11,978 research outputs found

    Overlapping modularity at the critical point of k-clique percolation

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    One of the most remarkable social phenomena is the formation of communities in social networks corresponding to families, friendship circles, work teams, etc. Since people usually belong to several different communities at the same time, the induced overlaps result in an extremely complicated web of the communities themselves. Thus, uncovering the intricate community structure of social networks is a non-trivial task with great potential for practical applications, gaining a notable interest in the recent years. The Clique Percolation Method (CPM) is one of the earliest overlapping community finding methods, which was already used in the analysis of several different social networks. In this approach the communities correspond to k-clique percolation clusters, and the general heuristic for setting the parameters of the method is to tune the system just below the critical point of k-clique percolation. However, this rule is based on simple physical principles and its validity was never subject to quantitative analysis. Here we examine the quality of the partitioning in the vicinity of the critical point using recently introduced overlapping modularity measures. According to our results on real social- and other networks, the overlapping modularities show a maximum close to the critical point, justifying the original criteria for the optimal parameter settings.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Coding Opportunity Densification Strategies for Instantly Decodable Network Coding

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    In this paper, we aim to identify the strategies that can maximize and monotonically increase the density of the coding opportunities in instantly decodable network coding (IDNC).Using the well-known graph representation of IDNC, first derive an expression for the exact evolution of the edge set size after the transmission of any arbitrary coded packet. From the derived expressions, we show that sending commonly wanted packets for all the receivers can maximize the number of coding opportunities. Since guaranteeing such property in IDNC is usually impossible, this strategy does not guarantee the achievement of our target. Consequently, we further investigate the problem by deriving the expectation of the edge set size evolution after ignoring the identities of the packets requested by the different receivers and considering only their numbers. We then employ this expected expression to show that serving the maximum number of receivers having the largest numbers of missing packets and erasure probabilities tends to both maximize and monotonically increase the expected density of coding opportunities. Simulation results justify our theoretical findings. Finally, we validate the importance of our work through two case studies showing that our identified strategy outperforms the step-by-step service maximization solution in optimizing both the IDNC completion delay and receiver goodput

    Sharp transition towards shared vocabularies in multi-agent systems

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    What processes can explain how very large populations are able to converge on the use of a particular word or grammatical construction without global coordination? Answering this question helps to understand why new language constructs usually propagate along an S-shaped curve with a rather sudden transition towards global agreement. It also helps to analyze and design new technologies that support or orchestrate self-organizing communication systems, such as recent social tagging systems for the web. The article introduces and studies a microscopic model of communicating autonomous agents performing language games without any central control. We show that the system undergoes a disorder/order transition, going trough a sharp symmetry breaking process to reach a shared set of conventions. Before the transition, the system builds up non-trivial scale-invariant correlations, for instance in the distribution of competing synonyms, which display a Zipf-like law. These correlations make the system ready for the transition towards shared conventions, which, observed on the time-scale of collective behaviors, becomes sharper and sharper with system size. This surprising result not only explains why human language can scale up to very large populations but also suggests ways to optimize artificial semiotic dynamics.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Bounded Confidence under Preferential Flip: A Coupled Dynamics of Structural Balance and Opinions

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    In this work we study the coupled dynamics of social balance and opinion formation. We propose a model where agents form opinions under bounded confidence, but only considering the opinions of their friends. The signs of social ties -friendships and enmities- evolve seeking for social balance, taking into account how similar agents' opinions are. We consider both the case where opinions have one and two dimensions. We find that our dynamics produces the segregation of agents into two cliques, with the opinions of agents in one clique differing from those in the other. Depending on the level of bounded confidence, the dynamics can produce either consensus of opinions within each clique or the coexistence of several opinion clusters in a clique. For the uni-dimensional case, the opinions in one clique are all below the opinions in the other clique, hence defining a "left clique" and a "right clique". In the two-dimensional case, our numerical results suggest that the two cliques are separated by a hyperplane in the opinion space. We also show that the phenomenon of unidimensional opinions identified by DeMarzo, Vayanos and Zwiebel (Q J Econ 2003) extends partially to our dynamics. Finally, in the context of politics, we comment about the possible relation of our results to the fragmentation of an ideology and the emergence of new political parties.Comment: 8 figures, PLoS ONE 11(10): e0164323, 201