262 research outputs found

    Improving the scalability of parallel N-body applications with an event driven constraint based execution model

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    The scalability and efficiency of graph applications are significantly constrained by conventional systems and their supporting programming models. Technology trends like multicore, manycore, and heterogeneous system architectures are introducing further challenges and possibilities for emerging application domains such as graph applications. This paper explores the space of effective parallel execution of ephemeral graphs that are dynamically generated using the Barnes-Hut algorithm to exemplify dynamic workloads. The workloads are expressed using the semantics of an Exascale computing execution model called ParalleX. For comparison, results using conventional execution model semantics are also presented. We find improved load balancing during runtime and automatic parallelism discovery improving efficiency using the advanced semantics for Exascale computing.Comment: 11 figure

    Robot graphic simulation testbed

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    The objective of this research was twofold. First, the basic capabilities of ROBOSIM (graphical simulation system) were improved and extended by taking advantage of advanced graphic workstation technology and artificial intelligence programming techniques. Second, the scope of the graphic simulation testbed was extended to include general problems of Space Station automation. Hardware support for 3-D graphics and high processing performance make high resolution solid modeling, collision detection, and simulation of structural dynamics computationally feasible. The Space Station is a complex system with many interacting subsystems. Design and testing of automation concepts demand modeling of the affected processes, their interactions, and that of the proposed control systems. The automation testbed was designed to facilitate studies in Space Station automation concepts

    A design methodology for portable software on parallel computers

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    This final report for research that was supported by grant number NAG-1-995 documents our progress in addressing two difficulties in parallel programming. The first difficulty is developing software that will execute quickly on a parallel computer. The second difficulty is transporting software between dissimilar parallel computers. In general, we expect that more hardware-specific information will be included in software designs for parallel computers than in designs for sequential computers. This inclusion is an instance of portability being sacrificed for high performance. New parallel computers are being introduced frequently. Trying to keep one's software on the current high performance hardware, a software developer almost continually faces yet another expensive software transportation. The problem of the proposed research is to create a design methodology that helps designers to more precisely control both portability and hardware-specific programming details. The proposed research emphasizes programming for scientific applications. We completed our study of the parallelizability of a subsystem of the NASA Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) data processing system. This work is summarized in section two. A more detailed description is provided in Appendix A ('Programming Practices to Support Eventual Parallelism'). Mr. Chrisman, a graduate student, wrote and successfully defended a Ph.D. dissertation proposal which describes our research associated with the issues of software portability and high performance. The list of research tasks are specified in the proposal. The proposal 'A Design Methodology for Portable Software on Parallel Computers' is summarized in section three and is provided in its entirety in Appendix B. We are currently studying a proposed subsystem of the NASA Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data processing system. This software is the proof-of-concept for the Ph.D. dissertation. We have implemented and measured the performance of a portion of this subsystem on the Intel iPSC/2 parallel computer. These results are provided in section four. Our future work is summarized in section five, our acknowledgements are stated in section six, and references for published papers associated with NAG-1-995 are provided in section seven

    Economic-based Distributed Resource Management and Scheduling for Grid Computing

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    Computational Grids, emerging as an infrastructure for next generation computing, enable the sharing, selection, and aggregation of geographically distributed resources for solving large-scale problems in science, engineering, and commerce. As the resources in the Grid are heterogeneous and geographically distributed with varying availability and a variety of usage and cost policies for diverse users at different times and, priorities as well as goals that vary with time. The management of resources and application scheduling in such a large and distributed environment is a complex task. This thesis proposes a distributed computational economy as an effective metaphor for the management of resources and application scheduling. It proposes an architectural framework that supports resource trading and quality of services based scheduling. It enables the regulation of supply and demand for resources and provides an incentive for resource owners for participating in the Grid and motives the users to trade-off between the deadline, budget, and the required level of quality of service. The thesis demonstrates the capability of economic-based systems for peer-to-peer distributed computing by developing users' quality-of-service requirements driven scheduling strategies and algorithms. It demonstrates their effectiveness by performing scheduling experiments on the World-Wide Grid for solving parameter sweep applications

    The design of a neural network compiler

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    Computer simulation is a flexible and economical way for rapid prototyping and concept evaluation with Neural Network (NN) models. Increasing research on NNs has led to the development of several simulation programs. Not all simulations have the same scope. Some simulations allow only a fixed network model and some are more general. Designing a simulation program for general purpose NN models has become a current trend nowadays because of its flexibility and efficiency. A proper programming language specifically for NN models is preferred since the existing high-level languages such as C are for NN designers from a strong computer background. The program translations for NN languages come from combinations which are either interpreter and/or compiler. There are also various styles of programming languages such as a procedural, functional, descriptive and object-oriented. The main focus of this thesis is to study the feasibility of using a compiler method for the development of a general-purpose simulator - NEUCOMP that compiles the program written as a list of mathematical specifications of the particular NN model and translates it into a chosen target program. The language supported by NEUCOMP is based on a procedural style. Information regarding the list of mathematical statements required by the NN models are written in the program. The mathematical statements used are represented by scalar, vector and matrix assignments. NEUCOMP translates these expressions into actual program loops. NEUCOMP enables compilation of a simulation program written in the NEUCOMP language for any NN model, contains graphical facilities such as portraying the NN architecture and displaying a graph of the result during training and finally to have a program that can run on a parallel shared memory multi-processor system

    Parallel functional programming for message-passing multiprocessors

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    We propose a framework for the evaluation of implicitly parallel functional programs on message passing multiprocessors with special emphasis on the issue of load bounding. The model is based on a new encoding of the lambda-calculus in Milner's pi-calculus and combines lazy evaluation and eager (parallel) evaluation in the same framework. The pi-calculus encoding serves as the specification of a more concrete compilation scheme mapping a simple functional language into a message passing, parallel program. We show how and under which conditions we can guarantee successful load bounding based on this compilation scheme. Finally we discuss the architectural requirements for a machine to support our model efficiently and we present a simple RISC-style processor architecture which meets those criteria
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