15 research outputs found

    Baseline Requirements for Comparative Research on Cross-Platform Mobile Development: A Literature Survey

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    Technical implementations are common in computing research to objectively assess hypotheses. In mobile computing, and more specifically within research on cross-platform mobile development, such implementations are usually in the form of mobile apps. Due to the lack of a common ground for research on app development, studies tend to lack depth and miss out on possible contributions. In an attempt to better the situation, we propose a technical baseline for future research on cross-platform app development to draw from based on previous studies’ technical implementations. We assess and scrutinize existing literature to find trends, and use the generated knowledge to lay out the baseline proposa

    Information System on Smartphone for Teachers

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    Práce se zabývá problematikou informačním systémů na základních a středních školách s využitím chytrých telefonů vyučujícími v hodinách. Cílem práce je vytvořit aplikaci spustitelnou na operačních systémech Android a iOS, která vyučujícím zprostředkuje práci se školním informačním systémem. V dokumentu je popsána problematika mobilních aplikací a implementace aplikace. Pro vytvoření programu bylo použito nástrojů PhoneGap a JQuery Mobile a programovacích jazyků JavaSript a HTML. Dále byla vytvořena databáze a server, který přes síť komunikuje s aplikací.This thesis is focused at information systems for basic and high schools and their use on smartphones. The goal is to create aplication for operation systems Android and iOS, which mediates work with school information systems. In the document is described topic of mobile applications and implementation. To create application were used tools PhoneGap and JQuery Mobile and programming languages JavaScript and HTML. Also database and server for communication were created.

    Mobile Apps for Omnichannel Retailing: Revealing the Emerging Showroom Phenomenon

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    The transformation of the smartphone into a key integrating factor of the online & offline retailing environment has lead to the development of mobile applications that shape the omniretailing landscape. The present study provides evidence of the mobile retailing apps frequency of use inside physical stores and explores mobile retailing app assisted shoppers’ preferences of in-store omniretailing practices & technologies. Results reveal that price comparison that could lead to showrooming is of utmost important for consumers. In parallel, consumers that attach great importance to such practice significantly differ from the rest, in terms of the importance they attach to salespeople & omnichannel integration criteria, in order to purchase offline. In contrast, there weren’t found statistically significant differences in terms of the importance they attach to online & offline store atmosphere. Nevertheless, the importance attached to online store atmosphere is high among mobile retailing app assisted shoppers. Drawing on these results, the study provides feedback to retail entrepreneurs regarding the optimal design and features of the future physical retail store

    Fine-Grained Access Control for HTML5-Based Mobile Applications in Android

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    HTML5-based mobile applications are becoming more and more popular because they can run on different platforms. Several newly introduced mobile OS natively support HTML5-based applications. For those that do not provide native sup-port, such as Android, iOS, and Windows Phone, developers can develop HTML5-based applications using middlewares, such as PhoneGap [17]. In these platforms, programs are loaded into a web component, called WebView, which can render HTML5 pages and execute JavaScript code. In order for the program to access the system resources, which are isolated from the content inside WebView due to its sand-box, bridges need to be built between JavaScript and the native code (e.g. Java code in Android). Unfortunately, such bridges break the existing protection that was origi-nally built into WebView. In this paper, we study the potential risks of HTML5-based applications, and investigate how the existing mobile systems ’ access control supports these applications. We fo-cus on Android and the PhoneGap middleware. However, our ideas can be applied to other platforms. Our studies indicate that Android does not provide an adequate access control for this kind of applications. We propose a fine-grained access control mechanism for the bridge in Android system. We have implemented our scheme in Android and have evaluated its effectiveness and performance. 1

    M-gov: uma inovação gerencial ou cidadã? - um estudo de caso dos aplicativos governamentais da justiça eleitoral

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a finalidade e utilização dos aplicativos governamentais, utilizando como recorte analítico o caso específico da Justiça Eleitoral com os aplicativos desenvolvidos para o último pleito eleitoral de 2016. A oferta de aplicativos móveis por organismos governamentais tem sido uma tendência em governo eletrônico nos últimos anos. A adoção desta ferramenta tecnológica como inovação na prestação de serviços públicos tem o potencial de ampliar os mecanismos de interação governo e sociedade e ao mesmo tempo pode contribuir para resultados mais eficientes da gestão governamental. A metodologia utilizada foi o estudo de caso e a coleta de dados foi baseada em análise documental, entrevistas semiestruturadas e análise de dados das lojas virtuais de aplicativos. Os resultados apontam para um direcionamento de aplicações voltadas para o cidadão, porém também se utilizou iniciativas de governo móvel para melhoria de fluxos de trabalho contribuindo para melhoria da gestão institucional.30 p.Gestão PúblicaTrabalho de Conclusão de curso apresentado como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Especialista em Gestão Pública – Gestão Organizacional e Inovação, como requisito parcial para a obtenção do título de Especialista em Gestão Pública.Orientador: Prof. Msc. Davi Lopes Carvalh

