457 research outputs found

    Predictive Control of Diabetic Glycemia

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    Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease, where the blood glucose concentration of the patient is elevated. This is either because of missing insulin production due to failure of the β-cells in the pancreas (Type 1) or because of reduced sensitivity of the cells in the body to insulin (Type 2). The therapy for Type 1 diabetic patients usually consists of insulin injections to substitute for the missing insulin. The decision about the amount of insulin to be taken has to be made by the patient, based on empirically developed rules of thumb. To help the patient with this task, advanced mathematical algorithms were used in this thesis to determine intakes of insulin and counteracting glucose that can bring the blood glucose concentration back to normoglycemia. The focus in this work was to determine insulin and glucose intakes around mealtimes. These algorithms used optimization methods together with predictions of the blood glucose concentration and mathematical models describing the patient dynamics to determine the insulin and glucose doses. For evaluation, the control algorithms were tested insilico using a virtual patient and are compared to a simple bolus calculator from the literature. The aim was to increase the time spent in the safe range of blood glucose values of 70 − 180 [mg/dL]

    Robust strategies for glucose control in type 1 diabetes

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    [EN] Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic and incurable disease that affects millions of people all around the world. Its main characteristic is the destruction (totally or partially) of the beta cells of the pancreas. These cells are in charge of producing insulin, main hormone implied in the control of blood glucose. Keeping high levels of blood glucose for a long time has negative health effects, causing different kinds of complications. For that reason patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus need to receive insulin in an exogenous way. Since 1921 when insulin was first isolated to be used in humans and first glucose monitoring techniques were developed, many advances have been done in clinical treatment with insulin. Currently 2 main research lines focused on improving the quality of life of diabetic patients are opened. The first one is concentrated on the research of stem cells to replace damaged beta cells and the second one has a more technological orientation. This second line focuses on the development of new insulin analogs to allow emulating with higher fidelity the endogenous pancreas secretion, the development of new noninvasive continuous glucose monitoring systems and insulin pumps capable of administering different insulin profiles and the use of decision-support tools and telemedicine. The most important challenge the scientific community has to overcome is the development of an artificial pancreas, that is, to develop algorithms that allow an automatic control of blood glucose. The main difficulty avoiding a tight glucose control is the high variability found in glucose metabolism. This fact is especially important during meal compensation. This variability, together with the delay in subcutaneous insulin absorption and action causes controller overcorrection that leads to late hypoglycemia (the most important acute complication of insulin treatment). The proposals of this work pay special attention to overcome these difficulties. In that way interval models are used to represent the patient physiology and to be able to take into account parametric uncertainty. This type of strategy has been used in both the open loop proposal for insulin dosage and the closed loop algorithm. Moreover the idea behind the design of this last proposal is to avoid controller overcorrection to minimize hypoglycemia while adding robustness against glucose sensor failures and over/under- estimation of meal carbohydrates. The algorithms proposed have been validated both in simulation and in clinical trials.[ES] La diabetes mellitus tipo 1 es una enfermedad crónica e incurable que afecta a millones de personas en todo el mundo. Se caracteriza por una destrucción total o parcial de las células beta del páncreas. Estas células son las encargadas de producir la insulina, hormona principal en el control de glucosa en sangre. Valores altos de glucosa en la sangre mantenidos en el tiempo afectan negativamente a la salud, provocando complicaciones de diversa índole. Es por eso que los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 necesitan recibir insulina de forma exógena. Desde que se consiguiera en 1921 aislar la insulina para poder utilizarla en clínica humana, y se empezaran a desarrollar las primeras técnicas de monitorización de glucemia, se han producido grandes avances en el tratamiento con insulina. Actualmente, las líneas de investigación que se están