168 research outputs found

    Programmable DSP-enabled multi-adaptive optical transceivers based on OFDM technology for software defined networks

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    The dynamic behavior of the traffic demand, due to the advent of technologies such as cloud services or Internet of Things (IoT), is increasing. In fact, heterogeneous connections with different characteristics (bandwidth or bit rate) are expected that coexist in the optical networks. In this respect, an evolution towards Elastic Optical Networks (EONs) has emerged as a cost-effective, flexible and dynamic solution, to face the new claims. The main idea is the efficient utilization of the optical spectrum by combining flexible transceivers, flexi-grid and flexible optical switching. Including the principles of Software Defined Network (SDN) paradigm further flexibility and adaptability can be achieved. The Sliceable Bandwidth Variable Transceiver (S-BVT), as a key element in EONs, provides flexibility and adaptability to the optical networks. It is able to dynamically tune the optical bandwidth or bit rate changing parameters such as the modulation format, bandwidth, among others, to find a trade-off between transmission reach and spectral efficiency, serving multiples destinations. The combination of programmable Digital Signal Processing (DSP) modules with advanced transmission techniques based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technology using Direct Detection (DD) or COherent (CO) detection are proposed to be implemented at the S-BVT making it suitable for elastic optical metro/regional networks. Furthermore, the envisioned migration from fixed-grid to flexi-grid, can benefit from the use of S-BVTs since they are able to generate or receive multiple channels and slicing the aggregated flow into multiples flows with different capacities and destinations. We propose the use of S-BVTs based on multi-band OFDM systems. In particular, we focus on the theoretical model of an advanced transmission technique based on OFDM technology with DD. Then we evaluate the system for a realistic optical metro network. In the context of flexi-grid optical metro/regional networks, as well as the sliceability of the channels, the reduction of channel width for low bit rate connections can be envisioned. It involves that the signal traverses several nodes with the corresponding filtering elements, causing a substantially decrease and distortion of the signal bandwidth. This phenomenon known as filter narrowing effect has been also studied in this thesis, by simulations and experimentally for an adaptive cost-effective OFDM system using DD and for a standard OOK system. Apart from adaptive, flexible and programmable transceivers, metro optical networks have to be equipped with flexible optical switching systems at the node level. In this respect, we propose the adoption of adaptive S-BVTs based on advanced transmission techniques using DD with Discrete MultiTone (DMT) modulation and adaptive capabilities in combination with Semiconductor Optical Amplier (SOA)-based switching nodes. SOAs can be conveniently used for optical switching in metro networks because of their low cost or low power consumption, among others relevant characteristics. The system has been experimentally analyzed with and without considering filtering elements. Thanks to the combination of adaptive DMT modulation and SOA-based switching nodes, impairments due to the fiber links and the filtering elements can be compensated. Finally, to enhance the tranmission distance and data rate, we propose the combination of multidimensional constellations implemented at the DSP modules of the S-BVT with CO detection and OFDM technology. Thus, the deployed infrastructure is more efficiently exploited since the quadrature and the polarization dimensions are used to transmit the signal. In particular, we focus on CO-OFDM systems using Dual Polarization Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (DPQPSK) constellation transmitting the signal over the time and the polarization dimensions in the optical domain.El comportamiento dinámico de la demanda de tráfico, debido a la llegada de tecnologías como los servicios en la nube o el Internet of Things (IoT), está aumentando. De hecho, se espera que coexistan en las redes ópticas conexiones heterogéneas con características diferentes, tales como ancho de banda o tasa de bits. Para hacer frente a estas demandas es crucial una evolución de las redes ópticas. En este sentido, las Elastic Optical Networks (EONs) emergen como una solución rentable, flexible y dinámica. La idea principal se basa en la utilización eficiente del espectro óptico mediante la combinación de transceptores flexibles, redes flexibles y conmutación óptica flexible. Una mayor flexibilidad y adaptabilidad se puede conseguir incluyendo los principios del paradigma conocido como Software Defined Network (SDN). La adopción de la arquitectura SDN implica la separación del plano de control y de datos, permitiendo la programabilidad