12 research outputs found

    Alternative Post-Processing on a CMOS Chip to Fabricate a Planar Microelectrode Array

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    We present an alternative post-processing on a CMOS chip to release a planar microelectrode array (pMEA) integrated with its signal readout circuit, which can be used for monitoring the neuronal activity of vestibular ganglion neurons in newborn Wistar strain rats. This chip is fabricated through a 0.6 μm CMOS standard process and it has 12 pMEA through a 4 × 3 electrodes matrix. The alternative CMOS post-process includes the development of masks to protect the readout circuit and the power supply pads. A wet etching process eliminates the aluminum located on the surface of the p+-type silicon. This silicon is used as transducer for recording the neuronal activity and as interface between the readout circuit and neurons. The readout circuit is composed of an amplifier and tunable bandpass filter, which is placed on a 0.015 mm2 silicon area. The tunable bandpass filter has a bandwidth of 98 kHz and a common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) of 87 dB. These characteristics of the readout circuit are appropriate for neuronal recording applications

    A comprehensive high-level model for CMOS-MEMS resonators

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    2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper presents a behavioral modeling technique for CMOS microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) microresonators that enables simulation of an MEMS resonator model in Analog Hardware Description Language format within a system-level circuit simulation. A 100-kHz CMOS-MEMS resonant pressure sensor has been modeled into Verilog-A code and successfully simulated within Cadence framework. Analysis has shown that simulation results of the reported model are in agreement with the device characterization results. As an application of the proposed methodology, simulation and results of the model together with an integrated monolithic low-noise amplifier is exemplified for detecting the position change of the resonator.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Curvature of BEOL cantilevers in CMOS-MEMS processes

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    © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper presents the curvature characterization results of released back-end-of-line 5 µm-wide cantilevers for two different 0.18-µm 1P6M complementary metal-oxide semiconductor microelectromechanical systems processes. Results from different runs and lots from each foundry are presented. The methodology and accuracy of the characterization approach, based on optical measurements of test cantilever curvature, are also discussed. Special emphasis is given to the curvature average and variability as a function of the number of stacked layers. Analythical equations for modeling the bending behavior of stacked cantilevers as a function of the tungsten (W) vias that join the metal layers are presented. In addition, the effect of various post-processing conditions and design techniques on the curvature of both single and stacked cantilevers is analyzed. In particular, surpassing certain time-dependent temperature stress conditions after release lead to curvature shifts larger than one order of magnitude. Also, the W via design was found to strongly affect the curvature of the test cantilevers.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    CMOS-MEMS resonant pressure sensors: optimization and validation through comparative analysis

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00542-016-2878-3An optimized CMOS-MEMS resonant pressure sensor with enhanced sensitivity at atmospheric pressure has been reported in this paper. The presented work reports modeling and characterization of a resonant pressure sensor, based on the variation of the quality factor with pressure. The relevant regimes of air flow have been determined by the Knudsen number, which is the ratio of the mean free path of the gas molecule to the characteristic length of the device. The sensitivity has been monitored for the resonator design from low vacuum to atmospheric levels of air pressure. This has been accomplished by reducing the characteristic length and optimization of other parameters for the device. While the existing analytical model has been adapted to simulate the squeeze film damping effectively and it is validated at higher values of air pressure, it fails to compute the structural damping mechanisms dominant in the molecular flow regime, i.e. at lower levels of air pressure. This discrepancy has been solved by finite element modeling that has incorporated both structural and film damping effects. The sensor has been designed with an optimal geometry of 140 × 140 × 8 µm having 6 × 6 perforations along the row and column of the plate, respectively, for maximum Q, with an effective mass of 0.4 µg. An enhanced quality factor of 60 and reduced damping coefficient of 4.34 µNs/m have been obtained for the reported device at atmospheric pressure. The sensitivity of the manufactured device is approximately -0.09 at atmospheric pressure and increases to -0.3 at 40 kPa i.e. in the lower pressures of slip flow regime. The experimental measurements of the manufactured resonant pressure sensor have been compared with that of the analytical and finite element modeling to validate the optimization procedure. The device has been manufactured using standard 250 nm CMOS technology followed by an in-house BEOL metal-layer release through wet etching.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Design, fabrication, characterization and reliability study of CMOS-MEMS Lorentz-force magnetometers

