367 research outputs found

    Influence of different design parameters on a coplanar capacitive sensor performance

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    Coplanar capacitive sensors are employed in Non-destructive Testing (NDT) methods to measure the difference in dielectric properties of the materials. The most important design parameters for a coplanar capacitive sensor include the shape, size, and separation distance of the electrodes which affect the sensor performance. In addition, the impact of the shielding plate and guard electrode should be considered. In the framework of this paper, numerical simulations and physical experiments are studied for two shapes of electrodes, triangular and rectangular, by examining different sizes and different separation distances between electrodes to assess and analyze the important features of the coplanar capacitive electrodes, such as the penetration and strength of the electric field as a function of sensor geometrical properties. Therefore, a detailed analysis of numerical simulation using Finite Element Modelling (FEM) is provided to study these geometric parameters. In addition, the influence of the different frequencies, lift-off, and the presence or absence of a metal shielding plate and guard electrode on the output result is analyzed. Finally, sensors were manufactured and several experiments were carried out under different configurations. Comparison of the numerical simulation results and physical experiments illustrate that they are in good qualitative agreement

    Material inspection using new electromagnetic testing technology : coplanar capacitive sensing technique

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    Les matériaux diélectriques jouent un rôle important dans les applications industrielles et les domaines de la recherche scientifique et leur utilisation a augmenté ces dernières années. Leurs applications concernent l'industrie moderne des circuits intégrés et les réseaux d'antennes compacts. De plus, les composites structuraux légers dans l'industrie aérospatiale, les armures corporelles en Kevlar et les composites à matrice céramique pour la stabilité thermique dans les environnements chauds des moteurs sont des exemples de certaines des applications récemment développées des matériaux diélectriques. Par conséquent, la détection des défauts de ces matériaux diélectriques devient très importante pour le contrôle du processus de fabrication, l'optimisation de la conception et des performances des appareils électriques, et la surveillance et le diagnostic du système. Par conséquent, le besoin de tests de contrôle non destructifs (CND) précis des matériaux structurels et fonctionnels diélectriques a également augmenté. Cependant, le CND de ces matériaux n'est pas aussi développé que celui des métaux et de nouvelles approches pour évaluer la qualité de ces matériaux lors de la fabrication et de la maintenance n'ont pas encore été développées. Par conséquent, il sera utile de développer de nouvelles méthodes telles que des techniques de détection capacitive qui peuvent surmonter certaines des restrictions associées à d'autres techniques d'évaluation des matériaux diélectriques. La simulation numérique utilisant la modélisation par éléments finis (FEM) tridimensionnelle (3D) est utilisée dans le logiciel COMSOL Multiphysics pour simuler la distribution du champ électrique à partir d'un capteur capacitif coplanaire et la façon dont il interagit avec divers échantillons composés de différents types de défauts. Une analyse détaillée FEM est fournie pour étudier les paramètres de conception, y compris la forme/taille/distance des électrodes coplanaires pour évaluer et identifier les caractéristiques importantes des électrodes capacitives coplanaires, telles que la pénétration et la force du champ électrique en fonction du capteur propriétés géométriques. De plus, l'influence des différentes fréquences, du décollement et de la présence ou de l'absence d'une plaque de blindage métallique et d'une électrode de garde sur le résultat de sortie est analysée par la même méthode. En outre, la distribution du champ électrique, en fonction du nombre d'électrodes, à partir d'un capteur capacitif coplanaire multi-électrodes avec différents agencements d'électrodes d'entraînement et de détection, et comment ce champ peut être modifié en changeant l'agencement est simulé et illustré par le MEF 3D. Des expériences physiques sont réalisées avec plusieurs capteurs capacitifs coplanaires pour vérifier les résultats de la simulation et évaluer les performances de la sonde. Dans ces expériences, les performances d'imagerie du capteur, l'effet des paramètres de conception sur les performances du capteur, l'impact des divers matériaux testés et la faisabilité de la sonde capacitive coplanaire multi-électrodes seront pris en compte. La comparaison des résultats de simulation numérique et d'expériences physiques montre qu'ils sont en bon accord qualitatif.Dielectric materials have an extensive role in both industrial applications and scientific research areas and their use has increased in recent years. Furthermore, lightweight structural composites in the aerospace industry, Kevlar body-armour and ceramic-matrix composites for thermal stability in hot engine environments are examples of some of the recently developed applications of dielectric materials. Therefore, the flaw detection of these dielectric materials becomes markedly important for the process control in manufacturing, optimization of electrical apparatus design and performance, and system monitoring and diagnostics. Consequently, the need for accurate non-destructive testing (NDT) of dielectric structural and functional materials has also been increased. However, the NDT of such materials is not as well developed as those for metals and new approaches to evaluate the quality of these materials during manufacturing and maintenance have not yet been expanded. Therefore, it will be valuable to develop new methods such as capacitive sensing techniques which can overcome some of the restrictions associated with other techniques for assessing dielectric materials. The numerical simulation using three dimensional (3 D) Finite Element Modelling (FEM) is employed in COMSOL Multiphysics software to simulate the electric field distribution from a coplanar capacitive sensor and the way it interacts with various specimens composed of different types of defects. A detailed analysis FEM is provided to study the design parameters including the shape/size/distance of the coplanar electrodes to assess and identify the important features of the coplanar capacitive electrodes, such as the penetration and strength of the electric field as a function of sensor geometrical properties. In addition, the influence of the different frequencies, lift-off, and the presence or absence of a metal shielding plate and guard electrode on the output result is analyzed by the same method. Besides, the electric field distribution, as a function of the number of electrodes, from a multi-electrode coplanar capacitive sensor with different arrangements of driving and sensing electrodes, and how this field may be altered by changing the arrangement is simulated and illustrated by the 3D FEM. Physical experiments are carried out by several coplanar capacitive sensors to verify the simulation results and evaluate the performance of the probe. In these experiments, the imaging performance of the sensor, the effect of design parameters on the sensor performance, the impact of various materials under test, and the feasibility of the multi-electrode coplanar capacitive probe will be considered. Comparison of the numerical simulation results and physical experiments illustrate that they are in good qualitative agreement

