479 research outputs found

    Critical factors in information system implementation success : A case study of how to increase the usage of a SaaS based HR system

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    While the importance of technology has increased in our daily lives, it has also increased with the number of different industries and their external and internal processes. There is a lot of positive evidence of modern technology solutions, for example, to help human resources management, and more companies end up digitizing and updating their HR tools. When procuring information system solutions, companies are increasingly choosing a system from companies that offer their products with agile and cost-effective solutions based on cloud services instead of systems using traditional local installation. The purpose of the study is to find out what are the critical success factors in the implementation of an information system or in the successful introduction of a system to a new employee in the case of a personnel system based on the SaaS model. A successful implementation project is viewed from the perspective of a system service provider and with continuous or increasing usage as the measure of success. Another motivation for the study is to find out what factors influence the end user’s desire to increase or begin to avoid using the system. The study consists of an integrative literature review, in which theory and previous research are used to find out what factors are involved in a successful information system implementation process, and an empirical interview section. The theory focuses on the system implementation process, usability, and user experience in SaaS-based information systems, as well as their challenges from an end-user perspective. Based on the literature review, the critical success factors in successful implementation are the information system as a ready-to-use procurement, the information system implementation process, the implementation from the organisation's point of view, and the implementation from the end-user’s perspective. Based on these factors specified in the literature review analysis, the idea of potential critical factors for successful information system implementation was translated into practice in focused end-user interviews in the study, and thus clarified how these were realised in the success of the case-client company implementation process. The study shows that although no direct previous research on the successful implementation of SaaS systems can be found, the theory of critical success factors in traditional system implementations can be applied from the actual implementation phase and its planning onwards. Companies that make acquisitions of ready-to-use systems easily forget that, despite their apparent ease of implementation, they are essentially ordinary systems, where the most critical step to success in implementation, is where end-users are informed and oriented about it. The results of the study also suggest that increasing communication with end-users is associated with successful deployment, as is receiving feedback from end-users on continuing to actively use it, as end-users want to both understand and influence the tools they use in their work.Samalla kun teknologian merkitys on lisääntynyt päivittäisessä elämässämme, se on lisääntynyt myös kasvavalla skaalalla eri toimialoja ja niiden ulkoisia ja sisäisiä prosesseja. Nykyteknologian ratkaisuista esimerkiksi henkilöstöhallinnon apuna löytyy runsaasti positiivista näyttöä, ja moni yritys päätyykin digitalisoimaan ja päivittämään juuri HR-työkalujaan. Tietojärjestelmäratkaisuja hankkiessaan yritykset valitsevat yhä useammin perinteisen lokaalin asennuksen sijaan järjestelmän yrityksiltä, jotka tarjoavat tuotteitaan pilvipalveluihin perustuvin ketterin ja kustannustehokkain ratkaisuin. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, mitä ovat kriittiset menestystekijät tietojärjestelmän käyttöönotossa tai uudelle työntekijälle esittelyssä silloin, kun kyseessä on SaaS-malliin perustuva henkilöstöjärjestelmä. Onnistunutta käyttöönottoprojektia tarkastellaan järjestelmäpalvelun tarjoajan näkökulmasta ja siten, että onnistumisen mittarina pidetään tasaisena jatkuvaa tai lisääntyvää käyttöä. Tutkimuksen toisena motivaationa on selvittää, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat loppukäyttäjän haluun lisätä tai alkaa välttää järjestelmän käyttöään. Tutkimus koostuu integroivasta kirjallisuuskatsauksesta, jossa teorian ja aiemman tutkimuksen avulla selvitetään millaisia vaikuttimia onnistuneeseen tietojärjestelmän käyttöönottoprosessiin sisältyy, sekä empiirisestä haastatteluosiosta. Teoria painottuu käyttöönottoprosessiin, käytettävyyteen ja käyttökokemukseen SaaS-pohjaisissa tietojärjestelmissä, sekä niiden haasteisiin loppukäyttäjän näkökulmasta. Kirjallisuustutkimuksen perusteella on määritelty kriittisiksi menestystekijöiksi käyttöönotossa näkökulmat, joiksi nousivat tietojärjestelmä käyttövalmiina hankintana, tietojärjestelmän käyttöönottoprosessi, käyttöönotto organisaation näkökulmasta, sekä käyttöönotto loppukäyttäjien näkökulmasta. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa eriteltyjen tekijöiden pohjalta syntynyt malli potentiaalisista kriittisistä tekijöistä käyttöönoton onnistumiselle siirrettiin tutkimuksessa käytäntöön loppukäyttäjien haastatteluissa, ja näin selvittämällä miten nämä case-asiakasyrityksen käyttöönottoprosessin onnistumisessa toteutuivat. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että vaikka suoraa aiempaa tutkimusta SaaS-järjestelmien käyttöönotosta ei löydykään, voidaan perinteisten järjestelmäkäyttöönottojen onnistumisen kriittisille menestystekijöille tehtyä teoriaa soveltaa varsinaisesta käyttöönottovaiheesta ja sen suunnittelusta eteenpäin. Heti valmiita järjestelmähankintoja tekevät yritykset helposti unohtavat, että näennäisestä helppoudesta huolimatta kyseessä on kuitenkin pohjimmiltaan tavallinen järjestelmähankinta, jossa onnistumisen kannalta kriittisin vaihe on se, missä järjestelmän käyttöönotosta tiedotetaan ja orientoidaan loppukäyttäjiä. Tutkimuksen tuloksista voidaan päätellä myös, että kommunikaation lisääminen loppukäyttäjien suuntaan on sidoksissa onnistuneen käyttöönoton kanssa, ja loppukäyttäjiltä kerättävän palautteen vastaanottaminen sen aktiivisen käytön jatkamisen kanssa, koska loppukäyttäjät haluavat sekä ymmärtää käyttämiään työkaluja, että voida vaikuttaa niiden käyttöön työssään

