20 research outputs found

    The Challenge of Augmented Reality in Surgery

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    Imaging has revolutionized surgery over the last 50 years. Diagnostic imaging is a key tool for deciding to perform surgery during disease management; intraoperative imaging is one of the primary drivers for minimally invasive surgery (MIS), and postoperative imaging enables effective follow-up and patient monitoring. However, notably, there is still relatively little interchange of information or imaging modality fusion between these different clinical pathway stages. This book chapter provides a critique of existing augmented reality (AR) methods or application studies described in the literature using relevant examples. The aim is not to provide a comprehensive review, but rather to give an indication of the clinical areas in which AR has been proposed, to begin to explain the lack of clinical systems and to provide some clear guidelines to those intending pursue research in this area


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    Image-guided therapy addresses the lack of direct vision associated with minimally- invasive interventions performed on the beating heart, but requires effective intraoperative imaging. Gated 4D ultrasound reconstruction using a tracked 2D probe generates a time-series of 3D images representing the beating heart over the cardiac cycle. These images have a relatively high spatial resolution and wide field of view, and ultrasound is easily integrated into the intraoperative environment. This thesis presents a real-time 4D ultrasound reconstruction system incorporated within an augmented reality environment for surgical guidance, whose incremental visualization reduces common acquisition errors. The resulting 4D ultrasound datasets are intended for visualization or registration to preoperative images. A human factors experiment demonstrates the advantages of real-time ultrasound reconstruction, and accuracy assessments performed both with a dynamic phantom and intraoperatively reveal RMS localization errors of 2.5-2.7 mm, and 0.8 mm, respectively. Finally, clinical applicability is demonstrated by both porcine and patient imaging

    Augmented Reality

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is a natural development from virtual reality (VR), which was developed several decades earlier. AR complements VR in many ways. Due to the advantages of the user being able to see both the real and virtual objects simultaneously, AR is far more intuitive, but it's not completely detached from human factors and other restrictions. AR doesn't consume as much time and effort in the applications because it's not required to construct the entire virtual scene and the environment. In this book, several new and emerging application areas of AR are presented and divided into three sections. The first section contains applications in outdoor and mobile AR, such as construction, restoration, security and surveillance. The second section deals with AR in medical, biological, and human bodies. The third and final section contains a number of new and useful applications in daily living and learning

    Visual Perception and Cognition in Image-Guided Intervention

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    Surgical image visualization and interaction systems can dramatically affect the efficacy and efficiency of surgical training, planning, and interventions. This is even more profound in the case of minimally-invasive surgery where restricted access to the operative field in conjunction with limited field of view necessitate a visualization medium to provide patient-specific information at any given moment. Unfortunately, little research has been devoted to studying human factors associated with medical image displays and the need for a robust, intuitive visualization and interaction interfaces has remained largely unfulfilled to this day. Failure to engineer efficient medical solutions and design intuitive visualization interfaces is argued to be one of the major barriers to the meaningful transfer of innovative technology to the operating room. This thesis was, therefore, motivated by the need to study various cognitive and perceptual aspects of human factors in surgical image visualization systems, to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of medical interfaces, and ultimately to improve patient outcomes. To this end, we chose four different minimally-invasive interventions in the realm of surgical training, planning, training for planning, and navigation: The first chapter involves the use of stereoendoscopes to reduce morbidity in endoscopic third ventriculostomy. The results of this study suggest that, compared with conventional endoscopes, the detection of the basilar artery on the surface of the third ventricle can be facilitated with the use of stereoendoscopes, increasing the safety of targeting in third ventriculostomy procedures. In the second chapter, a contour enhancement technique is described to improve preoperative planning of arteriovenous malformation interventions. The proposed method, particularly when combined with stereopsis, is shown to increase the speed and accuracy of understanding the spatial relationship between vascular structures. In the third chapter, an augmented-reality system is proposed to facilitate the training of planning brain tumour resection. The results of our user study indicate that the proposed system improves subjects\u27 performance, particularly novices\u27, in formulating the optimal point of entry and surgical path independent of the sensorimotor tasks performed. In the last chapter, the role of fully-immersive simulation environments on the surgeons\u27 non-technical skills to perform vertebroplasty procedure is investigated. Our results suggest that while training surgeons may increase their technical skills, the introduction of crisis scenarios significantly disturbs the performance, emphasizing the need of realistic simulation environments as part of training curriculum