    Techniques for In Situ Monitoring the Performance of Organic Coatings and Their Applicability to the Pre-Finished Steel Industry: A Review

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    A review is carried out in this paper into techniques that currently exist for, of have the potential to be used for, monitoring the performance of organic coating. Specific attention is paid to the applicability of each method to pre-finished steel used in the construction industry as these are rarely monitored in situ and their expected performance is often only estimated from lab-based accelerated corrosion testing. Monitoring could allow more accurate estimates of building cladding lifespan and required maintenance schedules; provide customers with active performance data; additionally, with a better understanding of performance, more appropriate coatings or coating weights could be selected for a construction project, offering economic benefits as part of smart building developments. An introduction to coatings, their use for corrosion protection, failure mechanisms, and relevant monitoring techniques is given before current assessment techniques are described in terms of their working principles. Examples of recent work are presented for the techniques that have been investigated for monitoring or directly relatable purposes. The review concludes that there are several good reasons why an optimum corrosion monitoring technology does not currently exist, however, promising research is emerging in the field of wireless and embedded sensor design which is providing optimistic results

    A Soft and Smart Telehealth System Hand Rehabilitation Device for Grasping Force Assessment of Post Stroke Patients

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    The assessment of post-stroke patient rehabilitation currently lacks a comprehensive ap- proach, often relying on subjective evaluations without a universally accepted quantitative method. In this study, a sensorised device was developed to contribute to bridging this gap. This device interfaces with a platform enabling therapists to visually analyse real-time data and facilitates data retrieval for in-depth analysis. This research involved the creation and characterisation of several pneumatic sensors using Finite Element Anaysis (FEA) and mechanical testing. After meticulous shape selection, multiple sensors were calibrated and integrated into a cylindrical object. Com- munication was established through two multiplexers and an Arduino Nano, resulting in a compact and portable object. This system was then connected to a laptop via USB, utilising a LabVIEW program as the user interface. This program enabled the concurrent measurement of individual finger forces during grasping movements for both hands. Real-time data visualization and subsequent data retrieval were also supported. The system adeptly addresses the identified limitations, emerging as a cost-effective, precise, and adaptable tool. Subsequent improvements are expected to fine-tune its precision, durability, and relevance within stroke rehabilitation scenarios. In this regard, the innovative tool, which is the primary contribution of this study, holds the potential to substantially elevate rehabilitation strategies and play a pivotal role in augmenting the recovery process. The research work described in this dissertation was carried out in accordance with the norms established in the ethics code of Universidade Nova de Lisboa. The work described and the material presented in this dissertation, with the exceptions clearly indicated, constitute original work carried out by the author.A avaliação da reabilitação de pacientes após Acidente Vascular Cerebral carece atualmente de uma abordagem abrangente, muitas vezes dependendo de avaliações subjetivas sem um método quantitativo universalmente aceite. Neste estudo, um dispositivo sensorizado foi desenvolvido para ajudar a colmatar esta lacuna. Este dispositivo interage com uma plataforma que permite aos terapeutas analisar visualmente dados em tempo real e facilita a recuperação de dados para análise detalhada. Este projeto envolveu a criação e caracterização de vários sensores pneumáticos uti- lizando o método de Análise de Elementos Finitos bem como testes mecânicos. Após uma seleção meticulosa de formas, vários sensores foram calibrados e integrados num objeto cilíndrico. A comunicação foi estabelecida através de dois multiplexadores e um Arduino Nano, resultando num objeto compacto e portátil. Este