41,726 research outputs found

    Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media Literacy Education

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    Outlines five principles representing the consensus among media literacy educators on best practices in fair use -- the right to use copyrighted material without permission or payment when used mainly for cultural or social benefits

    Automated monitor and control for deep space network subsystems

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    The problem of automating monitor and control loops for Deep Space Network (DSN) subsystems is considered and an overview of currently available automation techniques is given. The use of standard numerical models, knowledge-based systems, and neural networks is considered. It is argued that none of these techniques alone possess sufficient generality to deal with the demands imposed by the DSN environment. However, it is shown that schemes that integrate the better aspects of each approach and are referenced to a formal system model show considerable promise, although such an integrated technology is not yet available for implementation. Frequent reference is made to the receiver subsystem since this work was largely motivated by experience in developing an automated monitor and control loop for the advanced receiver

    Antike dramen Heiner MĂŒllers. Adaption der mythen oder eine neue theaterĂ€sthetik?

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    Der Artikel analysiert die Tragödienkonzeption Heiner MĂŒllers im Kontext seiner Antike-Ad- aptionen. Interpretiert werden drei StĂŒcke, die aus formaler Perspektive verschiedene Wege der Antike-Rezeption prĂ€sentieren. Der kurze Text Der Horatier ĂŒbernimmt den Stoff aus Livius Ab urbe condita und erzĂ€hlt die Geschichte der Horatier in einer Form, die man auch als VerserzĂ€h- lung bezeichnen könnte. Das Drama Philoktet stĂŒtzt sich vor allem auf die Vorlage von Sophokles. Verkommenes Ufer Medeamaterial Landschaft mit Argonauten ist eine sehr freie Adaption des Me- dea-Mythos und nur in GrundzĂŒgen ist sie dem antiken Stoff treu. Trotz dieser formalen Unter- schiede zeigen die drei Texte – offensichtlich gegen die Intention ihres Autors, der nach grossen, tragischen Problemen in der kommunistischen Gesellschaft der DDR suchte – ZĂŒge einer Poetik, die die NĂ€he zur MitleidsĂ€sthetik des bĂŒrgerlichen Trauerspiels offenbart. Die nĂ€here Analyse deckt WidersprĂŒche auf, die das Individuum, das persönliche Leiden zum Hauptproblem machen. Die private Tragödie der Protagonisten scheint die Tragödie zu verdrĂ€ngen, die im öffentlichen Raum angesiedelt ist. Dies ist ein ĂŒberraschendes Ergebnis, bedenkt man MĂŒllers Selbstdeutung sowie seine Rolle im DDR-Kulturbetrieb

    Public Confidence in the Judiciary: Some Notes and Reflections

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    Persons with intellectual disability have been found to perform more poorly on tasks, demanding the use of executive functions like planning, than their peers. This study investigated difficulties with planning, and how problems with planning ability can be supported by using cognitive artifacts to help performance on activities in everyday life, for adolescents with intellectual disability. The approach taken is one of situated cognition, where the natural environment plays a big role, to see if the same difficulties arise as results from traditional research has shown. The traditional view focuses a lot on executive functions, and experimental studies in controlled settings and often suggests interventions and practice of certain functions to get better abilities. Another way is to focus on the use of cognitive artifact, to support problematic abilities, and to get a well-rounded understanding of how the problems actually appear in everyday life, the alternative view of situated cognition is a way to go. The data was gathered through interviews and surveys with the individual’s parents and analyzed through categorization and a repeated measures ANOVA, with a bonferroni corrected post hoc test. Results show several problematic areas, and that there is a difference in how problematic these areas are estimated to be when it comes to planning in everyday situations. It is discussed how the natural contexts helps knowing what planning really means for the group, as well as how it can help finding properties in cognitive artifacts that can help raise the level of independence in planning related tasks

    Epidemic space

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    The aim of this article is to highlight the importance of 'spatiality' in understanding the materialization of risk society and cultivation of risk sensibilities. More specifically it provides a cultural analysis of pathogen virulence (as a social phenomenon) by means of tracing and mapping the spatial flows that operate in the uncharted zones between the microphysics of infection and the macrophysics of epidemics. It will be argued that epidemic space consists of three types of forces: the vector, the index and the vortex. It will draw on Latour's Actor Network Theory to argue that epidemic space is geared towards instability when the vortex (of expanding associations and concerns) displaces the index (of finding a single cause)

    Howard Gardner: the myth of multiple intelligences

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    This evening I want to examine Howard Gardner’s idea that there are multiple intelligences (MI theory). MI theory identifies some eight or nine types of intelligence: not only the logico-mathematical and linguistic kinds measured by IQ
