219 research outputs found

    Calidad de servicio en computación en la nube: técnicas de modelado y sus aplicaciones

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    Recent years have seen the massive migration of enterprise applications to the cloud. One of the challenges posed by cloud applications is Quality-of-Service (QoS) management, which is the problem of allocating resources to the application to guarantee a service level along dimensions such as performance, availability and reliability. This paper aims at supporting research in this area by providing a survey of the state of the art of QoS modeling approaches suitable for cloud systems. We also review and classify their early application to some decision-making problems arising in cloud QoS management

    Modelling- and Simulation-Based Design of Multi-tier Systems

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    This paper introduces a domain-specific language for modelling andsimulation-based design of multi-tier systems.  Multi-tier systems are complexand very few general models have been developed. Rather, models are alwaysdedicated to a specific architecture. Our approach allows for rapidexperimentation with different multi-tier alternatives. Not only parameters,but also structure can be drastically varied.  Using graph transformation,multi-tier systems models are translated into Queueing Petri Nets (QPNs) in asystematic way for analysis with the SimQPN simulator.  We describe QPN, ourmulti-tier architecture visual language, as well as the transformation between them.  A case study demonstrates the power of the approach for design-space exploration

    Modelling- and Simulation-Based Design of Multi-tier Systems

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    This paper introduces a domain-specific language for modelling andsimulation-based design of multi-tier systems.  Multi-tier systems are complexand very few general models have been developed. Rather, models are alwaysdedicated to a specific architecture. Our approach allows for rapidexperimentation with different multi-tier alternatives. Not only parameters,but also structure can be drastically varied.  Using graph transformation,multi-tier systems models are translated into Queueing Petri Nets (QPNs) in asystematic way for analysis with the SimQPN simulator.  We describe QPN, ourmulti-tier architecture visual language, as well as the transformation between them.  A case study demonstrates the power of the approach for design-space exploration

    A Latency-driven Availability Assessment for Multi-Tenant Service Chains

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    Nowadays, most telecommunication services adhere to the Service Function Chain (SFC) paradigm, where network functions are implemented via software. In particular, container virtualization is becoming a popular approach to deploy network functions and to enable resource slicing among several tenants. The resulting infrastructure is a complex system composed by a huge amount of containers implementing different SFC functionalities, along with different tenants sharing the same chain. The complexity of such a scenario lead us to evaluate two critical metrics: the steady-state availability (the probability that a system is functioning in long runs) and the latency (the time between a service request and the pertinent response). Consequently, we propose a latency-driven availability assessment for multi-tenant service chains implemented via Containerized Network Functions (CNFs). We adopt a multi-state system to model single CNFs and the queueing formalism to characterize the service latency. To efficiently compute the availability, we develop a modified version of the Multidimensional Universal Generating Function (MUGF) technique. Finally, we solve an optimization problem to minimize the SFC cost under an availability constraint. As a relevant example of SFC, we consider a containerized version of IP Multimedia Subsystem, whose parameters have been estimated through fault injection techniques and load tests

    Availability modeling and evaluation of web-based services - A pragmatic approach

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    Cette thèse porte sur le développement d’une approche de modélisation pragmatique permettant aux concepteurs d’applications et systèmes mis en oeuvre sur le web d’évaluer la disponibilité du service fourni aux utilisateurs. Plusieurs sources d’indisponibilité du service sont prises en compte, en particulier i) les défaillances matérielles ou logicielles affectant les serveurs et ii) des dégradations de performance (surcharge des serveurs, temps de réponse trop long, etc.). Une approche hiérarchique multi-niveau basée sur une modélisation de type performabilité est proposée, combinant des chaînes de Markov et des modèles de files d’attente. Les principaux concepts et la faisabilité de cette approche sont illustrés à travers l’exemple d’une agence de voyage. Plusieurs modèles analytiques et études de sensibilité sont présentés en considérant différentes hypothèses concernant l’architecture, les stratégies de recouvrement, les fautes, les profils d’utilisateurs, et les caractéristiques du trafic. ABSTRACT : This thesis presents a pragmatic modeling approach allowing designers of web-based applications and systems to evaluate the service availability provided to the users. Multiple sources of service unavailability are taken into account, in particular i) hardware and software failures affecting the servers, and ii) performance degradation (overload of servers, very long response time, etc.). An hierarchical multi-level approach is proposed based on performability modeling, combining Markov chains and queueing models. The main concepts and the feasibility of this approach are illustrated using a web-based travel agency. Various analytical models and sensitivity studies are presented considering different assumptions with respect to the architectures, recovery strategies, faults, users profile and traffic characteristics