dinámica de la red. Un elemento clave en las EONs es el Sliceable Bandwidth Variable Transceiver (SBVT), ya que provee de flexibilidad y adaptabilidad a las redes ópticas. El S-BVT es capaz de cambiar el ancho de banda o la tasa de bits medicando parámetros como el formato de modulación, el ancho de banda o la codificación de Forward Error Correction (FEC), entre otros, para encontrar un equilibrio entre el alcance de la transmisión y la eficiencia espectral, sirviendo múltiples destinos. La combinación de módulos programables de Digital Signal Processing (DSP) con técnicas de transmisión avanzadas, basadas en la tecnología Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) con detección directa o detección coherente, se han propuesto para ser implementadas en el S-BVT, haciéndolo adecuado para su uso en redes ópticas elásticas metropolitanas y regionales. Además, la migración prevista de las redes fijas a las redes flexibles, con el fin de explotar la granularidad de 12:5 GHz, puede beneficiarse del uso de S-BVTs ya que son capaces de generar y recibir múltiples canales y dividir el flujo agregado en múltiples flujos con diferentes capacidades y destinos. A este respecto, proponemos el uso de S-BVTs basados en señales OFDM multi banda combinadas en el dominio eléctrico con el fin de limitar los recursos optoelectrónicas y relajar los requerimientos de los convertidores digitales analógicos y analógicos digitales. En particular, nos centramos en el modelo teórico de una técnica de transmisión avanzada basada en la tecnología OFDM con detección directa. A continuación, evaluamos el sistema para una red metropolitana óptica realista. En el contexto de redes metropolitanas y regionales flexibles, además de la capacidad de división de los canales, se puede prever una posible reducción del ancho de canal para las conexiones de baja tasa de bits. Esto implica que la señal atraviese varios nodos con los correspondientes elementos filtrantes causando un substancial decremento y distorsión del ancho de banda de la señal. Este fenómeno conocido como el efecto de estrechamiento de filtrado ha sido también estudiado en esta tesis, mediante simulaciones y de manera experimental para un sistema OFDM rentable y adaptativo usando detección directa y un sistema estándar On-Off Keying (OOK). El sistema OFDM de detección directa ha resultado ser un buen candidato para aumentar la flexibilidad y la robustez frente a las deficiencias de transmisión sin necesidad de compensar la dispersión. Aparte de los transceptores adaptables, flexibles y programables, las redes ópticas metropolitanas deben estar equipadas con sistemas de conmutación óptica flexible a nivel de nodo. En este sentido, proponemos la adopción de S-BVTs adaptativos basados en técnicas de transmisión avanzadas usando detección directa con modulación Discrete MultiTone (DMT) y capacidades adaptativas, adoptando nodos de conmutación basados en Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA). Los SOAs pueden ser utilizados para la conmutación óptica en redes metropolitanas debido a su bajo coste o bajo consumo de energía, entre otras características relevantes. El sistema ha sido analizado experimentalmente considerando y sin considerar la presencia de elementos filtrantes. Gracias a la combinación de la modulación DMT adaptativa y los nodos de conmutación basados en SOA, las degradaciones debidas a los enlaces de fibra y a los elementos filtrantes se pueden compensar. Finalmente, para mejorar la distancia de transmisión y la tasa de datos, proponemos la combinación de constelaciones multidimensionales implementadas en los módulos DSP del S-BVT utilizando detectaron coherente y la tecnología OFDM. De hecho, los sistemas OFDM coherentes tienen un espacio de señal 4D (dos cuadraturas y dos polarizaciones), que puede ser utilizado con constelaciones multidimensionales, pudiendo éstas ser más eficientes que las convencionales Binary Phase-Shift Keying (BPSK) o Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying (QPSK). De este modo, la infraestructura desplegada se explota de manera más eficiente, ya que tanto la dimensión de cuadratura como de polarización se utilizan para transmitir la señal. Además, los sistemas OFDM coherentes pueden recuperar la amplitud y la fase de la señal en el receptor, mitigando los efectos de la fibra aumentando, de esta forma, la distancia de transmisión. El sistema OFDM coherente que utiliza el formato de constelación Dual Polarization Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (DPQPSK) y que transmite la señal a lo largo del tiempo ha demostrado ser una solución prometedora.El comportament dinàmic de la demanda de transit, a causa de l'arribada de tecnologies, com poden ser els serveis al núvol o l'Internet of Things (IoT), està creixent. De fet, s'espera que coexisteixin a les xarxes òptiques connexions heterogènies amb característiques diferents, tal com l'ample de banda o la taxa de bits. Per a fer front a aquestes demandes és crucial una revolució de les xarxes òptiques. En aquest sentit, les