654 research outputs found

    Improving the Bin Packing Heuristic through Grammatical Evolution Based on Swarm Intelligence

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    In recent years Grammatical Evolution (GE) has been used as a representation of Genetic Programming (GP) which has been applied to many optimization problems such as symbolic regression, classification, Boolean functions, constructed problems, and algorithmic problems. GE can use a diversity of searching strategies including Swarm Intelligence (SI). Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) is an algorithm of SI that has two main problems: premature convergence and poor diversity. Particle Evolutionary Swarm Optimization (PESO) is a recent and novel algorithm which is also part of SI. PESO uses two perturbations to avoid PSO’s problems. In this paper we propose using PESO and PSO in the frame of GE as strategies to generate heuristics that solve the Bin Packing Problem (BPP); it is possible however to apply this methodology to other kinds of problems using another Grammar designed for that problem. A comparison between PESO, PSO, and BPP’s heuristics is performed through the nonparametric Friedman test. The main contribution of this paper is proposing a Grammar to generate online and offline heuristics depending on the test instance trying to improve the heuristics generated by other grammars and humans; it also proposes a way to implement different algorithms as search strategies in GE like PESO to obtain better results than those obtained by PSO

    Using MapReduce Streaming for Distributed Life Simulation on the Cloud

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    Distributed software simulations are indispensable in the study of large-scale life models but often require the use of technically complex lower-level distributed computing frameworks, such as MPI. We propose to overcome the complexity challenge by applying the emerging MapReduce (MR) model to distributed life simulations and by running such simulations on the cloud. Technically, we design optimized MR streaming algorithms for discrete and continuous versions of Conway’s life according to a general MR streaming pattern. We chose life because it is simple enough as a testbed for MR’s applicability to a-life simulations and general enough to make our results applicable to various lattice-based a-life models. We implement and empirically evaluate our algorithms’ performance on Amazon’s Elastic MR cloud. Our experiments demonstrate that a single MR optimization technique called strip partitioning can reduce the execution time of continuous life simulations by 64%. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose and evaluate MR streaming algorithms for lattice-based simulations. Our algorithms can serve as prototypes in the development of novel MR simulation algorithms for large-scale lattice-based a-life models.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/scs_books/1014/thumbnail.jp

    Real time tracking using nature-inspired algorithms

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    This thesis investigates the core difficulties in the tracking field of computer vision. The aim is to develop a suitable tuning free optimisation strategy so that a real time tracking could be achieved. The population and multi-solution based approaches have been applied first to analyse the convergence behaviours in the evolutionary test cases. The aim is to identify the core misconceptions in the manner the search characteristics of particles are defined in the literature. A general perception in the scientific community is that the particle based methods are not suitable for the real time applications. This thesis improves the convergence properties of particles by a novel scale free correlation approach. By altering the fundamental definition of a particle and by avoiding the nostalgic operations the tracking was expedited to a rate of 250 FPS. There is a reasonable amount of similarity between the tracking landscapes and the ones generated by three dimensional evolutionary test cases. Several experimental studies are conducted that compares the performances of the novel optimisation to the ones observed with the swarming methods. It is therefore concluded that the modified particle behaviour outclassed the traditional approaches by huge margins in almost every test scenario

    Structural optimization in steel structures, algorithms and applications

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    Nature inspired and bio-inspired algorithms have been recently used for solving low and high dimensional search and optimization problems. In this context, Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm (BFOA) and Differential Evolution (DE) have been widely employed as global optimization techniques inspired from social foraging behavior of Escheria coli bacteria and evolutionary ideas such as mutation, crossover, and selection, respectively. BFOA employs chemotaxis (tumble and run steps of a bacterium in its lifetime) activity for local search whereas the global search is performed by elimination-dispersal operator. Elimination-dispersal operator kills or disperses some bacteria and replaces others randomly in the search space. This operator mimics bacterium’s death or dispersal in case of high temperature or sudden water flow in the environment. DE employs the mutation and crossover operators to make a local and a global search that explore the search space. Exploration and exploitation balance of DE is performed by two different parameters: mutation scaling factor and crossover rate. These two parameters along with the number of population have an enormous impact on optimization performance. In this thesis, two novel hybrid techniques called Chemotaxis Differential Evolution Optimization Algorithm (CDEOA) for low dimensions and micro CDEOA (μCDEOA) for high dimensional problems are proposed. In these techniques, we incorporate the principles of DE into BFOA with two conditions. What makes our techniques different from its counterparts is that it is based on two optimization strategies: exploration of a bacterium in case of its failure to explore its vicinity for food source and exploitation of a bacterium in case of its achievement to exploit more food source. By means of these evolutionary ideas, we manage to establish an efficient balance between exploration of new areas in the search space and exploitation of search space gradients. Statistics of the computer simulations indicate that μCDEOA outperforms, or is comparable to, its competitors in terms of its convergence rates and quality of final solution for complex high dimensional problems