sistema foi então ligado a um computador portátil via USB, utilizando um programa LabVIEW como interface com o utilizador. Este programa permitiu a medição simultânea das forças individuais dos dedos durante os movimentos de preensão palmar de ambas as mãos. A visualização de dados em tempo real e a subsequente recuperação de dados também foram suportadas. O sistema aborda de forma hábil as limitações identificadas, emergindo como uma ferramenta eficaz, precisa e adaptável em termos de custos. Melhorias subsequentes têm como objetivo afinar a sua precisão, durabilidade e relevância em cenários de reabilitação. Neste sentido, esta ferramenta inovadora, que é o principal contributo deste estudo, tem o potencial de elevar substancialmente as estratégias de reabilitação correntes e desempenhar um papel fundamental no melhoramento do processo de recuperação. O trabalho de investigação descrito nesta dissertação foi realizado de acordo com as normas estabelecidas no código de ética da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. O trabalho descrito e o material apresentado nesta dissertação, com as exceções claramente indicadas, constituem trabalho original realizado pela autora

    Development of sensors and non-destructive techniques to determine the performance of coatings in construction

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    The primary objective of this work was to examine and develop techniques for monitoring the degradation of Organically Coated Steel (OCS) in-situ. This included the detection of changes associated with the weathering to both the organic coating and metallic substrate. Initially, a review of current promising techniques was carried out however many were found to be unsuitable for this application and the adaptation of current techniques and the development of new techniques was considered. A brief concept investigation, based on initial testing and considerations, was used to determine a number of sensing techniques to examine. These included embedded, Resonant Frequency Identification (RFID), Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) and dielectric sensing. Each of these techniques were assessed for the application, prototyped, and tested against a range of samples to determine the accuracy and sensitivity of degradation detection provided. A range of poorly and highly durable coated samples were used in conjunction with accelerated weathering testing for this aim. Track based electronic printed sensors were presented as both a cut edge corrosion tracking and coating capacitance measurement method. While suffering somewhat from electrical paint compatibility issues both concepts showed merit in initial trials however the capacitive sensor ultimately proved insufficiently responsive to coating changes. The embedded, progressive failure-based, cut edge corrosion sensor was produced and tested in modern coating systems with moderate success. Novel applications of RFID and MLF techniques were considered and proved capable of detecting large changes in substrate condition due to significant corrosion. However, there was a lack of sufficient sensitivity when considering early-stage corrosion of durable modern OCS products. Finally, it was shown that a chipless antenna could be designed and optimised for novelly monitoring the changes to the dielectric properties of a paint layer due to degradation. However, ultimately this test, due to equipment requirements, lent itself more to lab testing than in-situ. Due to some of these limitations a different approach was considered in which the environmental factors influencing degradation were examined with the aim of relating these to performance across a building. It was observed that a combination of high humidity and the build-up of aggressive natural deposits contributed to high degradation rates in sheltered regions, such as building eaves, where microclimates were created. The build-up of deposits and their effect was presented as a key degradation accelerant during in-use service. A unique numerical simulation approach was developed to predict the natural washing, via rain impact and characteristics of the building analysed. This approach showed promise for determining areas unlikely to be naturally washed, and therefore subjected to a degradation accelerating, build-up of deposits. Given these understandings coated wetness sensors were considered as a realistic live-monitoring device capable of determining deposit build up and ultimately OCS lifetime