    HTML5 Application for Smartphone and Tablet Allowing Marking Places on a Map

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    Rozvoj webových technologiím na čele s HTML5 standartem, dovoluje vývoj pokročilých mobilních aplikací jen s použitím HTML, CSS a JavaScriptu. V mnoha případech je tento přístup lepší, jako vytvářet nativní mobilní aplikaci zvlášť pro každou platformu. Představíme možný postup při vývoji reálné aplikace. Aplikace bude přistupovat k periferiím zařízení jen za pomoci HTML5.The development of web technologies headed by the HTML5 standard, has allowed creating of advanced mobile applications using only HTML, CSS and Javascript. In many cases, this approach is better, than creating native mobile application separately for each mobile platform. We will show you a possible approach to develop real applications in this way. The application will access peripheral devices only with the help HTML5.

    Considering mobile devices in further development of a web-based CRM system

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    Mobiililaitteiden huomioimisesta web-järjestelmissä on tullut entistä tärkeämpää, koska mobiililaitteiden käytön määrä kasvaa jatkuvasti ja ne ovat muuttaneet merkittävästi tapaa, jolla käytämme Internetiä. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on vertailla eri lähestymistapoja mobiililaitteiden huomioimiselle ja toteuttaa olemassa olevaan CRM-järjestelmään (Customer Relationship Management) prototyyppi käyttöliittymästä käyttäen tilanteeseen sopivaa lähestymistapaa. Työ koostuu teoriaosuudesta ja empiirisestä osuudesta, jossa toteutetaan kolmivaiheinen käyttäjätutkimus. Teoriaosuudessa tehdään aluksi kartoitus eri lähestymistavoista mobiililaitteiden huomioimiselle web-järjestelmissä. Korkeimmalla tasolla vaihtoehtoina on luoda erillinen mobiilisovellus tai toteuttaa järjestelmän käyttöliittymä hyödyntäen niin sanottua responsiivista web-suunnittelua (Responsive Web Design). Responsiivisen web-suunnittelun avulla järjestelmän käyttöliittymä voidaan toteuttaa siten, että se mukautuu käytettävän laitteen näytön kokoon. Lisäksi teoriaosuudessa tehdään kirjallisuuskatsaus käyttäjäkeskeisiin menetelmiin ja prosesseihin sekä CRM-järjestelmiin. Käyttäjätutkimuksen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa tutkittiin käytössä olevan CRM-järjestelmän käyttäjien tarpeita erityisesti mobiililaitteilla käytettäessä. Kerätyn tiedon pohjalta luotiin matalan tason prototyyppi, jota testattiin käyttäjillä tutkimuksen toisessa vaiheessa. Toisen vaiheen tarkoituksena oli varmistaa suunnitteluideoiden toimivuus, minkä jälkeen prototyypistä luotiin korkean tason versio hyödyntäen responsiivista web-suunnittelua. Tutkimuksen kolmannessa vaiheessa korkean tason prototyyppiä testattiin rinnakkain käytössä olevan järjestelmän kanssa ja näiden tuloksia verrattiin toisiinsa. Opinnäytetyössä tehty tutkimus osoitti, että mobiililaitteita käytetään pääasiassa tiedon tarkistamiseen. Lisäksi tuloksien perusteella prototyyppi sai käyttäjiltä myönteisen vastaanoton ja responsiivisen web-suunnittelun avulla saatiin tilastollisesti merkittäviä positiivisia vaikutuksia kyseisen järjestelmän käytettävyyteen

    Digital support for self-management and meaningful activities of people with mild dementia:Development, implementation and feasibility of a person-centred touch-screen intervention

