1,578 research outputs found

    Interactive Real-Time Embedded Systems Education Infused with Applied Internet Telephony

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    The transition from traditional circuit-switched phone systems to modern packet-based Internet telephony networks demands tools to support Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) development. In this paper, we introduce the XinuPhone, an integrated hardware/software approach for educating users about VoIP technology on a real-time embedded platform. We propose modular course topics for design-oriented, hands-on laboratory exercises: filter design, timing, serial communications, interrupts and resource budgeting, network transmission, and system benchmarking. Our open-source software platform encourages development and testing of new CODECs alongside existing standards, unlike similar commercial solutions. Furthermore, the supporting hardware features inexpensive, readily available components designed specifically for educational and research users on a limited budget. The XinuPhone is especially good for experimenting with design trade-offs as well as interactions between real-time software and hardware components

    Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications

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    The MAVEBA Workshop proceedings, held on a biannual basis, collect the scientific papers presented both as oral and poster contributions, during the conference. The main subjects are: development of theoretical and mechanical models as an aid to the study of main phonatory dysfunctions, as well as the biomedical engineering methods for the analysis of voice signals and images, as a support to clinical diagnosis and classification of vocal pathologies

    Speech Enhancement for Automatic Analysis of Child-Centered Audio Recordings

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    Analysis of child-centred daylong naturalist audio recordings has become a de-facto research protocol in the scientific study of child language development. The researchers are increasingly using these recordings to understand linguistic environment a child encounters in her routine interactions with the world. These audio recordings are captured by a microphone that a child wears throughout a day. The audio recordings, being naturalistic, contain a lot of unwanted sounds from everyday life which degrades the performance of speech analysis tasks. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the utility of speech enhancement (SE) algorithms in the automatic analysis of such recordings. To this effect, several classical signal processing and modern machine learning-based SE methods were employed 1) as a denoiser for speech corrupted with additive noise sampled from real-life child-centred daylong recordings and 2) as front-end for downstream speech processing tasks of addressee classification (infant vs. adult-directed speech) and automatic syllable count estimation from the speech. The downstream tasks were conducted on data derived from a set of geographically, culturally, and linguistically diverse child-centred daylong audio recordings. The performance of denoising was evaluated through objective quality metrics (spectral distortion and instrumental intelligibility) and through the downstream task performance. Finally, the objective evaluation results were compared with downstream task performance results to find whether objective metrics can be used as a reasonable proxy to select SE front-end for a downstream task. The results obtained show that a recently proposed Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)-based progressive learning architecture provides maximum performance gains in the downstream tasks in comparison with the other SE methods and baseline results. Classical signal processing-based SE methods also lead to competitive performance. From the comparison of objective assessment and downstream task performance results, no predictive relationship between task-independent objective metrics and performance of downstream tasks was found

    Automated Testing of Speech-to-Speech Machine Translation in Telecom Networks

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    Globalisoituvassa maailmassa kyky kommunikoida kielimuurien yli käy yhä tärkeämmäksi. Kielten opiskelu on työlästä ja siksi halutaan kehittää automaattisia konekäännösjärjestelmiä. Ericsson on kehittänyt prototyypin nimeltä Real-Time Interpretation System (RTIS), joka toimii mobiiliverkossa ja kääntää matkailuun liittyviä fraaseja puhemuodossa kahden kielen välillä. Nykyisten konekäännösjärjestelmien suorituskyky on suhteellisen huono ja siksi testauksella on suuri merkitys järjestelmien suunnittelussa. Testauksen tarkoituksena on varmistaa, että järjestelmä säilyttää käännösekvivalenssin sekä puhekäännösjärjestelmän tapauksessa myös riittävän puheenlaadun. Luotettavimmin testaus voidaan suorittaa ihmisten antamiin arviointeihin perustuen, mutta tällaisen testauksen kustannukset ovat suuria ja tulokset subjektiivisia. Tässä työssä suunniteltiin ja analysoitiin automatisoitu testiympäristö Real-Time Interpretation System -käännösprototyypille. Tavoitteina oli tutkia, voidaanko testaus suorittaa automatisoidusti ja pystytäänkö todellinen, käyttäjän havaitsema käännösten laatu mittaamaan automatisoidun testauksen keinoin. Tulokset osoittavat että mobiiliverkoissa puheenlaadun testaukseen käytetyt menetelmät eivät ole optimaalisesti sovellettavissa konekäännösten testaukseen. Nykytuntemuksen mukaan ihmisten suorittama arviointi on ainoa luotettava tapa mitata käännösekvivalenssia ja puheen ymmärrettävyyttä. Konekäännösten testauksen automatisointi vaatii lisää tutkimusta, jota ennen subjektiivinen arviointi tulisi säilyttää ensisijaisena testausmenetelmänä RTIS-testauksessa.In the globalizing world, the ability to communicate over language barriers is increasingly important. Learning languages is laborious, which is why there is a strong desire to develop automatic machine translation applications. Ericsson has developed a speech-to-speech translation prototype called the Real-Time Interpretation System (RTIS). The service runs in a mobile network and translates travel phrases between two languages in speech format. The state-of-the-art machine translation systems suffer from a relatively poor performance and therefore evaluation plays a big role in machine translation development. The purpose of evaluation is to ensure the system preserves the translational equivalence, and in case of a speech-to-speech system, the speech quality. The evaluation is most reliably done by human judges. However, human-conducted evaluation is costly and subjective. In this thesis, a test environment for Ericsson Real-Time Interpretation System prototype is designed and analyzed. The goals are to investigate if the RTIS verification can be conducted automatically, and if the test environment can truthfully measure the end-to-end performance of the system. The results conclude that methods used in end-to-end speech quality verification in mobile networks can not be optimally adapted for machine translation evaluation. With current knowledge, human-conducted evaluation is the only method that can truthfully measure translational equivalence and the speech intelligibility. Automating machine translation evaluation needs further research, until which human-conducted evaluation should remain the preferred method in RTIS verification

