25 research outputs found

    External Lexical Information for Multilingual Part-of-Speech Tagging

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    Morphosyntactic lexicons and word vector representations have both proven useful for improving the accuracy of statistical part-of-speech taggers. Here we compare the performances of four systems on datasets covering 16 languages, two of these systems being feature-based (MEMMs and CRFs) and two of them being neural-based (bi-LSTMs). We show that, on average, all four approaches perform similarly and reach state-of-the-art results. Yet better performances are obtained with our feature-based models on lexically richer datasets (e.g. for morphologically rich languages), whereas neural-based results are higher on datasets with less lexical variability (e.g. for English). These conclusions hold in particular for the MEMM models relying on our system MElt, which benefited from newly designed features. This shows that, under certain conditions, feature-based approaches enriched with morphosyntactic lexicons are competitive with respect to neural methods

    Strategies for Contiguous Multiword Expression Analysis and Dependency Parsing

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    International audienceIn this paper, we investigate various strategies to predict both syntactic dependency parsing and contiguous multiword expression (MWE) recognition, testing them on the dependency version of French Treebank \cite{abeille:04}, as instantiated in the SPMRL Shared Task \cite{spmrl:st:2013}. Our work focuses on using an alternative representation of syntactically regular MWEs, which captures their syntactic internal structure. We obtain a system with comparable performance to that of previous works on this dataset, but which predicts both syntactic dependencies and the internal structure of MWEs. This can be useful for capturing the various degrees of semantic compositionality of MWEs

    A case study in tagging case in german: an assessment of statistical approaches

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    In this study, we assess the performance of purely statistical approaches using supervised machine learning for predicting case in German (nominative, accusative, dative, genitive, n/a). We experiment with two different treebanks containing morphological annotations: TIGER and TUEBA. An evaluation with 10-fold cross-validation serves as the basis for systematic comparisons of the optimal parametrizations of different approaches. We test taggers based on Hidden Markov Models (HMM), Decision Trees, and Conditional Random Fields (CRF). The CRF approach based on our hand-crafted feature model achieves an accuracy of about 94%. This outperforms all other approaches and results in an improvement of 11% compared to a baseline HMM trigram tagger and an improvement of 2% compared to a state-of-the-art tagger for rich morphological tagsets. Moreover, we investigate the effect of additional (morphological) categories (gender, number, person, part of speech) in the internal tagset used for the training. Rich internal tagsets improve results for all tested approaches

    Multiword expressions at length and in depth

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    The annual workshop on multiword expressions takes place since 2001 in conjunction with major computational linguistics conferences and attracts the attention of an ever-growing community working on a variety of languages, linguistic phenomena and related computational processing issues. MWE 2017 took place in Valencia, Spain, and represented a vibrant panorama of the current research landscape on the computational treatment of multiword expressions, featuring many high-quality submissions. Furthermore, MWE 2017 included the first shared task on multilingual identification of verbal multiword expressions. The shared task, with extended communal work, has developed important multilingual resources and mobilised several research groups in computational linguistics worldwide. This book contains extended versions of selected papers from the workshop. Authors worked hard to include detailed explanations, broader and deeper analyses, and new exciting results, which were thoroughly reviewed by an internationally renowned committee. We hope that this distinctly joint effort will provide a meaningful and useful snapshot of the multilingual state of the art in multiword expressions modelling and processing, and will be a point point of reference for future work

    Ensemble Morphosyntactic Analyser for Classical Arabic

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    Classical Arabic (CA) is an influential language for Muslim lives around the world. It is the language of two sources of Islamic laws: the Quran and the Sunnah, the collection of traditions and sayings attributed to the prophet Mohammed. However, classical Arabic in general, and the Sunnah, in particular, is underexplored and under-resourced in the field of computational linguistics. This study examines the possible directions for adapting existing tools, specifically morphological analysers, designed for modern standard Arabic (MSA) to classical Arabic. Morphological analysers of CA are limited, as well as the data for evaluating them. In this study, we adapt existing analysers and create a validation data-set from the Sunnah books. Inspired by the advances in deep learning and the promising results of ensemble methods, we developed a systematic method for transferring morphological analysis that is capable of handling different labelling systems and various sequence lengths. In this study, we handpicked the best four open access MSA morphological analysers. Data generated from these analysers are evaluated before and after adaptation through the existing Quranic Corpus and the Sunnah Arabic Corpus. The findings are as follows: first, it is feasible to analyse under-resourced languages using existing comparable language resources given a small sufficient set of annotated text. Second, analysers typically generate different errors and this could be exploited. Third, an explicit alignment of sequences and the mapping of labels is not necessary to achieve comparable accuracies given a sufficient size of training dataset. Adapting existing tools is easier than creating tools from scratch. The resulting quality is dependent on training data size and number and quality of input taggers. Pipeline architecture performs less well than the End-to-End neural network architecture due to error propagation and limitation on the output format. A valuable tool and data for annotating classical Arabic is made freely available

