331 research outputs found

    Outage performance analysis of cell-center/edge users under two policies of energy harvesting

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    In this paper, two energy harvesting policies deploying in cooperative non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) systems are considered. After period of wireless power transfer, the NOMA users including cell-edge and cell-center users simultaneously transmit the superposition coded symbols to the base station (BS). In the last time slot, the BS decodes to achieve its signal based on superposition coded symbol with corresponding power allocation factors. This paper provides exact expressions of outage probability in two schemes. Performance gap of two NOMA users can be raised by providing different power allocation factors. It is confirmed by numerical result. Distance and data rate are main factors affecting outage performance. Scheme I exhibit scenario where power beacon transmits energy signal to NOMA user while the BS feeds energy to NOMA user in Scheme II. It is shown that outage performance of Scheme I is better than that of Scheme II.Web of Science254807

    Throughput analysis of non-orthogonal multiple access and orthogonal multiple access assisted wireless energy harvesting K-hop relaying networks

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    This study introduces the non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) technique into the wireless energy harvesting K-hop relay network to increase throughput. The relays have no dedicated energy source and thus depend on energy harvested by wireless from a power beacon (PB). Recently, NOMA has been promoted as a technology with the potential to enhance connectivity, reduce latency, increase fairness amongst users, and raise spectral effectiveness compared to orthogonal multiple access (OMA) technology. For performance considerations, we derive exact throughput expressions for NOMA and OMA-assisted multi-hop relaying and compare the performance between the two. The obtained results are validated via Monte Carlo simulations


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    This paper examine how to integrate energy harvesting (EH) to non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) networks. Recently, device-to-device (D2D) underlaying licensed network is introduced as novel transmission mode to perform two nearby user equipment units (UEs) communicating directly without signal processing through the nearest base station (BS). By wireless power transfer, they can be further operational to D2D communications in which a UE may harvest energy from RF signal of dedicated power beacons (PB) to help EH assisted UEs communicate with each other or assist these UEs to communicate with the BS. In particular, we investigate outage and throughput performance in a scenario of D2D communications powered by RF signal where one UE may help other two UEs to exchange information with optimal throughput

    Secrecy performance of TAS/SC-based multi-hop harvest-to-transmit cognitive WSNs under joint constraint of interference and hardware imperfection

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    In this paper, we evaluate the secrecy performance of multi-hop cognitive wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In the secondary network, a source transmits its data to a destination via the multi-hop relaying model using the transmit antenna selection (TAS)/selection combining (SC) technique at each hop, in the presence of an eavesdropper who wants to receive the data illegally. The secondary transmitters, including the source and intermediate relays, have to harvest energy from radio-frequency signals of a power beacon for transmitting the source data. Moreover, their transmit power must be adjusted to satisfy the quality of service (QoS) of the primary network. Under the joint impact of hardware imperfection and interference constraint, expressions for the transmit power for the secondary transmitters are derived. We also derive exact and asymptotic expressions of secrecy outage probability (SOP) and probability of non-zero secrecy capacity (PNSC) for the proposed protocol over Rayleigh fading channel. The derivations are then verified by Monte Carlo simulations.Web of Science195art. no. 116

    Exact Outage Performance Analysis of Amplify-and-forward-aware Cooperative NOMA

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    In this paper, new radio access scheme that combines Amplify-and-Forward (AF) relaying protocol and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) system is introduced. In particular, different scenarios for fixed power allocation scheme is investigated. In addition, the outage probability of both weak and strong user is derived and provided in closed-form expressions. Such outage is investigated in high SNR scenario and comparison performance between these NOMA scenarios is introduced. Numerical simulations are offered to clarify the outage performance of the considered scheme if varying several parameters in the existing schemes to verify the derived formulas

