398 research outputs found

    FLAIR-only joint volumetric analysis of brain lesions and atrophy in clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) suggestive of multiple sclerosis

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    Background: MRI assessment in multiple sclerosis (MS) focuses on the presence of typical white matter (WM) lesions. Neurodegeneration characterised by brain atrophy is recognised in the research field as an important prognostic factor. It is not routinely reported clinically, in part due to difficulty in achieving reproducible measurements. Automated MRI quantification of WM lesions and brain volume could provide important clinical monitoring data. In general, lesion quantification relies on both T1 and FLAIR input images, while tissue volumetry relies on T1. However, T1-weighted scans are not routinely included in the clinical MS protocol, limiting the utility of automated quantification. Objectives: We address an aspect of this important translational challenge by assessing the performance of FLAIR-only lesion and brain segmentation, against a conventional approach requiring multi-contrast acquisition. We explore whether FLAIR-only grey matter (GM) segmentation yields more variability in performance compared with two-channel segmentation; whether this is related to field strength; and whether the results meet a level of clinical acceptability demonstrated by the ability to reproduce established biological associations. Methods: We used a multicentre dataset of subjects with a CIS suggestive of MS scanned at 1.5T and 3T in the same week. WM lesions were manually segmented by two raters, ‘manual 1′ guided by consensus reading of CIS-specific lesions and ‘manual 2′ by any WM hyperintensity. An existing brain segmentation method was adapted for FLAIR-only input. Automated segmentation of WM hyperintensity and brain volumes were performed with conventional (T1/T1 + FLAIR) and FLAIR-only methods. Results: WM lesion volumes were comparable at 1.5T between ‘manual 2′ and FLAIR-only methods and at 3T between ‘manual 2′, T1 + FLAIR and FLAIR-only methods. For cortical GM volume, linear regression measures between conventional and FLAIR-only segmentation were high (1.5T: α = 1.029, R2 = 0.997, standard error (SE) = 0.007; 3T: α = 1.019, R2 = 0.998, SE = 0.006). Age-associated change in cortical GM volume was a significant covariate in both T1 (p = 0.001) and FLAIR-only (p = 0.005) methods, confirming the expected relationship between age and GM volume for FLAIR-only segmentations. Conclusions: FLAIR-only automated segmentation of WM lesions and brain volumes were consistent with results obtained through conventional methods and had the ability to demonstrate biological effects in our study population. Imaging protocol harmonisation and validation with other MS phenotypes could facilitate the integration of automated WM lesion volume and brain atrophy analysis as clinical tools in radiological MS reporting

    Multimodal quantitative magnetic resonance imaging analysis with individualized postprocessing in patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy and conventional visual inspection negative for epileptogenic lesions

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    OBJECTIVES: Approximately one-third of candidates for epilepsy surgery have no visible abnormalities on conventional magnetic resonance imaging. This is extremely discouraging, as these patients have a less favorable prognosis. We aimed to evaluate the utility of quantitative magnetic resonance imaging in patients with drug-resistant neocortical focal epilepsy and negative imaging. METHODS: A prospective study including 46 patients evaluated through individualized postprocessing of five quantitative measures: cortical thickness, white and gray matter junction signal, relaxation rate, magnetization transfer ratio, and mean diffusivity. Scalp video-electroencephalography was used to suggest the epileptogenic zone. A volumetric fluid-attenuated inversion recovery sequence was performed to aid visual inspection. A critical assessment of follow-up was also conducted throughout the study. RESULTS: In the subgroup classified as having an epileptogenic zone, individualized postprocessing detected abnormalities within the region of electroclinical origin in 9.7% to 31.0% of patients. Abnormalities outside the epileptogenic zone were more frequent, up to 51.7%. In five patients initially included with negative imaging, an epileptogenic structural abnormality was identified when a new visual magnetic resonance imaging inspection was guided by information gleaned from postprocessing. In three patients, epileptogenic lesions were detected after visual evaluation with volumetric fluid-attenuated sequence guided by video electroencephalography. CONCLUSION: Although quantitative magnetic resonance imaging analyses may suggest hidden structural lesions, caution is warranted because of the apparent low specificity of these findings for the epileptogenic zone. Conversely, these methods can be used to prevent visible lesions from being ignored, even in referral centers. In parallel, we need to highlight the positive contribution of the volumetric fluid-attenuated sequence

    RimNet: A deep 3D multimodal MRI architecture for paramagnetic rim lesion assessment in multiple sclerosis.

