17 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Oil-Palm Fungal Disease Infestation with Canopy Hyperspectral Reflectance Data

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    Fungal disease detection in perennial crops is a major issue in estate management and production. However, nowadays such diagnostics are long and difficult when only made from visual symptom observation, and very expensive and damaging when based on root or stem tissue chemical analysis. As an alternative, we propose in this study to evaluate the potential of hyperspectral reflectance data to help detecting the disease efficiently without destruction of tissues. This study focuses on the calibration of a statistical model of discrimination between several stages of Ganoderma attack on oil palm trees, based on field hyperspectral measurements at tree scale. Field protocol and measurements are first described. Then, combinations of pre-processing, partial least square regression and linear discriminant analysis are tested on about hundred samples to prove the efficiency of canopy reflectance in providing information about the plant sanitary status. A robust algorithm is thus derived, allowing classifying oil-palm in a 4-level typology, based on disease severity from healthy to critically sick stages, with a global performance close to 94%. Moreover, this model discriminates sick from healthy trees with a confidence level of almost 98%. Applications and further improvements of this experiment are finally discussed

    Using Game Engine for Online 3D Terrain Visualization with Oil Palm Tree Data

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    Nowadays, cartography, otherwise known as mapping, are serving people in multiple aspects of livelihood and administration like planning, rescue, military, and tourism. The information is usually presented in the map by using legends, elevation, and contour.With the passage of time, many new methods of mapping are introduced which are divided into the non-digital and digital version.Another method used is the incorporation of 3D modelling in virtual aspect by simulating real-world data.In the recent years using the game engine is one of the important 3D modelling approaches obtained.The game engine has a lot more capabilities to simulate real-world terrains whereas using database support for terrain visualisation, new functionality can be used. This article discussed how to utilise game engine technology for developing 3D terrain visualisation with oil palm tree data.With the success of the system, it, therefore, gives benefits to potential visitors especially the manager of oil palm plantation, decision makers and planners to explore the online 3D terrain visualisation with oil palm tree data and manage it

    Development of rapid low-cost lars platform for oil palm plantation

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    The need to produce high temporal remote sensing imagery for supporting precision agriculture in oil palm deserves a new low-altitude remote sensing (LARS) technique. Consumer over the shelf unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and digital cameras have the potential to serve as Personal Remote Sensing Toolkits which are low-cost, efficient, rapid and safe. The objectives of this study were to develop and test a new technique to rapidly capturing nadir images of large area oil palm plantation (1 km2 ~ 4 km2). Using 5 different multi-rotor UAV models several imagery missions were carried out. Multi-rotors were chosen as a platform due to its vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) feature. Multi-rotor’s VTOL was crucial for imagery mission success. Post processing results showed that for an area of 1 km2, it needs 2 to 6 sorties of quad-rotor UAV with 4000x3000 pixel digital cameras flying at altitude of 120m above ground level and an average of 50m cross-path distance. The results provide a suitability assessment of low-cost digital aerial imagery acquisition system. The study has successfully developed a decent workhorse quad-rotor UAV for Rapid Aerial Photogrammetry Imagery and Delivery (RAPID) in oil palm terrain. Finally we proposed the workhorse UAV as Low-Altitude Personal Remote Sensing (LAPERS) basic founding element

    Digital phenotyping of coconut and morphological traits associated with eriophyid mite infestation

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    Observations were recorded on traits associated with mite infestation related at two stages of button on six different coconut cultivars over three years. Highly significant correlation was found between mite damage score with color or weight of tepal. Step-wise multiple regression of the data analysis showed color of inner tepal as major trait associated with infestation by eriophyid mite. Other traits are ratio of tepal weight to tepal area, per cent of buttons with pink discoloration or with resin, tepals of regular aestivation and gap between fruit and tepal. Digital phenotype data of 83 image files were used to calculate color signature and correlated the same to mite damage score over three years. Red spectral values were found to vary from 14 to 251, green values to 12 to 237 and blue to vary from 5 to 183. Spectral values red max, green max, 3* Red + Green max had high significant negative correlation (>-0.4) with mite damage. Color and firmness of fruits and tepals of three coconut varieties were further analyzed where, fruits and tepals of COD variety showed high red/green (a* value of Hunterlab) >12. Firmness of 3 month old tepal and fruit of Benualim (BGRT) tall variety was (penetrometer reading >38) higher than other varieties

