13,217 research outputs found

    Adaptive service discovery on service-oriented and spontaneous sensor systems

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    Service-oriented architecture, Spontaneous networks, Self-organisation, Self-configuration, Sensor systems, Social patternsNatural and man-made disasters can significantly impact both people and environments. Enhanced effect can be achieved through dynamic networking of people, systems and procedures and seamless integration of them to fulfil mission objectives with service-oriented sensor systems. However, the benefits of integration of services will not be realised unless we have a dependable method to discover all required services in dynamic environments. In this paper, we propose an Adaptive and Efficient Peer-to-peer Search (AEPS) approach for dependable service integration on service-oriented architecture based on a number of social behaviour patterns. In the AEPS network, the networked nodes can autonomously support and co-operate with each other in a peer-to-peer (P2P) manner to quickly discover and self-configure any services available on the disaster area and deliver a real-time capability by self-organising themselves in spontaneous groups to provide higher flexibility and adaptability for disaster monitoring and relief

    AFRANCI : multi-layer architecture for cognitive agents

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Realizing Architecture’s Disruptive Potential

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    Digital technologies—computers and computer-controlled machines have pervaded all aspects of life, delivering sustained and accelerated rates of societal and economic evo - lution. Yet, in architecture, such an embrace of digital technologies and attendant intellectual disposition is not widely accepted. Whilst increasing numbers of progressive firms and research institutions are forging rapidly forward in such a technological upgrade, the larger populace of architects and the architecture produced thereof is decidedly averse to it

    Tropical or colonial?: a reception history of Jean Prouve\u27s prefabricated houses for Africa

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    Known for his industrialized furniture, Jean Prouvé is recognized as an innovative and idealistic designer. Yet it was the recent sale of one of three Maisons Tropicales prototype houses built for the French colonies in Africa, that he gained real notoriety. Made entirely of aluminum and steel, these flat pack houses were built light enough to be transported by airplane from Europe to remote locations in Africa to address the 1950’s housing shortage in the French colonies. To understand the evolution of these houses from their design to their current resettlement and restorations, this thesis investigates Prouvé’s background and influences that drove him to innovate. Furthermore, as a designer and factory owner, it illustrates how the business and economic challenges he faced played a significant role in directing his designs and manufacturing processes. Rather than being a colonial condescension as some have claimed, this thesis proposes that the initial designs for the Maisons Tropicales incorporated vernacular architectural characteristics, which indicate a desire, on the part of Prouvé, to combine European and African design elements. Finally the resettlements and restorations of the houses speak to those qualities, which are currently admired and those, which are overlooked. In doing so, they highlight the wide-ranging views that exist concerning colonialism and post-colonialism today

    Economics and architecture

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    Collection : Routledge studies in the history of economics ;10

    Synthetic computational design

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    The first and second generations have demonstrated some of the possibilities of these new methods, in how we can technically build anything, as long as we can imagine it. If this is indeed a dream come true, then a question to ask the current generation is what shall we design if anything can be built? If past generations had committed themselves to the pursuit of the New, the current generation ought to aim for greater synthesis in their propositions.第一代和第二代數字化設計師們已經證明了新技術的應用不再是海市蜃樓,直接一點的說法是:只要想得到,就能蓋出來。所以面對新一波設計師的問題就是:當我們能夠蓋任何東西時,我們應該如何設計?如果先驅們已經投身於創新,那麼當前擺在建築師面前的問題就是如何把這個創新轉化為總體性的設計解決策略。postprin

    Self-Adaptive Communication for Collaborative Mobile Entities in ERCMS

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    International audienceAdaptation of communication is required for maintaining the connectivity and the quality of communication in group-wide collaborative activities. This becomes challenging to handle when considering mobile entities in a wireless environment, requiring responsiveness and availability of the communication system. We address these challenges in the context of the ROSACE project where mobile ground and flying robots have to collaborate with each other and with remote human and artificial actors to save and rescue in case of disasters such as forest fires. This paper aims to expose a communication component architecture allowing to manage a cooperative adaptation which is aware of the activity and resource context into pervasive environment. This allows to provide the appropriate adaptation of the activity in response to evolutions of the activity requirements and the changes in relation with the communication resource constraints. In this paper, we present a simulation of a ROSACE use case. The results show how ROSACE entities collaborate to maintain the connectivity and to enhance the quality of communications


