82 research outputs found

    Quality-Oriented Mobility Management for Multimedia Content Delivery to Mobile Users

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    The heterogeneous wireless networking environment determined by the latest developments in wireless access technologies promises a high level of communication resources for mobile computational devices. Although the communication resources provided, especially referring to bandwidth, enable multimedia streaming to mobile users, maintaining a high user perceived quality is still a challenging task. The main factors which affect quality in multimedia streaming over wireless networks are mainly the error-prone nature of the wireless channels and the user mobility. These factors determine a high level of dynamics of wireless communication resources, namely variations in throughput and packet loss as well as network availability and delays in delivering the data packets. Under these conditions maintaining a high level of quality, as perceived by the user, requires a quality oriented mobility management scheme. Consequently we propose the Smooth Adaptive Soft-Handover Algorithm, a novel quality oriented handover management scheme which unlike other similar solutions, smoothly transfer the data traffic from one network to another using multiple simultaneous connections. To estimate the capacity of each connection the novel Quality of Multimedia Streaming (QMS) metric is proposed. The QMS metric aims at offering maximum flexibility and efficiency allowing the applications to fine tune the behavior of the handover algorithm. The current simulation-based performance evaluation clearly shows the better performance of the proposed Smooth Adaptive Soft-Handover Algorithm as compared with other handover solutions. The evaluation was performed in various scenarios including multiple mobile hosts performing handover simultaneously, wireless networks with variable overlapping areas, and various network congestion levels

