8,930 research outputs found

    Hand classification of fMRI ICA noise components

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    We present a practical "how-to" guide to help determine whether single-subject fMRI independent components (ICs) characterise structured noise or not. Manual identification of signal and noise after ICA decomposition is required for efficient data denoising: to train supervised algorithms, to check the results of unsupervised ones or to manually clean the data. In this paper we describe the main spatial and temporal features of ICs and provide general guidelines on how to evaluate these. Examples of signal and noise components are provided from a wide range of datasets (3T data, including examples from the UK Biobank and the Human Connectome Project, and 7T data), together with practical guidelines for their identification. Finally, we discuss how the data quality, data type and preprocessing can influence the characteristics of the ICs and present examples of particularly challenging datasets

    Making ERP research more transparent: Guidelines for preregistration

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    A combination of confirmation bias, hindsight bias, and pressure to publish may prompt the (unconscious) exploration of various methodological options and reporting only the ones that lead to a (statistically) significant outcome. This undisclosed analytic flexibility is particularly relevant in EEG research, where a myriad of preprocessing and analysis pipelines can be used to extract information from complex multidimensional data. One solution to limit confirmation and hindsight bias by disclosing analytic choices is preregistration: researchers write a time-stamped, publicly accessible research plan with hypotheses, data collection plan, and the intended preprocessing and statistical analyses before the start of a research project. In this manuscript, we present an overview of the problems associated with undisclosed analytic flexibility, discuss why and how EEG researchers would benefit from adopting preregistration, provide guidelines and examples on how to preregister data preprocessing and analysis steps in typical ERP studies, and conclude by discussing possibilities and limitations of this open science practice

    Towards developing a reliable medical device for automated epileptic seizure detection in the ICU

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    Abstract. Epilepsy is a prevalent neurological disorder that affects millions of people globally, and its diagnosis typically involves laborious manual inspection of electroencephalography (EEG) data. Automated detection of epileptic seizures in EEG signals could potentially improve diagnostic accuracy and reduce diagnosis time, but there should be special attention to the number of false alarms to reduce unnecessary treatments and costs. This research presents a study on the use of machine learning techniques for EEG seizure detection with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of different algorithms in terms of high sensitivity and low false alarm rates for feature extraction, selection, pre-processing, classification, and post-processing in designing a medical device for detecting seizure activity in EEG data. The current state-of-the-art methods which are validated clinically using large amounts of data are introduced. The study focuses on finding potential machine learning methods, considering KNN, SVM, decision trees and, Random forests, and compares their performance on the task of seizure detection using features introduced in the literature. Also using ensemble methods namely, bootstrapping and majority voting techniques we achieved a sensitivity of 0.80 and FAR/h of 2.10, accuracy of 97.1% and specificity of 98.2%. Overall, the findings of this study can be useful for developing more accurate and efficient algorithms for EEG seizure detection medical device, which can contribute to the early diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy in the intensive care unit for critically ill patients

    Sentence context prevails over word association in aphasia patients with spared comprehension : evidence from N400 event-related potential

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    Behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) studies on aphasia patients showed that lexical information is not lost but rather its integration into the working context is hampered. Studies have been conducted on the processing of sentence-level information (meaningful versus meaningless) and of word-level information (related versus unrelated) in aphasia patients, but we are not aware of any study that assesses the relationship between the two. In healthy subjects the processing of a single word in a sentence context has been studied using the N400 ERP. It was shown that, even when there is only a weak expectation of a final word in a sentence, this expectation will dominate word relatedness. In order to study the effect of semantic relatedness between words in sentence processing in aphasia patients, we conducted a crossed design ERP study, crossing the factors of word relatedness and sentence congruity. We tested aphasia patients with mild to minimum comprehension deficit and healthy young and older (age-matched with our patients) controls on a semantic anomaly judgment task when simultaneously recording EEG. Our results show that our aphasia patient's N400 amplitudes in response to the sentences of our crossed-design study were similar to those of our age-matched healthy subjects. However, we detected an increase in the N400 ERP latency in those patients, indicating a delay in the integration of the new word into the working context. Additionally, we observed a positive correlation between comprehension level of those patients and N400 effect in response to meaningful sentences without word relatedness contrasted to meaningless sentences without word relatedness

    EEG-based cognitive control behaviour assessment: an ecological study with professional air traffic controllers

