11 research outputs found

    Uncertainty decoding with SPLICE for noise robust speech recognition

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    Porting concepts from DNNs back to GMMs

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been shown to outperform Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) on a variety of speech recognition benchmarks. In this paper we analyze the differences between the DNN and GMM modeling techniques and port the best ideas from the DNN-based modeling to a GMM-based system. By going both deep (multiple layers) and wide (multiple parallel sub-models) and by sharing model parameters, we are able to close the gap between the two modeling techniques on the TIMIT database. Since the 'deep' GMMs retain the maximum-likelihood trained Gaussians as first layer, advanced techniques such as speaker adaptation and model-based noise robustness can be readily incorporated. Regardless of their similarities, the DNNs and the deep GMMs still show a sufficient amount of complementarity to allow effective system combination

    Shouted Speech Compensation for Speaker Verification Robust to Vocal Effort Conditions

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    The performance of speaker verification systems degrades when vocal effort conditions between enrollment and test (e.g., shouted vs. normal speech) are different. This is a potential situation in non-cooperative speaker verification tasks. In this paper, we present a study on different methods for linear compensation of embeddings making use of Gaussian mixture models to cluster shouted and normal speech domains. These compensation techniques are borrowed from the area of robustness for automatic speech recognition and, in this work, we apply them to compensate the mismatch between shouted and normal conditions in speaker verification. Before compensation, shouted condition is automatically detected by means of logistic regression. The process is computationally light and it is performed in the back-end of an x-vector system. Experimental results show that applying the proposed approach in the presence of vocal effort mismatch yields up to 13.8% equal error rate relative improvement with respect to a system that applies neither shouted speech detection nor compensation

    Multivariate Cepstral Feature Compensation on Band-limited Data for Robust Speech Recognition

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    Proceedings of the 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA-2007. Editors: Joakim Nivre, Heiki-Jaan Kaalep, Kadri Muischnek and Mare Koit. University of Tartu, Tartu, 2007. ISBN 978-9985-4-0513-0 (online) ISBN 978-9985-4-0514-7 (CD-ROM) pp. 144-151

    Acoustic Adaptation to Dynamic Background Conditions with Asynchronous Transformations

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    This paper proposes a framework for performing adaptation to complex and non-stationary background conditions in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) by means of asynchronous Constrained Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression (aCMLLR) transforms and asynchronous Noise Adaptive Training (aNAT). The proposed method aims to apply the feature transform that best compensates the background for every input frame. The implementation is done with a new Hidden Markov Model (HMM) topology that expands the usual left-to-right HMM into parallel branches adapted to different background conditions and permits transitions among them. Using this, the proposed adaptation does not require ground truth or previous knowledge about the background in each frame as it aims to maximise the overall log-likelihood of the decoded utterance. The proposed aCMLLR transforms can be further improved by retraining models in an aNAT fashion and by using speaker-based MLLR transforms in cascade for an efficient modelling of background effects and speaker. An initial evaluation in a modified version of the WSJCAM0 corpus incorporating 7 different background conditions provides a benchmark in which to evaluate the use of aCMLLR transforms. A relative reduction of 40.5% in Word Error Rate (WER) was achieved by the combined use of aCMLLR and MLLR in cascade. Finally, this selection of techniques was applied in the transcription of multi-genre media broadcasts, where the use of aNAT training, aCMLLR transforms and MLLR transforms provided a relative improvement of 2–3%

    Environmentally robust ASR front-end for deep neural network acoustic models

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    This paper examines the individual and combined impacts of various front-end approaches on the performance of deep neural network (DNN) based speech recognition systems in distant talking situations, where acoustic environmental distortion degrades the recognition performance. Training of a DNN-based acoustic model consists of generation of state alignments followed by learning the network parameters. This paper first shows that the network parameters are more sensitive to the speech quality than the alignments and thus this stage requires improvement. Then, various front-end robustness approaches to addressing this problem are categorised based on functionality. The degree to which each class of approaches impacts the performance of DNN-based acoustic models is examined experimentally. Based on the results, a front-end processing pipeline is proposed for efficiently combining different classes of approaches. Using this front-end, the combined effects of different classes of approaches are further evaluated in a single distant microphone-based meeting transcription task with both speaker independent (SI) and speaker adaptive training (SAT) set-ups. By combining multiple speech enhancement results, multiple types of features, and feature transformation, the front-end shows relative performance gains of 7.24% and 9.83% in the SI and SAT scenarios, respectively, over competitive DNN-based systems using log mel-filter bank features.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csl.2014.11.00