    Using Game Engine for Online 3D Terrain Visualization with Oil Palm Tree Data

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    Nowadays, cartography, otherwise known as mapping, are serving people in multiple aspects of livelihood and administration like planning, rescue, military, and tourism. The information is usually presented in the map by using legends, elevation, and contour. With the passage of time, many new methods of mapping are introduced which are divided into the non-digital and digital version. Another method used is the incorporation of 3D modelling in virtual aspect by simulating real-world data. In the recent years using the game engine is one of the important 3D modelling approaches obtained. The game engine has a lot more capabilities to simulate real-world terrains whereas using database support for terrain visualisation, new functionality can be used. This article discussed how to utilise game engine technology for developing 3D terrain visualisation with oil palm tree data. With the success of the system, it, therefore, gives benefits to potential visitors especially the manager of oil palm plantation, decision makers and planners to explore the online 3D terrain visualisation with oil palm tree data and manage it

    Spectral unmixing approach in hyperspectral remote sensing: a tool for oil palm mapping

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    Las plantaciones de palma de aceite típicamente abarcan grandes áreas, por esto, la teledetección remota se ha convertido en una herramienta útil para el monitoreo avanzado de este cultivo. Este trabajo revisa y evalúa dos enfoques para analizar las plantaciones de palma de aceite a partir de datos de teledetección remota hiperespectral: desmezclado espectral lineal y variabilidad espectral. Además, se propone un marco computacional basado en el desmezclado espectral para la estimación de las fracciones de abundancias de cultivos de palma de aceite. Este enfoque también considera la variabilidad espectral de las firmas en las imágenes hiperespectrales. El marco computacional propuesto modifica el modelo de mezcla lineal mediante la introducción de un vector de pesos, de manera que se puedan identificar las bandas espectrales que menos contribuyen a la estimación de fracciones de abundancias erróneas. Este enfoque aprovecha la detección de los árboles de palma de aceite, ya que permite diferenciarlos de otros materiales en términos de fracciones de abundancia. Los resultados experimentales obtenidos a partir de datos de teledetección remota hiperespectral en el rango de 410-990 nm, muestran mejoras de un 8.18 % en la métrica de Precisión del Usuario (Uacc) en la identificación de palmas de aceite por el marco propuesto con respecto a los métodos tradicionales de desmezclado espectral; el método propuesto logró un 95 % de Uacc. Esto confirma las capacidades del marco computacional formulado y facilita la gestión y el monitoreo de grandes áreas de plantaciones de palma de aceite.Oil palm plantations typically span large areas; therefore, remote sensing has become a useful tool for advanced oil palm monitoring. This work reviews and evaluates two approaches to analyze oil palm plantations based on hyperspectral remote sensing data: linear spectral unmixing and spectral variability. Moreover, a computational framework based on spectral unmixing for the estimation of fractional abundances of oil palm plantations is proposed in this study. Such approach also considers the spectral variability of hyperspectral image signatures. More specifically, the proposed computational framework modifies the linear mixing model by introducing a weighting vector, so that the spectral bands that contribute the least to the estimation of erroneous fractional abundances can be identified. This approach improves palm detection as it allows to differentiate them from other materials in terms of fractional abundances. Experimental results obtained from hyperspectral remote sensing data in the range 410-990 nm show improvements of 8.18 % in User Accuracy (Uacc) in the identification of oil palms by the proposed framework with respect to traditional unmixing methods. Thus, the proposed method achieved a 95% Uacc. This confirms the capabilities of the proposed computational framework and facilitates the management and monitoring of large areas of oil palm plantations

    Pengamatan dan Pemetaan Penyakit Busuk Pangkal Batang di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Menggunakan Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) dan Kamera Multispektral