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    This thesis reports on the research that was conducted to develop and pilot test a person-centred touchscreen-based program (FindMyApps intervention) that supports people with mild dementia and their informal carers in how to use a tablet and apps for self-management and meaningful activities. The program consists of the FindMyApps training for informal carers in supporting people with mild dementia in using a tablet and the FindMyApps selection tool designed to help people with mild dementia find apps for self-management and meaningful activities that fit their needs, wishes and abilities. The program was developed following the Medical Research Council (MRC) Framework for the design and evaluation of complex interventions and in co-creation with end users. The chapters of this thesis describe the first three phases of this framework i.e.: the preclinical or theoretical phase (0); the modelling phase (I) and the exploratory trial (II). The execution of an RCT (III), and further implementation (IV) in case the intervention proves effective, are beyond the scope of this thesis. In the first phase user needs studies were performed to identify user requirements for desired self-management and meaningful activities and to identify user-requirements related to the use of apps. Eight focus groups were performed in which people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or mild dementia (n=13) and informal carers (n=15) participated. We also conducted a literature review to explore which training interventions are most effective for people with mild dementia in (re)learning how to use technologies, including handheld touchscreen devices. An electronic search was conducted in the following databases: PubMed, APA PsycInfo (EBSCO) and CINAHL (EBSCO). In total 16 studies met the inclusion criteria. Our review contributed to the growing amount of promising evidence on the potential impact of Errorless learning training interventions for people with mild to moderate dementia in (re)learning how to use technology. Based on these results we developed the FindMyApps training. In the second phase of the framework we developed a first concept of the FindMyApps selection tool based on identified user requirements. To ensure its usability, the web-based tool was developed using a ‘user-participatory design’ involving the close collaboration of potential users, a development team (researchers, developers and designers) and an expert team (experts in person-centred dementia care and ICT). In three short iterative rounds – so called ‘sprints’ – the users (people with dementia (n=8) and (in)formal carers (n=10)) were invited to test whether the prototypes were in line with their needs, wishes and abilities. This generated important insights into user-interface aspects relating to (i) useful content and (ii) a user-friendly tool design. In the third phase we pilot tested the FindMyApps intervention by means of individual semi-structured interviews and a pilot randomized controlled exploratory trial. Twenty people with mild dementia and informal carer dyads were randomly assigned to the FindMyApps group (n=10), receiving either the FindMyApps training and selection tool, or a control condition (n=10), receiving only a short tablet training. Pre- and post-test measurements at a three month follow-up, consisted of questionnaires and post-test semi-structured interviews. Based on the qualitative results and the effect sizes on the outcomes measured in this study, we consider that the FindMyApps intervention has the potential to positively influence the self-management and engagement in meaningful activities in people with dementia. Future studies with a larger sample should better indicate whether this expectation can be confirmed. The intervention will be further improved and tested in a larger pilot-RCT study and its effectiveness subsequently evaluated in a definite RCT

    Morfologia do m-commerce : qualidade percebida pelos utilizadores em Portugal

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    De forma acelerada a sociedade da informação instala-se e aproxima-nos da 4.ª revolução industrial que, sendo baseada na inteligência artificial e na robótica, criará novos desafios à humanidade. No advento dessa aproximação os dispositivos móveis permitem-nos estarmos sempre conectados à Internet, ligados às equipas de trabalho, informados sobre o que estrutura a nossa ação e capazes de adquirir bens e/ou serviços de qualquer lugar e em qualquer hora ou dia. Com este enquadramento realizou-se o presente estudo no sentido de conhecer o potencial dos dispositivos móveis como canal comercial. Procura-se conhecer requisitos e limitações das alternativas técnicas entre apps e sites responsivos. Visa perceber o nível de adoção da tecnologia em diferentes planos da vida pelos portugueses e, em particular, junto dos jovens com formação e competências para uso avançado deste recurso. O presente trabalho descritivo e exploratório, inspirado na metodologia de estudo de caso, criou um inquérito por questionário baseado numa análise heurística a outras propostas, com base nos divulgados princípios do M-S-QUAL, de avaliação da perceção da qualidade pelo utilizador do canal mobile. Aplicado o instrumento a uma amostra de 37 sujeitos em ambiente controlado e sem pretensão de generalização, foi possível avaliar três diferentes apps de m-commerce presentes no mercado português, sendo possível verificar a larga experiência dos sujeitos na compra online e a razoável adoção do mobile para o mesmo fim. Globalmente a avaliação é muito idêntica para duas das três apps havendo diferenças de qualidade percebida entre dimensões de forma mais expressiva na “capacidade de resposta”. Os dados obtidos indiciam uma diferença de género na apreciação realizada para as diversas dimensões de avaliação.The information society rapidly settles among us which brings us closer to the fourth industrial revolution. This revolution is based on artificial intelligence and robotics, there for it will create new challenges to humanity. During this changing times, mobile devices allow us to always be connected to the Internet, to our work teams, informed about what structure our behavior and are able to purchase goods and services from anywhere at any time. Within this framework, this study was developed with the goal of understanding the mobile devices potential for m-commerce purposes. Seeks to identify requirements and limitations between two different techniques, apps and responsive sites. It also aims to realize the level of adoption of mobile technology by the Portuguese and, in particular, among young people with the training and skills for advanced use. This descriptive and exploratory study, inspired by a case study methodology, developed a survey based on a heuristic analysis to other proposals, grounded on M-S-Qual principles, for assessing the perception of quality by mobile channel user. The survey was applied to a sample of 37 subjects in a controlled environment and without any generalization claim. The sample evaluated three different m-commerce apps present in the Portuguese market. We were able to check the extensive experience of the subjects in the e-commerce and the reasonable adoption of mobile for m-commerce use. Overall evaluation identified similar results between two of the three apps in play. There were different results on perceived quality in all factors. The major gap was on responsiveness. The data may suggest differences between genders on the perceived quality for the various assessment dimensions