    Design and validation of a methodology for wind energy structures health monitoring

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    L’objectiu de la Monitorització de la salut estructural (SHM) és la verificació de l’estat o la salut de les estructures per tal de garantir el seu correcte funcionament i estalviar en el cost de manteniment. El sistema SHM combina una xarxa de sensors connectada a l’estructura amb monitoratge continu i algoritmes específics. Es deriven diferents beneficis de l’aplicació de SHM, on trobem: coneixement sobre el comportament de l’estructura sota diferents operacions i diferents càrregues ambientals , el coneixement de l’estat actual per tal de verificar la integritat de l’estructura i determinar si una estructura pot funcionar correctament o si necessita manteniment o substitució i, per tant, reduint els costos de manteniment. El paradigma de la detecció de danys es pot abordar com un problema de reconeixement de patrons (comparació entre les dades recollides de l’estructura sense danys i l’estructura actual, per tal de determinar si hi ha algun canvi) . Hi ha moltes tècniques que poden gestionar el problema. En aquest treball s’utilitzen les dades dels acceleròmetres per desenvolupar aproximacions estadístiques utilitzant dades en temps per a la detecció dels danys en les estructures. La metodologia s’ha dissenyat per a una turbina eòlica off - shore i només s’utilitzen les dades de sortida per detectar els danys. L’excitació de la turbina de vent és induïda pel vent o per les ones del mar. La detecció de danys no és només la comparació de les dades. S’ha dissenyat una metodologia completa per a la detecció de danys en aquest treball. Gestiona dades estructurals, selecciona les dades adequades per detectar danys, i després de tenir en compte les condicions ambientals i operacionals (EOC) en el qual l’estructura està treballant, es detecta el dany mitjançant el reconeixement de patrons. Quan es parla del paradigma de la detecció de danys sempre s’ha de tenir en compte si els sensors estan funcionant correctament. Per això és molt important comptar amb una metodologia que comprova si els sensors estan sans. En aquest treball s’ha aplicat un mètode per detectar els sensors danyats i s’ha insertat en la metodologia de detecció de danys.The objective of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is the verification of the state or the health of the structures in order to ensure their proper performance and save on maintenance costs. The SHM system combines a sensor network attached to the structure with continuous monitoring and specific, proprietary algorithms. Different benefits are derived from the implementation of SHM, some of them are: knowledge about the behavior of the structure under different loads and different environmental changes, knowledge of the current state in order to verify the integrity of the structure and determine whether a structure can work properly or whether it needs to be maintained or replaced and, therefore, reduce maintenance costs. The paradigm of damage detection can be tackled as a pattern recognition problem (comparison between the data collected from the structure without damages and the current structure in order to determine if there are any changes). There are lots of techniques that can handle the problem. In this work, accelerometer data is used to develop statistical data driven approaches for the detection of damages in structures. As the methodology is designed for wind turbines, only the output data is used to detect damage; the excitation of the wind turbine is provided by the wind itself or by the sea waves, being those unknown and unpredictable. The damage detection strategy is not only based on the comparison of many data. A complete methodology for damage detection based on pattern recognition has been designed for this work. It handles structural data, selects the proper data for detecting damage and besides, considers the Environmental and Operational Conditions (EOC) in which the structure is operating. The damage detection methodology should always be accessed only if there is a way to probe that the sensors are correctly working. For this reason, it is very important to have a methodology that checks whether the sensors are healthy. In this work a method to detect the damaged sensors has been also implemented and embedded into the damage detection methodology.El objetivo de la Monitorización de la salud estructural (SHM) es la verificación del estado o la salud de las estructuras con el fin de garantizar su correcto funcionamiento y ahorrar en el costo de mantenimiento. El sistema SHM combina una red de sensores conectada a la estructura con monitorización continua y algoritmos específicos. Se derivan diferentes beneficios de la aplicación de SHM, donde encontramos: conocimiento sobre el comportamiento de la estructura bajo diferentes operaciones y diferentes cargas ambientales, el conocimiento del estado actual con el fin de verificar la integridad de la estructura y determinar si una estructura puede funcionar correctamente o si necesita mantenimiento o sustitución y, por lo tanto, reduciendo los costes de mantenimiento. El paradigma de la detección de daños se puede abordar como un problema de reconocimiento de patrones (comparación entre los datos recogidos de la estructura sin daños y la estructura actual, con el fin de determinar si hay algún cambio). Hay muchas técnicas que pueden manejar el problema. En este trabajo se utilizan los datos de los acelerómetros para desarrollar aproximaciones estadísticas utilizando datos en tiempo para la detección de los daños en las estructuras. La metodología se ha diseñado para una turbina eólica off-shore y sólo se utilizan los datos de salida para detectar los daños. La excitación de la turbina de viento es inducida por el viento o por las olas del mar. La detección de daños no es sólo la comparación de los datos. Se ha diseñado una metodología completa para la detección de daños en este trabajo. Gestiona datos estructurales, selecciona los datos adecuados para detectar daños, y después de tener en cuenta las condiciones ambientales y operacionales (EOC) en el que la estructura está trabajando, se detecta el daño mediante el reconocimiento de patrones. Cuando se habla del paradigma de la detección de daños siempre se debe tener en cuenta si los sensores están funcionando correctamente. Por eso es muy importante contar con una metodología que comprueba si los sensores están sanos. En este trabajo se ha aplicado un método para detectar los sensores dañados y se ha metido en la metodología de detección de dañosPostprint (published version