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    In multiple sclerosis (MS), the presence of a paramagnetic rim at the edge of non-gadolinium-enhancing lesions indicates perilesional chronic inflammation. Patients featuring a higher paramagnetic rim lesion burden tend to have more aggressive disease. The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate a convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture (RimNet) for automated detection of paramagnetic rim lesions in MS employing multiple magnetic resonance (MR) imaging contrasts. Imaging data were acquired at 3 Tesla on three different scanners from two different centers, totaling 124 MS patients, and studied retrospectively. Paramagnetic rim lesion detection was independently assessed by two expert raters on T2*-phase images, yielding 462 rim-positive (rim+) and 4857 rim-negative (rim-) lesions. RimNet was designed using 3D patches centered on candidate lesions in 3D-EPI phase and 3D FLAIR as input to two network branches. The interconnection of branches at both the first network blocks and the last fully connected layers favors the extraction of low and high-level multimodal features, respectively. RimNet's performance was quantitatively evaluated against experts' evaluation from both lesion-wise and patient-wise perspectives. For the latter, patients were categorized based on a clinically relevant threshold of 4 rim+ lesions per patient. The individual prediction capabilities of the images were also explored and compared (DeLong test) by testing a CNN trained with one image as input (unimodal). The unimodal exploration showed the superior performance of 3D-EPI phase and 3D-EPI magnitude images in the rim+/- classification task (AUC = 0.913 and 0.901), compared to the 3D FLAIR (AUC = 0.855, Ps < 0.0001). The proposed multimodal RimNet prototype clearly outperformed the best unimodal approach (AUC = 0.943, P < 0.0001). The sensitivity and specificity achieved by RimNet (70.6% and 94.9%, respectively) are comparable to those of experts at the lesion level. In the patient-wise analysis, RimNet performed with an accuracy of 89.5% and a Dice coefficient (or F1 score) of 83.5%. The proposed prototype showed promising performance, supporting the usage of RimNet for speeding up and standardizing the paramagnetic rim lesions analysis in MS