    Analyzing Power Beacon Assisted Multi-Source Transmission Using Markov Chain

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    Wireless power transmission (WPT) is envisioned to be a promising technology for prolonging the lifetime of wireless devices in energy-constrained networks. This paper presents a general power beacon (PB) assisted multi-source transmission, where a practical source selection scheme with information transmission (IT) mode or non-IT mode is developed to maximize the transmission reliability. In the IT mode, a zero-forcing (ZF) beamformed signal with no interference to the destination is transmitted at the multi-antenna PB to supply wireless energy for the sources, and bring non-negative effect to the destination. Among multiple sources, the energy-sufficient source with the best channel quality is selected for wireless information transmission (WIT), while the other sources remain for energy harvesting. In the non-IT mode, the equal power transmission is adopted at PB to focus on energy delivery. Using Markov chain theory, the energy arrival and departure of each finite-capacity storage at the source is characterized mathematically, and the comprehensive analytical expressions of the energy outage probability (EOP), the connection outage probability (COP), and the average transmission delay (ATD) are formulated and derived. Our results reveal that the EOP, COP, and ATD can be significantly improved via increasing the number of sources deployed in the proposed network with finite transmit power of PB. We also prove that the multi-source network will never experience energy outage with infinite transmit power of PB

    Optimization and Analysis of Wireless Powered Multi-antenna Cooperative Systems

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    In this paper, we consider a three-node cooperative wireless powered communication system consisting of a multi-antenna hybrid access point (H-AP) and a single-antenna relay and a single-antenna user. The energy constrained relay and user first harvest energy in the downlink and then the relay assists the user using the harvested power for information transmission in the uplink. The optimal energy beamforming vector and the time split between harvest and cooperation are investigated. To reduce the computational complexity, suboptimal designs are also studied, where closed-form expressions are derived for the energy beamforming vector and the time split. For comparison purposes, we also present a detailed performance analysis in terms of the achievable outage probability and the average throughput of an intuitive energy beamforming scheme, where the H-AP directs all the energy towards the user. The findings of the paper suggest that implementing multiple antennas at the H-AP can significantly improve the system performance, and the closed-form suboptimal energy beamforming vector and time split yields near optimal performance. Also, for the intuitive beamforming scheme, a diversity order of (N+1)/2 can be achieved, where N is the number of antennas at the H-AP

    Beacon-Assisted Spectrum Access with Cooperative Cognitive Transmitter and Receiver

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    Spectrum access is an important function of cognitive radios for detecting and utilizing spectrum holes without interfering with the legacy systems. In this paper we propose novel cooperative communication models and show how deploying such cooperations between a pair of secondary transmitter and receiver assists them in identifying spectrum opportunities more reliably. These cooperations are facilitated by dynamically and opportunistically assigning one of the secondary users as a relay to assist the other one which results in more efficient spectrum hole detection. Also, we investigate the impact of erroneous detection of spectrum holes and thereof missing communication opportunities on the capacity of the secondary channel. The capacity of the secondary users with interference-avoiding spectrum access is affected by 1) how effectively the availability of vacant spectrum is sensed by the secondary transmitter-receiver pair, and 2) how correlated are the perceptions of the secondary transmitter-receiver pair about network spectral activity. We show that both factors are improved by using the proposed cooperative protocols. One of the proposed protocols requires explicit information exchange in the network. Such information exchange in practice is prone to wireless channel errors (i.e., is imperfect) and costs bandwidth loss. We analyze the effects of such imperfect information exchange on the capacity as well as the effect of bandwidth cost on the achievable throughput. The protocols are also extended to multiuser secondary networks.Comment: 36 pages, 6 figures, To appear in IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computin

    Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access schemes for Next Generation Cellular Networks: System Model and Performance Consideration

