581 research outputs found

    Emulating and evaluating hybrid memory for managed languages on NUMA hardware

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    Non-volatile memory (NVM) has the potential to become a mainstream memory technology and challenge DRAM. Researchers evaluating the speed, endurance, and abstractions of hybrid memories with DRAM and NVM typically use simulation, making it easy to evaluate the impact of different hardware technologies and parameters. Simulation is, however, extremely slow, limiting the applications and datasets in the evaluation. Simulation also precludes critical workloads, especially those written in managed languages such as Java and C#. Good methodology embraces a variety of techniques for evaluating new ideas, expanding the experimental scope, and uncovering new insights. This paper introduces a platform to emulate hybrid memory for managed languages using commodity NUMA servers. Emulation complements simulation but offers richer software experimentation. We use a thread-local socket to emulate DRAM and a remote socket to emulate NVM. We use standard C library routines to allocate heap memory on the DRAM and NVM sockets for use with explicit memory management or garbage collection. We evaluate the emulator using various configurations of write-rationing garbage collectors that improve NVM lifetimes by limiting writes to NVM, using 15 applications and various datasets and workload configurations. We show emulation and simulation confirm each other's trends in terms of writes to NVM for different software configurations, increasing our confidence in predicting future system effects. Emulation brings novel insights, such as the non-linear effects of multi-programmed workloads on NVM writes, and that Java applications write significantly more than their C++ equivalents. We make our software infrastructure publicly available to advance the evaluation of novel memory management schemes on hybrid memories

    Enabling preemptive multiprogramming on GPUs

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    GPUs are being increasingly adopted as compute accelerators in many domains, spanning environments from mobile systems to cloud computing. These systems are usually running multiple applications, from one or several users. However GPUs do not provide the support for resource sharing traditionally expected in these scenarios. Thus, such systems are unable to provide key multiprogrammed workload requirements, such as responsiveness, fairness or quality of service. In this paper, we propose a set of hardware extensions that allow GPUs to efficiently support multiprogrammed GPU workloads. We argue for preemptive multitasking and design two preemption mechanisms that can be used to implement GPU scheduling policies. We extend the architecture to allow concurrent execution of GPU kernels from different user processes and implement a scheduling policy that dynamically distributes the GPU cores among concurrently running kernels, according to their priorities. We extend the NVIDIA GK110 (Kepler) like GPU architecture with our proposals and evaluate them on a set of multiprogrammed workloads with up to eight concurrent processes. Our proposals improve execution time of high-priority processes by 15.6x, the average application turnaround time between 1.5x to 2x, and system fairness up to 3.4x.We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers, Alexan- der Veidenbaum, Carlos Villavieja, Lluis Vilanova, Lluc Al- varez, and Marc Jorda on their comments and help improving our work and this paper. This work is supported by Euro- pean Commission through TERAFLUX (FP7-249013), Mont- Blanc (FP7-288777), and RoMoL (GA-321253) projects, NVIDIA through the CUDA Center of Excellence program, Spanish Government through Programa Severo Ochoa (SEV-2011-0067) and Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through TIN2007-60625 and TIN2012-34557 projects.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Reuse Detector: Improving the management of STT-RAM SLLCs

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    Various constraints of Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) are leading to consider new memory technologies as candidates for building on-chip shared last-level caches (SLLCs). Spin-Transfer Torque RAM (STT-RAM) is currently postulated as the prime contender due to its better energy efficiency, smaller die footprint and higher scalability. However, STT-RAM also exhibits some drawbacks, like slow and energy-hungry write operations that need to be mitigated before it can be used in SLLCs for the next generation of computers. In this work, we address these shortcomings by leveraging a new management mechanism for STT-RAM SLLCs. This approach is based on the previous observation that although the stream of references arriving at the SLLC of a Chip MultiProcessor (CMP) exhibits limited temporal locality, it does exhibit reuse locality, i.e. those blocks referenced several times manifest high probability of forthcoming reuse. As such, conventional STT-RAM SLLC management mechanisms, mainly focused on exploiting temporal locality, result in low efficient behavior. In this paper, we employ a cache management mechanism that selects the contents of the SLLC aimed to exploit reuse locality instead of temporal locality. Specifically, our proposal consists in the inclusion of a Reuse Detector (RD) between private cache levels and the STT-RAM SLLC. Its mission is to detect blocks that do not exhibit reuse, in order to avoid their insertion in the SLLC, hence reducing the number of write operations and the energy consumption in the STT-RAM. Our evaluation, using multiprogrammed workloads in quad-core, eight-core and 16-core systems, reveals that our scheme reports on average, energy reductions in the SLLC in the range of 37–30%, additional energy savings in the main memory in the range of 6–8% and performance improvements of 3% (quad-core), 7% (eight-core) and 14% (16-core) compared with an STT-RAM SLLC baseline where no RD is employed. More importantly, our approach outperforms DASCA, the state-of-the-art STT-RAM SLLC management, reporting—depending on the specific scenario and the kind of applications used—SLLC energy savings in the range of 4–11% higher than those of DASCA, delivering higher performance in the range of 1.5–14% and additional improvements in DRAM energy consumption in the range of 2–9% higher than DASCA