Elastic Optical Networks (EONs) emergeixen com una solució rendible, flexible i dinàmica. La idea principal es basa en la utilització eficient de l'espectre òptic mitjançant la combinació de transceptors flexibles, xarxes flexibles i commutació òptica flexible. Una major flexibilitat i adaptabilitat es pot aconseguir incloent els principis del paradigma conegut com a Software Defined Networks (SDN). L’adopció de l'arquitectura SDN implica la separació del plànol de control i de dades permetent la programabilitat de la xarxa d'una forma dinàmica. Un element clau en les EONs és l'Sliceable Bandwith Variable Transceiver (S-BVT), ja que aporta flexibilitat i adaptabilitat a les xarxes òptiques. L' S-BVT és capaç de canviar l'ample de banda o la taxa de bits modificant paràmetres com el format de modulació, l'ample de banda o la codificació del Forward Error Correction (FEC), entre altres, per a trobar un equilibri entre l’assistència assolida i l’eficiència espectral, servint múltiples destinacions. La combinació de mòduls de Digital Signal Processing (DSP) amb tècniques de transmissió avançades basades en la tecnologia Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) i detecció directa o detecció coherent s'han proposat per a ser implementades en l'S-BVT, fent-lo adient per a les xarxes òptiques elàstiques metropolitanes i regionals. A més, la migració prevista des de les xarxes fixes a les xarxes flexibles, amb el fi d'explotar la granuralitat de 12:5GHz, pot beneficiar-se de l’ús d'S-BVTs ja que són capaços de generar i rebre múltiples canals i dividir el flux agregat en múltiples fluxos amb diferents capacitats i destinacions. Per aquest motiu, proposem l’ús d'S-BVTs basats en senyals OFDM multi banda combinats en el domini elèctric amb el fi de limitar els recursos optoelectrònics i relaxar els requeriments dels convertidors digitals analògics i analògics digitals. Particularment, ens centrem en el model teòric d'una tècnica de transmissió avançada basada en la tecnologia OFDM amb detecció directa. A continuació, avaluem el sistema per a una xarxa metropolitana òptica realista. En el context de xarxes metropolitanes i regionals flexibles, a més de la propietat de divisió dels canals, es pot preveure una possible reducció de l'ample de canal per a les connexions de baixa taxa de bits. Això implica que el senyal travessi diversos nodes amb els corresponents elements filtrants causant un substancial decrement i distorsió de l'ample de banda del senyal. Aquest fenomen conegut com l'efecte d'estretament de filtrat ha sigut també estudiat en aquesta tesi, mitjançant simulacions i de manera experimental en el cas d'un sistema OFDM rendible i adaptatiu utilitzant detecció directa i un sistema estàndard On-Off Keying (OOK). El sistema OFDM de detecció directa ha resultat ser un bon candidat per augmentar la flexibilitat i la robustesa front a les deficiències de transmissió sense necessitat de compensar la dispersió. A part dels transceptors adaptables, flexibles i programables, les xarxes òptiques metropolitanes han d'estar equipades amb sistemes de commutació òptica flexible a nivell de node. En aquest sentit, proposem l’adopció d'un S-BVT adaptatiu basat en tècniques de transmissió avançades i utilitzant detecció directa amb modulació Discrete MultiTone (DMT) i capacitats adaptatives, adoptant nodes de comunicació basats en Semi-conductor Optical Amplifier (SOA). Els SOAs poden ser utilitzats per la commutació _òptica en xarxes metropolitanes degut al seu baix cost o baix consum d'energia, entre altres característiques rellevants. El sistema ha sigut analitzat experimentalment considerant i sense considerar la presència d'elements filtrants. Gràcies a la combinació de la modulació DMT adaptativa i dels nodes de commutació basats en SOA, les degradacions degudes als enllaços de fibra i als elements filtrants es poden compensar. Finalment, per a millorar la distància de transmissió i la taxa de dades, proposem la combinació de constel·lacions multidimensionals implementades als mòduls DSP de l'SBVT utilitzant detecció coherent i la tecnologia OFDM. De fet, els sistemes coherents OFDM tenen un espai de senyal 4D (dues quadratures i dues polaritzacions), que pot ser utilitzat amb constel·lacions multidimensionals, arribant a ser més eficients que les modulacions convencionals Binary Phase-Shift Keying (BPSK) o Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying (QPSK). D'aquesta manera, la infraestructura desplegada s'explota de forma més eficient, ja que tant la dimensió de quadratura com de polarització s'utilitzen per transmetre el senyal. A més, els sistemes coherents basats en OFDM poden recuperar l'amplitud i la fase del senyal en el receptor, mitigant els efectes de la fibra i d'aquesta forma augmentant la distància de transmissió. El sistema OFDM coherent que utilitza el format de constel·lació Dual Polarization Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (DPQPSK) i que transmet el senyal al llarg del temps ha demostrat ser una solució prometedora.Postprint (published version