siguiendo en relación a la mejora de la calidad de vida de los pacientes diabéticos, tienen fundamentalmente 2 vertientes: una primera que se centra en la investigación en células madre para la reposición de las células beta y una segunda vertiente de carácter más tecnológico. Dentro de esta segunda vertiente, están abiertas varias líneas de investigación, entre las que se encuentran el desarrollo de nuevos análogos de insulina que permitan emular más fielmente la secreción endógena del páncreas, el desarrollo de monitores continuos de glucosa no invasivos, bombas de insulina capaces de administrar distintos perfiles de insulina y la inclusión de sistemas de ayuda a la decisión y telemedicina. El mayor reto al que se enfrentan los investigadores es el de conseguir desarrollar un páncreas artificial, es decir, desarrollar algoritmos que permitan disponer de un control automático de la glucosa. La principal barrera que se encuentra para conseguir un control riguroso de la glucosa es la alta variabilidad que presenta su metabolismo. Esto es especialmente significativo durante la compensación de las comidas. Esta variabilidad junto con el retraso en la absorción y actuación de la insulina administrada de forma subcutánea favorece la aparición de hipoglucemias tardías (complicación aguda más importante del tratamiento con insulina) a consecuencia de la sobreactuación del controlador. Las propuestas presentadas en este trabajo hacen especial hincapié en sobrellevar estas dificultades. Así, se utilizan modelos intervalares para representar la fisiología del paciente, y poder tener en cuenta la incertidumbre en sus parámetros. Este tipo de estrategia se ha utilizado tanto en la propuesta de dosificación automática en lazo abierto como en el algoritmo en lazo cerrado. Además la principal idea de diseño de esta última propuesta es evitar la sobreactuación del controlador evitando hipoglucemias y añadiendo robustez ante fallos en el sensor de glucosa y en la estimación de las comidas. Los algoritmos propuestos han sido validados en simulación y en clínica.[CA] La diabetis mellitus tipus 1 és una malaltia crònica i incurable que afecta milions de persones en tot el món. Es caracteritza per una destrucció total o parcial de les cèl.lules beta del pàncrees. Aquestes cèl.lules són les encarregades de produir la insulina, hormona principal en el control de glucosa en sang. Valors alts de glucosa en la sang mantinguts en el temps afecten negativament la salut, provocant complicacions de diversa índole. És per això que els pacients amb diabetis mellitus tipus 1 necessiten rebre insulina de forma exògena. Des que s'aconseguís en 1921 aïllar la insulina per a poder utilitzar-la en clínica humana, i es començaren a desenrotllar les primeres tècniques de monitorització de glucèmia, s'han produït grans avanços en el tractament amb insulina. Actualment, les línies d'investigació que s'estan seguint en relació a la millora de la qualitat de vida dels pacients diabètics, tenen fonamentalment 2 vessants: un primer que es centra en la investigació de cèl.lules mare per a la reposició de les cèl.lules beta i un segon vessant de caràcter més tecnològic. Dins d' aquest segon vessant, estan obertes diverses línies d'investigació, entre les que es troben el desenrotllament de nous anàlegs d'insulina que permeten emular més fidelment la secreció del pàncrees, el desenrotllament de monitors continus de glucosa no invasius, bombes d'insulina capaces d'administrar distints perfils d'insulina i la inclusió de sistemes d'ajuda a la decisió i telemedicina. El major repte al què s'enfronten els investigadors és el d'aconseguir desenrotllar un pàncrees artificial, és a dir, desenrotllar algoritmes que permeten disposar d'un control automàtic de la glucosa. La principal barrera que es troba per a aconseguir un control rigorós de la glucosa és l'alta variabilitat que presenta el seu metabolisme. Açò és especialment significatiu durant la compensació dels menjars. Aquesta variabilitat junt amb el retard en l'absorció i actuació de la insulina administrada de forma subcutània afavorix l'aparició d'hipoglucèmies tardanes (complicació aguda més important del tractament amb insulina) a conseqüència de la sobreactuació del controlador. Les propostes presentades en aquest treball fan especial insistència en suportar aquestes dificultats. Així, s'utilitzen models intervalares per a representar la fisiologia del pacient, i poder tindre en compte la incertesa en els seus paràmetres. Aquest tipus d'estratègia s'ha utilitzat tant en la proposta de dosificació automàtica en llaç obert com en l' algoritme en llaç tancat. A més, la principal idea de disseny d'aquesta última proposta és evitar la sobreactuació del controlador evitant hipoglucèmies i afegint robustesa.Revert Tomás, A. (2015). Robust strategies for glucose control in type 1 diabetes [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/56001TESI

    Design and Validation of an Open-Source Closed-Loop Testbed for Artificial Pancreas Systems