    Task-based Adaptation of Graphical Content in Smart Visual Interfaces

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    To be effective visual representations must be adapted to their respective context of use, especially in so-called Smart Visual Interfaces striving to present specifically those information required for the task at hand. This thesis proposes a generic approach that facilitate the automatic generation of task-specific visual representations from suitable task descriptions. It is discussed how the approach is applied to four principal content types raster images, 2D vector and 3D graphics as well as data visualizations, and how existing display techniques can be integrated into the approach.Effektive visuelle Repräsentationen müssen an den jeweiligen Nutzungskontext angepasst sein, insbesondere in sog. Smart Visual Interfaces, welche anstreben, möglichst genau für die aktuelle Aufgabe benötigte Informationen anzubieten. Diese Arbeit entwirft einen generischen Ansatz zur automatischen Erzeugung aufgabenspezifischer Darstellungen anhand geeigneter Aufgabenbeschreibungen. Es wird gezeigt, wie dieser Ansatz auf vier grundlegende Inhaltstypen Rasterbilder, 2D-Vektor- und 3D-Grafik sowie Datenvisualisierungen anwendbar ist, und wie existierende Darstellungstechniken integrierbar sind

    Instrumentation and validation of a robotic cane for transportation and fall prevention in patients with affected mobility

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Física, (especialização em Dispositivos, Microssistemas e Nanotecnologias)O ato de andar é conhecido por ser a forma primitiva de locomoção do ser humano, sendo que este traz muitos benefícios que motivam um estilo de vida saudável e ativo. No entanto, há condições de saúde que dificultam a realização da marcha, o que por consequência pode resultar num agravamento da saúde, e adicionalmente, levar a um maior risco de quedas. Nesse sentido, o desenvolvimento de um sistema de deteção e prevenção de quedas, integrado num dispositivo auxiliar de marcha, seria essencial para reduzir estes eventos de quedas e melhorar a qualidade de vida das pessoas. Para ultrapassar estas necessidades e limitações, esta dissertação tem como objetivo validar e instrumentar uma bengala robótica, denominada Anti-fall Robotic Cane (ARCane), concebida para incorporar um sistema de deteção de quedas e um mecanismo de atuação que possibilite a prevenção de quedas, ao mesmo tempo que assiste a marcha. Para esse fim, foi realizada uma revisão do estado da arte em bengalas robóticas para adquirir um conhecimento amplo e aprofundado dos componentes, mecanismos e estratégias utilizadas, bem como os protocolos experimentais, principais resultados, limitações e desafios em dispositivos existentes. Numa primeira fase, foi estipulado o objetivo de: (i) adaptar a missão do produto; (ii) estudar as necessidades do consumidor; e (iii) atualizar as especificações alvo da ARCane, continuação do trabalho de equipa, para obter um produto com design e engenharia compatível com o mercado. Foi depois estabelecida a arquitetura de hardware e discutidos os componentes a ser instrumentados na ARCane. Em seguida foram realizados testes de interoperabilidade a fim de validar o funcionamento singular e coletivo dos componentes. Relativamente ao controlo de movimento, foi desenvolvido um sistema inovador, de baixo custo e intuitivo, capaz de detetar a intenção do movimento e de reconhecer as fases da marcha do utilizador. Esta implementação foi validada com seis voluntários saudáveis que realizaram testes de marcha com a ARCane para testar sua operabilidade num ambiente de contexto real. Obteve-se uma precisão de 97% e de 90% em relação à deteção da intenção de movimento e ao reconhecimento da fase da marcha do utilizador. Por fim, foi projetado um método de deteção de quedas e mecanismo de prevenção de quedas para futura implementação na ARCane. Foi ainda proposta uma melhoria do método de deteção de quedas, de modo a superar as limitações associadas, bem como a proposta de dispositivos de deteção a serem implementados na ARCane para obter um sistema completo de deteção de quedas.The act of walking is known to be the primitive form of the human being, and it brings many benefits that motivate a healthy and active lifestyle. However, there are health conditions that make walking difficult, which, consequently, can result in worse health and, in addition, lead to a greater risk of falls. Thus, the development of a fall detection and prevention system integrated with a walking aid would be essential to reduce these fall events and improve people quality of life. To overcome these needs and limitations, this dissertation aims to validate and instrument a cane-type robot, called Anti-fall Robotic Cane (ARCane), designed to incorporate a fall detection system and an actuation mechanism that allow the prevention of falls, while assisting the gait. Therefore, a State-of-the-Art review concerning robotic canes was carried out to acquire a broad and in-depth knowledge of the used components, mechanisms and strategies, as well as the experimental protocols, main results, limitations and challenges on existing devices. On a first stage, it was set an objective to (i) enhance the product's mission