    Handoff management for infotainment services over vehicular networks

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    Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) has impulsed the vehicular communications at the present time. The vehicular communications field is a hot research topic and is attracting a great interest in the automotive industry and telecommunications. There are essentially two main lines of work: (1) communication services related to road safety and traffic information; and (2) information and entertainment services, also named infotainment services. These latter services include both transmitting multimedia (voice over IP, streaming, on-line gaming, etc.) and classic data services (e-mail, access to private networks, web browsing, file sharing, etc.). In this thesis we will focus on these infotainment services because further research in this immature research field is necessary and, until nowadays, the main effort of the research community regarding vehicular communication has been focused on road safety and traffic information. Vehicular nodes need to be reached from the Internet and vice versa to be able to access to infotainment services. While vehicles move along the road infrastructure, they change their wireless point of attachment to the network. During this process, connectivity breaks down until the vehicle is connected again to a new road side unit in its area. This disconnection causes a disruption in the communications. Fast handoffs are a crucial requirement for vehicular networks to avoid long disruption times, since the high speed of vehicular nodes involves suffering a lot of handoffs during an Internet connection. This thesis is focused on Vehicular-to-Infrastructure (V2I) real-time infotainment services. The main contributions of this thesis are: i) a new testing framework for V2I communications to be able to test infotainment services in an easy way; ii) the analysis of the deployability of infotainment video services in vehicular networks using mobility protocols; and iii) the development of a new TCP architecture that will provide a better performance for all TCP-based infotainment services in a vehicular scenario with handoffs. In this thesis, firstly, we propose a new testing framework for vehicular infotainment applications. This framework is a vehicular emulation platform that allows testing real applications installed on Linux virtual machines. Using emulation, we are able to evaluate the performance of real applications with real-time requirements, so we can test multimedia applications used to offer infotainment services in vehicular scenarios in a straightforward way. Secondly, using the testing framework implemented in the first part of the thesis, we have done a performance evaluation of an infotainment service. Among these services, we think that video on demand services on highways will be interesting for users, and generate revenue to network operators. So we evaluated how network-layer handoffs can limit the deployment of a video streaming service. According to the results obtained, driving at high speeds will be an issue for a correct playback of video content, even using fast handoffs techniques. Finally, we developed a new TCP architecture to enhance performance during handoffs. Most of the non-safety services on ITS rely on the Transport Control Protocol (TCP), one of the core protocols of the Internet Protocol Suite. However there exists several issues related to TCP and mobility that can affect to TCP performance, and these issues are particularly important in vehicular networks due to its high mobility. Using new IEEE 802.21 MIH services, we propose a new TCP architecture that is able to anticipate handoffs, permitting to resume the communication after a handoff, avoiding long delays caused by TCP issues and adapting the TCP parameters to the new characteristics of the network. Using the architecture proposed, the performance of TCP is enhanced, getting a higher overall throughput and avoiding TCP fairness issues between users.Els Sistemes de Transport Intel·ligents (ITS) han impulsat les comunicacions vehiculars en l'actualitat. Les comunicacions vehiculars és un camp d'investigació de moda, i està atraient un gran interès en la indústria automobilística i de les telecomunicacions. En el camp de les comunicacions vehiculars, hi ha principalment dues línies de treball: (1) serveis de comunicacions relacionats amb la seguretat viària i la informació del trànsit; i (2) serveis d'informació i entreteniment, també anomenats serveis d'infotainment. Aquests últims inclouen tant serveis multimèdia (veu sobre IP, streaming, jocs on-line, etc.), com serveis clàssics de dades (correu electrònic, accés a xarxes privades, navegació web, compartir arxius, etc.). En aquesta tesi ens centrarem en aquests serveis d'infotainment ja que és necessari aprofundir en la investigació per aquests tipus de serveis, ja que, fins avui, els esforços de la comunitat científica en el camp de les comunicacions vehiculars s'ha centrat en els serveis relacionats amb la seguretat viària i la informació del trànsit. Els nodes vehiculars necessiten tenir connexió a Internet per a poder tenir accés als serveis d'infotainment. Mentre els vehicles estan en moviment a través de la xarxa viària, els vehicles han d'anar canviant el punt de connexió sense fils amb la xarxa. Durant aquest procés de canvi de punt de connexió, anomenat handoff, es perd la connectivitat fins que el vehicle es reconnecta a un altre punt de connexió viària prop de la seva àrea. Aquesta desconnexió causa interrupcions en les comunicacions. Uns handoffs ràpids són bàsics a les xarxes vehiculars per a evitar llargs períodes d'interrupció durant les comunicacions, ja que la gran velocitat a la que es mouen els nodes vehiculars significa un gran nombre de handoffs durant una connexió a Internet. Aquesta tesi es centra en serveis d'infotaiment en temps real per a comunicacions Vehicle-a-Infraestructura (V2I). Les principals contribucions d'aquesta tesi son: i) un nou marc de proves per a les comunicacions (V2I) per a poder provar serveis d'infotainment d'una manera fàcil; ii) l'anàlisi de la viabilitat del desplegament de serveis d'infotainment de vídeo en xarxes vehiculars utilitzant protocols de mobilitat IP; i iii) el desenvolupament d'una nova arquitectura TCP que proporciona un millor funcionament per a tots aquells serveis d'infotainment basats en el protocol TCP en un escenari vehicular amb handoffs. En aquesta tesi, primer proposem un nou marc de proves per a aplicacions vehiculars d'infotainment. Aquest marc és una plataforma d'emulació vehicular que permet provar aplicacions reals instal·lades en màquines virtuals Linux. Utilitzant l'emulació, som capaços d'avaluar el rendiment d'aplicacions reals amb característiques de temps real. D'aquesta manera es poden avaluar aplicacions multimèdia utilitzades per oferir serveis d'infotainment d'una forma senzilla en escenaris vehiculars. Segon, utilitzant el marc de prova implementat en la primera part de la tesi, hem avaluat el rendiment d'un servei d'infotainment. Entre aquest tipus de servei, creem que els serveis de vídeo sota demanda en autopistes/autovies serà interessant pels usuaris i generarà beneficis per als operadors de la xarxa. Per tant, hem avaluat com els handoffs a nivell de la capa de xarxa poden limitar el desplegament d'un servei de streaming de vídeo sota demanda. D'acord amb els resultats obtinguts, conduir a grans velocitats podria ser un problema per a poder reproduir un vídeo correctament, tot i utilitzar tècniques de handoffs ràpids. Finalment, hem desenvolupat una nova arquitectura TCP per a millorar el rendiment del protocol durant els handoffs. La majoria dels serveis d'infotainment utilitzen el Protocol de Control de Transport (TCP), un dels principals protocols de la pila de protocols d'Internet. Però existeixen forces problemes relacionats amb l'ús de TCP i la mobilitat que n'afecta el rendiment, i aquests problemes són particular