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    The development of a fully autonomous artificial pancreas system (APS) to independently regulate the glucose levels of a patient with Type 1 diabetes has been a long-standing goal of diabetes research. A significant barrier to progress is the difficulty of testing new control algorithms and safety features, since clinical trials are time- and resource-intensive. To facilitate ease of validation, we propose an open-source APS testbed by integrating APS controllers with two state-of-the-art glucose simulators and a novel fault injection engine. The testbed is able to reproduce the blood glucose trajectories of real patients from a clinical trial conducted over six months. We evaluate the performance of two closed-loop control algorithms (OpenAPS and Basal Bolus) using the testbed and find that more advanced control algorithms are able to keep blood glucose in a safe region 93.49% and 79.46% of the time on average, compared with 66.18% of the time for the clinical trial. The fault injection engine simulates the real recalls and adverse events reported to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and demonstrates the resilience of the controller in hazardous conditions. We used the testbed to generate 2.5 years of synthetic data representing 20 different patient profiles with realistic adverse event scenarios, which would have been expensive and risky to collect in a clinical trial. The proposed testbed is a valid tool that can be used by the research community to demonstrate the effectiveness of different control algorithms and safety features for APS.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, to appear in the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies (CHASE), 202

    Model-Free Machine Learning in Biomedicine: Feasibility Study in Type 1 Diabetes

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    Although reinforcement learning (RL) is suitable for highly uncertain systems, the applicability of this class of algorithms to medical treatment may be limited by the patient variability which dictates individualised tuning for their usually multiple algorithmic parameters. This study explores the feasibility of RL in the framework of artificial pancreas development for type 1 diabetes (T1D). In this approach, an Actor-Critic (AC) learning algorithm is designed and developed for the optimisation of insulin infusion for personalised glucose regulation. AC optimises the daily basal insulin rate and insulin:carbohydrate ratio for each patient, on the basis of his/her measured glucose profile. Automatic, personalised tuning of AC is based on the estimation of information transfer (IT) from insulin to glucose signals. Insulin-to-glucose IT is linked to patient-specific characteristics related to total daily insulin needs and insulin sensitivity (SI). The AC algorithm is evaluated using an FDA-accepted T1D simulator on a large patient database under a complex meal protocol, meal uncertainty and diurnal SI variation. The results showed that 95.66% of time was spent in normoglycaemia in the presence of meal uncertainty and 93.02% when meal uncertainty and SI variation were simultaneously considered. The time spent in hypoglycaemia was 0.27% in both cases. The novel tuning method reduced the risk of severe hypoglycaemia, especially in patients with low SI

    Reinforcement Learning approaches for Artificial Pancreas Control

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    openPeople with type 1 diabetes are affected by a chronic deficiency of insulin secretion in their body; as a consequence, insulin has to be continually self-administered to keep in check their blood glucose levels. In recent years, rapid technological advancements in continuous glucose monitoring and insulin administration systems have allowed researchers to work on automated control methods for diabetes management, commonly referred to as Artificial Pancreas. The development of control algorithms in this context is a very active research area. While traditional control approaches have been the main focus so far, Reinforcement Learning (RL) seems to offer a compelling alternative framework, which has not been thoroughly explored yet. This thesis investigates the employment of several RL approaches, based on the algorithm Sarsa lambda, on in silico patients, using the FDA accepted UVa-Padova Type 1 Diabetes simulator. The way the overall representation of the problem affects the performance of the system is discussed, underlying how each component fits into the general framework proposed and evaluating the pros and cons of each method. Particular emphasis is also placed on the interpretability of both the training process and the final policies obtained. Experimental results demonstrate that classic RL methods have the potential to be a viable future approach to achieve proper control and a good degree of personalization in glycemic regulation for diabetes management.People with type 1 diabetes are affected by a chronic deficiency of insulin secretion in their body; as a consequence, insulin has to be continually self-administered to keep in check their blood glucose levels. In recent years, rapid technological advancements in continuous glucose monitoring and insulin administration systems have allowed researchers to work on automated control methods for diabetes management, commonly referred to as Artificial Pancreas. The development of control algorithms in this context is a very active research area. While traditional control approaches have been the main focus so far, Reinforcement Learning (RL) seems to offer a compelling alternative framework, which has not been thoroughly explored yet. This thesis investigates the employment of several RL approaches, based on the algorithm Sarsa lambda, on in silico patients, using the FDA accepted UVa-Padova Type 1 Diabetes simulator. The way the overall representation of the problem affects the performance of the system is discussed, underlying how each component fits into the general framework proposed and evaluating the pros and cons of each method. Particular emphasis is also placed on the interpretability of both the training process and the final policies obtained. Experimental results demonstrate that classic RL methods have the potential to be a viable future approach to achieve proper control and a good degree of personalization in glycemic regulation for diabetes management

