29 research outputs found

    Final Coalgebras from Corecursive Algebras

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    Expressive Logics for Coinductive Predicates

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    The classical Hennessy-Milner theorem says that two states of an image-finite transition system are bisimilar if and only if they satisfy the same formulas in a certain modal logic. In this paper we study this type of result in a general context, moving from transition systems to coalgebras and from bisimilarity to coinductive predicates. We formulate when a logic fully characterises a coinductive predicate on coalgebras, by providing suitable notions of adequacy and expressivity, and give sufficient conditions on the semantics. The approach is illustrated with logics characterising similarity, divergence and a behavioural metric on automata

    Relating Operator Spaces via Adjunctions

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    This chapter uses categorical techniques to describe relations between various sets of operators on a Hilbert space, such as self-adjoint, positive, density, effect and projection operators. These relations, including various Hilbert-Schmidt isomorphisms of the form tr(A-), are expressed in terms of dual adjunctions, and maps between them. Of particular interest is the connection with quantum structures, via a dual adjunction between convex sets and effect modules. The approach systematically uses categories of modules, via their description as Eilenberg-Moore algebras of a monad

    The Positivication of Coalgebraic Logics

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    We present positive coalgebraic logic in full generality, and show how to obtain a positive coalgebraic logic from a boolean one. On the model side this involves canonically computing a endofunctor T\u27: Pos->Pos from an endofunctor T: Set->Set, in a procedure previously defined by the second author et alii called posetification. On the syntax side, it involves canonically computing a syntax-building functor L\u27: DL->DL from a syntax-building functor L: BA->BA, in a dual procedure which we call positivication. These operations are interesting in their own right and we explicitly compute posetifications and positivications in the case of several modal logics. We show how the semantics of a boolean coalgebraic logic can be canonically lifted to define a semantics for its positive fragment, and that weak completeness transfers from the boolean case to the positive case

    Coalgebra Learning via Duality

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    Automata learning is a popular technique for inferring minimal automata through membership and equivalence queries. In this paper, we generalise learning to the theory of coalgebras. The approach relies on the use of logical formulas as tests, based on a dual adjunction between states and logical theories. This allows us to learn, e.g., labelled transition systems, using Hennessy-Milner logic. Our main contribution is an abstract learning algorithm, together with a proof of correctness and termination

    Disjunctive Probabilistic Modal Logic is Enough for Bisimilarity on Reactive Probabilistic Systems

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    Larsen and Skou characterized probabilistic bisimilarity over reactive probabilistic systems with a logic including true, negation, conjunction, and a diamond modality decorated with a probabilistic lower bound. Later on, Desharnais, Edalat, and Panangaden showed that negation is not necessary to characterize the same equivalence. In this paper, we prove that the logical characterization holds also when conjunction is replaced by disjunction, with negation still being not necessary. To this end, we introduce reactive probabilistic trees, a fully abstract model for reactive probabilistic systems that allows us to demonstrate expressiveness of the disjunctive probabilistic modal logic, as well as of the previously mentioned logics, by means of a compactness argument.Comment: Aligned content with version accepted at ICTCS 2016: fixed minor typos, added reference, improved definitions in Section 3. Still 10 pages in sigplanconf forma

    Bisimulation for Weakly Expressive Coalgebraic Modal Logics

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    Research on the expressiveness of coalgebraic modal logics with respect to semantic equivalence notions has so far focused mainly on finding logics that are able to distinguish states that are not behaviourally equivalent (such logics are said to be expressive). In other words, the notion of behavioural equivalence is taken as the starting point, and the expressiveness of the logic is evaluated against it. However, for some applications, modal logics that are not expressive are of independent interest. Such an example is given by contingency logic. We can now turn the question of expressiveness around and ask, given a modal logic, what is a suitable notion of semantic equivalence? In this paper, we propose a notion of Lambda-bisimulation which is parametric in a collection Lambda of predicate liftings. We study the basic properties of Lambda-bisimilarity, and prove as our main result a Hennessy-Milner style theorem, which shows that (for finitary functors) Lambda-bisimilarity exactly matches the expressiveness of the coalgebraic modal logic arising from Lambda

    Many-Valued Coalgebraic Logic: From Boolean Algebras to Primal Varieties

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    We study many-valued coalgebraic logics with primal algebras of truth-degrees. We describe a way to lift algebraic semantics of classical coalgebraic logics, given by an endofunctor on the variety of Boolean algebras, to this many-valued setting, and we show that many important properties of the original logic are inherited by its lifting. Then, we deal with the problem of obtaining a concrete axiomatic presentation of the variety of algebras for this lifted logic, given that we know one for the original one. We solve this problem for a class of presentations which behaves well with respect to a lattice structure on the algebra of truth-degrees

    Duality of equations and coequations via contravariant adjunctions

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    In this paper we show duality results between categories of equations and categories of coequations. These dualities are obtained as restrictions of dualities between categories of algebras and coalgebras, which arise by lifting contravariant adjunctions on the base categories. By extending this approach to (co)algebras for (co)monads, we retrieve th

    Coalgebraic completeness-via-canonicity for distributive substructural logics

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    We prove strong completeness of a range of substructural logics with respect to a natural poset-based relational semantics using a coalgebraic version of completeness-via-canonicity. By formalizing the problem in the language of coalgebraic logics, we develop a modular theory which covers a wide variety of different logics under a single framework, and lends itself to further extensions. Moreover, we believe that the coalgebraic framework provides a systematic and principled way to study the relationship between resource models on the semantics side, and substructural logics on the syntactic side.Comment: 36 page