statement; (ii) study the consumer needs; and (iii) update the target specifications of the ARCane, extending teamwork, to obtain a product with a market-compatible design and engineering that meets the needs and desires of the ARCane users. It was then established the hardware architecture of the ARCane and discussed the electronic components that will instrument the control, sensory, actuator and power units, being afterwards subjected to interoperability tests to validate the singular and collective functioning of cane components altogether. Regarding the motion control of robotic canes, an innovative, cost-effective and intuitive motion control system was developed, providing user movement intention recognition, and identification of the user's gait phases. This implementation was validated with six healthy volunteers who carried out gait trials with the ARCane, in order to test its operability in a real context environment. An accuracy of 97% was achieved for user motion intention recognition and 90% for user gait phase recognition, using the proposed motion control system. Finally, it was idealized a fall detection method and fall prevention mechanism for a future implementation in the ARCane, based on methods applied to robotic canes in the literature. It was also proposed an improvement of the fall detection method in order to overcome its associated limitations, as well as detection devices to be implemented into the ARCane to achieve a complete fall detection system

    Interactive Technologies for the Public Sphere Toward a Theory of Critical Creative Technology

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    Digital media cultural practices continue to address the social, cultural and aesthetic contexts of the global information economy, perhaps better called ecology, by inventing new methods and genres that encourage interactive engagement, collaboration, exploration and learning. The theoretical framework for creative critical technology evolved from the confluence of the arts, human computer interaction, and critical theories of technology. Molding this nascent theoretical framework from these seemingly disparate disciplines was a reflexive process where the influence of each component on each other spiraled into the theory and practice as illustrated through the Constructed Narratives project. Research that evolves from an arts perspective encourages experimental processes of making as a method for defining research principles. The traditional reductionist approach to research requires that all confounding variables are eliminated or silenced using methods of statistics. However, that noise in the data, those confounding variables provide the rich context, media, and processes by which creative practices thrive. As research in the arts gains recognition for its contributions of new knowledge, the traditional reductive practice in search of general principles will be respectfully joined by methodologies for defining living principles that celebrate and build from the confounding variables, the data noise. The movement to develop research methodologies from the noisy edges of human interaction have been explored in the research and practices of ludic design and ambiguity (Gaver, 2003); affective gap (Sengers et al., 2005b; 2006); embodied interaction (Dourish, 2001); the felt life (McCarthy & Wright, 2004); and reflective HCI (Dourish, et al., 2004). The theory of critical creative technology examines the relationships between critical theories of technology, society and aesthetics, information technologies and contemporary practices in interaction design and creative digital media. The theory of critical creative technology is aligned with theories and practices in social navigation (Dourish, 1999) and community-based interactive systems (Stathis, 1999) in the development of smart appliances and network systems that support people in engaging in social activities, promoting communication and enhancing the potential for learning in a community-based environment. The theory of critical creative technology amends these community-based and collaborative design theories by emphasizing methods to facilitate face-to-face dialogical interaction when the exchange of ideas, observations, dreams, concerns, and celebrations may be silenced by societal norms about how to engage others in public spaces. The Constructed Narratives project is an experiment in the design of a critical creative technology that emphasizes the collaborative construction of new knowledge about one's lived world through computer-supported collaborative play (CSCP). To construct is to creatively invent one's world by engaging in creative decision-making, problem solving and acts of negotiation. The metaphor of construction is used to demonstrate how a simple artefact - a building block - can provide an interactive platform to support discourse between collaborating participants. The technical goal for this project was the development of a software and hardware platform for the design of critical creative technology applications that can process a dynamic flow of logistical and profile data from multiple users to be used in applications that facilitate dialogue between people in a real-time playful interactive experience