    Predictive dynamic resource allocation for web hosting environments

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    E-Business applications are subject to significant variations in workload and this can cause exceptionally long response times for users, the timing out of client requests and/or the dropping of connections. One solution is to host these applications in virtualised server pools, and to dynamically reassign compute servers between pools to meet the demands on the hosted applications. Switching servers between pools is not without cost, and this must therefore be weighed against possible system gain. This work is concerned with dynamic resource allocation for multi-tiered, clusterbased web hosting environments. Dynamic resource allocation is reactive, that is, when overloading occurs in one resource pool, servers are moved from another (quieter) pool to meet this demand. Switching servers comes with some overhead, so it is important to weigh up the costs of the switch against possible system gains. In this thesis we combine the reactive behaviour of two server switching policies – the Proportional Switching Policy (PSP) and the Bottleneck Aware Switching Policy (BSP) – with the proactive properties of several workload forecasting models. We evaluate the behaviour of the two switching policies and compare them against static resource allocation under a range of reallocation intervals (the time it takes to switch a server from one resource pool to another) and observe that larger reallocation intervals have a negative impact on revenue. We also construct model- and simulation-based environments in which the combination of workload prediction and dynamic server switching can be explored. Several different (but common) predictors – Last Observation (LO), Simple Average (SA), Sample Moving Average (SMA) and Exponential Moving Average (EMA), Low Pass Filter (LPF), and an AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) – have been applied alongside the switching policies. As each of the forecasting schemes has its own bias, we also develop a number of meta-forecasting algorithms – the Active Window Model (AWM), the Voting Model (VM), the Selective Model (SM), the Dynamic Active Window Model (DAWM), and a method based on Workload Pattern Analysis (WPA). The schemes are tested with real-world workload traces from several sources to ensure consistent and improved results. We also investigate the effectiveness of these schemes on workloads containing extreme events (e.g. flash crowds). The results show that workload forecasting can be very effective when applied alongside dynamic resource allocation strategies

    Service Quality and Profit Control in Utility Computing Service Life Cycles

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    Utility Computing is one of the most discussed business models in the context of Cloud Computing. Service providers are more and more pushed into the role of utilities by their customer's expectations. Subsequently, the demand for predictable service availability and pay-per-use pricing models increases. Furthermore, for providers, a new opportunity to optimise resource usage offers arises, resulting from new virtualisation techniques. In this context, the control of service quality and profit depends on a deep understanding of the representation of the relationship between business and technique. This research analyses the relationship between the business model of Utility Computing and Service-oriented Computing architectures hosted in Cloud environments. The relations are clarified in detail for the entire service life cycle and throughout all architectural layers. Based on the elaborated relations, an approach to a delivery framework is evolved, in order to enable the optimisation of the relation attributes, while the service implementation passes through business planning, development, and operations. Related work from academic literature does not cover the collected requirements on service offers in this context. This finding is revealed by a critical review of approaches in the fields of Cloud Computing, Grid Computing, and Application Clusters. The related work is analysed regarding appropriate provision architectures and quality assurance approaches. The main concepts of the delivery framework are evaluated based on a simulation model. To demonstrate the ability of the framework to model complex pay-per-use service cascades in Cloud environments, several experiments have been conducted. First outcomes proof that the contributions of this research undoubtedly enable the optimisation of service quality and profit in Cloud-based Service-oriented Computing architectures