    Deep Multimodality Image-Guided System for Assisting Neurosurgery

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    Intrakranielle Hirntumoren gehören zu den zehn häufigsten bösartigen Krebsarten und sind für eine erhebliche Morbidität und Mortalität verantwortlich. Die größte histologische Kategorie der primären Hirntumoren sind die Gliome, die ein äußerst heterogenes Erschei-nungsbild aufweisen und radiologisch schwer von anderen Hirnläsionen zu unterscheiden sind. Die Neurochirurgie ist meist die Standardbehandlung für neu diagnostizierte Gliom-Patienten und kann von einer Strahlentherapie und einer adjuvanten Temozolomid-Chemotherapie gefolgt werden. Die Hirntumorchirurgie steht jedoch vor großen Herausforderungen, wenn es darum geht, eine maximale Tumorentfernung zu erreichen und gleichzeitig postoperative neurologische Defizite zu vermeiden. Zwei dieser neurochirurgischen Herausforderungen werden im Folgenden vorgestellt. Erstens ist die manuelle Abgrenzung des Glioms einschließlich seiner Unterregionen aufgrund seines infiltrativen Charakters und des Vorhandenseins einer heterogenen Kontrastverstärkung schwierig. Zweitens verformt das Gehirn seine Form ̶ die so genannte "Hirnverschiebung" ̶ als Reaktion auf chirurgische Manipulationen, Schwellungen durch osmotische Medikamente und Anästhesie, was den Nutzen präopera-tiver Bilddaten für die Steuerung des Eingriffs einschränkt. Bildgesteuerte Systeme bieten Ärzten einen unschätzbaren Einblick in anatomische oder pathologische Ziele auf der Grundlage moderner Bildgebungsmodalitäten wie Magnetreso-nanztomographie (MRT) und Ultraschall (US). Bei den bildgesteuerten Instrumenten handelt es sich hauptsächlich um computergestützte Systeme, die mit Hilfe von Computer-Vision-Methoden die Durchführung perioperativer chirurgischer Eingriffe erleichtern. Die Chirurgen müssen jedoch immer noch den Operationsplan aus präoperativen Bildern gedanklich mit Echtzeitinformationen zusammenführen, während sie die chirurgischen Instrumente im Körper manipulieren und die Zielerreichung überwachen. Daher war die Notwendigkeit einer Bildführung während neurochirurgischer Eingriffe schon immer ein wichtiges Anliegen der Ärzte. Ziel dieser Forschungsarbeit ist die Entwicklung eines neuartigen Systems für die peri-operative bildgeführte Neurochirurgie (IGN), nämlich DeepIGN, mit dem die erwarteten Ergebnisse der Hirntumorchirurgie erzielt werden können, wodurch die Gesamtüberle-bensrate maximiert und die postoperative neurologische Morbidität minimiert wird. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden zunächst neuartige Methoden für die Kernbestandteile des DeepIGN-Systems der Hirntumor-Segmentierung im MRT und der multimodalen präope-rativen MRT zur intraoperativen US-Bildregistrierung (iUS) unter Verwendung der jüngs-ten Entwicklungen im Deep Learning vorgeschlagen. Anschließend wird die Ergebnisvor-hersage der verwendeten Deep-Learning-Netze weiter interpretiert und untersucht, indem für den Menschen verständliche, erklärbare Karten erstellt werden. Schließlich wurden Open-Source-Pakete entwickelt und in weithin anerkannte Software integriert, die für die Integration von Informationen aus Tracking-Systemen, die Bildvisualisierung und -fusion sowie die Anzeige von Echtzeit-Updates der Instrumente in Bezug auf den Patientenbe-reich zuständig ist. Die Komponenten von DeepIGN wurden im Labor validiert und in einem simulierten Operationssaal evaluiert. Für das Segmentierungsmodul erreichte DeepSeg, ein generisches entkoppeltes Deep-Learning-Framework für die automatische Abgrenzung von Gliomen in der MRT des Gehirns, eine Genauigkeit von 0,84 in Bezug auf den Würfelkoeffizienten für das Bruttotumorvolumen. Leistungsverbesserungen wurden bei der Anwendung fort-schrittlicher Deep-Learning-Ansätze wie 3D-Faltungen über alle Schichten, regionenbasier-tes Training, fliegende Datenerweiterungstechniken und Ensemble-Methoden beobachtet. Um Hirnverschiebungen zu kompensieren, wird ein automatisierter, schneller und genauer deformierbarer Ansatz, iRegNet, für die Registrierung präoperativer MRT zu iUS-Volumen als Teil des multimodalen Registrierungsmoduls vorgeschlagen. Es wurden umfangreiche Experimente mit zwei Multi-Location-Datenbanken durchgeführt: BITE und RESECT. Zwei erfahrene Neurochirurgen führten eine zusätzliche qualitative Validierung dieser Studie durch, indem sie MRT-iUS-Paare vor und nach der deformierbaren Registrierung überlagerten. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das vorgeschlagene iRegNet schnell ist und die besten Genauigkeiten erreicht. Darüber hinaus kann das vorgeschlagene iRegNet selbst bei nicht trainierten Bildern konkurrenzfähige Ergebnisse liefern, was seine Allgemeingültigkeit unter Beweis stellt und daher für die intraoperative neurochirurgische Führung von Nutzen sein kann. Für das Modul "Erklärbarkeit" wird das NeuroXAI-Framework vorgeschlagen, um das Vertrauen medizinischer Experten in die Anwendung von KI-Techniken und tiefen neuro-nalen Netzen zu erhöhen. Die NeuroXAI umfasst sieben Erklärungsmethoden, die Visuali-sierungskarten bereitstellen, um tiefe Lernmodelle transparent zu machen. Die experimen-tellen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der vorgeschlagene XAI-Rahmen eine gute Leistung bei der Extraktion lokaler und globaler Kontexte sowie bei der Erstellung erklärbarer Salienzkar-ten erzielt, um die Vorhersage des tiefen Netzwerks zu verstehen. Darüber hinaus werden Visualisierungskarten erstellt, um den Informationsfluss in den internen Schichten des Encoder-Decoder-Netzwerks zu erkennen und den Beitrag der MRI-Modalitäten zur end-gültigen Vorhersage zu verstehen. Der Erklärungsprozess könnte medizinischen Fachleu-ten zusätzliche Informationen über die Ergebnisse der Tumorsegmentierung liefern und somit helfen zu verstehen, wie das Deep-Learning-Modell MRT-Daten erfolgreich verar-beiten kann. Außerdem wurde ein interaktives neurochirurgisches Display für die Eingriffsführung entwickelt, das die verfügbare kommerzielle Hardware wie iUS-Navigationsgeräte und Instrumentenverfolgungssysteme unterstützt. Das klinische Umfeld und die technischen Anforderungen des integrierten multimodalen DeepIGN-Systems wurden mit der Fähigkeit zur Integration von (1) präoperativen MRT-Daten und zugehörigen 3D-Volumenrekonstruktionen, (2) Echtzeit-iUS-Daten und (3) positioneller Instrumentenver-folgung geschaffen. Die Genauigkeit dieses Systems wurde anhand eines benutzerdefi-nierten Agar-Phantom-Modells getestet, und sein Einsatz in einem vorklinischen Operati-onssaal wurde simuliert. Die Ergebnisse der klinischen Simulation bestätigten, dass die Montage des Systems einfach ist, in einer klinisch akzeptablen Zeit von 15 Minuten durchgeführt werden kann und mit einer klinisch akzeptablen Genauigkeit erfolgt. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein multimodales IGN-System entwickelt, das die jüngsten Fort-schritte im Bereich des Deep Learning nutzt, um Neurochirurgen präzise zu führen und prä- und intraoperative Patientenbilddaten sowie interventionelle Geräte in das chirurgi-sche Verfahren einzubeziehen. DeepIGN wurde als Open-Source-Forschungssoftware entwickelt, um die Forschung auf diesem Gebiet zu beschleunigen, die gemeinsame Nut-zung durch mehrere Forschungsgruppen zu erleichtern und eine kontinuierliche Weiter-entwicklung durch die Gemeinschaft zu ermöglichen. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse sind sehr vielversprechend für die Anwendung von Deep-Learning-Modellen zur Unterstützung interventioneller Verfahren - ein entscheidender Schritt zur Verbesserung der chirurgi-schen Behandlung von Hirntumoren und der entsprechenden langfristigen postoperativen Ergebnisse