    Extended papers from the MWE 2017 workshop

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    The annual workshop on multiword expressions takes place since 2001 in conjunction with major computational linguistics conferences and attracts the attention of an ever-growing community working on a variety of languages, linguistic phenomena and related computational processing issues. MWE 2017 took place in Valencia, Spain, and represented a vibrant panorama of the current research landscape on the computational treatment of multiword expressions, featuring many high-quality submissions. Furthermore, MWE 2017 included the first shared task on multilingual identification of verbal multiword expressions. The shared task, with extended communal work, has developed important multilingual resources and mobilised several research groups in computational linguistics worldwide. This book contains extended versions of selected papers from the workshop. Authors worked hard to include detailed explanations, broader and deeper analyses, and new exciting results, which were thoroughly reviewed by an internationally renowned committee. We hope that this distinctly joint effort will provide a meaningful and useful snapshot of the multilingual state of the art in multiword expressions modelling and processing, and will be a point point of reference for future work

    Automatic identification and translation of multiword expressions

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the University of Wolverhampton for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.Multiword Expressions (MWEs) belong to a class of phraseological phenomena that is ubiquitous in the study of language. They are heterogeneous lexical items consisting of more than one word and feature lexical, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic idiosyncrasies. Scholarly research on MWEs benefits both natural language processing (NLP) applications and end users. This thesis involves designing new methodologies to identify and translate MWEs. In order to deal with MWE identification, we first develop datasets of annotated verb-noun MWEs in context. We then propose a method which employs word embeddings to disambiguate between literal and idiomatic usages of the verb-noun expressions. Existence of expression types with various idiomatic and literal distributions leads us to re-examine their modelling and evaluation. We propose a type-aware train and test splitting approach to prevent models from overfitting and avoid misleading evaluation results. Identification of MWEs in context can be modelled with sequence tagging methodologies. To this end, we devise a new neural network architecture, which is a combination of convolutional neural networks and long-short term memories with an optional conditional random field layer on top. We conduct extensive evaluations on several languages demonstrating a better performance compared to the state-of-the-art systems. Experiments show that the generalisation power of the model in predicting unseen MWEs is significantly better than previous systems. In order to find translations for verb-noun MWEs, we propose a bilingual distributional similarity approach derived from a word embedding model that supports arbitrary contexts. The technique is devised to extract translation equivalents from comparable corpora which are an alternative resource to costly parallel corpora. We finally conduct a series of experiments to investigate the effects of size and quality of comparable corpora on automatic extraction of translation equivalents

