11 research outputs found

    One step backpropagation through time for learning input mapping in reservoir computing applied to speech recognition

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    Recurrent neural networks are very powerful engines for processing information that is coded in time, however, many problems with common training algorithms, such as Backpropagation Through Time, remain. Because of this, another important learning setup known as Reservoir Computing has appeared in recent years, where one uses an essentially untrained network to perform computations. Though very successful in many applications, using a random network can be quite inefficient when considering the required number of neurons and the associated computational costs. In this paper we introduce a highly simplified version of Backpropagation Through Time by basically truncating the error backpropagation to one step back in time, and we combine this with the classic Reservoir Computing setup using an instantaneous linear readout. We apply this setup to a spoken digit recognition task and show it to give very good results for small networks

    High performance photonic reservoir computer based on a coherently driven passive cavity

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    Reservoir computing is a recent bio-inspired approach for processing time-dependent signals. It has enabled a breakthrough in analog information processing, with several experiments, both electronic and optical, demonstrating state-of-the-art performances for hard tasks such as speech recognition, time series prediction and nonlinear channel equalization. A proof-of-principle experiment using a linear optical circuit on a photonic chip to process digital signals was recently reported. Here we present a photonic implementation of a reservoir computer based on a coherently driven passive fiber cavity processing analog signals. Our experiment has error rate as low or lower than previous experiments on a wide variety of tasks, and also has lower power consumption. Furthermore, the analytical model describing our experiment is also of interest, as it constitutes a very simple high performance reservoir computer algorithm. The present experiment, given its good performances, low energy consumption and conceptual simplicity, confirms the great potential of photonic reservoir computing for information processing applications ranging from artificial intelligence to telecommunicationsComment: non

    Design of a central pattern generator using reservoir computing for learning human motion

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    To generate coordinated periodic movements, robot locomotion demands mechanisms which are able to learn and produce stable rhythmic motion in a controllable way. Because systems based on biological central pattern generators (CPGs) can cope with these demands, these kind of systems are gaining in success. In this work we introduce a novel methodology that uses the dynamics of a randomly connected recurrent neural network for the design of CPGs. When a randomly connected recurrent neural network is excited with one or more useful signals, an output can be trained by learning an instantaneous linear mapping of the neuron states. This technique is known as reservoir computing (RC). We will show that RC has the necessary capabilities to be fruitful in designing a CPG that is able to learn human motion which is applicable for imitation learning in humanoid robots

    Nanophotonic reservoir computing with photonic crystal cavities to generate periodic patterns

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    Reservoir computing (RC) is a technique in machine learning inspired by neural systems. RC has been used successfully to solve complex problems such as signal classification and signal generation. These systems are mainly implemented in software, and thereby they are limited in speed and power efficiency. Several optical and optoelectronic implementations have been demonstrated, in which the system has signals with an amplitude and phase. It is proven that these enrich the dynamics of the system, which is beneficial for the performance. In this paper, we introduce a novel optical architecture based on nanophotonic crystal cavities. This allows us to integrate many neurons on one chip, which, compared with other photonic solutions, closest resembles a classical neural network. Furthermore, the components are passive, which simplifies the design and reduces the power consumption. To assess the performance of this network, we train a photonic network to generate periodic patterns, using an alternative online learning rule called first-order reduced and corrected error. For this, we first train a classical hyperbolic tangent reservoir, but then we vary some of the properties to incorporate typical aspects of a photonics reservoir, such as the use of continuous-time versus discrete-time signals and the use of complex-valued versus real-valued signals. Then, the nanophotonic reservoir is simulated and we explore the role of relevant parameters such as the topology, the phases between the resonators, the number of nodes that are biased and the delay between the resonators. It is important that these parameters are chosen such that no strong self-oscillations occur. Finally, our results show that for a signal generation task a complex-valued, continuous-time nanophotonic reservoir outperforms a classical (i.e., discrete-time, real-valued) leaky hyperbolic tangent reservoir (normalized root-mean-square errors = 0.030 versus NRMSE = 0.127)

    Sparsity through evolutionary pruning prevents neuronal networks from overfitting

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    Modern Machine learning techniques take advantage of the exponentially rising calculation power in new generation processor units. Thus, the number of parameters which are trained to resolve complex tasks was highly increased over the last decades. However, still the networks fail - in contrast to our brain - to develop general intelligence in the sense of being able to solve several complex tasks with only one network architecture. This could be the case because the brain is not a randomly initialized neural network, which has to be trained by simply investing a lot of calculation power, but has from birth some fixed hierarchical structure. To make progress in decoding the structural basis of biological neural networks we here chose a bottom-up approach, where we evolutionarily trained small neural networks in performing a maze task. This simple maze task requires dynamical decision making with delayed rewards. We were able to show that during the evolutionary optimization random severance of connections lead to better generalization performance of the networks compared to fully connected networks. We conclude that sparsity is a central property of neural networks and should be considered for modern Machine learning approaches