    Augmented Reality Assistance for Surgical Interventions using Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays

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    Augmented Reality (AR) offers an interactive user experience via enhancing the real world environment with computer-generated visual cues and other perceptual information. It has been applied to different applications, e.g. manufacturing, entertainment and healthcare, through different AR media. An Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Display (OST-HMD) is a specialized hardware for AR, where the computer-generated graphics can be overlaid directly onto the user's normal vision via optical combiners. Using OST-HMD for surgical intervention has many potential perceptual advantages. As a novel concept, many technical and clinical challenges exist for OST-HMD-based AR to be clinically useful, which motivates the work presented in this thesis. From the technical aspects, we first investigate the display calibration of OST-HMD, which is an indispensable procedure to create accurate AR overlay. We propose various methods to reduce the user-related error, improve robustness of the calibration, and remodel the calibration as a 3D-3D registration problem. Secondly, we devise methods and develop hardware prototype to increase the user's visual acuity of both real and virtual content through OST-HMD, to aid them in tasks that require high visual acuity, e.g. dental procedures. Thirdly, we investigate the occlusion caused by the OST-HMD hardware, which limits the user's peripheral vision. We propose to use alternative indicators to remind the user of unattended environment motion. From the clinical perspective, we identified many clinical use cases where OST-HMD-based AR is potentially helpful, developed applications integrated with current clinical systems, and conducted proof-of-concept evaluations. We first present a "virtual monitor'' for image-guided surgery. It can replace real radiology monitors in the operating room with easier user control and more flexibility in positioning. We evaluated the "virtual monitor'' for simulated percutaneous spine procedures. Secondly, we developed ARssist, an application for the bedside assistant in robotic surgery. The assistant can see the robotic instruments and endoscope within the patient body with ARssist. We evaluated the efficiency, safety and ergonomics of the assistant during two typical tasks: instrument insertion and manipulation. The performance for inexperienced users is significantly improved with ARssist, and for experienced users, the system significantly enhanced their confidence level. Lastly, we developed ARAMIS, which utilizes real-time 3D reconstruction and visualization to aid the laparoscopic surgeon. It demonstrates the concept of "X-ray see-through'' surgery. Our preliminary evaluation validated the application via a peg transfer task, and also showed significant improvement in hand-eye coordination. Overall, we have demonstrated that OST-HMD based AR application provides ergonomic improvements, e.g. hand-eye coordination. In challenging situations or for novice users, the improvements in ergonomic factors lead to improvement in task performance. With continuous effort as a community, optical see-through augmented reality technology will be a useful interventional aid in the near future

    Personalized medicine in surgical treatment combining tracking systems, augmented reality and 3D printing