    A Hybrid Framework for Text Analysis

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    2015 - 2016In Computational Linguistics there is an essential dichotomy between Linguists and Computer Scientists. The rst ones, with a strong knowledge of language structures, have not engineering skills. The second ones, contrariwise, expert in computer and mathematics skills, do not assign values to basic mechanisms and structures of language. Moreover, this discrepancy, especially in the last decades, has increased due to the growth of computational resources and to the gradual computerization of the world; the use of Machine Learning technologies in Arti cial Intelligence problems solving, which allows for example the machines to learn , starting from manually generated examples, has been more and more often used in Computational Linguistics in order to overcome the obstacle represented by language structures and its formal representation. The dichotomy has resulted in the birth of two main approaches to Computational Linguistics that respectively prefers: rule-based methods, that try to imitate the way in which man uses and understands the language, reproducing syntactic structures on which the understanding process is based on, building lexical resources as electronic dictionaries, taxonomies or ontologies; statistic-based methods that, conversely, treat language as a group of elements, quantifying words in a mathematical way and trying to extract information without identifying syntactic structures or, in some algorithms, trying to confer to the machine the ability to learn these structures. One of the main problems is the lack of communication between these two di erent approaches, due to substantial di erences characterizing them: on the one hand there is a strong focus on how language works and on language characteristics, there is a tendency to analytical and manual work. From other hand, engineering perspective nds in language an obstacle, and recognizes in the algorithms the fastest way to overcome this problem. However, the lack of communication is not only an incompatibility: following Harris, the best way to approach natural language, could result by taking the best of both. At the moment, there is a large number of open-source tools that perform text analysis and Natural Language Processing. A great part of these tools are based on statistical models and consist on separated modules which could be combined in order to create a pipeline for the processing of the text. Many of these resources consist in code packages which have not a GUI (Graphical User Interface) and they result impossible to use for users without programming skills. Furthermore, the vast majority of these open-source tools support only English language and, when Italian language is included, the performances of the tools decrease signi cantly. On the other hand, open source tools for Italian language are very few. In this work we want to ll this gap by present a new hybrid framework for the analysis of Italian texts. It must not be intended as a commercial tool, but the purpose for which it was built is to help linguists and other scholars to perform rapid text analysis and to produce linguistic data. The framework, that performs both statistical and rule-based analysis, is called LG-Starship. The idea is to built a modular software that includes, in the beginning, the basic algorithms to perform di erent kind of analysis. Modules will perform the following tasks: Preprocessing Module: a module with which it is possible to charge a text, normalize it or delete stop-words. As output, the module presents the list of tokens and letters which compose the texts with respective occurrences count and the processed text. Mr. Ling Module: a module with which POS tagging and Lemmatization are performed. The module also returns the table of lemmas with the count of occurrences and the table with the quanti cation of grammatical tags. Statistic Module: with which it is possible to calculate Term Frequency and TF-IDF of tokens or lemmas, extract bi-grams and tri-grams units and export results as tables. Semantic Module: which use The Hyperspace Analogue to Language algorithm to calculate semantic similarity between words. The module returns similarity matrices of words per word which can be exported and analyzed. SyntacticModule: which analyze syntax structures of a selected sentence and tag the verbs and its arguments with semantic labels. The objective of the Framework is to build an all-in-one platform for NLP which allows any kind of users to perform basic and advanced text analysis. With the purpose of make the Framework accessible to users who have not speci c computer science and programming language skills, the modules have been provided with an intuitive GUI. The framework can be considered hybrid in a double sense: as explained in the previous lines, it uses both statistical and rule/based methods, by relying on standard statistical algorithms or techniques, and, at the same time, on Lexicon-Grammar syntactic theory. In addition, it has been written in both Java and Python programming languages. LG-Starship Framework has a simple Graphic User Interface but will be also released as separated modules which may be included in any NLP pipelines independently. There are many resources of this kind, but the large majority works for English. There are very few free resources for Italian language and this work tries to cover this need by proposing a tool which can be used both by linguists or other scientist interested in language and text analysis who have no idea about programming languages, as by computer scientists, who can use free modules in their own code or in combination with di erent NLP algorithms. The Framework takes the start from a text or corpus written directly by the user or charged from an external resource. The LG-Starship Framework work ow is described in the owchart shown in g. 1. The pipeline shows that the Pre-Processing Module is applied on original imported or generated text in order to produce a clean and normalized preprocessed text. This module includes a function for text splitting, a stop-word list and a tokenization method. On the text preprocessed the Statistic Module or the Mr. Ling Module can be applied. The rst one, which includes basic statistics algorithm as Term Frequency, tf-idf and n-grams extraction, produces as output databases of lexical and numerical data which can be used to produce charts or perform more external analysis; the second one, is divided in two main task: a Pos tagger, based on the Averaged Perceptron Tagger [?] and trained on the PaisĂ  Corpus [Lyding et al., 2014], perform the Part-Of- Speech Tagging and produce an annotated text. A lemmatization method, which relies on a set of electronic dictionaries developed at the University of Salerno [Elia, 1995, Elia et al., 2010], take as input the Postagged text and produces a new lemmatized version of original text with information about syntactic and semantic properties. This lemmatized text, which can also be processed with the Statistic Module, serves as input for two deeper level of text analysis carried out by both the Syntactic Module and the Semantic Module. The rst one lays on the Lexicon Grammar Theory [Gross, 1971, 1975] and use a database of Predicate structures in development at the Department of Political, Social and Communication Science. Its objective is to produce a Dependency Graph of the sentences that compose the text. The Semantic Module uses the Hyperspace Analogue to Language distributional semantics algorithm [Lund and Burgess, 1996] trained on the PaisĂ  Corpus to produce a semantic network of the words of the text. These work ow has been included in two di erent experiments in which two User Generated Corpora have been involved. The rst experiment represent a statistical study of the language of Rap Music in Italy through the analysis of a great corpus of Rap Song lyrics downloaded from on line databases of user generated lyrics. The second experiment is a Feature-Based Sentiment Analysis project performed on user product reviews. For this project we integrated a large domain database of linguistic resources for Sentiment Analysis, developed in the past years by the Department of Political, Social and Communication Science of the University of Salerno, which consists of polarized dictionaries of Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs and Nouns. These two experiment underline how the linguistic framework can be applied to di erent level of analysis and to produce both Qualitative data and Quantitative data. For what concern the obtained results, the Framework, which is only at a Beta Version, obtain discrete results both in terms of processing time that in terms of precision. Nevertheless, the work is far from being considered complete. More algorithms will be added to the Statistic Module and the Syntactic Module will be completed. The GUI will be improved and made more attractive and modern and, in addiction, an open-source on-line version of the modules will be published. [edited by author]XV n.s