    Optical techniques for broadband in-building networks

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    Optical fibres, which can easily handle any bandwidth demand, have been rolled out to more than 32 million consumer’s homes and professional buildings worldwide up to 2010. The basic technological and economical challenges of fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) has been solved. The current FTTH technology can now providing baseband Gbit Ethernet and high definition TV services to the gates of homes. Thus, the bottleneck for delivery of broadband services to the end users is shifting from the access network to the in-building network. In the meantime, the need for high-capacity transmission between devices inside the building, e.g. between desktop PC and data services, are also rapidly increase. How to bring high bandwidth to the mobile terminals such as laptops, PDAs or cell phones as well as to the fixed terminals such as desktop PCs and HDTV equipment in an all-in-one network infrastructure is a challenge we are facing. Building on the flexibility of the wireless access networks and the latent vast bandwidth of a fibre infrastructure, radio-over-fibre (RoF) techniques have been proposed as a cost-effective solution to the future integrated broadband services in in-building networks. This thesis investigates techniques to deliver high data rate wireless services via in-building networks: high capacity RoF links employing optical frequency multiplication (OFM) and sub-carrier multiplexing (SCM) techniques, with single- or multi-carrier signal formats. The orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) format is investigated for the RoF transmission system, particularly with regard to the optical system nonlinearity. For low-cost short-range optical backbone networks, RoF transmission over large-core diameter plastic optical fibre (POF) links has been studied, including the transmission of the WiMedia-compliant multiband OFDM UWB signal over bandwidth-limited large-core POF as well as a full-duplex bi-directional UWB transmission over POF. In order to improve the functionalities for delivery of wireless services of in-building networks, techniques to introduce flexibility into the network architecture and to create dynamic capacity allocation have been investigated. By employing optical switching techniques based on optical semiconductor amplifiers (SOA), an optically routed RoF system has been studied. The dynamic capacity allocation is addressed by investigating one-dimensional and two-dimensional routing using electrical SCM and optical wavelengths. In addition, next to RoF networking, this thesis explores techniques for wired delivery of baseband high capacity services over POF links by employing a multi-level signal modulation format, in particular discrete multi-tone (DMT) modulation. Transmission of 10 Gbit/s data over 1 mm core diameter PMMA POF links is demonstrated, as a competitor to more expensive fibre solutions such as silica single and multimode fibre. A record transmission rate of more than 40 Gbit/s is presented for POF whose core diameter is comparable with silica multimode fibre. Finally, from the network perspective, the convergence of wired and wireless multi-standard services into a single fibre-based infrastructure has been studied. Techniques have been designed and demonstrated for in-building networks, which can convey both high capacity baseband services and broadband radio frequency (RF) services over a POF backbone link. The multi-standard RoF signals carry different wireless services at different radio frequencies and with different bandwidths, including WiFi, WiMax, UMTS and UWB. System setups to carry them together over the same multimode optical fibre based network have been designed and experimentally shown. All the concepts, designs and system experiments presented in this thesis underline the strong potential of multimode (silica and plastic) optical fibre techniques for the delivery of broadband services to wired and wireless devices in in-building networks, in order to extend to the end user the benefits of the broadband FTTH networks which are being installed and deployed worldwide

