25,380 research outputs found

    L'effet de la réalité virtuelle sur l'anxiété de performance et sur la qualité de la prestation des musiciens

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    L’anxiété de performance musicale (APM) est un phénomène fort répandu chez les musiciens. En effet, 40 % d’entre eux seraient touchés par ce problème, dont 15 % à 25 % de façon encore plus marquée (Fishbein, Middlestadt, Ottati, Strauss et Ellis, 1988). Bien que l’exposition virtuelle compte parmi les traitements visant à atténuer les effets négatifs des troubles anxieux (Olatunji, Cisler et Deacon, 2010; Powers & Emmelkamp, 2008), cette forme de traitement n’a fait l’objet que de rares études en ce qui a trait à l’APM. Cette recherche doctorale vise à atténuer ce manque. Le premier objectif de la thèse est d’analyser l’évolution de l’APM et de la qualité de la prestation au cours d’un entraînement virtuel. Le second objectif est d’évaluer les effets d’une exposition virtuelle sur l’APM et sur la qualité de la prestation des participants en situation réelle de concert. Dix-sept guitaristes et pianistes ont pris part à l’étude. Les participants ont été pairés selon leur niveau d’anxiété et selon leur instrument, puis distribués aléatoirement dans le groupe expérimental (n = 9) ou dans le groupe contrôle (n = 8). Au prétest et au posttest, les participants ont été invités à jouer une pièce de mémoire lors d’un récital public. Par la suite, leur niveau d’APM a été mesuré. La qualité de la prestation musicale a été évaluée par deux juges experts. Entre le prétest et le posttest, les participants du groupe expérimental ont réalisé un entraînement virtuel de six rencontres d’une heure. Les analyses statistiques ayant trait à l’entraînement virtuel indiquent une diminution significative de l’APM d’une rencontre à l’autre, ainsi qu’une augmentation significative de la qualité de la prestation à l’intérieur des rencontres. Entre le prétest et le posttest, nous observons une diminution significative du niveau d’anxiété chez les participants ayant un haut niveau d’anxiété-trait et chez ceux ayant un haut niveau d’anxiété situationnelle au prétest. Une diminution significative du niveau d’anxiété chez les femmes du groupe expérimental ainsi qu’une augmentation significative de la qualité de la prestation entre le prétest et le posttest pour les participants du groupe expérimental ont également été observées.Music performance anxiety affects numerous musicians and many of them report impairment of their performance due to this problem(Fishbein, Middlestadt, Ottati, Strauss et Ellis, 1988). Virtual reality exposure is increasing as a mode of treatment of anxiety disorders (Olatunji, Cisler et Deacon, 2010; Powers & Emmelkamp, 2008).This doctoral thesis examined a virtual reality exposure training program conceived for the treatment of music performance anxiety. The first objective of this thesis is to analyze the evolution of music performance anxiety and the quality of performance during the virtual training program. The second objective is to estimate the effects of virtual exposure on music performance anxiety and on the quality of the performance of participants during in vivo performance. Seventeen music students were paired and randomly assigned to a control group (n = 8) or to a virtual training group (n = 9). Participants were asked to play a musical piece by memory during two public recitals at three week intervals. Their anxiety was then measured using the Personal Report of Confidence as a Performer scale (PRCP), the S-Anxiety scale from the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-Y), the Subjective Units of Distress Scale (SUDS), and by measuring pulse rate. The virtual reality exposure training consisted of six one-hour long sessions of virtual exposure. Findings concerning the virtual reality exposure training indicate a significant decrease of performance anxiety between sessions. The results also indicate a significant increase of performance quality during virtual reality training sessions. Results of the pre- and post-test indicate a significant decrease in performance anxiety for the following participants: (a) musicians in treatment group with a high level of situational anxiety (S-Anxiety), (b) musicians with a high level of trait anxiety (T-Anxiety), (c) for women musicians and (d) for musicians with high immersive tendencies (ITQ). Finally, we observed a significant increase of quality of performance for the experimental group, but not for the control group between pre- and post-test

    Eliciting Music Performance Anxiety of Vocal and Piano Students Through the Use of Virtual Reality