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    Surveillance and Mapping of Basal Stem Rot Disease in Oil Palm Plantation Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Multispectral Camera Basal stem rot (BSR) disease caused by Ganoderma boninensis is still a major disease in oil palm plantations both in Indonesia and Malaysia. In some countries, remote sensing approach has been used for monitoring BSR in oil palm plantation. However, the utilization of satellite imagery in remote sensing especially in vegetation study on the tropical region was often limited by cloud cover. A drone or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) utilization is the best way to deal with cloud cover in the tropic region. Machine learning of random forest (RF) and satellite imagery used in the BSR study produced good accuracy. This research was aimed to identify and monitor the BSR infection on individual oil palm trees using an UAV and multispectral camera and RF classification. The results showed that the data acquired from UAV was affected by cloud shadows. The RF classification of healthy and infected oil palm trees by BSR disease and the spreading map of BSR infection was affected by cloud shadows. The highest accuracy of healthy and infected oil palm by BSR was 79.49%. Reflectance calibrator, digital to reflectance conversion, and model implications to build spreading map of BSR infection need to be conducted both on the clear area and the cloud shadow-covered area. Moreover, the UAV-based data should be considering the cloud view on the coverage area.Surveillance and Mapping of Basal Stem Rot Disease in Oil Palm Plantation Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Multispectral Camera Basal stem rot (BSR) disease caused by Ganoderma boninensis is still a major disease in oil palm plantations both in Indonesia and Malaysia. In some countries, remote sensing approach has been used for monitoring BSR in oil palm plantation. However, the utilization of satellite imagery in remote sensing especially in vegetation study on the tropical region was often limited by cloud cover. A drone or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) utilization is the best way to deal with cloud cover in the tropic region. Machine learning of random forest (RF) and satellite imagery used in the BSR study produced good accuracy. This research was aimed to identify and monitor the BSR infection on individual oil palm trees using an UAV and multispectral camera and RF classification. The results showed that the data acquired from UAV was affected by cloud shadows. The RF classification of healthy and infected oil palm trees by BSR disease and the spreading map of BSR infection was affected by cloud shadows. The highest accuracy of healthy and infected oil palm by BSR was 79.49%. Reflectance calibrator, digital to reflectance conversion, and model implications to build spreading map of BSR infection need to be conducted both on the clear area and the cloud shadow-covered area. Moreover, the UAV-based data should be considering the cloud view on the coverage area

    Determination of the optimal pre-processing technique for spectral data of oil palm leaves with respect to nutrient

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    Precision agriculture with regard to crop science was introduced to apply only the required and optimal amount of fertiliser, which inspired the present study of nutrient prediction for oil palm using spectroradiometer with wavelengths ranging from 350 to 2500 nm. Partial least square (PLS) method was used to develop a statistical model to interpret spectral data for nutrient deficiency of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca) and boron (B) of oil palm. Prior to the development of the PLS model, pre-processing was conducted to ensure only the smooth and best signals were studied, which includes the multiplicative scatter correction (MSC), first and second derivatives and standard normal variate (SNV), Gaussian filter and Savitzky-Golay smoothing. The MSC technique was the optimal overall pre-treatment method for nutrients in this study, with highest prediction R2 of 0.91 for N and lowest RMSEP value of 0.00 for P

    Determination of the optimal pre-processing technique for spectral data of oil palm leaves with respect to nutrient

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    Precision agriculture with regard to crop science was introduced to apply only the required and optimal amount of fertiliser, which inspired the present study of nutrient prediction for oil palm using spectroradiometer with wavelengths ranging from 350 to 2500 nm. Partial least square (PLS) method was used to develop a statistical model to interpret spectral data for nutrient deficiency of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca) and boron (B) of oil palm. Prior to the development of the PLS model, pre-processing was conducted to ensure only the smooth and best signals were studied, which includes the multiplicative scatter correction (MSC), first and second derivatives and standard normal variate (SNV), Gaussian filter and Savitzky-Golay smoothing. The MSC technique was the optimal overall pre-treatment method for nutrients in this study, with highest prediction R2 of 0.91 for N and lowest RMSEP value of 0.00 for P

    Uso de dados multiespectrais e hiperespectrais na detecção, medição e diagnóstico de doenças na agricultura.

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    Este trabalho tem por objetivo descrever algumas das principais técnicas usando imagens e reflectâncias multiespectrais e hiperespectrais aplicadas à detecção e ao diagnóstico de doenças, fornecendo também algumas perspectivas futuras para esta área de pesquisa.bitstream/item/136701/1/dados-multiespectrais.pd