    Modeling and control to improve blood glucose concentration for people with diabetes

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    Diabetes mellitus is a chronical condition that features either the lack of insulin or increased insulin resistance. It is a disorder in the human metabolic system. To combat insufficiency of insulin released by pancreas, a closed-loop control system, also known as artificial pancreas (AP) in this application, have been created to mimic the functionality of a human pancreas. An AP is used to regulate blood glucose concentration (BGC) by managing the release of insulin. Therefore, an algorithm, which can administer insulin to reduce the variation of BGC and minimize the occurrences of hyper-/ hypoglycemia episodes, is the key component of an AP. The objective of the dissertation is to develop an optimal algorithm to better control BGC for people with diabetes. For people with Type 2 diabetes, prevention or treatment of diabetes mellitus can typically be done via a change of lifestyle and weight management. A virtual sensing system that does not require many manual inputs from patients can ease the burden for people with Type 2 diabetes. This dissertation covers the development of a monitoring system for Type 2 diabetes. To achieve the goal of tighter control of BGC for people with Type 1 diabetes, dynamic modeling methodology for capturing the cause-and-effect relationship between manipulated variable (i.e. insulin) and controlled variable (i.e. BGC) has been developed. Theoretically, this dissertation has established that physiologically based nonlinear parameterized wiener models being superior to nonlinear autoregressive moving average with exogenous inputs (NARMAX) models in capturing dynamic relationships in processes with correlated inputs. Based on these results, wiener models have been applied in the modeling of BGC for real subjects with Type 1 diabetes under free-living conditions. With promising results shown in wiener models, an extended physiologically based model (i.e. semi-coupled model) has been developed from wiener structure, which enables the development of a phenomenologically sound feedforward control law. The feedforward control law based on wiener models has been tested in simulated continuous-stirred-tank reactor (CSTR) that demonstrates tight control of controlled variables. Further simulation runs with a CSTR also shows feedforward predictive control (FFPC) can provide tighter control over model predictive control (MPC). Lastly, for the special application of BGC control for people with Type 1 diabetes, FFPC demonstrates tighter control than MPC under simulation environment. To account for unmeasured disturbances and inaccurate models for manipulated variable in real life scenarios, feedback predictive control (FBPC) is developed and proven to be a more effective control algorithm under both CSTR and diabetes simulation environment, which can establish the foundation for tightening BGC in real subject clinical studies

    Model-Based Analysis of User Behaviors in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Human operators play a critical role in various Cyber-Physical System (CPS) domains, for example, transportation, smart living, robotics, and medicine. The rapid advancement of automation technology is driving a trend towards deep human-automation cooperation in many safety-critical applications, making it important to explicitly consider user behaviors throughout the system development cycle. While past research has generated extensive knowledge and techniques for analyzing human-automation interaction, in many emerging applications, it remains an open challenge to develop quantitative models of user behaviors that can be directly incorporated into the system-level analysis. This dissertation describes methods for modeling different types of user behaviors in medical CPS and integrating the behavioral models into system analysis. We make three main contributions. First, we design a model-based analysis framework to evaluate, improve, and formally verify the robustness of generic (i.e., non-personalized) user behaviors that are typically driven by rule-based clinical protocols. We conceptualize a data-driven technique to predict safety-critical events at run-time in the presence of possible time-varying process disturbances. Second, we develop a methodology to systematically identify behavior variables and functional relationships in healthcare applications. We build personalized behavior models and analyze population-level behavioral patterns. Third, we propose a sequential decision filtering technique by leveraging a generic parameter-invariant test to validate behavior information that may be measured through unreliable channels, which is a practical challenge in many human-in-the-loop applications. A unique strength of this validation technique is that it achieves high inter-subject consistency despite uncertain parametric variances in the physiological processes, without needing any individual-level tuning. We validate the proposed approaches by applying them to several case studies