    Performance and efficiency optimization of multi-layer IoT edge architecture

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    Abstract. Internet of Things (IoT) has become a backbone technology that connects together various devices with diverse capabilities. It is a technology, which enables ubiquitously available digital services for end-users. IoT applications for mission-critical scenarios need strict performance indicators such as of latency, scalability, security and privacy. To fulfil these requirements, IoT also requires support from relevant enabling technologies, such as cloud, edge, virtualization and fifth generation mobile communication (5G) technologies. For Latency-critical applications and services, long routes between the traditional cloud server and end-devices (sensors /actuators) is not a feasible approach for computing at these data centres, although these traditional clouds provide very high computational and storage for current IoT system. MEC model can be used to overcome this challenge, which brings the CC computational capacity within or next on the access network base stations. However, the capacity to perform the most critical processes at the local network layer is often necessary to cope with the access network issues. Therefore, this thesis compares the two existing IoT models such as traditional cloud-IoT model, a MEC-based edge-cloud-IoT model, with proposed local edge-cloud-IoT model with respect to their performance and efficiency, using iFogSim simulator. The results consolidate our research team’s previous findings that utilizing the three-tier edge-IoT architecture, capable of optimally utilizing the computational capacity of each of the three tiers, is an effective measure to reduce energy consumption, improve end-to-end latency and minimize operational costs in latency-critical It applications

    LTE Optimization and Resource Management in Wireless Heterogeneous Networks

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    Mobile communication technology is evolving with a great pace. The development of the Long Term Evolution (LTE) mobile system by 3GPP is one of the milestones in this direction. This work highlights a few areas in the LTE radio access network where the proposed innovative mechanisms can substantially improve overall LTE system performance. In order to further extend the capacity of LTE networks, an integration with the non-3GPP networks (e.g., WLAN, WiMAX etc.) is also proposed in this work. Moreover, it is discussed how bandwidth resources should be managed in such heterogeneous networks. The work has purposed a comprehensive system architecture as an overlay of the 3GPP defined SAE architecture, effective resource management mechanisms as well as a Linear Programming based analytical solution for the optimal network resource allocation problem. In addition, alternative computationally efficient heuristic based algorithms have also been designed to achieve near-optimal performance