    An investigation of multi-objective hyper-heuristics for multi-objective optimisation

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    In this thesis, we investigate and develop a number of online learning selection choice function based hyper-heuristic methodologies that attempt to solve multi-objective unconstrained optimisation problems. For the first time, we introduce an online learning selection choice function based hyperheuristic framework for multi-objective optimisation. Our multi-objective hyper-heuristic controls and combines the strengths of three well-known multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (NSGAII, SPEA2, and MOGA), which are utilised as the low level heuristics. A choice function selection heuristic acts as a high level strategy which adaptively ranks the performance of those low-level heuristics according to feedback received during the search process, deciding which one to call at each decision point. Four performance measurements are integrated into a ranking scheme which acts as a feedback learning mechanism to provide knowledge of the problem domain to the high level strategy. To the best of our knowledge, for the first time, this thesis investigates the influence of the move acceptance component of selection hyper-heuristics for multi-objective optimisation. Three multi-objective choice function based hyper-heuristics, combined with different move acceptance strategies including All-Moves as a deterministic move acceptance and the Great Deluge Algorithm (GDA) and Late Acceptance (LA) as a nondeterministic move acceptance function. GDA and LA require a change in the value of a single objective at each step and so a well-known hypervolume metric, referred to as D metric, is proposed for their applicability to the multi-objective optimisation problems. D metric is used as a way of comparing two non-dominated sets with respect to the objective space. The performance of the proposed multi-objective selection choice function based hyper-heuristics is evaluated on the Walking Fish Group (WFG) test suite which is a common benchmark for multi-objective optimisation. Additionally, the proposed approaches are applied to the vehicle crashworthiness design problem, in order to test its effectiveness on a realworld multi-objective problem. The results of both benchmark test problems demonstrate the capability and potential of the multi-objective hyper-heuristic approaches in solving continuous multi-objective optimisation problems. The multi-objective choice function Great Deluge Hyper-Heuristic (HHMO_CF_GDA) turns out to be the best choice for solving these types of problems

    Parallel optimization algorithms for high performance computing : application to thermal systems

