10 research outputs found

    Construção de índices de avaliação não paramétrica da capacidade inovadora das PMEs

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    As Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PMEs) são, hoje em dia, cruciais para a estabilidade económica de muitos países. A recente crise financeira e as suas consequências revelaram, no entanto, que a capacidade de inovar é uma característica imprescindível da gestão. Como tal, as metodologias utilizadas para avaliar a capacidade inovadora nas PMEs devem ser as mais abrangentes e realistas possível. Este estudo visa abordar esta questão, através do uso integrado de mapeamento cognitivo com a metodologia Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Com base em sessões de grupo envolvendo um painel de gestores e líderes de PMEs, e assumindo uma postura construtivista, foi criado, testado e validado um sistema de avaliação não-paramétrica da capacidade inovadora das PMEs, revelando resultados promissores na identificação das PMEs mais inovadoras. As vantagens e limitações da proposta apresentada são também objeto de discussãoSmall- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are crucial for the economic stability of many countries. The recent global financial crisis and its aftermath have shown, however, that the ability to innovate is a vital management skill; and that the methodologies used to evaluate innovation capability within SMEs should be as embracing and realistic as possible. This study sought to address this issue, through the integrated use of cognitive mapping and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Based on group sessions involving a panel of entrepreneurs and SME managers, and taking on a constructivist stance, a nonparametric method of evaluating SME innovation capability was created, tested and validated, revealing promising results in the identification of the most innovative SMEs. The advantages and shortcomings of our methodological proposal are also discussed

    Modelo de referência para indicadores de inovação regional suportado por dados ligados

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2016.A inovação está associada à implementação de um novo, ou significativamente melhorado, produto ou processo, método de marketing, ou método organizacional, e é reconhecida como um fator-chave para o desenvolvimento econômico. Em função de suas características, a inovação passou a ser vista como um processo complexo que acontece em um ambiente onde diferentes tipos de atores interagem em um sistema, que, quando considerado sob o contexto regional, é chamado de Sistema Regional de Inovação, e que demanda de estratégias e políticas que incentivem e potencializem o desenvolvimento das atividades de inovação, e de ferramentas para avaliação das ações. Diferentes índices são propostos para a mensuração da inovação ao nível das empresas ou em nível nacional, mas que são de difícil aplicação em nível regional, em função subjetividade de escolha das variáveis e da falta de disponibilidade de dados. Esta tese propõe um modelo de referência concebido a partir da análise dos modelos de indicadores compostos para mensuração da inovação regional apresentados na literatura, propondo uma classificação hierárquica para os indicadores. Valendo-se de tecnologias semânticas, o modelo é suportado por Dados Ligados, objetivando a exploração do potencial de dados regionais disponibilizados na Web por iniciativas de dados abertos e transparência pública na definição de índices específicos para a inovação regional, em uma forma tal que possibilitem o seu processamento automatizado. Uma prova de conceito é apresentada com a finalidade de demonstrar a viabilidade de utilização do modelo em aplicações reais. Dados sobre municípios de duas mesorregiões do estado de Santa Catarina foram coletados e publicados na forma de dados ligados e foi desenvolvido um protótipo de aplicação Web para visualização e análise comparativa entre diferentes níveis regionais e de agregação de indicadores.Abstract : Innovation is related to the implementation of new, or significantly improved, product or process, marketing method, or organizational method, and is recognized as a key-factor for economic development. Due to its characteristics, innovation is seen as a complex process that occurs in an environment where different actors interact in a system which, when considered in the regional context, is called Regional Innovation System, and demands strategies and policies that encourage and leverage innovation activities and tools for evaluation. There are many different index systems proposed to measure innovation at firm level or at country level, but it is pointed that the choice of variables is subjective, and that is difficult to apply them in the regional level, due to the lack of data availability. This thesis proposes a reference model for classification of innovation indicators. The model is based on the analysis of the literature on composite indicators models for measuring regional innovation. Throung the use of semantic technologies, this model is supported by Linked Data and aims to explore the potential of regional open data, available due to transparency and open data initiatives. A proof of concept is presented for the purpose of demonstrating the feasibility of the model real world applications. Data on municipalities from two regions of the Santa Catarina state were collected, semantically annotated to the model, and published as linked data. A Web application prototype was developed for visualization and comparative analysis of different regional levels and aggregate indicators