    Functional and structural MRI image analysis for brain glial tumors treatment

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    Cotutela con il Dipartimento di Biotecnologie e Scienze della Vita, Universiità degli Studi dell'Insubria.openThis Ph.D Thesis is the outcome of a close collaboration between the Center for Research in Image Analysis and Medical Informatics (CRAIIM) of the Insubria University and the Operative Unit of Neurosurgery, Neuroradiology and Health Physics of the University Hospital ”Circolo Fondazione Macchi”, Varese. The project aim is to investigate new methodologies by means of whose, develop an integrated framework able to enhance the use of Magnetic Resonance Images, in order to support clinical experts in the treatment of patients with brain Glial tumor. Both the most common uses of MRI technology for non-invasive brain inspection were analyzed. From the Functional point of view, the goal has been to provide tools for an objective reliable and non-presumptive assessment of the brain’s areas locations, to preserve them as much as possible at surgery. From the Structural point of view, methodologies for fully automatic brain segmentation and recognition of the tumoral areas, for evaluating the tumor volume, the spatial distribution and to be able to infer correlation with other clinical data or trace growth trend, have been studied. Each of the proposed methods has been thoroughly assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively. All the Medical Imaging and Pattern Recognition algorithmic solutions studied for this Ph.D. Thesis have been integrated in GliCInE: Glioma Computerized Inspection Environment, which is a MATLAB prototype of an integrated analysis environment that offers, in addition to all the functionality specifically described in this Thesis, a set of tools needed to manage Functional and Structural Magnetic Resonance Volumes and ancillary data related to the acquisition and the patient.openInformaticaPedoia, ValentinaPedoia, Valentin

    Functional and structural MRI image analysis for brain glial tumors treatment

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    This Ph.D Thesis is the outcome of a close collaboration between the Center for Research in Image Analysis and Medical Informatics (CRAIIM) of the Insubria University and the Operative Unit of Neurosurgery, Neuroradiology and Health Physics of the University Hospital ”Circolo Fondazione Macchi”, Varese. The project aim is to investigate new methodologies by means of whose, develop an integrated framework able to enhance the use of Magnetic Resonance Images, in order to support clinical experts in the treatment of patients with brain Glial tumor. Both the most common uses of MRI technology for non-invasive brain inspection were analyzed. From the Functional point of view, the goal has been to provide tools for an objective reliable and non-presumptive assessment of the brain’s areas locations, to preserve them as much as possible at surgery. From the Structural point of view, methodologies for fully automatic brain segmentation and recognition of the tumoral areas, for evaluating the tumor volume, the spatial distribution and to be able to infer correlation with other clinical data or trace growth trend, have been studied. Each of the proposed methods has been thoroughly assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively. All the Medical Imaging and Pattern Recognition algorithmic solutions studied for this Ph.D. Thesis have been integrated in GliCInE: Glioma Computerized Inspection Environment, which is a MATLAB prototype of an integrated analysis environment that offers, in addition to all the functionality specifically described in this Thesis, a set of tools needed to manage Functional and Structural Magnetic Resonance Volumes and ancillary data related to the acquisition and the patient

