.The purpose of the dissertation thesis is to prepare transport techno-economic models which will be able to estimate the transportation cost for selected scenarios. The main goal is to describe the complex transport chains in waste management, using different types of transportation (road, rail) and transport different types of waste. The key element of preparing techno-economic models is the identification of input parameters which are important for estimating the cost of transport. At the same time, it is necessary to correctly identify the processing facilities that will be part of complex transport chains. The total outputs will be presented in the form of a feasibility study.

    Intra- and extra-organisational knowledge exchange within an agent based system from an option-theoretic point of view

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    Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit analysiert das Konzept der Business Transaction Theory (BTT). Diese Theorie besagt, dass der Austausch von Wissen zwischen Menschen durch finanzmathematische Evaluierungsmodelle bewertet werden kann. Darüber hinaus kombiniert die Diplomarbeit, durch einen interdisziplinären Ansatz, die Gebiete des Wissensmanagements (repräsentiert durch die BTT), der Finanzmathematik (repräsentiert durch das Black-Scholes Modell) und der agentenbasierten Simulation (ABS), um den Wissensaustausch innerhalb einer Firma mittels des ABS zu simulieren. Nachdem die drei erwähnten Modelle im Detail analysiert wurden, wurde die Kompatibilität der BTT und des B-S Modells kontrolliert. Dies wurde nachgewiesen, indem eine Überprüfung aller finanzmathematischen Anforderungen auf deren Transferierbarkeit in ein Wissensaustausch-Szenario durchgeführt wurde. Die Diplomarbeit bezieht sich nicht nur auf den intra-organisationalen Wissensaustausch, sondern schafft ein Modell eines virtuellen Informationsmarktes, auf dem Angestellte und Firmen Informationen aus externen Quellen, zur Erweiterung des eigenen Wissensstandes, akquirieren können. Durch eine kritische Analyse der dargelegten Konzepte und durch eine Auseinandersetzung mit den, bei der Kombination der unterschiedlichen Forschungsgebiete entstandenen Problemen, versucht diese Diplomarbeit einen innovativen Ansatz, sowie einen Beitrag zur wissenschaftlichen Forschung zu leisten.This diploma thesis analyses the concept of the Business Transaction Theory (BTT). This theory states that human knowledge exchange can be evaluated by finance mathematic evaluation models. Through an interdisciplinary approach, it combines the areas of knowledge management (represented by the BTT), finance mathematics (represented by the Black-Scholes option evaluation formula) and agent based simulations (ABS), in order to create a possibility to simulate knowledge exchanges within a company. After having analysed the three above mentioned models in detail, the compatibility of the BTT and the B-S model has been proved. This was done by verifying that all necessary requirements and assumptions that arose from the finance mathematic side were transferable into a knowledge exchange setup within an ABS. The diploma thesis not only focuses on the intra-organisational knowledge exchange, but also introduces the model of a virtual information market, where employees and companies can acquire additional information from external sources, in order to increase their own knowledge level. By analysing critically all concepts used, as well as addressing occurring problems that arose with combining the different areas, this diploma thesis represents an innovative approach and contribution to academic research

    Compressing Labels of Dynamic XML Data using Base-9 Scheme and Fibonacci Encoding

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    The flexibility and self-describing nature of XML has made it the most common mark-up language used for data representation over the Web. XML data is naturally modelled as a tree, where the structural tree information can be encoded into labels via XML labelling scheme in order to permit answers to queries without the need to access original XML files. As the transmission of XML data over the Internet has become vibrant, it has also become necessary to have an XML labelling scheme that supports dynamic XML data. For a large-scale and frequently updated XML document, existing dynamic XML labelling schemes still suffer from high growth rates in terms of their label size, which can result in overflow problems and/or ambiguous data/query retrievals. This thesis considers the compression of XML labels. A novel XML labelling scheme, named “Base-9”, has been developed to generate labels that are as compact as possible and yet provide efficient support for queries to both static and dynamic XML data. A Fibonacci prefix-encoding method has been used for the first time to store Base-9’s XML labels in a compressed format, with the intention of minimising the storage space without degrading XML querying performance. The thesis also investigates the compression of XML labels using various existing prefix-encoding methods. This investigation has resulted in the proposal of a novel prefix-encoding method named “Elias-Fibonacci of order 3”, which has achieved the fastest encoding time of all prefix-encoding methods studied in this thesis, whereas Fibonacci encoding was found to require the minimum storage. Unlike current XML labelling schemes, the new Base-9 labelling scheme ensures the generation of short labels even after large, frequent, skewed insertions. The advantages of such short labels as those generated by the combination of applying the Base-9 scheme and the use of Fibonacci encoding in terms of storing, updating, retrieving and querying XML data are supported by the experimental results reported herein