1,864 research outputs found

    Exploration of location-based services adoption

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    As mobile technologies become more ubiquitous in the general population, it is reasonable to assume that individuals will consume services and software to enhance their aspirations and entertainment desires. This paper discusses a controlled experiment to explore aspects of user perceptions of their use of location-based services. This study examines a location-based service prototype experiment and analysis based on the UTAUT model. The results show significant indicators that suggest behavior patterns of early adopters of location-based services are being observed. We discuss these influences and attempt to explain their significance. Moreover, more curiously we discuss why some of our model was unsupported and postulate why

    Online help-seeking in communities of practice

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    Interactive online help systems are considered to be a fruitful supplement to traditional IT helpdesks, which are often overloaded. They often comprise user-generated FAQ collections playing the role of technology-based conceptual artifacts. Two main questions arise: how the conceptual artifacts should be used, and which factors influence their acceptance in a community of practice (CoP). Firstly, this paper offers a theoretical frame and a usage scenario for technology-based conceptual artifacts against the theoretical background of the academic help-seeking and CoP approach. Each of the two approaches is extensively covered by psychological and educational research literature, however their combination is not yet sufficiently investigated. Secondly, the paper proposes a research model explaining the acceptance of conceptual artifacts. The model includes users’ expectations towards the artifact, perceived social influence and users’ roles in the CoP as predictors of artifact use intention and actual usage. A correlational study conducted in an academic software users’ CoP and involving structural equations modeling validates the model, suggesting thus a research line that is worth further pursuing. For educational practice, the study suggests three ways of supporting knowledge sharing in CoPs, i.e. use of technology-based conceptual artifacts, roles and division of labor, and purposeful communication in CoPs

    A Path Analysis of the Behavioral Intention of Secondary Teachers to Integrate Technology in Private Schools in Florida

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    This research was designed to investigate the behavioral intention of a sample of teachers to develop curriculum based projects that require students to use technology. This research employed a quantitative study design of an educational version of the Universal Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model. The UTAUT model was expanded to include factors from the Theory of Planned Behavior, and Social Cognitive Theory. The sample was composed of 251 private school teachers in Florida who completed an on-line survey instrument based upon the UTAUT model. The results were analyzed with confirmatory factor analysis that identified several factors that contributed to the behavioral intention of the teachers to integrate technology. In the final factor analysis, Social Influences, Effort Expectancy, and Anxiety all proved to be very strong factors. Attitude, Performance Expectancy, and Facilitating Conditions were moderate to strong factors in this final analysis. The relationships between the identified factors were determined through the development of a path model using partial least squares analysis. The constructs having the strongest relationship with Behavioral Intention, and hence, having a stronger effect were Attitude (β=.775, p \u3c .001), Performance Expectancy (β=.698, p \u3c .001), and Effort Expectancy (β=.667, p \u3c .001). The structural model also supported that Behavioral Intention is strongly related to actual Use (β=.561, p \u3c .001). The construct of Facilitating Conditions had a weak and negative relationship with Use (β=.-131, p =.16).The moderating effects of several attributes were also tested. While there were several notable affects only the presence of a curriculum guide proved to have a statistically significant influence. The present study contributes to behavioral intention research by confirmation of the model and providing a new context for the adapted UTAUT (Venkatesh et al., 2003) that was developed for a teacher acceptance and use of technology in an educational setting. Several implications for practice are offered in addition to further directions for research in this area. The approach to technology adoption requires an understanding of how leaders of an organization, as well as individual teachers, approach technology use

    Exploring motivations, constraints, and perceptions toward sport consumers\u27 smartphone usage.