    Optics for AI and AI for Optics

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    Artificial intelligence is deeply involved in our daily lives via reinforcing the digital transformation of modern economies and infrastructure. It relies on powerful computing clusters, which face bottlenecks of power consumption for both data transmission and intensive computing. Meanwhile, optics (especially optical communications, which underpin today’s telecommunications) is penetrating short-reach connections down to the chip level, thus meeting with AI technology and creating numerous opportunities. This book is about the marriage of optics and AI and how each part can benefit from the other. Optics facilitates on-chip neural networks based on fast optical computing and energy-efficient interconnects and communications. On the other hand, AI enables efficient tools to address the challenges of today’s optical communication networks, which behave in an increasingly complex manner. The book collects contributions from pioneering researchers from both academy and industry to discuss the challenges and solutions in each of the respective fields

    Optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexed communication systems: analysis, design and optimization

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    En este trabajo se realiza una intensiva labor teórica de descripción de sistemas de comunicaciones ópticas que utilizan la técnica de multiplexación por división de frecuencias ortogonales (OFDM en inglés), más concretamente en sistemas con modulación directa de la intensidad de un láser y detección directa. Se parte pues de un modelo analítico que estudia con detalle todos aquellos fenómenos que afectan a la señal de información detectada en el receptor. Tales fenómenos son: la nolinealidad del láser, las modulaciones de intensidad y de fase ópticas, la propagación a través de la fibra óptica teniendo en cuenta la dispersión cromática de primer orden, y la detección de intensidad óptica final mediante un detector de ley cuadrática. El modelo analítico es validado mediante comparaciones con resultados obtenidos a través de simulaciones con software comercial. Dada la característica singularidad de las señales OFDM debidas a su naturaleza multi-portadora, la amplitud de la señal generada es aleatoria, y el modelo analítico es complementado con un estudio que contempla el recorte o "clipping" en el transmisor. Además, se tiene en cuenta los efectos de filtrado de la señal a lo largo de sistema de comunicaciones. Con el trabajo analítico realizado se está en disposición de realizar una descripción bastante completa de los principales fenómenos y realizar estudios para evaluar el funcionamiento final ante diferentes valores de los parámetros del sistema. Es bien sabido que los sistemas de comunicaciones ópticas con modulación y detección directa se ven perjudicados por la distorsión no lineal, que para señales multi-portadora como OFDM se traduce en la mezcla de los símbolos de información que transportan las diferentes subportadoras. Para mitigar la distorsión no lineal y así mejorar el funcionamiento del sistema, se propone el uso de una técnica de pre-distorsión que se basa en el modelo analítico previamente propuesto. Esta técnica mejora la eficiencia de modulación, haciendo posible incrementar el término de la señal de información sin que se vea incrementada la distorsión no lineal en el receptor. La técnica aquí propuesta se compara también con otra ya publicada con el objetivo de evaluar su funcionamiento. Otra técnica para la mejora de sistemas con modulación y detección directas es la realizada mediante filtrado óptico. Aunque se conoce de forma más o menos intuitiva su funcionamiento para formatos de modulación ópticos tradicionales, es preciso disponer de una formulación matemática para señales ópticas OFDM para entender de forma exacta su principio de operación, las mejoras obtenidas, así como su potencial. En esta estapa se realiza esta formulación matemática ampliando el análisis teórico previamente propuesto, y se aplica para evaluar el funcionamiento obtenido con diversas estructuras de filtrado óptico. Finalmente, puesto que un potencial escenario de funcionamiento para señales ópticas OFDM son las redes de acceso donde operan más de un usuario, se propone y se estudia la técnica "interleaving division multiple access" (IDMA) en combinación con OFDM.Sánchez Costa, C. (2014). Optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexed communication systems: analysis, design and optimization [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/39375TESI