    Deriving and applying facet views of the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme to enhance subject searching in library OPACs

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    Classification is a fundamental tool in the organisation of any library collection for effective information retrieval. Several classifications exist, yet the pioneering Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) still constitutes the most widely used scheme and international de facto standard. Although once used for the dual purpose of physical organisation and subject retrieval in the printed library catalogue, library classification is now relegated to a singular role of shelf location. Numerous studies have highlighted the problem of subject access in library online public access catalogues (OPACs). The library OPAC has changed relatively little since its inception, designed to find what is already known, not discover and explore. This research aims to enhance OPAC subject searching by deriving facets of the DDC and populating these with a library collection for display at a View-based searching OPAC interface. A novel method is devised that enables the automatic deconstruction of complex DDC notations into their component facets. Identifying facets based upon embedded notational components reveals alternative, multidimensional subject arrangements of a library collection and resolves the problem of disciplinary scatter. The extent to which the derived facets enhance users' subject searching perceptions and activities at the OPAC interface is evaluated in a small-scale usability study. The results demonstrate the successful derivation of four fundamental facets (Reference Type, Person Type, Time and Geographic Place). Such facet derivation and deconstruction of Dewey notations is recognised as a complex process, owing to the lack of a uniform notation, notational re-use and the need for distinct facet indicators to delineate facet boundaries. The results of the preliminary usability study indicate that users are receptive to facet-based searching and that the View-based searching system performs equally as well as a current form fill-in interface and, in some cases, provides enhanced benefits. It is concluded that further exploration of facet-based searching is clearly warranted and suggestions for future research are made.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo


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    In the context of the guiding principles of current Chinese rural construction have shifted from increasing "quantity" to improving "quality", this study selects house, or domestic space inside - as the research object to investigate the transregional differences and transepoch evolutionary processes in the west Zhejiang of China. Space Syntax theory is adopted for a quantitative comparative analysis on spatial configuration features and the underlying sociocultural logic. SSPS-based semi-structured questionnaire statics analysis is also employed as an examination on the results. The dissertation is being completed with the aim of preserving the "prototype" in traditional space through syntactic interpretation on regional features, and at the same time to pursue a sustainable and indigenous residential spatial pattern through conducting extensive research on the transformation on local domestic spaces, for discovering a residential space model that both meet the needs of modern life and embody the Chinese regional cultural paradigm.北九州市立大

    Special Libraries, October 1972

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    Volume 63, Issue 10https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1972/1007/thumbnail.jp

    Sustainable Value Co-Creation in Welfare Service Ecosystems : Transforming temporary collaboration projects into permanent resource integration

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    The aim of this paper is to discuss the unexploited forces of user-orientation and shared responsibility to promote sustainable value co-creation during service innovation projects in welfare service ecosystems. The framework is based on the theoretical field of public service logic (PSL) and our thesis is that service innovation seriously requires a user-oriented approach, and that such an approach enables resource integration based on the service-user’s needs and lifeworld. In our findings, we identify prerequisites and opportunities of collaborative service innovation projects in order to transform these projects into sustainable resource integration once they have ended

    Advances in Human-Robot Interaction

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    Rapid advances in the field of robotics have made it possible to use robots not just in industrial automation but also in entertainment, rehabilitation, and home service. Since robots will likely affect many aspects of human existence, fundamental questions of human-robot interaction must be formulated and, if at all possible, resolved. Some of these questions are addressed in this collection of papers by leading HRI researchers