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    Several models defining different types of cognitive human behaviour are available. For this work, we have selected the Skill, Rule and Knowledge (SRK) model proposed by Rasmussen in 1983. This model is currently broadly used in safety critical domains, such as the aviation. Nowadays, there are no tools able to assess at which level of cognitive control the operator is dealing with the considered task, that is if he/she is performing the task as an automated routine (skill level), as procedures-based activity (rule level), or as a problem-solving process (knowledge level). Several studies tried to model the SRK behaviours from a Human Factor perspective. Despite such studies, there are no evidences in which such behaviours have been evaluated from a neurophysiological point of view, for example, by considering brain activity variations across the different SRK levels. Therefore, the proposed study aimed to investigate the use of neurophysiological signals to assess the cognitive control behaviours accordingly to the SRK taxonomy. The results of the study, performed on 37 professional Air Traffic Controllers, demonstrated that specific brain features could characterize and discriminate the different SRK levels, therefore enabling an objective assessment of the degree of cognitive control behaviours in realistic setting

    The neural bases of event monitoring across domains: a simultaneous ERP-fMRI study.

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    The ability to check and evaluate the environment over time with the aim to detect the occurrence of target stimuli is supported by sustained/tonic as well as transient/phasic control processes, which overall might be referred to as event monitoring. The neural underpinning of sustained control processes involves a fronto-parietal network. However, it has not been well-defined yet whether this cortical circuit acts irrespective of the specific material to be monitored and whether this mediates sustained as well as transient monitoring processes. In the current study, the functional activity of brain during an event monitoring task was investigated and compared between two cognitive domains, whose processing is mediated by differently lateralized areas. Namely, participants were asked to monitor sequences of either faces (supported by right-hemisphere regions) or tools (left-hemisphere). In order to disentangle sustained from transient components of monitoring, a simultaneous EEG-fMRI technique was adopted within a block design. When contrasting monitoring versus control blocks, the conventional fMRI analysis revealed the sustained involvement of bilateral fronto-parietal regions, in both task domains. Event-related potentials (ERPs) showed a more positive amplitude over frontal sites in monitoring compared to control blocks, providing evidence of a transient monitoring component. The joint ERP-fMRI analysis showed that, in the case of face monitoring, these transient processes rely on right-lateralized areas, including the inferior parietal lobule and the middle frontal gyrus. In the case of tools, no fronto-parietal areas correlated with the transient ERP activity, suggesting that in this domain phasic monitoring processes were masked by tonic ones. Overall, the present findings highlight the role of bilateral fronto-parietal regions in sustained monitoring, independently of the specific task requirements, and suggest that right-lateralized areas subtend transient monitoring processes, at least in some task contexts

    An investigation into the mechanisms of inter-brain synchrony during early social interactions

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    Over the last 20 years there has been a growing increase in the amount of research investigating how and why two or more individual’s brain activity can synchronise during social interaction. What we know so far from this research is that inter-brain synchrony (defined through temporally coordinated patterns of brain activity between two interacting individuals, Holroyd 2022) tends to associate with moments of behavioural coordination (i.e., when two individuals are doing or attending to the same thing at the same time) and task cooperation (i.e., the action or process of two individuals working together to the same end). These observations have led many researchers to theorise over whether and how behavioural coordination mechanistically drives inter-brain synchrony (Wass et al., 2020; Hamilton, 2021). There is also some very recent evidence to suggest that increased inter-brain synchrony actually facilitates/ supports aspects of social interaction. For example, inter-brain synchrony has been shown to predict team performance (Reinero et al., 2021), although this research is primarily based on correlational study designs. Taken together however the field of inter-brain synchrony shares one fundamental limitation; that is that it does not account (although see recent animal research e.g., Kingsbury et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2019), empirically for the mechanisms that give rise to inter-brain synchrony, which would help to falsify claims that inter-brain synchrony is a core mechanism facilitating social interaction. This is because of two main reasons; Firstly, the study of inter-brain synchrony has primarily been investigated as a time-invariant property, almost no studies have explored how inter-brain synchrony varies over time relative to individual moments of behavioural coordination. Secondly, little attention has been paid to the changes in the underlying signal properties (i.e., increases in power, changes in frequency) that must take place for two unsynchronised signals to become synchronised (e.g., Haresign et al., 2022). Using two-person naturalistic biobehavioural recording techniques, coupled with state of the art, EEG pre-processing and analyses procedures (see chapters 5 and 6), the present thesis examines the mechanisms that give rise to inter-brain synchrony during parent-infant social interactions. Evidence is presented showing how inter-brain synchrony does not arise around individual moments of gaze coordination. This is despite previous investigations suggesting that increased inter-brain synchrony (averaged over all moments of eye contact) associates with gaze synchrony. Evidence also shows the contribution of behavioural coordination across multiple modalities to inter-brain synchrony during parent-infant social interaction. Discussion is focused on the contribution of these findings to our understanding of the mechanisms that give rise to inter-brain synchrony