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    Despite the growth of virtual reality technologies, there is a lack of understanding of implementing these technologies within the collegiate classroom. This case study provides a mixed-method insight into a virtual reality (VR) asset deployed in a music performance environment. The study examined the effectiveness of a virtual reality environment as measured by the physiological response and user feedback. Ten voice and four piano college students participated in the study. Each participant performed musical works within an authentic practice room and the virtual concert hall via a Virtual Reality (VR) headset. Data was collected across four criteria. Participants’ heart rates were recorded before and after the performances. A State-Trait Anxiety Inventory test was presented to participants before and after the performances. Each performance was recorded and then blindly evaluated by two licensed music adjudicators. After the performances, participants completed a self-evaluation. Results indicated that virtual concert hall sessions caused a change in some categories of physiological, performance, and anxiety compared to an authentic practice room. No statistical difference was recorded in heart rate for vocalists between both environments. This project serves as a proof of concept that VR technologies can effectively elicit change in music performance anxiety. Furthermore, the study could encourage further research on mitigating music performance anxiety through virtual environment exposure

    Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) art in care of ageing society: focus on dementia

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    open access articleBackground: Art enhances both physical and mental health wellbeing. The health benefits include reduction in blood pressure, heart rate, pain perception and briefer inpatient stays, as well as improvement of communication skills and self-esteem. In addition to these, people living with dementia benefit from reduction of their noncognitive, behavioural changes, enhancement of their cognitive capacities and being socially active. Methods: The current study represents a narrative general literature review on available studies and knowledge about contribution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in creative arts. Results: We review AI visual arts technologies, and their potential for use among people with dementia and care, drawing on similar experiences to date from traditional art in dementia care. Conclusion: The virtual reality, installations and the psychedelic properties of the AI created art provide a new venue for more detailed research about its therapeutic use in dementia

    Presence and rehabilitation: toward second-generation virtual reality applications in neuropsychology

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    Virtual Reality (VR) offers a blend of attractive attributes for rehabilitation. The most exploited is its ability to create a 3D simulation of reality that can be explored by patients under the supervision of a therapist. In fact, VR can be defined as an advanced communication interface based on interactive 3D visualization, able to collect and integrate different inputs and data sets in a single real-like experience. However, "treatment is not just fixing what is broken; it is nurturing what is best" (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi). For rehabilitators, this statement supports the growing interest in the influence of positive psychological state on objective health care outcomes. This paper introduces a bio-cultural theory of presence linking the state of optimal experience defined as "flow" to a virtual reality experience. This suggests the possibility of using VR for a new breed of rehabilitative applications focused on a strategy defined as transformation of flow. In this view, VR can be used to trigger a broad empowerment process within the flow experience induced by a high sense of presence. The link between its experiential and simulative capabilities may transform VR into the ultimate rehabilitative device. Nevertheless, further research is required to explore more in depth the link between cognitive processes, motor activities, presence and flow

    Music performance anxiety in classical musicians - what we know about what works

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    When pursued professionally, the demands of musical training and performance can interfere with musicians' well-being and health. Music performance anxiety, while energising at optimal levels, impairs performance quality when excessive. A range of interventions has been explored to address it. However, the poor methodological quality of such studies and the complexity of this issue should mobilise further research resources in this direction

    The Use of Virtual Reality in the Science of Psychology

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    With the evolution of technology, digital gaming became a more holistic and realistic experience that engages all senses. This novel capacity was seized by Psychological Science. The aim of this literature review was to describe some of the usages of Virtual Reality (VR), specifically in the domains of Developmental, Clinical, Social, Organizational, Athletic Psychology and Neuropsychology. Some of the findings were that VR can promote children’s socialization and self-control in the case of Developmental Psychology. Research on Clinical Psychology has shown that VRT contributes to phobia treatment and can help analyze negative self-image in individuals with eating disorders. In the area of Social Psychology, it can reduce prejudice and enhance prosocial behavior, by providing the ability to manipulate variables and achieving high experimental control and ecological validity. Furthermore, it can enhance employees’ productivity and help them cope with stress in Organizational Psychology and boost athletes’ motivation and decision making in Athletic Psychology. In Neuropsychology, VR gives the potential of early diagnosis and rehabilitation of neuropsychological complications of Traumatic Brain Injury, Brain Stroke, Parkinson’s Disease and facilitates the reduction of Autism Index. Overall, psychological research, diagnosis and treatment via VR seems so far to be a rich and promising field for further investigation that will possibly improve different people’s quality of life