    COLAB:A Collaborative Multi-factor Scheduler for Asymmetric Multicore Processors

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    Funding: Partially funded by the UK EPSRC grants Discovery: Pattern Discovery and Program Shaping for Many-core Systems (EP/P020631/1) and ABC: Adaptive Brokerage for Cloud (EP/R010528/1); Royal Academy of Engineering under the Research Fellowship scheme.Increasingly prevalent asymmetric multicore processors (AMP) are necessary for delivering performance in the era of limited power budget and dark silicon. However, the software fails to use them efficiently. OS schedulers, in particular, handle asymmetry only under restricted scenarios. We have efficient symmetric schedulers, efficient asymmetric schedulers for single-threaded workloads, and efficient asymmetric schedulers for single program workloads. What we do not have is a scheduler that can handle all runtime factors affecting AMP for multi-threaded multi-programmed workloads. This paper introduces the first general purpose asymmetry-aware scheduler for multi-threaded multi-programmed workloads. It estimates the performance of each thread on each type of core and identifies communication patterns and bottleneck threads. The scheduler then makes coordinated core assignment and thread selection decisions that still provide each application its fair share of the processor's time. We evaluate our approach using the GEM5 simulator on four distinct big.LITTLE configurations and 26 mixed workloads composed of PARSEC and SPLASH2 benchmarks. Compared to the state-of-the art Linux CFS and AMP-aware schedulers, we demonstrate performance gains of up to 25% and 5% to 15% on average depending on the hardware setup.Postprin

    Design and Implementation of Bandwidth-aware Memory Placement and Migration Policies for Heterogeneous Memory Systems

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    Department of Computer Science and EngineeringHeterogeneous memory systems are composed of several types of memory, and are used in various computing domains. Each memory node in heterogeneous memory systems has different characteristics and performances. A particularly significant difference can be found in access latency and memory bandwidth. Therefore, the heterogeneity between memories must be considered to utilize the performance of a heterogeneous memory system. However, most of the previous works did not consider the bandwidth difference of the memory nodes constituting a heterogeneous memory system. The present work proposes bandwidth-aware memory placement and migration policies to solve the problem caused by the bandwidth difference of the memory nodes in a heterogeneous memory system. We implement three bandwidth-aware memory placement policies and one bandwidth-aware migration policy on the Linux kernel, then quantitatively experiment on and evaluate them in real systems. In addition, we prove that our proposed bandwidth-aware memory placement and migration policies can achieve a higher performance compared to conventional memory placement and migration policies that do not consider the bandwidth differences between heterogeneous memory nodes.ope

    Balancer: bandwidth allocation and cache partitioning for multicore processors

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    The management of shared resources in multicore processors is an open problem due to the continuous evolution of these systems. The trend toward increasing the number of cores and organizing them in clusters sets out new challenges not considered in previous works. In this paper, we characterize the use of the shared cache and memory bandwidth of an AMD Rome processor executing multiprogrammed workloads and propose several mechanisms that control the use of these resources to improve the system performance and fairness. Our control mechanisms require no hardware or operating system modifications. We evaluate Balancer on a real system running SPEC CPU2006 and CPU2017 applications. Balancer tuned for performance shows an average increase of 7.1% in system performance and an unfairness reduction of 18.6% with respect to a system without any control mechanism. Balancer tuned for fairness decreases the performance by 1.3% in exchange for a 64.5% reduction of unfairness

    Characterization of interconnection networks in CMPs using full-system simulation

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    Los computadores más recientes incluyen complejos chips compuestos de varios procesadores y una cantidad significativa de memoria cache. La tendencia actual consiste en conectar varios nodos, cada uno de ellos con un procesador y uno o más niveles de cache privada y/o compartida, utilizando una red de interconexión. La importancia de esta red está aumentando a medida que crece el número de nodos que se integran en un chip, ya que pueden aparecer cuellos de botella en la comunicación que reduzcan las prestaciones. Además, la red contribuye en gran medida al consumo de energía y área del chip. En este proyecto, comparamos el comportamiento de tres topologías: el anillo bidireccional, la malla y el toro. El anillo es una topología mínima con bajo coste en energía pero peor rendimiento debido a la mayor latencia de comunicación entre nodos. Por otro lado, el toro tiene mayor número de enlaces entre nodos y ofrece mejores prestaciones. La malla ha sido incluida como una opción intermedia altamente popular. Analizaremos también dos topologías de anillo adicionales que aprovechan la reducida área y complejidad del mismo: una con mayor ancho de banda y otra con routers de menor número de ciclos. Modelamos cuidadosamente todos los componentes del sistema (procesadores, jerarquía de memoria y red de interconexión) utilizando simulación de sistema completo. Ejecutamos aplicaciones reales en arquitecturas con 16 y 64 nodos, incluyendo tanto cargas paralelas como multiprogramadas (ejecución de varias aplicaciones independientes). Demostramos que la topología de la red afecta en gran medida al rendimiento en sistemas con 64 nodos. Con las topologías de anillo, los tiempos de ejecución son mucho mayores debido al aumento del número de saltos que le cuesta a un mensaje atravesar la red. El toro es la topología que ofrece mejor rendimiento, pero la elección más óptima sería la malla si tenemos en cuenta también energía y área. Por otro lado, para chips con 16 nodos, las diferencias en rendimiento son menores y un anillo con routers de 3 cyclos ofrece un tiempo de ejecución aceptable con el menor coste en área y energía. Nuestra aportación más significativa está relacionada con la distribución del tráfico en la red. Vemos que el tráfico no está distribuido uniformemente y que los nodos con mayores tasas de inyección varían con la aplicación. Hasta donde nosotros sabemos, no hay ningún trabajo de investigación previo que destaque este comportamiento