6,995 research outputs found

    An update from the Pediatric Proton Consortium Registry

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    Solutii pentru masurarea calitatii informatiei contabile

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    There are many studies confirming the theory according to which the decisions of the users of the accounting information depend on the quality of this very information, namely its intrinsic quality, as well as its impact through publication. We undertake to test the extent to which the intrinsic quality of the accounting information is assured by the internal means of obtaining the information. The analysis is performed on the Romanian market and takes into account the qualitative characteristics of the accounting information contained within the IASB conceptual framework. We have opted for the data analysis using the technique of the study case and for methods of economic analysis applicable in accounting. After having checked the relevance of the conceptual framework, we have identified the prerequisites, the criteria and, respectively, the measurable quality parameters. We have monitored the influence of these explanatory variables in respect of the topic analysed through the study case, and we have considered the level of quality assurance. The contribution of the study consists of new explicit sub-criteria for the assurance and control of the accounting information, which enrich the accounting theory, and, of an instrument for assessing the quality of the information to be offered to the users, namely managers, but also consultants, who can use it in practice and base their analyses and decisions on it.Accounting information, quality, quantification, managers, consultants

    Misreporting Fundraising: How do Nonprofit Organizations Account for Telemarketing Campaigns?

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the frequency, determinants and implications of misreporting fundraising activities. We compare state telemarketing campaign reports with the associated information from nonprofits annual Form 990 filings to directly test nonprofits revenue and expense recognition policies. Our study indicates that smaller nonprofits, and those with less accounting sophistication, are more likely to inappropriately report telemarketing costs as a component of net revenues rather than as expenses. In addition, less monitored firms are more likely to report telemarketing campaign revenues net of expenses. Additionally, among those firms that do report telemarketing costs as expenses, we find that smaller firms, and those with relatively less officer compensation, are more likely to allocate telemarketing expenses to non-fundraising expense categories.This publication is Hauser Center Working Paper No. 37. The Hauser Center Working Paper Series was launched during the summer of 2000. The Series enables the Hauser Center to share with a broad audience important works-in-progress written by Hauser Center scholars and researchers

    A Study of Earnings Managent and Financial Statement Reporting Issues Surroding Public Traded Corporations

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    The purpose of this paper is to study some publicly traded companies\u27 financial reporting systems. I chose four companies in different industries to conduct a series of analyses and evaluations. In Section One, the quality of these companies\u27 financial reporting systems is carefully examined and evaluated. First, I discuss some potential earnings management strategies that managers from different departments tend to adopt. Next, some of the chosen companies\u27 important policies, such as revenue recognition, are compared with industrial standards or relevant policies from competitors. In addition, earnings management and financial reporting issues that relate to income taxes are discussed separately. Three major perspectives are considered: 1. recognition of deferred tax asset and valuation allowance accounts; 2. the possible effects of changing valuation allowance on earnings; 3. disclosure of tax planning strategies in the financial report. Section Two discusses corresponding internal control systems that can assist corporations in alleviating the adverse effects from inaccurate and inefficient financial reporting. First, COSO internal control framework is used as the guideline for developing the internal control process. Secondly, certain industrial factors are considered during the risk identification and assessment procedure. Next, a general audit plan is developed for each company. I discuss the budgeted work plan in terms of hours of effort for each task necessary to audit the internal control system. The deferred tax accounts are also discussed

    Internal Audit Quality, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Social Responsibility: Determinants of Financial Reporting Quality

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    This study intends to examine what factors were determined the quality of financial statements. We examined the impact of internal audit quality, corporate governance, and CSR performances on financial reporting quality. Since financial reporting quality was difficult to observe directly, we used the accrual earnings management (EM) approach. Using 78 firm-year observations of 39 public companies listed in the LQ-45 index from 2019 to 2020, We employed Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression as our data analysis technique. The number of audit committees and board size became the measurement indicators of internal audit quality and corporate governance. Moreover, CSR ratings provided by CSR Hub measured CSR performances. Our findings indicated a positive relationship between internal audit quality and corporate governance on the quality of financial performance. It means that both internal quality and corporate governance become the determinant factors of financial reporting quality. On the other hand, CSR performances did not have any relationship with the financial reporting quality. This paper provides fruitful insight into the factors that driven financial reporting quality. Using different aspects of factors influencing the quality of financial statements, we initially offer valuable insight for business practitioners and potential investors to assess the quality of financial performanc

