25 research outputs found

    Evolution of Neural Networks Through Incremental Acquisition of Neural Structures

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    In this contribution we present a novel method, called Evolutionary Acquisition of Neural Topologies (EANT), of evolving the structures and weights of neural networks. The method introduces an efficient and compact genetic encoding of a neural network onto a linear genome that enables one to evaluate the network without decoding it. The method uses a meta-level evolutionary process where new structures are explored at larger time-scale and the existing structures are exploited at lower time-scale. This enables it to find minimal neural structures for solving a given learning task


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    Market prediction is one of the most difficult problems for the machine learning community. Even though, successful trading strategies can be found for the training data using various optimization methods, these strategies usually do not perform well on the test data as expected. Therefore, selection of the correct strategy becomes problematic. In this study, we propose an evolutionary algorithm that produces a variation of trader agents ensuring that the trading strategies they use are different. We discuss that because the selection of the correct strategy is difficult, a variety of agents can be used simultaneously in order to reduce risk. We simulate trader agents on real market data and attempt to optimize their actions. Agent decisions are based on Echo State Networks. The agents take various market indicators as inputs and produce an action such as: buy or sell. We optimize the parameters of the echo state networks using evolutionary algorithms

    Evolving Static Representations for Task Transfer

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    An important goal for machine learning is to transfer knowledge between tasks. For example, learning to play RoboCup Keepaway should contribute to learning the full game of RoboCup soccer. Previous approaches to transfer in Keepaway have focused on transforming the original representation to fit the new task. In contrast, this paper explores the idea that transfer is most effective if the representation is designed to be the same even across different tasks. To demonstrate this point, a bird\u27s eye view (BEV) representation is introduced that can represent different tasks on the same two-dimensional map. For example, both the 3 vs. 2 and 4 vs. 3 Keepaway tasks can be represented on the same BEV. Yet the problem is that a raw two-dimensional map is high-dimensional and unstructured. This paper shows how this problem is addressed naturally by an idea from evolutionary computation called indirect encoding, which compresses the representation by exploiting its geometry. The result is that the BEV learns a Keepaway policy that transfers without further learning or manipulation. It also facilitates transferring knowledge learned in a different domain, Knight Joust, into Keepaway. Finally, the indirect encoding of the BEV means that its geometry can be changed without altering the solution. Thus static representations facilitate several kinds of transfer

    Evolutionary Algorithm Based Approach for Modeling Autonomously Trading Agents

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    The autonomously trading agents described in this paper produce a decision to act such as: buy, sell or hold, based on the input data. In this work, we have simulated autonomously trading agents using the Echo State Network (ESNs) model. We generate a collection of trading agents that use different trading strategies using Evolutionary Programming (EP). The agents are tested on EUR/ USD real market data. The main goal of this study is to test the overall performance of this collection of agents when they are active simultaneously. Simulation results show that using different agents concurrently outperform a single agent acting alone

    Exploration of Neural Structures for Dynamic System Control

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    Biological neural systems are powerful mechanisms for controlling biological sys- tems. While the complexity of biological neural networks makes exact simulation intractable, several key aspects lend themselves to implementation on computational systems. This thesis constructs a discrete event neural network simulation that implements aspects of biological neural networks. A combined genetic programming/simulated annealing approach is utilized to design network structures that function as regulators for continuous time dynamic systems in the presence of process noise when simulated using a discrete event neural simulation. Methods of constructing such networks are analyzed including examination of the final network structure and the algorithm used to construct the networks. The parameters of the network simulation are also analyzed, as well as the interface between the network and the dynamic system. This analysis provides insight to the construction of networks for more complicated control applications

    Optimization of Network Topology in Computer-Aided Detection Schemes Using Phased Searching with NEAT in a Time-Scaled Framework

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    In the field of computer-aided mammographic mass detection, many different features and classifiers have been tested. Frequently, the relevant features and optimal topology for the artificial neural network (ANN)-based approaches at the classification stage are unknown, and thus determined by trial-and-error experiments. In this study, we analyzed a classifier that evolves ANNs using genetic algorithms (GAs), which combines feature selection with the learning task. The classifier named “Phased Searching with NEAT in a Time-Scaled Framework” was analyzed using a dataset with 800 malig-nant and 800 normal tissue regions in a 10-fold cross-validation framework. The classification performance measured by the area under a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was 0.856 ± 0.029. The result was also compared with four other well-established classifiers that include fixed-topology ANNs, support vector machines (SVMs), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), and bagged decision trees. The results show that Phased Searching outperformed the LDA and bagged decision tree classifiers, and was only significantly outperformed by SVM. Furthermore, the Phased Searching method required fewer features and discarded superfluous structure or topology, thus incurring a lower feature computational and training and validation time requirement. Analyses performed on the network complexities evolved by Phased Searching indicate that it can evolve optimal network topologies based on its complexi-fication and simplification parameter selection process. From the results, the study also concluded that the three classifiers – SVM, fixed-topology ANN, and Phased Searching with NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT) in a Time-Scaled Framework – are performing comparably well in our mammographic mass detection scheme.Ye

