591 research outputs found

    Solar array fed synchronous reluctance motor driven water pump : an improved performance under partial shading conditions

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    An improved performance of a photovoltaic (PV) pumping system employing a synchronous reluctance motor (SynRM) under partial shading conditions is proposed. The system does not include the dc-dc converter that is predominantly being utilized for maximizing the output power of the PV array. In addition, storage batteries are also not contained. A conventional inverter connected directly to the PV array is used to drive the SynRM. Further, a control strategy is proposed to drive the inverter so that the maximum output power of the PV array is achieved while the SynRM is working at the maximum torque per Ampere condition. Consequently, this results in an improved system efficiency and cost. Moreover, two maximum power point tracking (MPPT) techniques are compared under uniform and partial shadow irradiation conditions. The first MPPT algorithm is based on the conventional perturbation and observation (P&O) method and the second one uses a differential evolution (DE) optimization technique. It is found that the DE optimization method leads to a higher PV output power than using the P&O method under the partial shadow condition. Hence, the pump flow rate is much higher. However, under a uniform irradiation level, the PV system provides the available maximum power using both MPPT techniques. The experimental measurements are obtained to validate the theoretical work

    Maximum power point tracking for brushless DC motor-driven photovoltaic pumping systems using a hybrid ANFIS-FLOWER pollination optimization algorithm

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    In this research paper, a hybrid Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) tuned Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA) as a Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) is employed to amend root mean square error (RMSE) of photovoltaic (PV) modeling. Moreover, Gaussian membership functions have been considered for fuzzy controller design. This paper interprets the Luo converter occupied brushless DC motor (BLDC)-directed PV water pump application. Experimental responses certify the effectiveness of the suggested motor-pump system supporting diverse operating states. The Luo converter, a newly developed DC-DC converter, has high power density, better voltage gain transfer and superior output waveform and can track optimal power from PV modules. For BLDC speed control there is no extra circuitry, and phase current sensors are enforced for this scheme. The most recent attempt using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS)-FPA-operated BLDC directed PV pump with advanced Luo converter, has not been formerly conferred

    Cakar ayam shaping machine

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    Cakar ayam (Figure 7.1) is one of the Malay traditional cookies that are made from sliced sweet potatoes deep-fried in the coconut candy. In current practice of moulding the cookies, the fried sweet potatoes are molded using traditional manual tools, which are inefficient and less productive for the mass production purposes. “Kuih cakar ayam” associated with the meaning of the idiom means less messy handwriting has a somewhat negative connotation .This cookies may just seem less attractive in shape but still likeable . In fact, this cookie is considered a popular snack even outside the holiday season. The choice of the name of this cookie is more to shape actually resembles former chicken scratches made by the paw the ground while foraging. The value of wisdom, beauty and creativity of the Malays is clearly evident through the Malay cookie. Although it is attacked by the invention of modern cakes that look far more interesting, these cakes will be able to survive a long time until now

    Power converters control for photovoltaic water pumping system

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    This work proposes solutions to challenges encountered in photovoltaic water pumping systems, such as the issue in the number of photovoltaic modules in low power systems, the maximum power point tracking and its implementation, as well as the pump control system. The maximum power point tracking is achieved via the addition of a step-up converter controlled by a proportional-integral controller. The system load is comprised by an induction motor, controlled by an open-loop scalar strategy. Simulations and real platform tests with solar radiance variation and variable number of photovoltaic modules were performed, validating the operation of the proposed solutions.Este trabalho propĂ”e soluçÔes para os desafios encontrados nos sistemas de bombagem fotovoltaica, como a questĂŁo do nĂșmero de mĂłdulos fotovoltaicos em sistemas de baixa potĂȘncia, o seguimento do ponto de potĂȘncia mĂĄxima e sua implementação, bem como o sistema de controle da bomba. O seguimento do ponto de potĂȘncia mĂĄximo Ă© obtido atravĂ©s da adição de um conversor elevador, controlado por um controlador proporcional-integral. A carga do sistema Ă© compreendida por um motor de indução, controlado por uma estratĂ©gia de controle escalar em malha aberta. SimulaçÔes e testes em uma plataforma real, com variação do nĂ­vel de radiação solar e um nĂșmero variĂĄvel de mĂłdulos fotovoltaicos foram realizados, validando o funcionamento das soluçÔes propostas

    Standalone photovoltaic array fed induction motor driven water pumping system

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    Due to the absence of energy transmission lines connected to the water pumping sites in remote areas, problems related to the electrical power outages and the environmental degradation caused by fossil fuel. For this one of the most conceived solutions is the photovoltaic water pumping technology which has the advantage of being sustainable and respectful of the environment to supply water to rural areas. To ensure the need of water, especially for domestic use and small communities, in this article, the photovoltaic energy system for autonomous water pumping using the induction motor was presented, particularly adapted to the isolated regions. Pumping system consists of four photovoltaic (PV) panels, boost converter, inverter, induction motor, centrifugal pump and a storage tank. In this study, the output power of a PV solar cell is fully used by proposing the P&O algorithm, where it is used to follow a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique. The recommended system is designed, modeled and simulated on the MATLAB/Simulink platform. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is observed with variable solar sunshine