    On Learning Navigation Behaviors for Small Mobile Robots With Reservoir Computing Architectures

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    Abstract—This work proposes a general Reservoir Computing (RC) learning framework which can be used to learn navigation behaviors for mobile robots in simple and complex unknown, partially observable environments. RC provides an efficient way to train recurrent neural networks by letting the recurrent part of the network (called reservoir) fixed while only a linear readout output layer is trained. The proposed RC framework builds upon the notion of navigation attractor or behavior which can be embedded in the high-dimensional space of the reservoir after learning. The learning of multiple behaviors is possible because the dynamic robot behavior, consisting of a sensory-motor sequence, can be linearly discriminated in the high-dimensional nonlinear space of the dynamic reservoir. Three learning approaches for navigation behaviors are shown in this paper. The first approach learns multiple behaviors based on examples of navigation behaviors generated by a supervisor, while the second approach learns goal-directed navigation behaviors based only on rewards. The third approach learns complex goal-directed behaviors, in a supervised way, using an hierarchical architecture whose internal predictions of contextual switches guide the sequence of basic navigation behaviors towards the goal. Index Terms—robot navigation, reservoir computing, rein-forcement learning, goal-directed navigation, recurrent neural networks, echo state network, sensory-motor coupling. I

    Selezione del Modello e delle Feature per l'Apprendimento in Ecologie Robotiche

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    Questa tesi è stata svolta nell'ambito del progetto europeo RUBICON (Robotic UBIquitous COgnitive Network). RUBICON ha l'obiettivo di sviluppare ecologie robotiche adattive. A al fine, l'ecologia robotica RUBICON sfrutta un sistema di apprendimento distribuito su reti di dispositivi eterogenei, inclusi sensori wireless. Tale sistema necessita della capacità di gestire in maniera autonoma l'acquisizione dinamica di nuovi compiti di apprendimento. La necessità di lavorare con dati sequenziali, come quelli raccolti dai sensori wireless, ha reso opportuno l'utilizzo di modelli neurali di tipo ricorrente, nello specifico le Echo State Networks (ESN). La tesi è incentrata sull'implementazione di una procedura di selezione automatica di modelli tramite la tecnica di cross-fold validation e sulla realizzazione di un algoritmo innovativo di feature selection specifico per ESN e serie temporali. I risultati ottenuti consentono ad un'ecologia robotica che adotti le soluzioni sviluppate di \emph{auto-configurarsi} e gestire autonomamente il processo di apprendimento adattandosi ai cambiamenti nelle abitudini degli utenti. Inoltre, l'algoritmo di feature selection sviluppato nel lavoro di tesi, permette di identificare automaticamente i segnali di ingresso maggiormente rilevanti per un compito di apprendimento acquisito dinamicamente. Ciò consente di ottimizzare i costi di comunicazione e, potenzialmente, migliorare le prestazioni predittive del sistema di apprendimento

    Reservoir computing based on delay-dynamical systems

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    Today, except for mathematical operations, our brain functions much faster and more efficient than any supercomputer. It is precisely this form of information processing in neural networks that inspires researchers to create systems that mimic the brain’s information processing capabilities. In this thesis we propose a novel approach to implement these alternative computer architectures, based on delayed feedback. We show that one single nonlinear node with delayed feedback can replace a large network of nonlinear nodes. First we numerically investigate the architecture and performance of delayed feedback systems as information processing units. Then we elaborate on electronic and opto-electronic implementations of the concept. Next to evaluating their performance for standard benchmarks, we also study task independent properties of the system, extracting information on how to further improve the initial scheme. Finally, some simple modifications are suggested, yielding improvements in terms of speed or performanc

    Reliability of Extreme Learning Machines

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    Neumann K. Reliability of Extreme Learning Machines. Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Library; 2014.The reliable application of machine learning methods becomes increasingly important in challenging engineering domains. In particular, the application of extreme learning machines (ELM) seems promising because of their apparent simplicity and the capability of very efficient processing of large and high-dimensional data sets. However, the ELM paradigm is based on the concept of single hidden-layer neural networks with randomly initialized and fixed input weights and is thus inherently unreliable. This black-box character usually repels engineers from application in potentially safety critical tasks. The problem becomes even more severe since, in principle, only sparse and noisy data sets can be provided in such domains. The goal of this thesis is therefore to equip the ELM approach with the abilities to perform in a reliable manner. This goal is approached in three aspects by enhancing the robustness of ELMs to initializations, make ELMs able to handle slow changes in the environment (i.e. input drifts), and allow the incorporation of continuous constraints derived from prior knowledge. It is shown in several diverse scenarios that the novel ELM approach proposed in this thesis ensures a safe and reliable application while simultaneously sustaining the full modeling power of data-driven methods