    Discovery of Federal Income Tax Returns and the New “Qualified” Privileges

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    The notion of scale selection refers to methods for estimating characteristic scales in image data and for automatically determining locally appropriate scales in a scale-space representation, so as to adapt subsequent processing to the local image structure and compute scale invariant image features and image descriptors. An essential aspect of the approach is that it allows for a bottom-up determination of inherent scales of features and objects without first recognizing them or delimiting alternatively segmenting them from their surrounding. Scale selection methods have also been developed from other viewpoints of performing noise suppression and exploring top-down information.QC 20130111</p

    Earnings Management in the Pre and Post eXtensible Business Reporting Language Period in Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine and analyze the impact of XBRL adoption on earnings management conducted by company management in Indonesia. Earnings management in this study is proxied by discretionary accruals. The population of this research is manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The research sample was selected using the purposive sampling method. The total sample of this research is 15 manufacturing companies. This research period includes the period before the adoption of XBRL (2012-2014) and the period after the adoption of XBRL (2015-2017). Hypothesis testing is done by a paired sample t-test. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that there are significant differences between the levels of earnings management in the period before and after the adoption of XBRL. These results reveal that the adoption of XBRL can limit the opportunistic behavior of management in presenting financial reporting. These results also reveal that the adoption of XBRL can improve the quality of financial reporting

    Fixed Costs, Audit Production, and Audit Markets: Theory and Evidence

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    We analyze the role of discretionary joint fixed costs in audit production. Given such costs, the investment decision and production of audit services must be analyzed over a client portfolio. We model this problem, and use monotone comparative statics (Milgrom and Shannon [1994]) to show the implications of variations in client-specific losses and the number of clients for the optimum level of fixed investment and auditassurance. We develop four hypotheses concerning the relations between audit quality and (1) the magnitude of potential client-specific losses; (2) average client losses in a portfolio; (3) the number of clients in a portfolio; and (4) the variability of losses in a portfolio. Using discretionary accruals as the audit quality proxy, we find evidence consistent with these hypotheses. Using PCAOB inspection results and financial statement restatements as proxies for audit quality, we find weaker evidence consistent with hypotheses 2, 3 and 4

    Detection of Fraudulent Financial Statements Using the Beneish Ratio Index for Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2016 and 2017 Period

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    Fraud is an action taken intentionally and it is done for personal or other people's purposes, where the action has caused harm to certain parties or certain institutions. Misstatements contained in fraudulent financial statements are intentional misstatements to deceive users of financial statements. The source of this misstatement includes manipulation or falsification of accounting records, intentional misstatements or omissions from financial statements, and / or incorrect application of accounting principles. In Indonesia, accounting fraud also occurs at the company level, both private and government companies. On December 6, 2012, the announcement of Indonesia's score in the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) was 32 and ranked 118th out of 176 countries which measured the level of corruption (Transparency International, 2012). In 2001, a fraud scandal occurred by PT Kimia Farma Tbk. PT Kimia Farma is a state-owned company whose shares have been traded on the exchange to become public company. Based on indications by the Ministry of BUMN and Bapepam's examination, it was found that there were misstatements in the financial statements which resulted in overstatement of net income for the year ended 31 December 2001 of Rp. 32.7 billion, which represented 2.3% of sales and 24.7% from net income. The author's purpose of this study is to discuss about detecting fraud in financial statements by using 5 (five) of the 8 (eight) Beneish ratio indices, because Beneish's research states that the Days Sales in Receivables Index (DSRI) ratio index, the Gross Margin Index ( GMI), Asset Quality Index (AQI), Sales Growth Index (SGI), and Total Accrual to Total Asst Index (TATA) have significant results to detect financial report manipulation
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