    Model-Based Closed-Loop Glucose Control in Critical Illness

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    Stress hyperglycemia is a common complication in critically ill patients and is associated with increased mortality and morbidity. Tight glucose control (TGC) has shown promise in reducing mean glucose levels in critically ill patients and may mitigate the harmful repercussions of stress hyperglycemia. Despite the promise of TGC, care must be taken to avoid hypoglycemia, which has been implicated in the failure of some previous clinical attempts at TGC using intensive insulin therapies. In fact, a single hypoglycemic event has been shown to result in worsened patient outcomes. The nature of tight glucose regulation lends itself to automatic monitoring and control, thereby reducing the burden on clinical staff. A blood glucose target range of 110-130 mg/dL has been identified in the High-Density Intensive Care (HIDENIC) database at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC). A control framework comprised of a zone model predictive controller (zMPC) with moving horizon estimation (MHE) is proposed to maintain euglycemia in critically ill patients. Using continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) the proposed control scheme calculates optimized insulin and glucose infusion to maintain blood glucose concentrations within the target zone. Results from an observational study employing continuous glucose monitors at UPMC are used to reconstruct blood glucose from noisy CGM data, identify a model of CGM error in critically ill patients, and develop an in silico virtual patient cohort. The virtual patient cohort recapitulates expected physiologic trends with respect to insulin sensitivity and glycemic variability. Furthermore, a mechanism is introduced utilizing proportional-integral-derivative (PID) to modulate basal pancreatic insulin secretion rates in virtual patients. The result is virtual patients who behave realistically in simulated oral glucose tolerance tests and insulin tolerance tests and match clinically observed responses. Finally, in silico trials are used to simulate clinical conditions and test the developed control system under realistic conditions. Under normal conditions the control system is able to tightly control glucose concentrations within the target zone while avoiding hypoglycemia. To safely counteract the effect of faulty CGMs a system to detect sensor error and request CGM recalibration is introduced. Simulated in silico tests of this system results in accurate detection of excessive error leading to higher quality control and hypoglycemia reduction

    Deep learning methods for improving diabetes management tools

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    Diabetes is a chronic disease that is characterised by a lack of regulation of blood glucose concentration in the body, and thus elevated blood glucose levels. Consequently, affected individuals can experience extreme variations in their blood glucose levels with exogenous insulin treatment. This has associated debilitating short-term and long-term complications that affect quality of life and can result in death in the worst instance. The development of technologies such as glucose meters and, more recently, continuous glucose monitors have offered the opportunity to develop systems towards improving clinical outcomes for individuals with diabetes through better glucose control. Data-driven methods can enable the development of the next generation of diabetes management tools focused on i) informativeness ii) safety and iii) easing the burden of management. This thesis aims to propose deep learning methods for improving the functionality of the variety of diabetes technology tools available for self-management. In the pursuit of the aforementioned goals, a number of deep learning methods are developed and geared towards improving the functionality of the existing diabetes technology tools, generally classified as i) self-monitoring of blood glucose ii) decision support systems and iii) artificial pancreas. These frameworks are primarily based on the prediction of glucose concentration levels. The first deep learning framework we propose is geared towards improving the artificial pancreas and decision support systems that rely on continuous glucose monitors. We first propose a convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN) in order to forecast the glucose concentration levels over both short-term and long-term horizons. The predictive accuracy of this model outperforms those of traditional data-driven approaches. The feasibility of this proposed approach for ambulatory use is then demonstrated with the implementation of a decision support system on a smartphone application. We further extend CRNNs to the multitask setting to explore the effectiveness of leveraging population data for developing personalised models with limited individual data. We show that this enables earlier deployment of applications without significantly compromising performance and safety. The next challenge focuses on easing the burden of management by proposing a deep learning framework for automatic meal detection and estimation. The deep learning framework presented employs multitask learning and quantile regression to safely detect and estimate the size of unannounced meals with high precision. We also demonstrate that this facilitates automated insulin delivery for the artificial pancreas system, improving glycaemic control without significantly increasing the risk or incidence of hypoglycaemia. Finally, the focus shifts to improving self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) with glucose meters. We propose an uncertainty-aware deep learning model based on a joint Gaussian Process and deep learning framework to provide end users with more dynamic and continuous information similar to continuous glucose sensors. Consequently, we show significant improvement in hyperglycaemia detection compared to the standard SMBG. We hope that through these methods, we can achieve a more equitable improvement in usability and clinical outcomes for individuals with diabetes.Open Acces