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    Today’s technology trend in the United States is influenced by the growing population of 182.6 million smartphone users (Statista Inc., 2015). The technology trend has also affected the sport consumption behaviors in terms of how they obtain information, share similar interests, and purchase goods in support of their fandom. The range of efforts varies depending on sport consumers’ level of fandom and their technological comfort level towards using a smartphone. Thus, understanding the relationship between sport and technology provides benefits for sport managers to discover innovative ways to further engage current fans and attract new consumers using smartphones. Considering the benefits associated with smartphone technology, the primary purpose of this study was to examine motivations, constraints, and technological perceptions toward smartphones as it relates to sport consumers’ fan identification. Specifically, the study examined (a) primary communication channels (b) factors that influence users (c) factors that prevent users from consuming sport (d) smartphonespecific technological perceptions, and (d) the differences in sport consumers’ motivations, constraints, and technological perceptions to follow sport based on sex, age, and fan identification, and (e) factors that predict actual usage, all based on sport consumers’ smartphone usage. Using a cross-sectional survey design, data were collected from the tech-savvy Amazon MTurk users (N = 372) living in the United States. The results of this study revealed three unique factors of motivations (i.e. intrinsic, social, diversion), three factors of constraints (i.e. personal, security, technology), and two factors of technological perceptions (i.e. hedonic, utilitarian) for smartphone usage in sport context. Among these factors, intrinsic motivations, personal constraints, hedonic perceptions and utilitarian perceptions were found to significantly predict actual usage. Further analysis also revealed that sport consumers’ behaviors significantly differed based on the level of fan identification (i.e. high or low). The sport consumers also identified that they connected to the official sites the most followed by sport-related apps, and social media sites. In sports they followed, NFL was ranked the highest, followed by MLB, and NCAA Football, and within these sports, they followed their favorite team the most, leagues the second, and players the third. The result of current study provided a holistic view towards understanding sport consumption behaviors by considering motivations, constraints, and technological perceptions associated with smartphone usage. The information captured in this study is particularly useful when designing a mobile marketing campaign to better engage current fans and attract new fans. In addition, sport managers will be able to further encourage sport consumers’ motivating factors, while reducing the constraining factors by considering technological perceptions of the smartphones. Furthermore, the current study’s proposed scale could be used to assess motivations, constraints, and technological perceptions associated with actual usage to reflect upon specific characteristics of the fan identification

    Knowledge sharing and professional online communities acceptance : an integrated model

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    This study aims to advance empirical research in the realm of the use of professional online communities for knowledge sharing. Use of these communities is likely to be influenced not only by social factors but also by cognitive and technological factors. Hence, drawing upon theoretical and empirical foundations and contextually relevant previous research, three theoretical frameworks were developed and applied, in which relational factors (trust), individual factors (knowledge/system self-efficacy), and technological factors (system quality and content quality) were integrated together with the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to examine the use of professional online communities to acquire/provide knowledge among professionals. To test these theoretical models, an online web-survey was administered to 366 members of eight professional communities in Egypt.Employing covariance-based structural equation modelling (CB-SEM), the results of this study confirmed that professional online communities have emerged as an essential channel to facilitate knowledge sharing among professionals. Performance expectancy and personal outcome expectancy were found to be the strongest determinants of professional online community use. Relational capital - trust - was found to be a significant predictor of usage behaviour. However, for members who used the community for knowledge provision, trust was found to have a stronger influence than was perceived trust on using the community for knowledge acquisition. For members who used the community for knowledge acquisition, effort expectancy and social influence revealed significant effect, in contrast to members who use the community for knowledge provision. Regarding the hypotheses common to both use behaviours, the findings demonstrated some significant differences. Content quality, for example, seemed to have a clearly stronger influence on trust than system quality in all models. Content quality showed stronger effect on trust for using professional online communities for knowledge provision than using for knowledge acquisition, while system quality was found to be a stronger predictor of trust in the use for knowledge acquisition. For effort expectancy, system quality tended to have a stronger influence than system self-efficacy in all models; however, the influence of system quality on effort expectancy tended to be more important when online communities are used for knowledge acquisition.As for moderating effects, the influence of performance expectancy on use for knowledge acquisition and the influence of personal outcome expectancy on use for knowledge provision were found to be moderated by users’ gender (stronger for men) and age (stronger for younger users), while the influence of performance expectancy on use for knowledge acquisition was found to be influenced by users’ experience (stronger for less experienced users)

    Enterprise Social Media Impact on Human Resource Practices

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate how individual attitudes towards using enterprise social media (ESM) impacts trust, explicit and tacit knowledge sharing as well as work performance in emerging economies. Design/methodology/approach: The authors use data from a survey of 293 employed individuals in Lagos, Nigeria that work at organizations that have ESM systems. Findings: The authors find enterprise social media usage are significantly associated with trust. However, ESM use does not impact explicit or tactic knowledge transfer. Practical implications: The paper provides empirical evidence that individuals who perceive high levels of performance expectancy will engage in ESM usage which in turn increases trust amongst colleagues. Human resource managers can argue that by adopting ESM, they can facilitate improved trust and collaboration through online engagement amongst employees. This is important for multinational organizations wanting to expand into emerging economies where the organization and local workforce need to foster trust in knowledge sharing. Originality/value: There has been little evidence regarding HRM use of ESM in emerging economies. By understanding individual attitudes towards ESM and how the use impacts knowledge sharing, the academic discussions concerning use of technology to enhance knowledge sharing can continue to evolve