    Vulnerability assessment in the use of biometrics in unsupervised environments

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorIn the last few decades, we have witnessed a large-scale deployment of biometric systems in different life applications replacing the traditional recognition methods such as passwords and tokens. We approached a time where we use biometric systems in our daily life. On a personal scale, the authentication to our electronic devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc.) utilizes biometric characteristics to provide access permission. Moreover, we access our bank accounts, perform various types of payments and transactions using the biometric sensors integrated into our devices. On the other hand, different organizations, companies, and institutions use biometric-based solutions for access control. On the national scale, police authorities and border control measures use biometric recognition devices for individual identification and verification purposes. Therefore, biometric systems are relied upon to provide a secured recognition where only the genuine user can be recognized as being himself. Moreover, the biometric system should ensure that an individual cannot be identified as someone else. In the literature, there are a surprising number of experiments that show the possibility of stealing someone’s biometric characteristics and use it to create an artificial biometric trait that can be used by an attacker to claim the identity of the genuine user. There were also real cases of people who successfully fooled the biometric recognition system in airports and smartphones [1]–[3]. That urges the necessity to investigate the potential threats and propose countermeasures that ensure high levels of security and user convenience. Consequently, performing security evaluations is vital to identify: (1) the security flaws in biometric systems, (2) the possible threats that may target the defined flaws, and (3) measurements that describe the technical competence of the biometric system security. Identifying the system vulnerabilities leads to proposing adequate security solutions that assist in achieving higher integrity. This thesis aims to investigate the vulnerability of fingerprint modality to presentation attacks in unsupervised environments, then implement mechanisms to detect those attacks and avoid the misuse of the system. To achieve these objectives, the thesis is carried out in the following three phases. In the first phase, the generic biometric system scheme is studied by analyzing the vulnerable points with special attention to the vulnerability to presentation attacks. The study reviews the literature in presentation attack and the corresponding solutions, i.e. presentation attack detection mechanisms, for six biometric modalities: fingerprint, face, iris, vascular, handwritten signature, and voice. Moreover, it provides a new taxonomy for presentation attack detection mechanisms. The proposed taxonomy helps to comprehend the issue of presentation attacks and how the literature tried to address it. The taxonomy represents a starting point to initialize new investigations that propose novel presentation attack detection mechanisms. In the second phase, an evaluation methodology is developed from two sources: (1) the ISO/IEC 30107 standard, and (2) the Common Evaluation Methodology by the Common Criteria. The developed methodology characterizes two main aspects of the presentation attack detection mechanism: (1) the resistance of the mechanism to presentation attacks, and (2) the corresponding threat of the studied attack. The first part is conducted by showing the mechanism's technical capabilities and how it influences the security and ease-of-use of the biometric system. The second part is done by performing a vulnerability assessment considering all the factors that affect the attack potential. Finally, a data collection is carried out, including 7128 fingerprint videos of bona fide and attack presentation. The data is collected using two sensing technologies, two presentation scenarios, and considering seven attack species. The database is used to develop dynamic presentation attack detection mechanisms that exploit the fingerprint spatio-temporal features. In the final phase, a set of novel presentation attack detection mechanisms is developed exploiting the dynamic features caused by the natural fingerprint phenomena such as perspiration and elasticity. The evaluation results show an efficient capability to detect attacks where, in some configurations, the mechanisms are capable of eliminating some attack species and mitigating the rest of the species while keeping the user convenience at a high level.En las últimas décadas, hemos asistido a un despliegue a gran escala de los sistemas biométricos en diferentes aplicaciones de la vida cotidiana, sustituyendo a los métodos de reconocimiento tradicionales, como las contraseñas y los tokens. Actualmente los sistemas biométricos ya forman parte de nuestra vida cotidiana: es habitual emplear estos sistemas para que nos proporcionen