    Resting state correlates of subdimensions of anxious affect

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    Resting state fMRI may help identify markers of risk for affective disorder. Given the comorbidity of anxiety and depressive disorders and the heterogeneity of these disorders as defined by DSM, an important challenge is to identify alterations in resting state brain connectivity uniquely associated with distinct profiles of negative affect. The current study aimed to address this by identifying differences in brain connectivity specifically linked to cognitive and physiological profiles of anxiety, controlling for depressed affect. We adopted a two-stage multivariate approach. Hierarchical clustering was used to independently identify dimensions of negative affective style and resting state brain networks. Combining the clustering results, we examined individual differences in resting state connectivity uniquely associated with subdimensions of anxious affect, controlling for depressed affect. Physiological and cognitive subdimensions of anxious affect were identified. Physiological anxiety was associated with widespread alterations in insula connectivity, including decreased connectivity between insula subregions and between the insula and other medial frontal and subcortical networks. This is consistent with the insula facilitating communication between medial frontal and subcortical regions to enable control of physiological affective states. Meanwhile, increased connectivity within a frontoparietal-posterior cingulate cortex-precunous network was specifically associated with cognitive anxiety, potentially reflecting increased spontaneous negative cognition (e.g., worry). These findings suggest that physiological and cognitive anxiety comprise subdimensions of anxiety-related affect and reveal associated alterations in brain connectivity

    Evolution of statistical analysis in empirical software engineering research: Current state and steps forward

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    Software engineering research is evolving and papers are increasingly based on empirical data from a multitude of sources, using statistical tests to determine if and to what degree empirical evidence supports their hypotheses. To investigate the practices and trends of statistical analysis in empirical software engineering (ESE), this paper presents a review of a large pool of papers from top-ranked software engineering journals. First, we manually reviewed 161 papers and in the second phase of our method, we conducted a more extensive semi-automatic classification of papers spanning the years 2001--2015 and 5,196 papers. Results from both review steps was used to: i) identify and analyze the predominant practices in ESE (e.g., using t-test or ANOVA), as well as relevant trends in usage of specific statistical methods (e.g., nonparametric tests and effect size measures) and, ii) develop a conceptual model for a statistical analysis workflow with suggestions on how to apply different statistical methods as well as guidelines to avoid pitfalls. Lastly, we confirm existing claims that current ESE practices lack a standard to report practical significance of results. We illustrate how practical significance can be discussed in terms of both the statistical analysis and in the practitioner's context.Comment: journal submission, 34 pages, 8 figure

    Precision is in the Eye of the Beholder: Application of Eye Fixation-Related Potentials to Information Systems Research

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    This paper introduces the eye-fixation related potential (EFRP) method to IS research. The EFRP method allows one to synchronize eye tracking with electroencephalographic (EEG) recording to precisely capture users’ neural activity at the exact time at which they start to cognitively process a stimulus (e.g., event on the screen). This complements and overcomes some of the shortcomings of the traditional event related potential (ERP) method, which can only stamp the time at which a stimulus is presented to a user. Thus, we propose a method conjecture of the superiority of EFRP over ERP for capturing the cognitive processing of a stimulus when such cognitive processing is not necessarily synchronized with the time at which the stimulus appears. We illustrate the EFRP method with an experiment in a natural IS use context in which we asked users to read an industry report while email pop-up notifications arrived on their screen. The results support our proposed hypotheses and show three distinct neural processes associated with 1) the attentional reaction to email pop-up notification, 2) the cognitive processing of the email pop-up notification, and 3) the motor planning activity involved in opening or not the email. Furthermore, further analyses of the data gathered in the experiment serve to validate our method conjecture about the superiority of the EFRP method over the ERP in natural IS use contexts. In addition to the experiment, our study discusses important IS research questions that could be pursued with the aid of EFRP, and describes a set of guidelines to help IS researchers use this method
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