4 research outputs found

    Event-driven optimization-based control of hybrid systems with integral continuous-time dynamics

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    In this paper we introduce a class of continuous-time hybrid dynamical systems called integral continuous-time hybrid automata (icHA) for which we propose an event-driven optimization-based control strategy. Events include both external actions applied to the system and changes of continuous dynamics (mode switches). The icHA formalism subsumes a number of hybrid dynamical systems with practical interest, e.g., linear hybrid automata. Different cost functions, including minimum-time and minimum-effort criteria, and constraints are examined in the event-driven optimal control formulation. This is translated into a finite-dimensional mixed-integer optimization problem, in which the event instants and the corresponding values of the control input are the optimization variables. As a consequence, the proposed approach has the advantage of automatically adjusting the attention of the controller to the frequency of event occurrence in the hybrid process. A receding horizon control scheme exploiting the event-based optimal control formulation is proposed as a feedback control strategy and proved to ensure either finite-time or asymptotic convergence of the closed-loop

    Event-driven optimization-based control of hybrid systems with integral continuous-time dynamics

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    In this paper we introduce a class of continuous-time hybrid dynamical systems called integral continuous-time hybrid automata (icHA) for which we propose an event-driven optimization-based control strategy. Events include both external actions applied to the system and changes of continuous dynamics (mode switches). The icHA formalism subsumes a number of hybrid dynamical systems with practical interest, e.g., linear hybrid automata. Different cost functions, including minimum-time and minimum-effort criteria, and constraints are examined in the event-driven optimal control formulation. This is translated into a finite-dimensional mixed-integer optimization problem, in which the event instants and the corresponding values of the control input are the optimization variables. As a consequence, the proposed approach has the advantage of automatically adjusting the attention of the controller to the frequency of event occurrence in the hybrid process. A receding horizon control scheme exploiting the event-based optimal control formulation is proposed as a feedback control strategy and proved to ensure either finite-time or asymptotic convergence of the closed-loop.Peer Reviewe

    Multimodal Control in Uncertain Environments using Reinforcement Learning and Gaussian Processes

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    [ES] El control de sistemas complejos puede ser realizado descomponiendo la tarea de control en una secuencia de modos de control, o simplemente modos. Cada modo implementa una ley de retroalimentación hasta que se activa una condición de terminación, en respuesta a la ocurrencia de un evento exógeno/endógeno que indica que la ejecución del modo debe finalizar. En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta novedosa para encontrar una política de conmutación óptima para resolver el problema de control optimizando alguna medida de costo/beneficio. Una política óptima implementa un programa de control multimodal óptimo, el cual consiste en un encadenamiento de modos de control. La propuesta realizada incluye el desarrollo y formulación de un algoritmo basado en la idea de la programación dinámica integrando procesos Gaussianos y aprendizaje Bayesiano activo. Mediante el enfoque propuesto es posible realizar un uso eficiente de los datos para mejorar la exploración de las soluciones sobre espacios de estados continuos. Un caso de estudio representativo es abordado para demostrar el desempeño del algoritmo propuesto.[EN] The control of complex systems can be done decomposing the control task into a sequence of control modes, or modes for short. Each mode implements a parameterized feedback law until a termination condition is activated in response to the occurrence of an exogenous/endogenous event, which indicates that the execution mode must end. This paper presents a novel approach to find an optimal switching policy to solve a control problem by optimizing some measure of cost/benefit. An optimal policy implements an optimal multimodal control program, consisting in a sequence of control modes. The proposal includes the development of an algorithm based on the idea of dynamic programming integrating Gaussian processes and Bayesian active learning. In addition, an efficient use of the data to improve the exploration of the continuous state spaces solutions can be achieved through this approach. A representative case study is discussed and analyzed to demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithm.De Paula, M.; Ávila, LO.; Sánchez Reinoso, C.; Acosta, GG. (2015). Control Multimodal en Entornos Inciertos usando Aprendizaje por Refuerzos y Procesos Gaussianos. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. 12(4):385-396. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.riai.2015.09.004OJS385396124Abate, A., Prandini, M., Lygeros, J., & Sastry, S. (2008). Probabilistic reachability and safety for controlled discrete time stochastic hybrid systems. Automatica, 44(11), 2724-2734. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2008.03.027Adamek, F., M Sobotka, O Stursberg. 2008. 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