    Modeling end-user adoption of e-government services in Abu Dhabi

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    A number of recent reports indicate that many governments around the world are increasingly using internet technologies to provide public services. However little is known about the factors that influence end-users’ adoption of these services, particularly in a non-western context. This study used mixed research methods to build, empirically test and validate an e-government adoption model. The findings will be useful to both e-government researchers and practitioners interested in promoting e-government

    An Investigation on Behavioral Intention toward Usage of Personal Health Assistant Service and Technology Among Patients in Bangkok, Thailand

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    Purpose: The study aims to investigate the determinants of behavioral intention toward the usage behavior of personal health assistant services and technology for hypertension patients of a private hospital in Bangkok. Eight variables conform to the conceptual framework, including perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward using, customer satisfaction, social influencing, facilitating condition, behavioral intention, and usage behavior. Research design, data, and methodology: The data were collected from 500 participants. The sampling techniques used were purposive, stratified random, and convenience samplings. Before collecting the data, the index of item objective congruence (IOC) and Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient value (pilot testing) of 50 samples were applied. The main statistical approaches involve confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). Results: Perceived usefulness has a significant influence on attitude toward use. Attitude toward use has a significant influence on customer satisfaction and behavioral intention. Social influence and facilitating conditions significantly influence behavioral intention. In addition, behavioral intention significantly influences use behavior. On the other hand, perceived ease of use does not significantly influence attitudes toward using personal healthcare assistant services. Conclusions: Healthcare service providers can enhance the purchase intention of digital healthcare technology, which could remarkably benefit patients by tracking and monitoring their health conditions

    Factors Influencing Consumer Acceptance of Mobile Payment during the COVID-19 Pandemic & Usage Continuance Intent: A Quantitative Study

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    The presence of COVID-19 has transformed the business sector’s paradigm and prompted a speedy consumption of mobile payment software systems of diverse ranges. Corporate sectors and businesses across the globe brought a shift to offer mobile payment methods; consequently, consumers were urged to maximize the use of mobile payment throughout the pandemic. The present research aims to investigate the factors that might influence consumers' intent to accept mobile payments and their relationships during COVID-19. The technology adoption model and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology were employed in this proposed mobile payment adoption framework. A quantitative research approach was identified as a suitable method for this research. An online survey was administered, and 304 participants responded to the questionnaire. The results of the data analysis revealed statistically significant relationships and a positive impact of the factors perceived performance, social influence, consumers’ satisfaction, and perceived usefulness on consumers’ usage continuation intention. However, the results identified that factors such as transaction risk didn’t affect perceived usefulness, and financial transaction transparency didn’t affect consumers’ usage intention. This study makes a substantial contribution to the consumers’ technology acceptance literature in terms of validating a proposed theoretical framework that highlights the factors that influence consumers’ mobile payment usage intentions. As this study was conducted at a later stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, it adds value to the existing literature by providing insights to business managers on the factors influencing mobile payment usage. Considering the practical perspective, this study offers evidence of the essential elements that mobile payment service designers and marketers should consider. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-05-07 Full Text: PD

    Counselor Educators\u27 Acceptance of Immersive and Interactive Virtual Reality as a Pedagogical Tool

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    This study explores the acceptance of immersive and interactive virtual reality (IIVR) among counselor educators in higher education. It aims to identify the factors influencing their intentions to use IIVR as a teaching tool by examining relationships between various predictors and behavioral intention. This representative survey reveals significant positive correlations between behavioral intention and performance expectancy (r =.56), effort expectancy (r = .40), and social influence (r = .55), confirming that these predictive factors play a vital role in IIVR acceptance. Additional analyses indicate that age and gender do not significantly moderate these relationships, suggesting a universal inclination toward adopting IIVR technology across different demographics of counselor educators. The results emphasize the need for enhanced teaching efficiency, ease of use, and organizational support to foster IIVR integration. Developing user-friendly interfaces and comprehensive training are essential for reducing hesitancy and increasing IIVR adoption. Additionally, these tailored IIVR programs must be designed to support counselor educators’ needs by enhancing their teaching performance and reducing workload. Addressing these factors can pave the way for effective IIVR integration in counselor education, potentially transforming pedagogical approaches and improving educational outcomes. These insights contribute valuable knowledge to technology adoption in education and highlight critical areas for future research and development
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