    Virtual reality service to Alleviate Performance Anxiety and Stage Fright – SpeakerVR, Case Study

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    Utilizing Virtual Reality in alleviating performance anxiety contains significant possibilities and has been discovered to be a powerful tool and this kind of techniques and service may revolutionize treatment of alleviating performance anxiety and stage fright. This study examines techniques of alleviating Performance Anxiety and Stage Fright by Virtual Reality simulation. The study is conducted by tests and interviews. The study contains a design process to build the presented VR simulation and evaluation process, which contains interviews and pre-tests to develop the VR-simulation and the test-runs. This study has been driven by desire to understand the nature and possibilities of XR services and simulations in alleviating stress and anxiety. More accurately, in this study’s case, Stage Fright and Performance Anxiety and Stress related to public performance/speaking, are observed in the light of researching possibilities of alleviating the user by utilizing human technology interaction in conscious and possibly non-conscious levels by stimuli, which are supposed to have an effect through affecting users emotional state and through shorter time lasting emotions. The study presents design and development process of Virtual Reality (VR) Simulation, called SpeakerVR, which is a VR-service and simulation to alleviate/diminish users Stage Fright and Performance Anxiety and as well to help the user in the performing in front of an audience and evaluate and discuss about this kind of VR- simulation’s possibilities. Also, it discusses whether this kind of VR-simulation could become a powerful scientific research apparatus. In the study is presented a testing simulation which is based on SpeakerVR, VR-simulation. For the study, the SpeakerVR is built only with parts which are relevant for the study as the VR-simulations commercial version contains much more actions but is not scientifically observable as it has much happening at the same time and therefore, it’s not possible to understand which of actions triggered something measurable. The design process is multidisciplinary and to reach the goals set for the design and the study, the design and study processes are selected to contain elements from Psychology, Game and Internet studies, Human Computer Interaction, Game Design, Industrial Design, Human Cantered Design, Gamification and Psychiatry and their methodologies. Therefore, further in this study/document several techniques and phenomena are explained by utilizing multidisciplinary sources whenever suitable solution is found from any disciplinary but staying inside the delimitation of the study and design process

    A study of virtual reality-mediated affective state and cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease

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    NeuroscienceLa démence de type d’Alzheimer est la plus commune des démences. Elle entraîne un déclin dans les capacités cognitives et fonctionnelles, se traduisant dans des difficultés au niveau de la prise de décision, de l’accomplissement de tâches quotidiennes, de la communication ainsi qu’au niveau de la mémoire et de l’attention. On remarque également une diminution de l’état émotionnel et une apathie chez ces patients. Ce mémoire explore une nouvelle approche pour atténuer les effets psychologiques et cognitifs de la maladie. Les recherches effectuées dans ce mémoire explorent les impacts cognitifs et les effets sur le bien-être d'une intervention utilisant la réalité virtuelle sur les personnes souffrant de déclin cognitif subjectif. Deux environnements virtuels ont été testés : le premier étant un environnement dans lequel le participant voyage en train à travers différents climats, et le second étant un environnement de musicothérapie qui s’adapte en fonction de la réponse émotionnelle du participant. Pour mesurer les impacts sur l'état affectif, des lectures électroencéphalographiques ont été prises et analysées afin de déduire l'émotion ressentie par le participant avant, pendant et après l'expérience. Les résultats montrent une amélioration générale de l'état émotionnel pour les deux environnements. Quant à la mesure des effets sur les fonctions cognitives, des tâches d'attention et de mémoire ont été effectuées par les participants avant et après l'immersion. Les résultats montrent une légère amélioration des capacités d'attention et une meilleure amélioration de la mémoire. Nous approprions cet écart dans l'expérience de musicothérapie à l'activation musicale d'un réseau de structures cérébrales impliquées dans les expériences agréables : le circuit de récompense. Nous proposons que la musique facilite la rétention de la mémoire chez les personnes souffrant de démence. En effet, les résultats de l’amélioration des fonctions cognitives pour les deux expériences précédentes dépendent fortement de la précision de l'outil de mesure cognitive utilisé pour évaluer les performances d'attention et de mémoire avant et après l'intervention. Pour assurer cette précision, ce mémoire présente un outil de mesure des performances cognitives basé sur des tâches cognitives qui ont montré à plusieurs reprises leur fiabilité. Cet outil d’adresse aux personnes atteintes de la maladie d'Alzheimer pré-clinique et diagnostiquée.Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible disease which causes progressive memory loss and cognitive decline, eventually leading to severe inability to perform basic day-to-day tasks. The urgency to find an effective cure to the disease is crucial, as the medical and economical spin-offs could be disastrous. The present thesis explores a novel approach to help attenuate the psychological and cognitive effects of the disease. The research carried out for this thesis explored cognitive effects and impacts on overall well-being of a virtual reality intervention on people suffering from subjective cognitive decline. Two virtual environments were tested: the first being an environment in which the participant travels through different climates by train, and the second being a music therapy environment modified as a function of emotional response. To measure the effects on affective state, electroencephalography readings were taken and analyzed to infer the emotion felt by the participant before, during the experiment. Results show a general improvement in emotional state. To measure the effects of the environments on cognitive functions, attention and memory tasks were carried out by the participants before and after the immersion. Results show a small improvement in attention skills and a more substantial improvement in memory skills. We appropriate this discrepancy in the music therapy experiment to the musical activation of a network of brain structures involved in rewarding and pleasurable experiences. We propose that music could facilitate memory retention in people sufferance for dementia. Importantly, the results of the previous experiments rely heavily on the accuracy of the cognitive measurement tool used to evaluate attention and memory performances before and after the intervention. To provide this accuracy, this thesis presents a cognitive performance measurement tool based on cognitive tasks which have repeatedly shown to output reliable results. This tool is created to serve for people with pre-clinical Alzheimer’s disease and diagnosed Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, this tool is designed in such a way as to minimize the effects of repetition as well as varying levels of education and language. This thesis presents a novel and promising research in the realms of computer sciences and health care