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    إعادة تأهيل قصر السكاكيني باشا كمتحف يروي تاريخ العمارة[Ar] يُعاني قصر حبيب السكاكيني من الإهمال السيئ الذى كان حافزًا كبيرًا للباحث لإيجاد حلول قابلة التنفيذ لإعادة تأهيله وإعادته للحياة مرة أخري. يهدف هذا البحث إلى تحويل القصر إلى متحف. يُعتبر قصر حبيب السكاكيني من أهم القصور المصرية لإتباعه لأسلوب فني يُعرف باسم »الروكوكو«. يتسم هذا القصر بموقعه الفريد بحي الظاهر والذى كان مليئًا بالحياة حتى وفاة السكاكيني باشا الذى فُقِدَ ميراثه . يُعد استخدام الأدبيات السابقة لجمع وتحليل البيانات حول القصر نقطة الإنطلاق لهذا البحث. علاوة على ذلك، تهدف الدراسة الميدانية للقصر إلى زيادة فهم واقعه الفعلي لتطوير نهج مناسب يُنظم إعادة تأهيله كمتحف. كما قدمت بعض الصور الوثائقية للقصر معلومات قيمة حول القطع القليلة من أثاثه المتبقي . وفي النهاية ساعد البحث التجريبي للباحث علي تطوير مناهج جديدة ومبتكرة لتحويل القصر إلى متحف. سوف يُساعد تحويل القصر إلى متحف في الحفاظ علي معماره التاريخي الرائع. تُقدم هذه المقالة أفكارًا، وموضوعات، وتقنيات عرض متحفي لتسليط الضوء على أهمية القصر والحفاظ عليه للأجيال القادمة. كما شجعت قيمة القصر الفنية، و تصميمه المتميز، و زخارفه المميزة الباحث على تطوير مقترح لتحويله إلى متحف للهندسة المعمارية بدلاً من استخدامه كبنك، أو فندق، أو مدرسة والذي قد يجرده من سياقه التاريخي وهويته. ويُقدم البحث هذا المُقترح إثراءًا لخريطة المتاحف بمصر. [En] The palace of Ḥabīb El-Sakakini is suffering badly from neglect; a condition which was a big motivator for the researcher to investigate possible solutions to rehabilitate the building. This research aims to convert the palace into a museum. Because it follows the Rococo style, the palace is considered one of the most important Egyptian palaces. It is uniquely located in the al-Ẓāhir district. The palace was full of life until the death of Sakakini Pasha and his inheritances were lost . The starting point of this article is considered to be the previous literature\u27s usage for collecting and analyzing data about the palace. Moreover, the study of the palace aims to increase the understanding of its actual situation to develop an appropriate approach for organizing its rehabilitation as a museum. Furthermore, documentary photos provided valuable information about its few remaining furniture collections. Finally, empirical research helped the researcher develop new and innovative strategies for transforming the palace into a museum. Transforming the palace into a museum will help the palace preserve its historical and outstanding architectural design. This article presents ideas, themes, and exhibition techniques to highlight the palace’s importance and preserve it for the next generations. Additionally, the palace’s artistic value, unique design, and distinctive decorations encouraged the researcher to develop a proposal for converting it into a museum of architecture rather than using it as a bank, hotel, or school, which might strip it out of its historical context and identity. The article presents this proposal in an attempt to enrich the Egyptian museums\u27 landscape

    THE REHABILITATION OF FULTON BAG & COTTON MILLS: A Case for a Unique Public-History Site and Open-Air Museum

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    By the 1990s, Atlanta\u27s historic Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills (The Mill) had fallen into extreme disrepair. After operations ceased, the 19th-century factory suffered from years of neglect, forcing the decision to either demolish or rehabilitate its industrial structures. Fortunately, a choice was made to convert the majority of Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills’ buildings into residential lofts, despite the significant financial risk. The research related to this study aims to address whether the successfully renovated Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills could identify as an open-air museum. Answers to this question were obtained from Primary Sources (such as interviews and emails from museologists and the mill management’s documentation housed in academic archives) and Secondary Sources (such as printed books and articles related to the history of The Mill, published biographies, and online resources that included relevant academic theses). Research finds that the rehabilitated mill does, in fact, present itself as a public-history site and even incorporates many aspects of an open-air museum. While the educational presentation of The Mill’s history could be improved, the intangible and tangible history is adequately maintained and is sufficiently available to the general public. These findings, however, do lead to more questions. How could public access be improved? What entities will manage the open-air museum? What does an open-air museum mean for the current residents