52 research outputs found

    A model of quality service management for information systems

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    Tese de mestrado. Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (Área de especialização Tecnologias da Informação para Gestão Empresarial). Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Standardization of processes applying CMMI best practices

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    Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is a set of practices that can be applied in companies in order to improve processes. The goal of this work was to understand the barriers in implementing CMMI and improve processes following the model. The study was conducted in a company in the North of Portugal, following three steps: (1) diagnosing the company (2) opinion gathering through questionnaires and (3) reimplementation of CMMI. The analysis of the questionnaires indicated that implementing CMMI is problematical due to bureaucracy and lack of detailed protocols. Based on the difficulties encountered we developed a detailed documentation with standard processes where the employer has a more prominent role in controlling the processes. The adapted CMMI was then re-introduced in the same company. Finally, linking perceptions and results from the reimplementation, we consider fundamental a good use of CMMI to ensure efficient production

    Horizontal Fusion: Enabling Net-Centric Operations and Warfare

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    the ability to access real-time information at the right time to make the right decisions

    Data driven decision support systems as a critical success factor for IT-Governance: an application in the financial sector

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    IT-Governance has a major impact not only on IT management but also and foremost in the Enterprises performance and control. Business uses IT agility, flexibility and innovation to pursue its objectives and to sustain its strategy. However being it more critical to the business, compliance forces IT on the opposite way of predictability, stability and regulations. Adding the current economical environment and the fact that most of the times IT departments are considered cost centres, IT-Governance decisions become more important and critical. Current IT-Governance research and practise is mainly based on management techniques and principles, leaving a gap for the contribution of information systems to IT-Governance enhancement. This research intends to provide an answer to IT-Governance requirements using Data Driven Decision Support Systems based on dimensional models. This seems a key factor to improve the IT-Governance decision making process. To address this research opportunity we have considered IT-Governance research (Peter Weill), best practises (ITIL), Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) and frameworks (COBIT). Key IT-Governance processes (Change Management, Incident Management, Project Development and Service Desk Management) were studied and key process stakeholders were interviewed. Based on the facts gathered, dimensional models (data marts) were modelled and developed to answer to key improvement requirements on each IT-Governance process. A Unified Dimensional Model (IT-Governance Data warehouse) was materialized. To assess the Unified Dimensional Model, the model was applied in a bank in real working conditions. The resulting model implementation was them assessed against Peter Weill‘s Governance IT Principles.Assessment results revealed that the model satisfies all the IT-Governance Principles. The research project enables to conclude that the success of IT-Governance implementation may be fostered by Data Driven Decision Support Systems implemented using Unified Dimensional Model concepts and based on best practises, frameworks and body of knowledge that enable process oriented, data driven decision support

    A CMMI-compliant requirements management and development process

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    Requirements Engineering has been acknowledged an essential discipline for Software Quality. Poorly-defined processes for eliciting, analyzing, specifying and validating requirements can lead to unclear issues or misunderstandings on business needs and project’s scope. These typically result in customers’ non-satisfaction with either the products’ quality or the increase of the project’s budget and duration. Maturity models allow an organization to measure the quality of its processes and improve them according to an evolutionary path based on levels. The Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) addresses the aforementioned Requirements Engineering issues. CMMI defines a set of best practices for process improvement that are divided into several process areas. Requirements Management and Requirements Development are the process areas concerned with Requirements Engineering maturity. Altran Portugal is a consulting company concerned with the quality of its software. In 2012, the Solution Center department has developed and applied successfully a set of processes aligned with CMMI-DEV v1.3, what granted them a Level 2 maturity certification. For 2015, they defined an organizational goal of addressing CMMI-DEV maturity level 3. This MSc dissertation is part of this organization effort. In particular, it is concerned with the required process areas that address the activities of Requirements Engineering. Our main goal is to contribute for the development of Altran’s internal engineering processes to conform to the guidelines of the Requirements Development process area. Throughout this dissertation, we started with an evaluation method based on CMMI and conducted a compliance assessment of Altran’s current processes. This allowed demonstrating their alignment with the CMMI Requirements Management process area and to highlight the improvements needed to conform to the Requirements Development process area. Based on the study of alternative solutions for the gaps found, we proposed a new Requirements Management and Development process that was later validated using three different approaches. The main contribution of this dissertation is the new process developed for Altran Portugal. However, given that studies on these topics are not abundant in the literature, we also expect to contribute with useful evidences to the existing body of knowledge with a survey on CMMI and requirements engineering trends. Most importantly, we hope that the implementation of the proposed processes’ improvements will minimize the risks of mishandled requirements, increasing Altran’s performance and taking them one step further to the desired maturity level

    The SMPI model : a stepwise process model to facilitate software measurement process improvement along the measurement paradigms

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    Software engineering, software measurement, software process engineering, capability, maturityMagdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2007René Braungarte