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    The dissertation deals with next generation cellular networks, especially in regard to the integration of wireless networks which apply non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and other advanced techniques such as multi-antennae, radio frequency energy harvesting (EH), physical layer security (PLS) and satellite communication. Firstly, the dissertation investigates a multi-antenna transmission model to enhance the performance of communications. A novel model of power distribution to NOMA users, who joined both direct link and relay link, is designed to improve transmission quality. Further, we deploy the power beacon, which is able to feed energy to power-constraint relay node to further support transmission to destinations. Secondly, the dissertation studies the secrecy performance of a PLS in cognitive radio (CR)-NOMA networks. The multi-input single-output (MISO) architecture combining transmit antenna selection (TAS) strategy is considered to achieve secure performance analysis such as the secrecy outage probability (SOP). Further, optimal power allocation (PA) factor can be obtained to optimize SOP performance. Since the presence of an illegitimate user, we improve the SOP by adopting relay selection (RS) combining decode-and-forward (DF) with full-duplex (FD)relaying. Finally, as the strongest contribution of the dissertation, an application of the NOMA technique, which improves the spectral efficiency, in satellite networks is introduced. Satellite communication systems integrate with emerging small-cell networks to provide seamless connectivity and high-speed broadband access for mobile users in future wireless networks. In the dissertation, we study a hybrid satellite-terrestrial relay system (HSTRS). To characterizing the HSTRS-assisted small-cell network, Shadowed-Rician fading for satellite links and Nakagami-m fading for terrestrial links are adopted.Disertační práce se zabývá buňkovými sítěmi příští generace, zejména s ohledem na integraci bezdrátových sítí, které používají neortogonální vícenásobný přístup (NOMA) a další pokročilé techniky, jako jsou víceanténové systémy, získávání energie z elektromagnetického záření (EH), zabezpečení fyzické vrstvy (PLS) a satelitní komunikace. Disertační práce nejprve zkoumá model komunikace s více anténami s cílem dosáhnout vyšší efektivity přenosu. Nový model distribuce energie uživatelům NOMA, kteří se připojili přímým spojem anebo zprostředkovaně (přes realy uzel), je navržen tak, aby zlepšil kvalitu přenosu. Dále je v modelu navržen výkonový maják, který je schopen dodávat energii do relay uzlu, aby podpořil přenos k příjemcům. Za druhé, disertační práce studuje výkonnost PLS v sítích kognitivního rádia (CR)-NOMA. V návrhu je uvažována architektura více vstupů s jedním výstupem (MISO) kombinující strategii výběru vysílací antény (TAS), přičemž úroveň zabezpečení je zkoumána metrikou pravděpodobnosti výpadku utajení (SOP). Dále lze pro optimalizaci výkonu SOP získat faktor optimálního přidělování energie (PA). Vzhledem k předpokládané přítomnosti nelegitimního uživatele vylepšujeme SOP pomocí výběru relay uzlu (RS) kombinující režimy dekóduj a přepošli (DF) s plně duplexním (FD) přenosem. A konečně, jako nejsilnější přínos disertační práce, je představena aplikace techniky vícenásobného přístupu NOMA v satelitních sítích, která vylepšuje spektrální účinnost. Satelitní komunikační systémy se integrují s nově vznikajícími buňkovými sítěmi malého dosahu. Zajišťují bezproblémové připojení a vysokorychlostní širokopásmový přístup pro mobilní uživatele v budoucích bezdrátových sítích. V disertační práci studujeme hybridní satelitně-terestrický relay systém (HSTRS). K popisu sítě malých buněk s asistencí HSTRS je v případě satelitní komunikace použit útlumový model "Shadowed-Rician" a v případě terestrické pak "Nakagami-m."440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvyhově

    Outage minimization of energy-harvesting wireless sensor network supported by UAV

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    Due to their adaptability, mobility, and capacity to offer an ideal channel, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have become a potential option for wireless power transfer and data collection in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). This paper examines energy-constrained WSNs, where data transfer to the data center is facilitated by UAV and sensors rely on radio frequency (RF) energy obtained by a Power Beacon (PB). However, due to energy limitations, sensors can only send data using the harvested energy. We consider a WSN in which the nodes are randomly distributed within a circular area, with the PB placed at the center of the WSN. To evaluate the system performance, we consider the dynamic nature of the wireless channel, which includes factors such as signal reflection, scattering, and diffraction. Through numerical analysis and simulations, the main aim is to identify the optimal system parameters that minimize the outage probability. This analysis provides valuable insights for designing more effective and reliable energy-harvesting WSNs with UAV as data collector. By leveraging UAV in WSNs, system performance can be improved, ensuring data transmission to destination nodes placed at a large distance from the WSN