    A modified particle swarm optimization based maximum power point tracking for photovoltaic converter system

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    This thesis presents a modified Particle Swarm Optimization based Maximum Power Point Tracking for Photovoltaic Converter system. All over the world, many governments are striving to exploit the vast potential of renewable energy to meet the growing energy requirements mainly when the price of oil is high. Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) is a method that ensures power generated in Photovoltaic (PV) systems is optimized under various conditions. Due to partial shading or change in irradiance and temperature conditions in PV, the power-voltage characteristics exhibit multiple local peaks; one such phenomenon is the global peak. These conditions make it very challenging for MPPT to locate the global maximum power point. Many MPPT algorithms have been proposed for this purpose. In this thesis, a modified Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO)-based MPPT method for PV systems is proposed. Unlike the conventional PSO-based MPPT methods, the proposed method accelerates convergence of the PSO algorithm by consistently decreasing weighting factor, cognitive and social parameters thus reducing the steps of iterations and improved the tracking response time. The advantage of the proposed method is that it requires fewer search steps (converges to the desired solution in a reasonable time) compared to other MPPT methods. It requires only the idea of series cells; thus, it is system independent. The control scheme was first created in MATLAB/Simulink and compared with other MPPT methods and then validated using hardware implementation. The TMS320F28335 eZDSP board was used for implementing the developed control algorithm. The results show good performance in terms of speed of convergence and also guaranteed convergence to global MPP with faster time response compared to the other MPPT methods under typical conditions (partial shading, change in irradiance and temperature, load profile). This demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Design of an optimum MPPT controller for solar energy system

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    Solar energy is compared to be the best potential source of renewable energy in Pacific region. For this reason a photovoltaic cell is needed to harvest this kind of energy, gathering the most of it and the PV having a good efficiency. The maximum efficiency is achieved when the PV works at its Maximum Power Point which entirely depends on the irradiation and temperature. This paper proposes a new design of hybrid Maximum Power Point Tracking and a comparative study is made with various existing MPPT techniques which include Perturb and Observe method, Incremental Conductance and Fuzzy Logic. From the comprehensive comparison study between existing MPPT technique and the proposed MPPT technique/theory, a hardware setup was demonstrated to verify the proposed design by charge controller in photovoltaic systems to which maximize the output power under various lighting conditions. The design is based on the computed results using the buck-boost DC-DC conveter. From the simulation, the proposed method tends to show better performance with almost no oscillations around the MPP

    Water Pumping System Supplied by a PV Generator and with a Switched Reluctance Motor Using a Drive Based on a Multilevel Converter with Reduced Switches

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by national funds through the FCT—Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia with reference UID/CEC/50021/2020 and UID/EEA/00066/2020. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.Pumping systems play a fundamental role in many applications. One of the applications in which these systems are very important is to pump water. However, in the real world context, the use of renewable energies to supply this kind of system becomes essential. Thus, this paper proposes a water pumping system powered by a photovoltaic (PV) generator. In addition, due to its interesting characteristics, such low manufacturing cost, free of rare-earth elements, simple design and robustness for pumping systems, a switched reluctance motor (SRM) is used. The power electronic system to be used in the PV generator and to control the SRM consists of a DC/DC converter with a bipolar output and a multilevel converter. The adopted DC/DC converter uses only one switch, so its topology can be considered as a derivation of the combination of a Zeta converter with a buck–boost converter. Another important aspect is that this converter allows continuous input current, which is desirable for PV panels. The topology selected to control the SRM is a multilevel converter. This proposed topology was adopted with the purpose of reducing the number of power semiconductors. A maximum power point algorithm (MPPT) associated with the DC/DC converter to obtain the maximum power of the PV panels is also proposed. This MPPT will be developed based on the concept of the time derivative of the power and voltage. It will be verified that with the increase in solar irradiance, the generated power will also increase. From this particular case study, it will be verified that changes in the irradiance from 1000 W/m2 to 400 W/m2 will correspond to a change in the motor speed from 1220 rpm to 170 rpm. The characteristics and operation of the proposed system will be verified through several simulation and experimental studies.publishersversionpublishe

    Improved strategy of an MPPT based on the sliding mode control for a PV system

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    The energy produced using a photovoltaic (PV) is mainly dependent on weather factors such as temperature and solar radiation. Given the high cost and low yield of a PV system, it must operate at maximum power point (MPP), which varies according to changes in load and weather conditions. This contribution presents an improved maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controllers of a PV system in various climatic conditions. The first is a sliding mode MPPT that designed to be applied to a buck converter in order to achieve an optimal PV array output voltage. The second MPPT is based on the incremental conductance algorithm or Perturb-and-Observe algorithm. It provides the output reference PV voltage to the sliding mode controller acting on the duty cycle of the DC-DC converter. Simulation is carried out in SimPower toolbox of Matlab/Simulink. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the sliding mode control MPPT under the parameter variation environments and shown that the controllers meet its objectives

    Efficiency Boosting for PV Systems- MPPT Intelligent Control Based

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