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    This article presents several design techniques to fabricate micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) using standard complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) processes. They were applied to fabricate high yield CMOS-MEMS shielded Lorentz-force magnetometers (LFM). The multilayered metals and oxides of the back-end-of-line (BEOL), normally used for electronic routing, comprise the structural part of the MEMS. The most important fabrication challenges, modeling approaches and design solutions are discussed. Equations that predict the Q factor, sensitivity, Brownian noise and resonant frequency as a function of temperature, gas pressure and design parameters are presented and validated in characterization tests. A number of the fabricated magnetometers were packaged into Quad Flat No-leads (QFN) packages. We show this process can achieve yields above 95 % when the proper design techniques are adopted. Despite CMOS not being a process for MEMS manufacturing, estimated performance (sensitivity and noise level) is similar or superior to current commercial magnetometers and others built with MEMS processes. Additionally, typical offsets present in Lorentz-force magnetometers were prevented with a shielding electrode, whose efficiency is quantified. Finally, several reliability test results are presented, which demonstrate the robustness against high temperatures, magnetic fields and acceleration shocks

    A Review on Key Issues and Challenges in Devices Level MEMS Testing

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    The present review provides information relevant to issues and challenges in MEMS testing techniques that are implemented to analyze the microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) behavior for specific application and operating conditions. MEMS devices are more complex and extremely diverse due to the immersion of multidomains. Their failure modes are distinctive under different circumstances. Therefore, testing of these systems at device level as well as at mass production level, that is, parallel testing, is becoming very challenging as compared to the IC test, because MEMS respond to electrical, physical, chemical, and optical stimuli. Currently, test systems developed for MEMS devices have to be customized due to their nondeterministic behavior and complexity. The accurate measurement of test systems for MEMS is difficult to quantify in the production phase. The complexity of the device to be tested required maturity in the test technique which increases the cost of test development; this practice is directly imposed on the device cost. This factor causes a delay in time-to-market

    A Review on Key Issues and Challenges in Devices Level MEMS Testing

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    The present review provides information relevant to issues and challenges in MEMS testing techniques that are implemented to analyze the microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) behavior for specific application and operating conditions. MEMS devices are more complex and extremely diverse due to the immersion of multidomains. Their failure modes are distinctive under different circumstances. Therefore, testing of these systems at device level as well as at mass production level, that is, parallel testing, is becoming very challenging as compared to the IC test, because MEMS respond to electrical, physical, chemical, and optical stimuli. Currently, test systems developed for MEMS devices have to be customized due to their nondeterministic behavior and complexity. The accurate measurement of test systems for MEMS is difficult to quantify in the production phase. The complexity of the device to be tested required maturity in the test technique which increases the cost of test development; this practice is directly imposed on the device cost. This factor causes a delay in time-to-market

    High performance readout circuits and devices for Lorentz force resonant CMOS-MEMS magnetic sensors