    Social-Group-Optimization based tumor evaluation tool for clinical brain MRI of Flair/diffusion-weighted modality

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    Brain tumor is one of the harsh diseases among human community and is usually diagnosed with medical imaging procedures. Computed-Tomography (CT) and Magnetic-Resonance-Image (MRI) are the regularly used non-invasive methods to acquire brain abnormalities for medical study. Due to its importance, a significant quantity of image assessment and decision-making procedures exist in literature. This article proposes a two-stage image assessment tool to examine brain MR images acquired using the Flair and DW modalities. The combination of the Social-Group-Optimization (SGO) and Shannon's-Entropy (SE) supported multi-thresholding is implemented to pre-processing the input images. The image post-processing includes several procedures, such as Active Contour (AC), Watershed and region-growing segmentation, to extract the tumor section. Finally, a classifier system is implemented using ANFIS to categorize the tumor under analysis into benign and malignant. Experimental investigation was executed using benchmark datasets, like ISLES and BRATS, and also clinical MR images obtained with Flair/DW modality. The outcome of this study confirms that AC offers enhanced results compared with other segmentation procedures considered in this article. The ANFIS classifier obtained an accuracy of 94.51% on the used ISLES and real clinical images. (C) 2019 Nalecz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences

    DeepSeg: Deep Neural Network Framework for Automatic Brain Tumor Segmentation using Magnetic Resonance FLAIR Images

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    Purpose: Gliomas are the most common and aggressive type of brain tumors due to their infiltrative nature and rapid progression. The process of distinguishing tumor boundaries from healthy cells is still a challenging task in the clinical routine. Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) MRI modality can provide the physician with information about tumor infiltration. Therefore, this paper proposes a new generic deep learning architecture; namely DeepSeg for fully automated detection and segmentation of the brain lesion using FLAIR MRI data. Methods: The developed DeepSeg is a modular decoupling framework. It consists of two connected core parts based on an encoding and decoding relationship. The encoder part is a convolutional neural network (CNN) responsible for spatial information extraction. The resulting semantic map is inserted into the decoder part to get the full resolution probability map. Based on modified U-Net architecture, different CNN models such as Residual Neural Network (ResNet), Dense Convolutional Network (DenseNet), and NASNet have been utilized in this study. Results: The proposed deep learning architectures have been successfully tested and evaluated on-line based on MRI datasets of Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS 2019) challenge, including s336 cases as training data and 125 cases for validation data. The dice and Hausdorff distance scores of obtained segmentation results are about 0.81 to 0.84 and 9.8 to 19.7 correspondingly. Conclusion: This study showed successful feasibility and comparative performance of applying different deep learning models in a new DeepSeg framework for automated brain tumor segmentation in FLAIR MR images. The proposed DeepSeg is open-source and freely available at https://github.com/razeineldin/DeepSeg/.Comment: Accepted to International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surger

    Radiotherapy planning for glioblastoma based on a tumor growth model: Improving target volume delineation

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    Glioblastoma are known to infiltrate the brain parenchyma instead of forming a solid tumor mass with a defined boundary. Only the part of the tumor with high tumor cell density can be localized through imaging directly. In contrast, brain tissue infiltrated by tumor cells at low density appears normal on current imaging modalities. In clinical practice, a uniform margin is applied to account for microscopic spread of disease. The current treatment planning procedure can potentially be improved by accounting for the anisotropy of tumor growth: Anatomical barriers such as the falx cerebri represent boundaries for migrating tumor cells. In addition, tumor cells primarily spread in white matter and infiltrate gray matter at lower rate. We investigate the use of a phenomenological tumor growth model for treatment planning. The model is based on the Fisher-Kolmogorov equation, which formalizes these growth characteristics and estimates the spatial distribution of tumor cells in normal appearing regions of the brain. The target volume for radiotherapy planning can be defined as an isoline of the simulated tumor cell density. A retrospective study involving 10 glioblastoma patients has been performed. To illustrate the main findings of the study, a detailed case study is presented for a glioblastoma located close to the falx. In this situation, the falx represents a boundary for migrating tumor cells, whereas the corpus callosum provides a route for the tumor to spread to the contralateral hemisphere. We further discuss the sensitivity of the model with respect to the input parameters. Correct segmentation of the brain appears to be the most crucial model input. We conclude that the tumor growth model provides a method to account for anisotropic growth patterns of glioblastoma, and may therefore provide a tool to make target delineation more objective and automated