    XR, music and neurodiversity: design and application of new mixed reality technologies that facilitate musical intervention for children with autism spectrum conditions

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    This thesis, accompanied by the practice outputs,investigates sensory integration, social interaction and creativity through a newly developed VR-musical interface designed exclusively for children with a high-functioning autism spectrum condition (ASC).The results aim to contribute to the limited expanse of literature and research surrounding Virtual Reality (VR) musical interventions and Immersive Virtual Environments (IVEs) designed to support individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions. The author has developed bespoke hardware, software and a new methodology to conduct field investigations. These outputs include a Virtual Immersive Musical Reality Intervention (ViMRI) protocol, a Supplemental Personalised, immersive Musical Experience(SPiME) programme, the Assisted Real-time Three-dimensional Immersive Musical Intervention System’ (ARTIMIS) and a bespoke (and fully configurable) ‘Creative immersive interactive Musical Software’ application (CiiMS). The outputs are each implemented within a series of institutional investigations of 18 autistic child participants. Four groups are evaluated using newly developed virtual assessment and scoring mechanisms devised exclusively from long-established rating scales. Key quantitative indicators from the datasets demonstrate consistent findings and significant improvements for individual preferences (likes), fear reduction efficacy, and social interaction. Six individual case studies present positive qualitative results demonstrating improved decision-making and sensorimotor processing. The preliminary research trials further indicate that using this virtual-reality music technology system and newly developed protocols produces notable improvements for participants with an ASC. More significantly, there is evidence that the supplemental technology facilitates a reduction in psychological anxiety and improvements in dexterity. The virtual music composition and improvisation system presented here require further extensive testing in different spheres for proof of concept

    Virtual Representations for Cybertherapy: A Relaxation Experience for Dementia Patients

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    The development of serious games has enabled new challenges for the healthcare sector in psychological, cognitive and motor rehabilitation. Thanks to Virtual Reality, stimulating and interactive experiences can be reproduced in a safe and controlled environment. This chapter illustrates the experimentation conducted in the hospital setting for the non-pharmacological treatment of cognitive disorders associated with Dementia. The therapy aims to relax patients of the agitation cluster through a gaming approach through the immersion in multisensory and natural settings in which sound and visual stimuli are provided. The study is supported by a technological architecture, including the Virtual Wall system for stereoscopic wall projection and rigid body tracking
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