    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Speech Enhancer

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    The ALS Speech Enhancer is a device that enhances the quality of the speech of people living with ALS. By reducing the background noise generated by the BiPAP™ system and eliminating voice feedback between the microphone and the speaker, the ALS Speech Enhancer greatly improves speech in terms of clarity

    Improved Algorithm for Pathological and Normal Voices Identification

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    There are a lot of papers on automatic classification between normal and pathological voices, but they have the lack in the degree of severity estimation of the identified voice disorders. Building a model of pathological and normal voices identification, that can also evaluate the degree of severity of the identified voice disorders among students. In the present work, we present an automatic classifier using acoustical measurements on registered sustained vowels /a/ and pattern recognition tools based on neural networks. The training set was done by classifying students’ recorded voices based on threshold from the literature. We retrieve the pitch, jitter, shimmer and harmonic-to-noise ratio values of the speech utterance /a/, which constitute the input vector of the neural network. The degree of severity is estimated to evaluate how the parameters are far from the standard values based on the percent of normal and pathological values. In this work, the base data used for testing the proposed algorithm of the neural network is formed by healthy and pathological voices from German database of voice disorders. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated in a term of the accuracy (97.9%), sensitivity (1.6%), and specificity (95.1%). The classification rate is 90% for normal class and 95% for pathological class

    Development of a Real-time Embedded System for Speech Emotion Recognition

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    Speech emotion recognition is one of the latest challenges in speech processing and Human Computer Interaction (HCI) in order to address the operational needs in real world applications. Besides human facial expressions, speech has proven to be one of the most promising modalities for automatic human emotion recognition. Speech is a spontaneous medium of perceiving emotions which provides in-depth information related to different cognitive states of a human being. In this context, we introduce a novel approach using a combination of prosody features (i.e. pitch, energy, Zero crossing rate), quality features (i.e. Formant Frequencies, Spectral features etc.), derived features ((i.e.) Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC), Linear Predictive Coding Coefficients (LPCC)) and dynamic feature (Mel-Energy spectrum dynamic Coefficients (MEDC)) for robust automatic recognition of speaker’s emotional states. Multilevel SVM classifier is used for identification of seven discrete emotional states namely angry, disgust, fear, happy, neutral, sad and surprise in ‘Five native Assamese Languages’. The overall experimental results using MATLAB simulation revealed that the approach using combination of features achieved an average accuracy rate of 82.26% for speaker independent cases. Real time implementation of this algorithm is prepared on ARM CORTEX M3 board

    Audio Processing and Loudness Estimation Algorithms with iOS Simulations

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    abstract: The processing power and storage capacity of portable devices have improved considerably over the past decade. This has motivated the implementation of sophisticated audio and other signal processing algorithms on such mobile devices. Of particular interest in this thesis is audio/speech processing based on perceptual criteria. Specifically, estimation of parameters from human auditory models, such as auditory patterns and loudness, involves computationally intensive operations which can strain device resources. Hence, strategies for implementing computationally efficient human auditory models for loudness estimation have been studied in this thesis. Existing algorithms for reducing computations in auditory pattern and loudness estimation have been examined and improved algorithms have been proposed to overcome limitations of these methods. In addition, real-time applications such as perceptual loudness estimation and loudness equalization using auditory models have also been implemented. A software implementation of loudness estimation on iOS devices is also reported in this thesis. In addition to the loudness estimation algorithms and software, in this thesis project we also created new illustrations of speech and audio processing concepts for research and education. As a result, a new suite of speech/audio DSP functions was developed and integrated as part of the award-winning educational iOS App 'iJDSP." These functions are described in detail in this thesis. Several enhancements in the architecture of the application have also been introduced for providing the supporting framework for speech/audio processing. Frame-by-frame processing and visualization functionalities have been developed to facilitate speech/audio processing. In addition, facilities for easy sound recording, processing and audio rendering have also been developed to provide students, practitioners and researchers with an enriched DSP simulation tool. Simulations and assessments have been also developed for use in classes and training of practitioners and students.Dissertation/ThesisM.S. Electrical Engineering 201

    Redesigning a Performance Practice: Synergising Woodwind Improvisation with Bespoke Software Technology.

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    This research examines how the designing of a new performance practice based on the incorporation of custom digital signal processing software impacts on solo improvised woodwind performance. Through the development of bespoke software, I investigate how these new technologies can be integrated into solo woodwind performance practice. This research presents a new improvised music practice as well as a suite of new software tools and performance techniques. Through a workshop and performance-­‐based research process, a suite of software processors are developed which respond, and are complementary, to a personalised style of improvised performance. This electronic augmentation of the woodwind instrument (clarinet, bass clarinet, alto saxophone and xaphoon) is tested over the course of thirty solo improvised performances. These performances are documented as audio files and analysed using methods derived from electroacoustic music practice. This research represents an important development in the emerging field of improvised music performance engaging with new digital technologies. The research is practice-­‐led from the viewpoint of an experienced performer and tested in real-­‐world situations, resulting in a useful research outputs embedded in the peer community. Examining the history of live electronic performance practice, this research situates itself within the field of expert performers who use digital processing in free improvisation contexts. A critical understanding of the processes involved allows this researcher to design a new performance practice more effectively. While research necessarily draws on my own performance practice, the knowledge generated will have broad relevance in the field and much of this work is applicable to non-­‐woodwind instrumentalists and singers. The research outputs include freely distributable software created during this project