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    In the last decades, sensing capabilities of martphones have greatly improved since the early mobile phones of the 90’s. Moreover, wearables and the automotive industry require increasing electronics and sensing sophistication. In such echnological advance, Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) have played an important role as accelerometers and gyroscopes were the first sensors based on MEMS technology massively introduced in the market. In contrast, it still does not exist a commercial MEMS-based compass, even though Lorentz force MEMS magnetometers were first proposed in the late 90’s. Currently, Lorentz force MEMS magnetometers have been under the spotlight as they can offer an integrated solution to nowadays sensing power. As a consequence, great advances have been achieved, but various bottlenecks limit the introduction of Lorentz force MEMS compasses in the market. First, current MEMS magnetometers require high current consumption and high biasing voltages to achieve good sensitivities. Moreover, even though devices with excellent performance and sophistication are found in the literature, there is still a lack of research on the readout electronic circuits, specially in the digital signal processing, and closed loop control. Second, most research outcomes rely on custom MEMS fabrication rocesses to manufacture the devices. This is the same approach followed in current commercial MEMS, but it requires different fabrication processes for the electronics and the MEMS. As a consequence, manufacturing cost is high and sensor performance is affected by the MEMS-electronics interface parasitics. This dissertation presents potential solutions to these issues in order to pave the road to the commercialization of Lorentz force MEMS compasses. First, a complete closed loop, digitally controlled readout system is proposed. The readout circuitry, implemented with off-the-shelf commercial components, and the digital control, on an FPGA, are proposed as a proof of concept of the feasibility, and potential benefits, of such architecture. The proposed system has a measured noise of 550 nT / vHz while the MEMS is biased with 300 µA rms and V = 1 V . Second, various CMOS-MEMS magnetometers have been designed using the BEOL part of the TSMC and SMIC 180 nm standard CMOS processes, and wet and vapor etched. The devices measurement and characterisation is used to analyse the benefits and drawbacks of each design as well as releasing process. Doing so, a high volume manufacturing viability can be performed. Yield values as high as 86% have been obtained for one device manufactured in a SMIC 180 nm full wafer run, having a sensitivity of 2.82 fA/µT · mA and quality factor Q = 7.29 at ambient pressure. While a device manufactured in TSMC 180 nm has Q = 634.5 and a sensitivity of 20.26 fA/µT ·mA at 1 mbar and V = 1 V. Finally, an integrated circuit has been designed that contains all the critical blocks to perform the MEMS signal readout. The MEMS and the electronics have been manufactured using the same die area and standard TSMC 180 nm process in order to reduce parasitics and improve noise and current consumption. Simulations show that a resolution of 8.23 µT /mA for V = 1 V and BW = 10 Hz can be achieved with the designed device.En les últimes dècades, tenint en compte els primers telèfons mòbils dels anys 90, les capacitats de sensat dels telèfons intel·ligents han millorat notablement. A més, la indústria automobilística i de wearables necessiten cada cop més sofisticació en el sensat. Els Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) han tingut un paper molt important en aquest avenç tecnològic, ja que acceleròmetres i giroscopis varen ser els primers sensors basats en la tecnologia MEMS en ser introduïts massivament al mercat. En canvi, encara no existeix en la indústria una brúixola electrònica basada en la tecnologia MEMS, tot i que els magnetòmetres MEMS varen ser proposats per primera vegada a finals dels anys 90. Actualment, els magnetòmetres MEMS basats en la força de Lorentz són el centre d'atenció donat que poden oferir una solució integrada a les capacitats de sensat actuals. Com a conseqüència, s'han aconseguit grans avenços encara que existeixen diversos colls d'ampolla que encara limiten la introducció al mercat de brúixoles electròniques MEMS basades en la força de Lorentz. Per una banda, els agnetòmetres MEMS actuals necessiten un consum de corrent i un voltatge de polarització elevats per aconseguir una bona sensibilitat. A més, tot i que a la literatura hi podem trobar dispositius amb rendiments i sofisticació excel·lents, encara existeix una manca de recerca en el circuit de condicionament, especialment de processat digital i control del llaç. Per altra banda, moltes publicacions depenen de processos de fabricació de MEMS fets a mida per fabricar els dispositius. Aquesta és la mateixa aproximació que s'utilitza actualment en la indústria dels MEMS, però té l'inconvenient que requereix processos de fabricació diferents pels MEMS i l’electrònica. Per tant, el cost de fabricació és alt i el rendiment del sensor queda afectat pels paràsits en la interfície entre els MEMS i l'electrònica. Aquesta tesi presenta solucions potencials a aquests problemes amb l'objectiu d'aplanar el camí a la comercialització de brúixoles electròniques MEMS basades en la força de Lorentz. En primer lloc, es proposa un circuit de condicionament complet en llaç tancat controlat digitalment. Aquest s'ha implementat amb components comercials, mentre que el control digital del llaç s'ha implementat en una FPGA, tot com una prova de concepte de la viabilitat i beneficis potencials que representa l'arquitectura proposada. El sistema presenta un soroll de 550 nT / vHz quan el MEMS està polaritzat amb 300 µArms i V = 1 V . En segon lloc, s'han dissenyat varis magnetòmetres CMOS-MEMS utilitzant la part BEOL dels processos CMOS estàndard de TSMC i SMIC 180 nm, que després s'han alliberat amb líquid i gas. La mesura i caracterització dels dispositius s’ha utilitzat per analitzar els beneficis i inconvenients de cada disseny i procés d’alliberament. D'aquesta manera, s'ha pogut realitzar un anàlisi de la viabilitat de la seva fabricació en massa. S'han obtingut valors de yield de fins al 86% per un dispositiu fabricat amb SMIC 180 nm en una oblia completa, amb una sensibilitat de 2.82 fA/µT · mA i un factor de qualitat Q = 7.29 a pressió ambient. Per altra banda, el dispositiu fabricat amb TSMC 180 nm presenta una Q = 634.5 i una sensibilitat de 20.26 fA/µT · mA a 1 mbar amb V = 1 V. Finalment, s'ha dissenyat un circuit integrat que conté tots els blocs per a realitzar el condicionament de senyal del MEMS. El MEMS i l'electrònica s'han fabricat en el mateix dau amb el procés estàndard de TSMC 180 nm per tal de reduir paràsits i millorar el soroll i el consum de corrent. Les simulacions mostren una resolució de 8.23 µT /mA amb V = 1 V i BW = 10 Hz pel dispositiu dissenyat