acceso a nuestros dispositivos electrónicos (teléfonos inteligentes, tabletas, ordenadores portátiles, etc.) usando nuestras características biométricas. Además, accedemos a nuestras cuentas bancarias, realizamos diversos tipos de pagos y transacciones utilizando los sensores biométricos integrados en nuestros dispositivos. Por otra parte, diferentes organizaciones, empresas e instituciones utilizan soluciones basadas en la biometría para el control de acceso. A escala nacional, las autoridades policiales y de control fronterizo utilizan dispositivos de reconocimiento biométrico con fines de identificación y verificación individual. Por lo tanto, en todas estas aplicaciones se confía en que los sistemas biométricos proporcionen un reconocimiento seguro en el que solo el usuario genuino pueda ser reconocido como tal. Además, el sistema biométrico debe garantizar que un individuo no pueda ser identificado como otra persona. En el estado del arte, hay un número sorprendente de experimentos que muestran la posibilidad de robar las características biométricas de alguien, y utilizarlas para crear un rasgo biométrico artificial que puede ser utilizado por un atacante con el fin de reclamar la identidad del usuario genuino. También se han dado casos reales de personas que lograron engañar al sistema de reconocimiento biométrico en aeropuertos y teléfonos inteligentes [1]–[3]. Esto hace que sea necesario investigar estas posibles amenazas y proponer contramedidas que garanticen altos niveles de seguridad y comodidad para el usuario. En consecuencia, es vital la realización de evaluaciones de seguridad para identificar (1) los fallos de seguridad de los sistemas biométricos, (2) las posibles amenazas que pueden explotar estos fallos, y (3) las medidas que aumentan la seguridad del sistema biométrico reduciendo estas amenazas. La identificación de las vulnerabilidades del sistema lleva a proponer soluciones de seguridad adecuadas que ayuden a conseguir una mayor integridad. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo investigar la vulnerabilidad en los sistemas de modalidad de huella dactilar a los ataques de presentación en entornos no supervisados, para luego implementar mecanismos que permitan detectar dichos ataques y evitar el mal uso del sistema. Para lograr estos objetivos, la tesis se desarrolla en las siguientes tres fases. En la primera fase, se estudia el esquema del sistema biométrico genérico analizando sus puntos vulnerables con especial atención a los ataques de presentación. El estudio revisa la literatura sobre ataques de presentación y las soluciones correspondientes, es decir, los mecanismos de detección de ataques de presentación, para seis modalidades biométricas: huella dactilar, rostro, iris, vascular, firma manuscrita y voz. Además, se proporciona una nueva taxonomía para los mecanismos de detección de ataques de presentación. La taxonomía propuesta ayuda a comprender el problema de los ataques de presentación y la forma en que la literatura ha tratado de abordarlo. Esta taxonomía presenta un punto de partida para iniciar nuevas investigaciones que propongan novedosos mecanismos de detección de ataques de presentación. En la segunda fase, se desarrolla una metodología de evaluación a partir de dos fuentes: (1) la norma ISO/IEC 30107, y (2) Common Evaluation Methodology por el Common Criteria. La metodología desarrollada considera dos aspectos importantes del mecanismo de detección de ataques de presentación (1) la resistencia del mecanismo a los ataques de presentación, y (2) la correspondiente amenaza del ataque estudiado. Para el primer punto, se han de señalar las capacidades técnicas del mecanismo y cómo influyen en la seguridad y la facilidad de uso del sistema biométrico. Para el segundo aspecto se debe llevar a cabo una evaluación de la vulnerabilidad, teniendo en cuenta todos los factores que afectan al potencial de ataque. Por último, siguiendo esta metodología, se lleva a cabo una recogida de datos que incluye 7128 vídeos de huellas dactilares genuinas y de presentación de ataques. Los datos se recogen utilizando dos tecnologías de sensor, dos escenarios de presentación y considerando siete tipos de instrumentos de ataque. La base de datos se utiliza para desarrollar y evaluar mecanismos dinámicos de detección de ataques de presentación que explotan las características espacio-temporales de las huellas dactilares. En la fase final, se desarrolla un conjunto de mecanismos novedosos de detección de ataques de presentación que explotan las características dinámicas causadas por los fenómenos naturales de las huellas dactilares, como la transpiración y la elasticidad. Los resultados de la evaluación muestran una capacidad eficiente de detección de ataques en la que, en algunas configuraciones, los mecanismos son capaces de eliminar completamente algunos tipos de instrumentos de ataque y mitigar el resto de los tipos manteniendo la comodidad del usuario en un nivel alto.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Cristina Conde Vila.- Secretario: Mariano López García.- Vocal: Farzin Derav