    Multi-candidate missing data imputation for robust speech recognition

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    The application of Missing Data Techniques (MDT) to increase the noise robustness of HMM/GMM-based large vocabulary speech recognizers is hampered by a large computational burden. The likelihood evaluations imply solving many constrained least squares (CLSQ) optimization problems. As an alternative, researchers have proposed frontend MDT or have made oversimplifying independence assumptions for the backend acoustic model. In this article, we propose a fast Multi-Candidate (MC) approach that solves the per-Gaussian CLSQ problems approximately by selecting the best from a small set of candidate solutions, which are generated as the MDT solutions on a reduced set of cluster Gaussians. Experiments show that the MC MDT runs equally fast as the uncompensated recognizer while achieving the accuracy of the full backend optimization approach. The experiments also show that exploiting the more accurate acoustic model of the backend does pay off in terms of accuracy when compared to frontend MDT. © 2012 Wang and Van hamme; licensee Springer.Wang Y., Van hamme H., ''Multi-candidate missing data imputation for robust speech recognition'', EURASIP journal on audio, speech, and music processing, vol. 17, 20 pp., 2012.status: publishe

    Métodos discriminativos para la optimización de modelos en la Verificación del Hablante

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    La creciente necesidad de sistemas de autenticación seguros ha motivado el interés de algoritmos efectivos de Verificación de Hablante (VH). Dicha necesidad de algoritmos de alto rendimiento, capaces de obtener tasas de error bajas, ha abierto varias ramas de investigación. En este trabajo proponemos investigar, desde un punto de vista discriminativo, un conjunto de metodologías para mejorar el desempeño del estado del arte de los sistemas de VH. En un primer enfoque investigamos la optimización de los hiper-parámetros para explícitamente considerar el compromiso entre los errores de falsa aceptación y falso rechazo. El objetivo de la optimización se puede lograr maximizando el área bajo la curva conocida como ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) por sus siglas en inglés. Creemos que esta optimización de los parámetros no debe de estar limitada solo a un punto de operación y una estrategia más robusta es optimizar los parámetros para incrementar el área bajo la curva, AUC (Area Under the Curve por sus siglas en inglés) de modo que todos los puntos sean maximizados. Estudiaremos cómo optimizar los parámetros utilizando la representación matemática del área bajo la curva ROC basada en la estadística de Wilcoxon Mann Whitney (WMW) y el cálculo adecuado empleando el algoritmo de descendente probabilístico generalizado. Además, analizamos el efecto y mejoras en métricas como la curva detection error tradeoff (DET), el error conocido como Equal Error Rate (EER) y el valor mínimo de la función de detección de costo, minimum value of the detection cost function (minDCF) todos ellos por sue siglas en inglés. En un segundo enfoque, investigamos la señal de voz como una combinación de atributos que contienen información del hablante, del canal y el ruido. Los sistemas de verificación convencionales entrenan modelos únicos genéricos para todos los casos, y manejan las variaciones de estos atributos ya sea usando análisis de factores o no considerando esas variaciones de manera explícita. Proponemos una nueva metodología para particionar el espacio de los datos de acuerdo a estas carcterísticas y entrenar modelos por separado para cada partición. Las particiones se pueden obtener de acuerdo a cada atributo. En esta investigación mostraremos como entrenar efectivamente los modelos de manera discriminativa para maximizar la separación entre ellos. Además, el diseño de algoritimos robustos a las condiciones de ruido juegan un papel clave que permite a los sistemas de VH operar en condiciones reales. Proponemos extender nuestras metodologías para mitigar los efectos del ruido en esas condiciones. Para nuestro primer enfoque, en una situación donde el ruido se encuentre presente, el punto de operación puede no ser solo un punto, o puede existir un corrimiento de forma impredecible. Mostraremos como nuestra metodología de maximización del área bajo la curva ROC es más robusta que la usada por clasificadores convencionales incluso cuando el ruido no está explícitamente considerado. Además, podemos encontrar ruido a diferentes relación señal a ruido (SNR) que puede degradar el desempeño del sistema. Así, es factible considerar una descomposición eficiente de las señales de voz que tome en cuenta los diferentes atributos como son SNR, el ruido y el tipo de canal. Consideramos que en lugar de abordar el problema con un modelo unificado, una descomposición en particiones del espacio de características basado en atributos especiales puede proporcionar mejores resultados. Esos atributos pueden representar diferentes canales y condiciones de ruido. Hemos analizado el potencial de estas metodologías que permiten mejorar el desempeño del estado del arte de los sistemas reduciendo el error, y por otra parte controlar los puntos de operación y mitigar los efectos del ruido

    Robust speech recognition under band-limited channels and other channel distortions

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, junio de 200