    A decision support framework for sustainable supply chain management

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    Sustainable Supply Chain Management has become a topic of increased importance within the research domain. There is a greater need than ever before for companies to be able to assess and make informed decisions about their sustainability in the Supply Chains. There is a proliferation of research about its understanding and how to implement it in practice. This is mainly since sustainability has been assessed from various disciplines, organizational industries and organizational functional silos . There is a lack of comprehension, unified definition and appropriate implementation of Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM), leading to failure in decision making for sustainability implementation within supply chains. The proposed research identifies the research gaps through the novel application of Systematic Literature Network Analysis (SLNA) to SSCM literature. In doing so, methods including Systematic Literature Review (SLR), Citation Network Analysis (CNA) and Citation Network Mapping of literature have been used to identify definitions, KPIs, barriers and drivers of SSCM from the literature. Furthermore, a combination of methods from Text Mining and Content Analysis has been used to identify KPIs, barriers and drivers from sustainability reports of top global manufacturing companies, to better understand the practices of organizations for SSCM. The consolidation of the findings from literature and practice led to the development of an SSCM Performance Evaluation Framework built on multiple methods. A 4-level hierarchical model has been developed by classifying the identified KPIs into Economic, Environment and Social as well as considering the key decision areas including tactical, strategic and operational. Furthermore, a rigorous data collection process was conducted among supply chain and sustainability managers from top global manufacturing firms and leading academicians in the field, assessing the identified SSCM KPIs. The collected data were analyzed through novel application of hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods, which includes Values Focused Thinking (VFT), Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchical Process (FAHP), Fuzzy Technique of Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (FTOPSIS) and Total Interpretive Structural Modelling (TISM), for prioritizing and modelling of interdependencies, interactions and weightages among SSCM KPIs. The results obtained were subsequently used to develop a Decision Support System (DSS) that allows managers to evaluate their sustainability by identifying problem areas and yielding guidance on the KPIS and most important areas to focus on for SSCM implementation. The application of DSS has been demonstrated in the context of a case company. From a theoretical development point of view, a Tree perspective framework contributing to the ecological Theory of Sustainability has been proposed through the identification of the most influential organizational theories, and how they interrelate with each other. Overall, the proposed research provides a holistic perspective of SSCM that incorporates the various aspects of organizations, relevant organizational theories and perspectives of academics and practitioners together. The proposed DSS may act as a guiding tool for managers and practitioners for SSCM implementation in companies

    Knowledge Capturing in Design Briefing Process for Requirement Elicitation and Validation

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    Knowledge capturing and reusing are major processes of knowledge management that deal with the elicitation of valuable knowledge via some techniques and methods for use in actual and further studies, projects, services, or products. The construction industry, as well, adopts and uses some of these concepts to improve various construction processes and stages. From pre-design to building delivery knowledge management principles and briefing frameworks have been implemented across project stakeholders: client, design teams, construction teams, consultants, and facility management teams. At pre-design and design stages, understanding the client’s needs and users’ knowledge are crucial for identifying and articulating the expected requirements and objectives. Due to underperforming results and missed goals and objectives, many projects finish with highly dissatisfied clients and loss of contracts for some organizations. Knowledge capturing has beneficial effects via its principles and methods on requirement elicitation and validation at the briefing stage between user, client and designer. This paper presents the importance and usage of knowledge capturing and reusing in briefing process at pre-design and design stages especially the involvement of client and user, and explores the techniques and technologies that are usable in briefing process for requirement elicitation

    An Investigation on Benefit-Cost Analysis of Greenhouse Structures in Antalya

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    Significant population increase across the world, loss of cultivable land and increasing demand for food put pressure on agriculture. To meet the demand, greenhouses are built, which are, light structures with transparent cladding material in order to provide controlled microclimatic environment proper for plant production. Conceptually, greenhouses are similar with manufacturing buildings where a controlled environment for manufacturing and production have been provided and proper spaces for standardized production processes have been enabled. Parallel with the trends in the world, particularly in southern regions, greenhouse structures have been increasingly constructed and operated in Turkey. A significant number of greenhouses are located at Antalya. The satellite images demonstrated that for over last three decades, there has been a continuous invasion of greenhouses on all cultivable land. There are various researches and attempts for the improvement of greenhouse design and for increasing food production by decreasing required energy consumption. However, the majority of greenhouses in Turkey are very rudimentary structures where capital required for investment is low, but maintenance requirements are high when compared with new generation greenhouse structures. In this research paper, life-long capital requirements for construction and operation of greenhouse buildings in Antalya has been investigated by using benefit-cost analysis study

    Transatlantic Anglophone Literatures, 1776-1920:An Anthology

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    Українсько-англійський навчальний словник з педагогіки: словник

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    Словник призначено для допомоги тим особам, що мають потребу висловити письмово чи усно англійською мовою свої думки щодо проблем освіти і виховання. Він містить понад 6200 “гніздових” слів. Для більшості варіантів перекладу заголовного слова словникової статті наведено приклади фразеологічних сполук, сталих виразів, фрази, що мають ілюстративний характер (їх у словнику близько 20 000)