    Spectrum and energy efficient digital modulation techniques for practical visible light communication systems

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    The growth in mobile data traffic is rapidly increasing in an unsustainable direction given the radio frequency (RF) spectrum limits. Visible light communication (VLC) offers a lucrative solution based on an alternative license-free frequency band that is safe to use and inexpensive to utilize. Improving the spectral and energy efficiency of intensity modulation and direct detection (IM/DD) systems is still an on-going challenge in VLC. The energy efficiency of inherently unipolar modulation techniques such as pulse-amplitude modulation discrete multitone modulation (PAM-DMT) and asymmetrically clipped optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (ACO-OFDM) degrades at high spectral efficiency. Two novel superposition modulation techniques are proposed in this thesis based on PAM-DMT and ACO-OFDM. In addition, a practical solution based on the computationally efficient augmented spectral efficiency discrete multi-tone (ASE-DMT) is proposed. The system performance of the proposed superposition modulation techniques offers significant electrical and optical power savings with up to 8 dB in the electrical signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) when compared with DC-biased optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (DCO-OFDM). The theoretical bit error ratio (BER) performance bounds for all of the proposed modulation techniques are in agreement with the Monte-Carlo simulation results. The proposed superposition modulation techniques are promising candidates for spectrum and energy efficient IM/DD systems. Two experimental studies are presented for a VLC system based on DCO-OFDM with adaptive bit and energy loading. Micrometer-sized Gallium Nitride light emitting diode (m-LED) and light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation diode (LD) are used in these studies due to their high modulation bandwidth. Record data rates are achieved with a BER below the forward error correction (FEC) threshold at 7.91 Gb/s using the violet m-LED and at 15 Gb/s using the blue LD. These results highlight the potential of VLC systems in practical high speed communication solutions. An additional experimental study is demonstrated for the proposed superposition modulation techniques based on ASE-DMT. The experimentally achieved results confirm the theoretical and simulation based performance predictions of ASE-DMT. A significant gain of up to 17.33 dB in SNR is demonstrated at a low direct current (DC) bias. Finally, the perception that VLC systems cannot work under the presence of sunlight is addressed in this thesis. A complete framework is presented to evaluate the performance of VLC systems in the presence of solar irradiance at any given location and time. The effect of sunlight is investigated in terms of the degradations in SNR, data rate and BER. A reliable high speed communication system is achieved under the sunlight effect. An optical bandpass blue filter is shown to compensate for half of the reduced data rate in the presence of sunlight. This thesis demonstrates data rates above 1 Gb/s for a practical VLC link under strong solar illuminance measured at 50350 lux in clear weather conditions

