17 research outputs found

    Shift Estimation Algorithm for Dynamic Sensors With Frame-to-Frame Variation in Their Spectral Response

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    This study is motivated by the emergence of a new class of tunable infrared spectral-imaging sensors that offer the ability to dynamically vary the sensor\u27s intrinsic spectral response from frame to frame in an electronically controlled fashion. A manifestation of this is when a sequence of dissimilar spectral responses is periodically realized, whereby in every period of acquired imagery, each frame is associated with a distinct spectral band. Traditional scene-based global shift estimation algorithms are not applicable to such spectrally heterogeneous video sequences, as a pixel value may change from frame to frame as a result of both global motion and varying spectral response. In this paper, a novel algorithm is proposed and examined to fuse a series of coarse global shift estimates between periodically sampled pairs of nonadjacent frames to estimate motion between consecutive frames; each pair corresponds to two nonadjacent frames of the same spectral band. The proposed algorithm outperforms three alternative methods, with the average error being one half of that obtained by using an equal weights version of the proposed algorithm, one-fourth of that obtained by using a simple linear interpolation method, and one-twentieth of that obtained by using a naiÂżve correlation-based direct method

    Automatic aerial target detection and tracking system in airborne FLIR images based on efficient target trajectory filtering

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    Common strategies for detection and tracking of aerial moving targets in airborne Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR) images offer accurate results in images composed by a non-textured sky. However, when cloud and earth regions appear in the image sequence, those strategies result in an over-detection that increases very significantly the false alarm rate. Besides, the airborne camera induces a global motion in the image sequence that complicates even more detection and tracking tasks. In this work, an automatic detection and tracking system with an innovative and efficient target trajectory filtering is presented. It robustly compensates the global motion to accurately detect and track potential aerial targets. Their trajectories are analyzed by a curve fitting technique to reliably validate real targets. This strategy allows to filter false targets with stationary or erratic trajectories. The proposed system makes special emphasis in the use of low complexity video analysis techniques to achieve real-time operation. Experimental results using real FLIR sequences show a dramatic reduction of the false alarm rate, while maintaining the detection rate

    Video alignment to a common reference

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    2015 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Handheld videos often include unintentional motion (jitter) and intentional motion (pan and/or zoom). Human viewers prefer to see jitter removed, creating a smoothly moving camera. For video analysis, in contrast, aligning to a fixed stable background is sometimes preferable. This paper presents an algorithm that removes both forms of motion using a novel and efficient way of tracking background points while ignoring moving foreground points. The approach is related to image mosaicing, but the result is a video rather than an enlarged still image. It is also related to multiple object tracking approaches, but simpler since moving objects need not be explicitly tracked. The algorithm presented takes as input a video and returns one or several stabilized videos. Videos are broken into parts when the algorithm detects background change and it becomes necessary to fix upon a new background. We present two techniques in this thesis. One technique stabilizes the video with respect to the first available frame. Another technique stabilizes the videos with respect to a best frame. Our approach assumes the person holding the camera is standing in one place and that objects in motion do not dominate the image. Our algorithm performs better than previously published approaches when compared on 1,401 handheld videos from the recently released Point-and-Shoot Face Recognition Challenge (PASC)

    Fast Video Stabilization Algorithms

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    A fast and robust electronic video stabilization algorithm is presented in this thesis. It is based on a two-dimensional feature-based motion estimation technique. The method tracks a small set of features and estimates the movement of the camera between consecutive frames. It is used to characterize the motions accurately including camera rotations between two imaging instants. An affine motion model is utilized to determine the parameters of translation and rotation between images. The determined affine transformation is then exploited to compensate for the abrupt temporal discontinuities of input image sequences. Also, a frequency domain approach is developed to estimate translations between two consecutive frames in a video sequence. Finally, a jitter detection technique to isolate vibration affected subsequence of an image sequence is presented. The experimental results of using both simulated and real images have revealed the applicability of the proposed techniques. In particular, the emphasis has been to develop real time implementable algorithms, suitable for unmanned vehicles with severe payload constraints

    Evaluation and selection of video stabilization techniques for UAV-based active infrared thermography application

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    nmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) that can fly around an aircraft carrying several sensors, e.g., thermal and optical cameras, to inspect the parts of interest without removing them can have significant impact in reducing inspection time and cost. One of the main challenges in the UAV based active InfraRed Thermography (IRT) inspection is the UAV’s unexpected motions. Since active thermography is mainly concerned with the analysis of thermal sequences, unexpected motions can disturb the thermal profiling and cause data misinterpretation especially for providing an automated process pipeline of such inspections. Additionally, in the scenarios where post-analysis is intended to be applied by an inspector, the UAV’s unexpected motions can increase the risk of human error, data misinterpretation, and incorrect characterization of possible defects. Therefore, post-processing is required to minimize/eliminate such undesired motions using digital video stabilization techniques. There are number of video stabilization algorithms that are readily available; however, selecting the best suited one is also challenging. Therefore, this paper evaluates video stabilization algorithms to minimize/mitigate undesired UAV motion and proposes a simple method to find the best suited stabilization algorithm as a fundamental first step towards a fully operational UAV-IRT inspection system

    StableFlow: a physics inspired digital video stabilization

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    This thesis addresses the problem of digital video stabilization. With the widespread use of handheld devices and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that has the ability to record videos, digital video stabilization becomes more important as the videos are often shaky undermining the visual quality of the video. Digital video stabilization has been studied for decades yielding an extensive amount of literature in the field, however, current approaches suffer from either being computationally expensive or under-performing in terms of visual quality . In this thesis, we firstly introduce a novel study of the effect of image denoising on feature-based digital video stabilization. Then, we introduce SteadyFlow, a novel technique for real-time stabilization inspired by the mass spring damper model. A video frame is modelled as a mass suspended in each direction by a critically dampened spring and damper which can be fine-tuned to adapt with different shaking patterns. The proposed technique is tested on video sequences that have different types of shakiness and diverse video contents. The obtained results significantly outperforms state-of-the art stabilization techniques in terms of visual quality while performing in real time