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorIn the last twenty years, a new way of practicing medicine has been focusing on the problems and needs of each patient as an individual thanks to the significant advances in healthcare technology, the so-called personalized medicine. In surgical treatments, personalization has been possible thanks to key technologies adapted to the specific anatomy of each patient and the needs of the physicians. Tracking systems, augmented reality (AR), three-dimensional (3D) printing and artificial intelligence (AI) have previously supported this individualized medicine in many ways. However, their independent contributions show several limitations in terms of patient-to-image registration, lack of flexibility to adapt to the requirements of each case, large preoperative planning times, and navigation complexity. The main objective of this thesis is to increase patient personalization in surgical treatments by combining these technologies to bring surgical navigation to new complex cases by developing new patient registration methods, designing patient-specific tools, facilitating access to augmented reality by the medical community, and automating surgical workflows. In the first part of this dissertation, we present a novel framework for acral tumor resection combining intraoperative open-source navigation software, based on an optical tracking system, and desktop 3D printing. We used additive manufacturing to create a patient-specific mold that maintained the same position of the distal extremity during image-guided surgery as in the preoperative images. The feasibility of the proposed workflow was evaluated in two clinical cases (soft-tissue sarcomas in hand and foot). We achieved an overall accuracy of the system of 1.88 mm evaluated on the patient-specific 3D printed phantoms. Surgical navigation was feasible during both surgeries, allowing surgeons to verify the tumor resection margin. Then, we propose and augmented reality navigation system that uses 3D printed surgical guides with a tracking pattern enabling automatic patient-to-image registration in orthopedic oncology. This specific tool fits on the patient only in a pre-designed location, in this case bone tissue. This solution has been developed as a software application running on Microsoft HoloLens. The workflow was validated on a 3D printed phantom replicating the anatomy of a patient presenting an extraosseous Ewing’s sarcoma, and then tested during the actual surgical intervention. The results showed that the surgical guide with the reference marker can be placed precisely with an accuracy of 2 mm and a visualization error lower than 3 mm. The application allowed physicians to visualize the skin, bone, tumor and medical images overlaid on the phantom and patient. To enable the use of AR and 3D printing by inexperienced users without broad technical knowledge, we designed a step-by-step methodology. The proposed protocol describes how to develop an AR smartphone application that allows superimposing any patient-based 3D model onto a real-world environment using a 3D printed marker tracked by the smartphone camera. Our solution brings AR solutions closer to the final clinical user, combining free and open-source software with an open-access protocol. The proposed guide is already helping to accelerate the adoption of these technologies by medical professionals and researchers. In the next section of the thesis, we wanted to show the benefits of combining these technologies during different stages of the surgical workflow in orthopedic oncology. We designed a novel AR-based smartphone application that can display the patient’s anatomy and the tumor’s location. A 3D printed reference marker, designed to fit in a unique position of the affected bone tissue, enables automatic registration. The system has been evaluated in terms of visualization accuracy and usability during the whole surgical workflow on six realistic phantoms achieving a visualization error below 3 mm. The AR system was tested in two clinical cases during surgical planning, patient communication, and surgical intervention. These results and the positive feedback obtained from surgeons and patients suggest that the combination of AR and 3D printing can improve efficacy, accuracy, and patients’ experience In the final section, two surgical navigation systems have been developed and evaluated to guide electrode placement in sacral neurostimulation procedures based on optical tracking and augmented reality. Our results show that both systems could minimize patient discomfort and improve surgical outcomes by reducing needle insertion time and number of punctures. Additionally, we proposed a feasible clinical workflow for guiding SNS interventions with both navigation methodologies, including automatically creating sacral virtual 3D models for trajectory definition using artificial intelligence and intraoperative patient-to-image registration. To conclude, in this thesis we have demonstrated that the combination of technologies such as tracking systems, augmented reality, 3D printing, and artificial intelligence overcomes many current limitations in surgical treatments. Our results encourage the medical community to combine these technologies to improve surgical workflows and outcomes in more clinical scenarios.Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Biomédica por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidenta: María Jesús Ledesma Carbayo.- Secretaria: María Arrate Muñoz Barrutia.- Vocal: Csaba Pinte

    On-the-fly dense 3D surface reconstruction for geometry-aware augmented reality.

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is an emerging technology that makes seamless connections between virtual space and the real world by superimposing computer-generated information onto the real-world environment. AR can provide additional information in a more intuitive and natural way than any other information-delivery method that a human has ever in- vented. Camera tracking is the enabling technology for AR and has been well studied for the last few decades. Apart from the tracking problems, sensing and perception of the surrounding environment are also very important and challenging problems. Although there are existing hardware solutions such as Microsoft Kinect and HoloLens that can sense and build the environmental structure, they are either too bulky or too expensive for AR. In this thesis, the challenging real-time dense 3D surface reconstruction technologies are studied and reformulated for the reinvention of basic position-aware AR towards geometry-aware and the outlook of context- aware AR. We initially propose to reconstruct the dense environmental surface using the sparse point from Simultaneous Localisation and Map- ping (SLAM), but this approach is prone to fail in challenging Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) scenes such as the presence of deformation and surgical smoke. We subsequently adopt stereo vision with SLAM for more accurate and robust results. With the success of deep learning technology in recent years, we present learning based single image re- construction and achieve the state-of-the-art results. Moreover, we pro- posed context-aware AR, one step further from purely geometry-aware AR towards the high-level conceptual interaction modelling in complex AR environment for enhanced user experience. Finally, a learning-based smoke removal method is proposed to ensure an accurate and robust reconstruction under extreme conditions such as the presence of surgical smoke