45 research outputs found

    Augmented Tangible Surfaces to Support Cognitive Games for Ageing People

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-19695-4_27The continuous and rapidly increasing elderly population requires a revision of technology design in order to devise systems usable and meaningful for this social group. Most applications for ageing people are built to provide supporting services, taking into account the physical and cognitive abilities that decrease over time. However, this paper focuses on building technology to improve such capacities, or at least slow down their decline, through cognitive games. This is achieved by means of a digitally-augmented table-like surface that combines touch with tangible input for a more natural, intuitive, and appealing means of interaction. Its construction materials make it an affordable device likely to be used in retirement homes in the context of therapeutic activities, and its form factor enables a versatile, quick, and scalable configuration, as well as a socializing experience.This work received financial support from Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the National Strategic Program of Research and Project TIN2010-20488, and from Universitat Politécnica de Valencia under Project UPV-FE-2014-24. It is also supported by fellowships APOST D/2013/013 and ACIF/2014/214 within the VALi+d program from Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura i Esport (GVA).García Sanjuan, F.; Jaén Martínez, FJ.; Catalá Bolós, A. (2015). Augmented Tangible Surfaces to Support Cognitive Games for Ageing People. En Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications. Springer. 263-271. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-19695-4_27S26327

    Shaping human-robot interaction: Understanding the social aspects of intelligent robotic products

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    The field of robotics is changing at an unprecedented pace. Robotic technologies that integrate information technology with physical embodiment are now robust enough to be deployed in industrial, institutional, and domestic settings. They have the potential to be greatly beneficial to humankind. However, how these products should behave and interact with humans — act socially — remains largely unclear. When designing these products, we will need to make judgments about what technologies to pursue, what systems to make, and how to consider context when designing artifacts and services. Researchers and designers have only just begun to understand these critical issues

    Deep Learning architecture to assist with steering a powered wheelchair

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    Socially assistive robots adoption

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    Mestrado em Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoCom o rápido envelhecimento da população mundial verifica-se um aumento do número de pessoas a requerer cuidados da parte de outrem. Contudo, o fenómeno mencionado traz, também, uma redução do número de pessoas disponíveis para prestar tais cuidados. Como tal, as sociedades são cada vez mais forçadas a lidar com esta discrepância que deve ser colmatada de modo a permitir aos idosos envelhecer com a dignidade que estes merecem. Uma forma de o fazer pode ser encontrada no campo das tecnologias de apoio, nomeadamente na figura dos Socially Assistive Robots (SAR): robots que apoiam os humanos através da interação social. O objetivo do presente estudo é investigar a propensão da população idosa portuguesa para a adoção destes robots. Para esse fim, primeiro, foi levada a cabo uma revisão da literatura onde foi recolhida informação relativa às formas em que os SAR podem apoiar os idosos, fatores que afetam a adoção destes robots e as principais preocupações que se afiguram num processo de adoção. De seguida, um estudo quantitativo baseado na aplicação de questionários à população portuguesa com 65 ou mais anos foi conduzido. De modo a estudar os fatores que influenciam a adoção dos robots, uma adaptação da segunda versão do modelo Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology foi criada e operacionalizada. Os resultados do estudo, não sendo tão abrangentes como inicialmente desejado, servem para complementar a base de conhecimento a ser constituída em torno deste tópico, iluminando e informando o trabalho daqueles que desenvolvem SAR.With the world population ageing rapidly comes an increase in the number of people requiring care from others. However, this phenomenon also brings a decrease in the number of people capable of providing such care. Societies are then increasingly left with a gap which must be bridged for the elderly to be afforded to age with the dignity which they deserve. One way to close said gap can be found in the field of assistive technologies, namely in the form of Socially Assistive Robots (SAR): robots designed to aid humans through social interaction. The aim of the current study is to investigate the propension of elderly Portuguese people for SAR adoption. Thus, firstly a review of literature focused on the ways in which SAR can aid the elderly, robot acceptance factors and common adoption concerns was put together. Secondly, a quantitative study based on the application of questionnaires to the Portuguese population aged 65 and over was conducted. In order to study the robot acceptance factors, an adaptation of the second version of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology was created and deployed. The study results, while not as encompassing as initially desired, serve to complement the knowledge base being currently built around this topic, illuminating and informing the work of individuals focused on designing Socially Assistive Robots.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Deciding the different robot roles for patient cognitive training

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    Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) represent a major challenge for health systems within the aging population. New and better instruments will be crucial to assess the disease severity and progression, as well as to improve its treatment, stimulation, and rehabilitation. With the purpose of detecting, assessing and quantifying cognitive impairments like MCI or AD, several methods are employed by clinical experts. Syndrom Kurztest neuropsychological battery (SKT) is a simple and short test to measure cognitive decline as it assesses memory, attention, and related cognitive functions, taking into account the speed of information processing. In this paper, we present a decision system to embed in a robot that can set up a productive interaction with a patient, and can be employed by the caregiver to motivate and support him while performing cognitive exercises as SKT. We propose two different interaction loops. First, the robot interacts with the caregiver in order to set up the mental and physical impairments of the patient and indicate a goal of the exercise. This is used to determine the desired robot behavior (human-centric or robot-centric, and preferred interaction modalities). Second, the robot interacts with the patient and adapts its actions to engage and assist him to complete the exercise. Two batches of experiments were conducted, and the results indicated that the robot can take profit of the initial interaction with the caregiver to provide a quicker personalization, and also it can adapt to different user responses and provide support and assistance at different levels of interaction.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Tangibot: A tangible-mediated robot to support cognitive games for ageing people A usability study

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    [EN] The ever increasing elderly population requires a revision of technology to make it usable and meaningful for them. Most applications take into account their reduced physical and cognitive abilities in order to provide assistive services, but this paper focuses on building technology to improve these capacities through cognitive games. We present Tangibot, a tangible-mediated robot aimed at enabling more intuitive and appealing interactions. A usability study conducted on subjects at three different levels of cognitive impairment (none, mild, and severe) reveals that it is usable and engaging for users with no or mild cognitive impairment, and even though it is less usable for persons with severe impairment, it triggers positive emotional reactions among them, which makes it promising for their use in therapeutic activities.This work is supported by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and funded by the European Development Regional Fund (EDRF-FEDER) with Project TIN2014-60077-R. It is also supported by fellowship ACIF/2014/214 within the VALi+d program from Conselleria d'Educacio, Cultura i Esport (Generalitat Valenciana), and by fellowship FPU14/00136 within the FPU program from Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport.García Sanjuan, F.; Jaén Martínez, FJ.; Nácher-Soler, VE. (2017). Tangibot: A tangible-mediated robot to support cognitive games for ageing people A usability study. Pervasive and Mobile Computing. 34:91-105. doi:10.1016/j.pmcj.2016.08.007S911053