    Millimetre-Wave Fibre-Wireless Technologies for 5G Mobile Fronthaul

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    The unprecedented growth in mobile data traffic, driven primarily by bandwidth rich applications and high definition video is accelerating the development of fifth generation (5G) mobile network. As mobile access network evolves towards centralisation, mobile fronthaul (MFH) architecture becomes essential in providing high capacity, ubiquitous and yet affordable services to subscribers. In order to meet the demand for high data rates in the access, Millimetre-wave (mmWave) has been highlighted as an essential technology in the development of 5G-new radio (5G-NR). In the present MFH architecture which is typically based on common public radio interface (CPRI) protocol, baseband signals are digitised before fibre transmission, featuring high overhead data and stringent synchronisation requirements. A direct application of mmWave 5G-NR to CPRI digital MFH, where signal bandwidth is expected to be up to 1GHz will be challenging, due to the increased complexity of the digitising interface and huge overhead data that will be required for such bandwidth. Alternatively, radio over fibre (RoF) technique can be employed in the transportation of mmWave wireless signals via the MFH link, thereby avoiding the expensive digitisation interface and excessive overhead associated with its implementation. Additionally, mmWave carrier can be realised with the aid of photonic components employed in the RoF link, further reducing the system complexity. However, noise and nonlinearities inherent to analog transmission presents implementation challenges, limiting the system dynamic range. Therefore, it is important to investigate the effects of these impairments in RoF based MFH architecture. This thesis presents extensive research on the impact of noise and nonlinearities on 5G candidate waveforms, in mmWave 5G fibre wireless MFH. Besides orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), another radio access technology (RAT) that has received significant attention is filter bank multicarrier (FBMC), particularly due to its high spectral containment and excellent performance in asynchronous transmission. Hence, FBMC waveform is adopted in this work to study the impact of noise and nonlinearities on the mmWave fibre-wireless MFH architecture. Since OFDM is widely deployed and it has been adopted for 5G-NR, the performance of OFDM and FBMC based 5G mmWave RAT in fibre wireless MFH architecture is compared for several implementations and transmission scenarios. To this extent, an end to end transmission testbed is designed and implemented using industry standard VPI Transmission Maker® to investigate five mmWave upconversion techniques. Simulation results show that the impact of noise is higher in FBMC when the signal to-noise (SNR) is low, however, FBMC exhibits better performance compared to OFDM as the SNR improved. More importantly, an evaluation of the contribution of each noise component to the overall system SNR is carried out. It is observed in the investigation that noise contribution from the optical carriers employed in the heterodyne upconversion of intermediate frequency (IF) signals to mmWave frequency dominate the system noise. An adaptive modulation technique is employed to optimise the system throughput based on the received SNR. The throughput of FBMC based system reduced significantly compared to OFDM, due to laser phase noise and chromatic dispersion (CD). Additionally, it is shown that by employing frequency domain averaging technique to enhance the channel estimation (CE), the throughput of FBMC is significantly increased and consequently, a comparable performance is obtained for both waveforms. Furthermore, several coexistence scenarios for multi service transmission are studied, considering OFDM and FBMC based RATs to evaluate the impact inter band interference (IBI), due to power amplifier (PA) nonlinearity on the system performance. The low out of band (OOB) emission in FBMC plays an important role in minimising IBI to adjacent services. Therefore, FBMC requires less guardband in coexistence with multiple services in 5G fibre-wireless MFH. Conversely, OFDM introduced significant OOB to adjacent services requiring large guardband in multi-service coexistence transmission scenario. Finally, a novel transmission scheme is proposed and investigated to simultaneously generate multiple mmWave signals using laser heterodyning mmWave upconversion technique. With appropriate IF and optical frequency plan, several mmWave signals can be realised. Simulation results demonstrate successful simultaneous realisation of 28GHz, 38GHz, and 60GHz mmWave signals

    Digital Signal Processing for Optical Coherent Communication Systems

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