    Studies on Spinal Fusion from Computational Modelling to ‘Smart’ Implants

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    Low back pain, the worldwide leading cause of disability, is commonly treated with lumbar interbody fusion surgery to address degeneration, instability, deformity, and trauma of the spine. Following fusion surgery, nearly 20% experience complications requiring reoperation while 1 in 3 do not experience a meaningful improvement in pain. Implant subsidence and pseudarthrosis in particular present a multifaceted challenge in the management of a patient’s painful symptoms. Given the diversity of fusion approaches, materials, and instrumentation, further inputs are required across the treatment spectrum to prevent and manage complications. This thesis comprises biomechanical studies on lumbar spinal fusion that provide new insights into spinal fusion surgery from preoperative planning to postoperative monitoring. A computational model, using the finite element method, is developed to quantify the biomechanical impact of temporal ossification on the spine, examining how the fusion mass stiffness affects loads on the implant and subsequent subsidence risk, while bony growth into the endplates affects load-distribution among the surrounding spinal structures. The computational modelling approach is extended to provide biomechanical inputs to surgical decisions regarding posterior fixation. Where a patient is not clinically pre-disposed to subsidence or pseudarthrosis, the results suggest unilateral fixation is a more economical choice than bilateral fixation to stabilise the joint. While finite element modelling can inform pre-surgical planning, effective postoperative monitoring currently remains a clinical challenge. Periodic radiological follow-up to assess bony fusion is subjective and unreliable. This thesis describes the development of a ‘smart’ interbody cage capable of taking direct measurements from the implant for monitoring fusion progression and complication risk. Biomechanical testing of the ‘smart’ implant demonstrated its ability to distinguish between graft and endplate stiffness states. The device is prepared for wireless actualisation by investigating sensor optimisation and telemetry. The results show that near-field communication is a feasible approach for wireless power and data transfer in this setting, notwithstanding further architectural optimisation required, while a combination of strain and pressure sensors will be more mechanically and clinically informative. Further work in computational modelling of the spine and ‘smart’ implants will enable personalised healthcare for low back pain, and the results presented in this thesis are a step in this direction

    Subsea inspection and monitoring challenges

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    Master's thesis in Offshore technology : industrial asset managementThis paper uncovers and suggests solutions for the challenges to control change over time more reliable and cost effective. Front-end concept engineering, design, inspection and monitoring strategies, technologies, systems and methods for Life-of-Field are recommended. Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) are identified as a possible cost- efficient opportunity to reduce cost of inspections and monitoring operations while safeguarding asset integrity. A recognized design spiral methodology is used to perform a front-end concept evaluation of an AUV system. Investigation of key technological limitations and new developments within underwater communication, energy storage and wireless power transmission is performed. It further enables opportunities such as AUV recharging station on the seafloor for better utilization. One major learning point is through the use of numerical models and the outcome being a better and more hydro effective hull design. One expectation from this paper may be the aid to collaborating partners in their design work