    Distributed Implementation of eXtended Reality Technologies over 5G Networks

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThe revolution of Extended Reality (XR) has already started and is rapidly expanding as technology advances. Announcements such as Meta’s Metaverse have boosted the general interest in XR technologies, producing novel use cases. With the advent of the fifth generation of cellular networks (5G), XR technologies are expected to improve significantly by offloading heavy computational processes from the XR Head Mounted Display (HMD) to an edge server. XR offloading can rapidly boost XR technologies by considerably reducing the burden on the XR hardware, while improving the overall user experience by enabling smoother graphics and more realistic interactions. Overall, the combination of XR and 5G has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology and experience the world around us. However, XR offloading is a complex task that requires state-of-the-art tools and solutions, as well as an advanced wireless network that can meet the demanding throughput, latency, and reliability requirements of XR. The definition of these requirements strongly depends on the use case and particular XR offloading implementations. Therefore, it is crucial to perform a thorough Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) analysis to ensure a successful design of any XR offloading solution. Additionally, distributed XR implementations can be intrincated systems with multiple processes running on different devices or virtual instances. All these agents must be well-handled and synchronized to achieve XR real-time requirements and ensure the expected user experience, guaranteeing a low processing overhead. XR offloading requires a carefully designed architecture which complies with the required KPIs while efficiently synchronizing and handling multiple heterogeneous devices. Offloading XR has become an essential use case for 5G and beyond 5G technologies. However, testing distributed XR implementations requires access to advanced 5G deployments that are often unavailable to most XR application developers. Conversely, the development of 5G technologies requires constant feedback from potential applications and use cases. Unfortunately, most 5G providers, engineers, or researchers lack access to cutting-edge XR hardware or applications, which can hinder the fast implementation and improvement of 5G’s most advanced features. Both technology fields require ongoing input and continuous development from each other to fully realize their potential. As a result, XR and 5G researchers and developers must have access to the necessary tools and knowledge to ensure the rapid and satisfactory development of both technology fields. In this thesis, we focus on these challenges providing knowledge, tools and solutiond towards the implementation of advanced offloading technologies, opening the door to more immersive, comfortable and accessible XR technologies. Our contributions to the field of XR offloading include a detailed study and description of the necessary network throughput and latency KPIs for XR offloading, an architecture for low latency XR offloading and our full end to end XR offloading implementation ready for a commercial XR HMD. Besides, we also present a set of tools which can facilitate the joint development of 5G networks and XR offloading technologies: our 5G RAN real-time emulator and a multi-scenario XR IP traffic dataset. Firstly, in this thesis, we thoroughly examine and explain the KPIs that are required to achieve the expected Quality of Experience (QoE) and enhanced immersiveness in XR offloading solutions. Our analysis focuses on individual XR algorithms, rather than potential use cases. Additionally, we provide an initial description of feasible 5G deployments that could fulfill some of the proposed KPIs for different offloading scenarios. We also present our low latency muti-modal XR offloading architecture, which has already been tested on a commercial XR device and advanced 5G deployments, such as millimeter-wave (mmW) technologies. Besides, we describe our full endto- end complex XR offloading system which relies on our offloading architecture to provide low latency communication between a commercial XR device and a server running a Machine Learning (ML) algorithm. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first successful XR offloading implementations for complex ML algorithms in a commercial device. With the goal of providing XR developers and researchers access to complex 5G deployments and accelerating the development of future XR technologies, we present FikoRE, our 5G RAN real-time emulator. FikoRE has been specifically designed not only to model the network with sufficient accuracy but also to support the emulation of a massive number of users and actual IP throughput. As FikoRE can handle actual IP traffic above 1 Gbps, it can directly be used to test distributed XR solutions. As we describe in the thesis, its emulation capabilities make FikoRE a potential candidate to become a reference testbed for distributed XR developers and researchers. Finally, we used our XR offloading tools to generate an XR IP traffic dataset which can accelerate the development of 5G technologies by providing a straightforward manner for testing novel 5G solutions using realistic XR data. This dataset is generated for two relevant XR offloading scenarios: split rendering, in which the rendering step is moved to an edge server, and heavy ML algorithm offloading. Besides, we derive the corresponding IP traffic models from the captured data, which can be used to generate realistic XR IP traffic. We also present the validation experiments performed on the derived models and their results.This work has received funding from the European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ETN TeamUp5G, grant agreement No. 813391.Programa de Doctorado en Multimedia y Comunicaciones por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y la Universidad Rey Juan CarlosPresidente: Narciso García Santos.- Secretario: Fernando Díaz de María.- Vocal: Aryan Kaushi

    Specification of Smart AP solutions - version 2

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    This document includes the specification of the second version of the Smart Access Point (AP) Solutions, which are being developed within WP3 of the Wi-5 project. After the Literature Review, a global view of the Wi-5 architecture is presented which includes not only the Smart AP Solutions but also the Cooperative Functionalities being developed in WP4. Next, the Smart AP Solutions are described including the summary of the general approach being followed based on Light Virtual APs (LVAPs). The functionalities enabling Radio Resource Management (i.e. Dynamic Channel Allocation, Load Balancing and Power Control) are reported in detail and the current status of the implementation of the solutions is detailed, with a set of improvements aimed at integrating the support of different channels within the Wi-5 framework. A multi-channel handoff scheme has been designed, requiring a good synchronisation between the different events, in order to make the LVAP switching happen at the same moment when the STA switches its channel. In addition, the beacon generation has been modified in order to improve the scalability and to give a better user experience during handoffs. Tests measuring the handoff delay are presented using three wireless cards from different manufacturers, and using as test traffic a flow of an online game with real-time constraints. The results show that fast handovers ranging from 30 to 200 milliseconds can be achieved. The savings provided by frame aggregation, and its effect on subjective quality have also been studied. A methodology including subjective tests with real users has evaluated this effect, using paired comparison. The results indicate that bandwidth usage savings and especially significant packet rate reduction can be obtained without degrading players’ Quality of Experience (QoE), as long as the overall latency is kept under 100ms. An important finding coming from these results is that the players do not register delay variation introduced by multiplexing