    Workload Prediction for Efficient Performance Isolation and System Reliability

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    In large-scaled and distributed systems, like multi-tier storage systems and cloud data centers, resource sharing among workloads brings multiple benefits while introducing many performance challenges. The key to effective workload multiplexing is accurate workload prediction. This thesis focuses on how to capture the salient characteristics of the real-world workloads to develop workload prediction methods and to drive scheduling and resource allocation policies, in order to achieve efficient and in-time resource isolation among applications. For a multi-tier storage system, high-priority user work is often multiplexed with low-priority background work. This brings the challenge of how to strike a balance between maintaining the user performance and maximizing the amount of finished background work. In this thesis, we propose two resource isolation policies based on different workload prediction methods: one is a Markovian model-based and the other is a neural networks-based. These policies aim at, via workload prediction, discovering the opportune time to schedule background work with minimum impact on user performance. Trace-driven simulations verify the efficiency of the two pro- posed resource isolation policies. The Markovian model-based policy successfully schedules the background work at the appropriate periods with small impact on the user performance. The neural networks-based policy adaptively schedules user and background work, resulting in meeting both performance requirements consistently. This thesis also proposes an accurate while efficient neural networks-based pre- diction method for data center usage series, called PRACTISE. Different from the traditional neural networks for time series prediction, PRACTISE selects the most informative features from the past observations of the time series itself. Testing on a large set of usage series in production data centers illustrates the accuracy (e.g., prediction error) and efficiency (e.g., time cost) of PRACTISE. The superiority of the usage prediction also allows a proactive resource management in the highly virtualized cloud data centers. In this thesis, we analyze on the performance tickets in the cloud data centers, and propose an active sizing algorithm, named ATM, that predicts the usage workloads and re-allocates capacity to work- loads to avoid VM performance tickets. Moreover, driven by cheap prediction of usage tails, we also present TailGuard in this thesis, which dynamically clones VMs among co-located boxes, in order to efficiently reduce the performance violations of physical boxes in cloud data centers

    A survey and classification of software-defined storage systems

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    The exponential growth of digital information is imposing increasing scale and efficiency demands on modern storage infrastructures. As infrastructure complexity increases, so does the difficulty in ensuring quality of service, maintainability, and resource fairness, raising unprecedented performance, scalability, and programmability challenges. Software-Defined Storage (SDS) addresses these challenges by cleanly disentangling control and data flows, easing management, and improving control functionality of conventional storage systems. Despite its momentum in the research community, many aspects of the paradigm are still unclear, undefined, and unexplored, leading to misunderstandings that hamper the research and development of novel SDS technologies. In this article, we present an in-depth study of SDS systems, providing a thorough description and categorization of each plane of functionality. Further, we propose a taxonomy and classification of existing SDS solutions according to different criteria. Finally, we provide key insights about the paradigm and discuss potential future research directions for the field.This work was financed by the Portuguese funding agency FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia through national funds, the PhD grant SFRH/BD/146059/2019, the project ThreatAdapt (FCT-FNR/0002/2018), the LASIGE Research Unit (UIDB/00408/2020), and cofunded by the FEDER, where applicable

    A Systematic Literature Review on Task Allocation and Performance Management Techniques in Cloud Data Center

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    As cloud computing usage grows, cloud data centers play an increasingly important role. To maximize resource utilization, ensure service quality, and enhance system performance, it is crucial to allocate tasks and manage performance effectively. The purpose of this study is to provide an extensive analysis of task allocation and performance management techniques employed in cloud data centers. The aim is to systematically categorize and organize previous research by identifying the cloud computing methodologies, categories, and gaps. A literature review was conducted, which included the analysis of 463 task allocations and 480 performance management papers. The review revealed three task allocation research topics and seven performance management methods. Task allocation research areas are resource allocation, load-Balancing, and scheduling. Performance management includes monitoring and control, power and energy management, resource utilization optimization, quality of service management, fault management, virtual machine management, and network management. The study proposes new techniques to enhance cloud computing work allocation and performance management. Short-comings in each approach can guide future research. The research's findings on cloud data center task allocation and performance management can assist academics, practitioners, and cloud service providers in optimizing their systems for dependability, cost-effectiveness, and scalability. Innovative methodologies can steer future research to fill gaps in the literature
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