    Design, fabrication, characterization and reliability study of CMOS-MEMS Lorentz-Force magnetometers

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    Tesi en modalitat de compendi de publicacionsToday, the most common form of mass-production semiconductor device fabrication is Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology. The dedicated Integrated Circuit (IC) interfaces of commercial sensors are manufactured using this technology. The sensing elements are generally implemented using Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS), which need to be manufactured using specialized micro-machining processes. Finally, the CMOS circuitry and the MEMS should ideally be combined in a single package. For some applications, integration of CMOS electronics and MEMS devices on a single chip (CMOS-MEMS) has the potential of reducing fabrication costs, size, parasitics and power consumption, compared to other integration approaches. Remarkably, a CMOS-MEMS device may be built with the back-end-of-line (BEOL) layers of the CMOS process. But, despite its advantages, this particular approach has proven to be very challenging given the current lack of commercial products in the market. The main objective of this Thesis is to prove that a high-performance MEMS, sealed and packaged in a standard package, may be accurately modeled and manufactured using the BEOL layers of a CMOS process in a reliable way. To attain this, the first highly reliable novel CMOS-MEMS Lorentz Force Magnetometer (LFM) was successfully designed, modeled, manufactured, characterized and subjected to several reliability tests, obtaining a comparable or superior performance to the typical solid-state magnetometers used in current smartphones. A novel technique to avoid magnetic offsets, the main drawback of LFMs, was presented and its performance confirmed experimentally. Initially, the issues encountered in the manufacturing process of MEMS using the BEOL layers of the CMOS process were discouraging. Vapor HF release of MEMS structures using the BEOL of CMOS wafers resulted in undesirable damaging effects that may lead to the conclusion that this manufacturing approach is not feasible. However, design techniques and workarounds for dealing with the observed issues were devised, tested and implemented in the design of the LFM presented in this Thesis, showing a clear path to successfully fabricate different MEMS devices using the BEOL.Hoy en día, la forma más común de producción en masa es una tecnología llamada Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS). La interfaz de los circuitos integrados (IC) de sensores comerciales se fabrica usando, precisamente, esta tecnología. Actualmente es común que los sensores se implementen usando Sistemas Micro-Electro-Mecánicos (MEMS), que necesitan ser fabricados usando procesos especiales de micro-mecanizado. En un último paso, la circuitería CMOS y el MEMS se combinan en un único elemento, llamado package. En algunas aplicaciones, la integración de la electrónica CMOS y los dispositivos MEMS en un único chip (CMOS-MEMS) alberga el potencial de reducir los costes de fabricación, el tamaño, los parásitos y el consumo, al compararla con otras formas de integración. Resulta notable que un dispositivo CMOS-MEMS pueda ser construido con las capas del back-end-of-line (BEOL) de un proceso CMOS. Pero, a pesar de sus ventajas, este enfoque ha demostrado ser un gran desafío como demuestra la falta de productos comerciales en el mercado. El objetivo principal de esta Tesis es probar que un MEMS de altas prestaciones, sellado y empaquetado en un encapsulado estándar, puede ser correctamente modelado y fabricado de una manera fiable usando las capas del BEOL de un proceso CMOS. Para probar esto mismo, el primer magnetómetro CMOS-MEMS de fuerza de Lorentz (LFM) fue exitosamente diseñado, modelado, fabricado, caracterizado y sometido a varias pruebas de fiabilidad, obteniendo un rendimiento comparable o superior al de los típicos magnetómetros de estado sólido, los cuales son usados en móviles actuales. Cabe destacar que en esta Tesis se presenta una novedosa técnica con la que se evitan offsets magnéticos, el mayor inconveniente de los magnetómetros de fuerza Lorentz. Su efectividad fue confirmada experimentalmente. En los inicios, los problemas asociados al proceso de fabricación de MEMS usando las capas BEOL de obleas CMOS resultaba desalentador. Liberar estructuras MEMS hechas con obleas CMOS con vapor de HF producía efectos no deseados que bien podrían llevar a la conclusión de que este enfoque de fabricación no es viable. Sin embargo, se idearon y probaron técnicas de diseño especiales y soluciones ad-hoc para contrarrestar estos efectos no deseados. Se implementaron en el diseño del magnetómetro de Lorentz presentado en esta Tesis, arrojando excelentes resultados, lo cual despeja el camino hacia la fabricación de diferentes dispositivos MEMS usando las capas BEOL.Postprint (published version