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    The need of optimization is present in every field of engineering. Moreover, applications requiring a multidisciplinary approach in order to make a step forward are increasing. This leads to the need of solving complex optimization problems that exceed the capacity of human brain or intuition. A standard way of proceeding is to use evolutionary algorithms, among which genetic algorithms hold a prominent place. These are characterized by their robustness and versatility, as well as their high computational cost and low convergence speed. Many optimization packages are available under free software licenses and are representative of the current state of the art in optimization technology. However, the ability of optimization algorithms to adapt to massively parallel computers reaching satisfactory efficiency levels is still an open issue. Even packages suited for multilevel parallelism encounter difficulties when dealing with objective functions involving long and variable simulation times. This variability is common in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer (CFD & HT), nonlinear mechanics, etc. and is nowadays a dominant concern for large scale applications. Current research in improving the performance of evolutionary algorithms is mainly focused on developing new search algorithms. Nevertheless, there is a vast knowledge of sequential well-performing algorithmic suitable for being implemented in parallel computers. The gap to be covered is efficient parallelization. Moreover, advances in the research of both new search algorithms and efficient parallelization are additive, so that the enhancement of current state of the art optimization software can be accelerated if both fronts are tackled simultaneously. The motivation of this Doctoral Thesis is to make a step forward towards the successful integration of Optimization and High Performance Computing capabilities, which has the potential to boost technological development by providing better designs, shortening product development times and minimizing the required resources. After conducting a thorough state of the art study of the mathematical optimization techniques available to date, a generic mathematical optimization tool has been developed putting a special focus on the application of the library to the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer (CFD & HT). Then the main shortcomings of the standard parallelization strategies available for genetic algorithms and similar population-based optimization methods have been analyzed. Computational load imbalance has been identified to be the key point causing the degradation of the optimization algorithm¿s scalability (i.e. parallel efficiency) in case the average makespan of the batch of individuals is greater than the average time required by the optimizer for performing inter-processor communications. It occurs because processors are often unable to finish the evaluation of their queue of individuals simultaneously and need to be synchronized before the next batch of individuals is created. Consequently, the computational load imbalance is translated into idle time in some processors. Several load balancing algorithms have been proposed and exhaustively tested, being extendable to any other population-based optimization method that needs to synchronize all processors after the evaluation of each batch of individuals. Finally, a real-world engineering application that consists on optimizing the refrigeration system of a power electronic device has been presented as an illustrative example in which the use of the proposed load balancing algorithms is able to reduce the simulation time required by the optimization tool.El aumento de las aplicaciones que requieren de una aproximación multidisciplinar para poder avanzar se constata en todos los campos de la ingeniería, lo cual conlleva la necesidad de resolver problemas de optimización complejos que exceden la capacidad del cerebro humano o de la intuición. En estos casos es habitual el uso de algoritmos evolutivos, principalmente de los algoritmos genéticos, caracterizados por su robustez y versatilidad, así como por su gran coste computacional y baja velocidad de convergencia. La multitud de paquetes de optimización disponibles con licencias de software libre representan el estado del arte actual en tecnología de optimización. Sin embargo, la capacidad de adaptación de los algoritmos de optimización a ordenadores masivamente paralelos alcanzando niveles de eficiencia satisfactorios es todavía una tarea pendiente. Incluso los paquetes adaptados al paralelismo multinivel tienen dificultades para gestionar funciones objetivo que requieren de tiempos de simulación largos y variables. Esta variabilidad es común en la Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional y la Transferencia de Calor (CFD & HT), mecánica no lineal, etc. y es una de las principales preocupaciones en aplicaciones a gran escala a día de hoy. La investigación actual que tiene por objetivo la mejora del rendimiento de los algoritmos evolutivos está enfocada principalmente al desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos de búsqueda. Sin embargo, ya se conoce una gran variedad de algoritmos secuenciales apropiados para su implementación en ordenadores paralelos. La tarea pendiente es conseguir una paralelización eficiente. Además, los avances en la investigación de nuevos algoritmos de búsqueda y la paralelización son aditivos, por lo que el proceso de mejora del software de optimización actual se verá incrementada si se atacan ambos frentes simultáneamente. La motivación de esta Tesis Doctoral es avanzar hacia una integración completa de las capacidades de Optimización y Computación de Alto Rendimiento para así impulsar el desarrollo tecnológico proporcionando mejores diseños, acortando los tiempos de desarrollo del producto y minimizando los recursos necesarios. Tras un exhaustivo estudio del estado del arte de las técnicas de optimización matemática disponibles a día de hoy, se ha diseñado una librería de optimización orientada al campo de la Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional y la Transferencia de Calor (CFD & HT). A continuación se han analizado las principales limitaciones de las estrategias de paralelización disponibles para algoritmos genéticos y otros métodos de optimización basados en poblaciones. En el caso en que el tiempo de evaluación medio de la tanda de individuos sea mayor que el tiempo medio que necesita el optimizador para llevar a cabo comunicaciones entre procesadores, se ha detectado que la causa principal de la degradación de la escalabilidad o eficiencia paralela del algoritmo de optimización es el desequilibrio de la carga computacional. El motivo es que a menudo los procesadores no terminan de evaluar su cola de individuos simultáneamente y deben sincronizarse antes de que se cree la siguiente tanda de individuos. Por consiguiente, el desequilibrio de la carga computacional se convierte en tiempo de inactividad en algunos procesadores. Se han propuesto y testado exhaustivamente varios algoritmos de equilibrado de carga aplicables a cualquier método de optimización basado en una población que necesite sincronizar los procesadores tras cada tanda de evaluaciones. Finalmente, se ha presentado como ejemplo ilustrativo un caso real de ingeniería que consiste en optimizar el sistema de refrigeración de un dispositivo de electrónica de potencia. En él queda demostrado que el uso de los algoritmos de equilibrado de carga computacional propuestos es capaz de reducir el tiempo de simulación que necesita la herramienta de optimización
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