    Towards Disciplined Software Development : ISO 9001:2008 Based Software Process Improvement in SME

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    The case company’s quality management system has recently been awarded the ISO 9001:2008 certificate. The next necessary step is to incorporate the software processes into the company’s quality management system. The goal of this study was to identify the key software process improvement areas based the ISO 9001:2008 requirements and to provide recommended actions for improvement. Sufficient background knowledge on quality in general and quality in the context of SMEs and software was gained and ISO 9001:2008 and its application in the context of software was studied. Based on the gained knowledge methods and models for assessing the current software processes and deriving the recommended improvement actions were selected and developed. A self-assessment was performed and respective improvement actions were derived and presented. The self-assessment results indicated that the software processes would need to be redesigned from the ground up. Hence, recommendations targeted on key software process areas could not be derived. Alternatively, an example process based on the Disciplined Agile Delivery framework was presented for the company to consider when the software process is redesigned. Even though the results of the assessment were not what was expected the study itself provides a sound basis for software process improvement efforts in the future. Plenty of valuable knowledge and experience on software process improvement was gained which will to serve the case company well in the future

    Development of an integrated safety, health and environmental management capability maturity model for Ghanaian construction companies

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    With high rates of accidents, injuries, illnesses, negative environmental impacts and other well-being issues still recorded in the construction sector, as well its social and economic impacts, the need for safety health and environmental (SHE) improvement has become critical. Management systems, particularly environmental management systems (EMS) and safety management systems (SHMS), have been identified as innovative and systematic approaches for companies to manage SHE risks effectively in order to improve their SHE performance. However, the adoption and implementation of EMS and SHMS in the construction sector, particularly in developing countries like Ghana, has been slow and generally low, mainly due to cost and the bureaucracy that comes with the parallel implementation of standalone management systems. There is, therefore, a need for an integrated SHE management framework for effective SHE risks management and control in the construction sector. However, there is no single integrated SHE management framework for construction organisations to use, especially those within developing countries. Neither is there any mechanism by which construction companies can ascertain their capability in implementing integrated SHE management in order to guide efforts to improve their SHE performance. This research was undertaken to develop an integrated SHE management capability maturity model (SHEM-CMM) that can be used by construction firms in the Ghanaian construction industry.To achieve the aim of the study, a quantitative research approach was adopted. It involved a comprehensive literature review to generate potential capability attributes relevant to integrated SHE management. Following the literature review, a survey of experienced SHE experts was undertaken in order to verify the suitability of the identified integrated SHE management capability attributes. Subsequently, a three-round Delphi technique was undertaken with experienced SHE management experts (round 1 n=41, round 2 n=31 and round 3 n=30) and accompanied by the application of voting analytical hierarchy process, to ascertain the relative weight/priority of the capability attributes. This study found 20 integrated SHE management capability attributes which are clustered into five categories, namely: strategy; process; people; resources; and information. Collectively, the attributes within the ‘strategy’ category are the most important, followed by the ‘people’ and then ‘process’ attributes. Drawing on the capability maturity concept, an integrated SHE management capability maturity model (SHEM-CMM) was developed. The model is composed of 20 integrated SHE management capability attributes which are mapped on to five levels of capability maturity ranging from Level 1 to Level 5, and with each level having a distinct maturity level descriptor. The integrated SHEM-CMM was then validated by 59 construction professionals including SHE experts in construction companies operating in the Ghanaian construction industry in order to ensure the adequacy and practical usefulness of the model. This research has contributed to the existing body of knowledge on SHE management by establishing integrated SHE management capability attributes and their relative weight of importance. Furthermore, the research has developed a novel integrated SHEM-CMM which has practical usefulness in the construction industry. The model provides a systematic approach for SHE management capability evaluation and improvement in construction. It is anticipated that the developed capability maturity model would be used by construction firms to systematically assess their SHE management capability and identify ways to further improve their SHE management in order to obtain better SHE performance outcomes

    Human Factors in Agile Software Development

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    Through our four years experiments on students' Scrum based agile software development (ASD) process, we have gained deep understanding into the human factors of agile methodology. We designed an agile project management tool - the HASE collaboration development platform to support more than 400 students self-organized into 80 teams to practice ASD. In this thesis, Based on our experiments, simulations and analysis, we contributed a series of solutions and insights in this researches, including 1) a Goal Net based method to enhance goal and requirement management for ASD process, 2) a novel Simple Multi-Agent Real-Time (SMART) approach to enhance intelligent task allocation for ASD process, 3) a Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) based method to enhance emotion and morale management for ASD process, 4) the first large scale in-depth empirical insights on human factors in ASD process which have not yet been well studied by existing research, and 5) the first to identify ASD process as a human-computation system that exploit human efforts to perform tasks that computers are not good at solving. On the other hand, computers can assist human decision making in the ASD process.Comment: Book Draf