    Automatic Graphics And Game Content Generation Through Evolutionary Computation

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    Simulation and game content includes the levels, models, textures, items, and other objects encountered and possessed by players during the game. In most modern video games and simulation software, the set of content shipped with the product is static and unchanging, or at best, randomized within a narrow set of parameters. However, ideally, if game content could be constantly and automatically renewed, players would remain engaged longer in the evolving stream of content. This dissertation introduces three novel technologies that together realize this ambition. (1) The first, NEAT Particles, is an evolutionary method to enable users to quickly and easily create complex particle effects through a simple interactive evolutionary computation (IEC) interface. That way, particle effects become an evolvable class of content, which is exploited in the remainder of the dissertation. In particular, (2) a new algorithm called content-generating NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (cgNEAT) is introduced that automatically generates graphical and game content while the game is played, based on the past preferences of the players. Through cgNEAT, the game platform on its own can generate novel content that is designed to satisfy its players. Finally, (3) the Galactic Arms Race (GAR) multiplayer online video game is constructed to demonstrate these techniques working on a real online gaming platform. In GAR, which was made available to the public and playable online, players pilot space ships and fight enemies to acquire unique particle system weapons that are automatically evolved by the cgNEAT algorithm. The resulting study shows that cgNEAT indeed enables players to discover a wide variety of appealing content that is not only novel, but also based on and extended from previous content that they preferred in the past. The implication is that with cgNEAT it is now possible to create applications that generate their own content to satisfy users, potentially significantly reducing the cost of content creation and considerably increasing entertainment value with a constant stream of evolving content

    Novelty-assisted Interactive Evolution Of Control Behaviors

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    The field of evolutionary computation is inspired by the achievements of natural evolution, in which there is no final objective. Yet the pursuit of objectives is ubiquitous in simulated evolution because evolutionary algorithms that can consistently achieve established benchmarks are lauded as successful, thus reinforcing this paradigm. A significant problem is that such objective approaches assume that intermediate stepping stones will increasingly resemble the final objective when in fact they often do not. The consequence is that while solutions may exist, searching for such objectives may not discover them. This problem with objectives is demonstrated through an experiment in this dissertation that compares how images discovered serendipitously during interactive evolution in an online system called Picbreeder cannot be rediscovered when they become the final objective of the very same algorithm that originally evolved them. This negative result demonstrates that pursuing an objective limits evolution by selecting offspring only based on the final objective. Furthermore, even when high fitness is achieved, the experimental results suggest that the resulting solutions are typically brittle, piecewise representations that only perform well by exploiting idiosyncratic features in the target. In response to this problem, the dissertation next highlights the importance of leveraging human insight during search as an alternative to articulating explicit objectives. In particular, a new approach called novelty-assisted interactive evolutionary computation (NA-IEC) combines human intuition with a method called novelty search for the first time to facilitate the serendipitous discovery of agent behaviors. iii In this approach, the human user directs evolution by selecting what is interesting from the on-screen population of behaviors. However, unlike in typical IEC, the user can then request that the next generation be filled with novel descendants, as opposed to only the direct descendants of typical IEC. The result of such an approach, unconstrained by a priori objectives, is that it traverses key stepping stones that ultimately accumulate meaningful domain knowledge. To establishes this new evolutionary approach based on the serendipitous discovery of key stepping stones during evolution, this dissertation consists of four key contributions: (1) The first contribution establishes the deleterious effects of a priori objectives on evolution. The second (2) introduces the NA-IEC approach as an alternative to traditional objective-based approaches. The third (3) is a proof-of-concept that demonstrates how combining human insight with novelty search finds solutions significantly faster and at lower genomic complexities than fully-automated processes, including pure novelty search, suggesting an important role for human users in the search for solutions. Finally, (4) the NA-IEC approach is applied in a challenge domain wherein leveraging human intuition and domain knowledge accelerates the evolution of solutions for the nontrivial octopus-arm control task. The culmination of these contributions demonstrates the importance of incorporating human insights into simulated evolution as a means to discovering better solutions more rapidly than traditional approaches