    Understanding the structure and meaning of Finnish texts: From corpus creation to deep language modelling

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    Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a cross-disciplinary field combining elements of computer science, artificial intelligence, and linguistics, with the objective of developing means for computational analysis, understanding or generation of human language. The primary aim of this thesis is to advance natural language processing in Finnish by providing more resources and investigating the most effective machine learning based practices for their use. The thesis focuses on NLP topics related to understanding the structure and meaning of written language, mainly concentrating on structural analysis (syntactic parsing) as well as exploring the semantic equivalence of statements that vary in their surface realization (paraphrase modelling). While the new resources presented in the thesis are developed for Finnish, most of the methodological contributions are language-agnostic, and the accompanying papers demonstrate the application and evaluation of these methods across multiple languages. The first set of contributions of this thesis revolve around the development of a state-of-the-art Finnish dependency parsing pipeline. Firstly, the necessary Finnish training data was converted to the Universal Dependencies scheme, integrating Finnish into this important treebank collection and establishing the foundations for Finnish UD parsing. Secondly, a novel word lemmatization method based on deep neural networks is introduced and assessed across a diverse set of over 50 languages. And finally, the overall dependency parsing pipeline is evaluated on a large number of languages, securing top ranks in two competitive shared tasks focused on multilingual dependency parsing. The overall outcome of this line of research is a parsing pipeline reaching state-of-the-art accuracy in Finnish dependency parsing, the parsing numbers obtained with the latest pre-trained language models approaching (at least near) human-level performance. The achievement of large language models in the area of dependency parsing— as well as in many other structured prediction tasks— brings up the hope of the large pre-trained language models genuinely comprehending language, rather than merely relying on simple surface cues. However, datasets designed to measure semantic comprehension in Finnish have been non-existent, or very scarce at the best. To address this limitation, and to reflect the general change of emphasis in the field towards task more semantic in nature, the second part of the thesis shifts its focus to language understanding through an exploration of paraphrase modelling. The second contribution of the thesis is the creation of a novel, large-scale, manually annotated corpus of Finnish paraphrases. A unique aspect of this corpus is that its examples have been manually extracted from two related text documents, with the objective of obtaining non-trivial paraphrase pairs valuable for training and evaluating various language understanding models on paraphrasing. We show that manual paraphrase extraction can yield a corpus featuring pairs that are both notably longer and less lexically overlapping than those produced through automated candidate selection, the current prevailing practice in paraphrase corpus construction. Another distinctive feature in the corpus is that the paraphrases are identified and distributed within their document context, allowing for richer modelling and novel tasks to be defined